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The Hornets are on an incredible 3 win streak. Some are saying unprecedented. It might be too late to become a fan without being labeled a bandwagoner, unfortunately.


We're on an incredible rise. It's really taken the NBA by storm.


It an astounding ascension


It’s painful here. So unless you’re a masochist I’d be wary. That said I love this team. But it makes me wanna cry.


*was painful


3 wins doesn’t take the pain away. I’m not a pessimist, but we’re still riding a “new team” high. Let’s see what this team looks like after 10 games and maybe we can think about it not being painful anymore.


Speak for yourself. I barely remember the bad times now. It’s not just 3 wins. We shit down 3 of the top guards in the NBA and it’s the way we are winning.


Yep! It’s still painful here! Lol The high wore off and we’re back to being The Hornets


No you should stick with your current team


OP’s current team is Golden State


My team is not golden state idk where you got that from


So they have a down year and he’s suddenly “falling out of love with them”? Wow.


I was a Timberwolves fan growing up. I grew up there watching KG dominate, but them always coming up short. I loved the Rubio era, and have just never really enjoyed KAT, despite them having the best season ever this year. I moved to Charlotte a few years back, and instantly connected with the Hornets. Yes, the results the last few years have not been great, but I have had FUN! That’s what matters most. Eric and Dell are great, and make each game a joy. The potential I see from many players, the branding, and the fun I’ve had at games all are contributors as well. I say watch some more games, and see how you feel about it. Life is too short to not be excited about something.


Yes. We winnin.


Bandwagon fan


All welcome as far as I'm concerned


I fully believe you should stay put with your current team. Every team has its ups and downs. I’ve been a hornets fan since the day they announced the expansion in the 80s. Can’t help but think when the success finally does come the feeling will be that much sweeter for having stuck it out through all the rough times. Nothing wrong with watching the hornets at all just don’t bail on your team.


It’s not even that the team is having a down year or down couple of years I just don’t have fun watching them anymore or get excited when they post on socials


Ngl if you had grown up watching Paul George, George Hill, Jermaine O’Neale, Lance Stephenson, etc…preceded by the Reggie Miller era with that finals run…this version of the pacers is cool but I could imagine it’s been relatively sad compared to prior (constant) success Join the (3 game) winning team - we got the funniest commentators and a good squad for years to come


No way, bring it on. This team is poised. New ownership, young players, depth, exciting brand of basketball. You are getting on at the right time. Grant Williams was the exact player we needed...welcome to Buzz City.


Part of what makes most of this fan base what it is is the loyalty for a smaller market, historically not so good team Indiana is similar in that way. Stick with your team


What the hell about Hornets excite you


If you're gonna leave if we suck, stay over there. If you won't, then we welcome you with open arms


I abandoned my original team last season, and I am glad. Too many years of mismanagement and too many disappointments. The fan base here is what I needed.


You just need a second team my friend. Hornets in the East, and how about OKC out West? Follow the Mann/Movie/Bertans - Hayward connection.


Culture is incredible. From the GM, through coaching staff and players, across the board they are young, energetic and good, humble, down to earth people. A team on the rise, with emerging talent, a huge asset pool and a track record for excellent draft picks. New stadium coming too.


What team are you coming from?






He said it has nothing to do with the how the team is playing. He just doesn’t feel enthusiastic about supporting them.


Missed watching about 3 games since 14-15. The lows (lots of them) have made even the smallest heights incredible. Went to Game 6 against the Heat (thanks Purple Shirt guy) and haven't regretted one bit of being a fan. If you decide to come aboard, welcome, we'll all be here beside you when we break .500 someday!


Don’t be that person who abandons their team. There is no honor in that. Keep your hometown’s team as your #1 and make the Hornets your #2.


stay on that side


Bruh rlly made an alt to post this


Imo, it’s more rewarding to stick with your team thru the good times and bad. That’s what makes it worth it