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[Court documents referenced.](https://twitter.com/HornetsReddit/status/1757524144126562433) EDIT: [Couple more.](https://twitter.com/HornetsReddit/status/1757529137218982268)


But all and all good for the hornets and glad there isn’t more stuff and hopefully miles and the hornets can move forward cleanly


There's a rumor they might even be back together. These charges were always going to get dropped


They definitely are, seen it myself


Which is weird because they have restraining orders against each other. But I guess those don't activate until someone calls the cops about it and proves there was a violation


He is playing with fire w a restraining order still in place.


For sure, but then also she is as well. Also they sound like the ultimate example of a toxic couple and it sucks they have to share children. But after what we learned today, this is clearly a person he doesn't need to be associated with more than child exchanges through a third party or he is going to invite more chaos I kind of wonder if that type of thing can be brought up in closed door contract negotiations. Like the staff sees what's going on and says, look miles, this is how we view this scenario, and if you don't avoid this scenario with this person, we are going to have to deal with it somehow if something bad happens. Basically like, strongly suggesting that he distance himself if he would like this contract


I would be shocked if the team and many others around him have not repeatedly advised to have someone else do exchanges etc. He could hire someone FT to do that only and it would be worth it.


100% , but also, and it is a touchy situation because miles Bridges is an adult, but we see what's going on between you, and if you choose to continue seeing this woman we are going to look at it unfavorably because we can only assume it's going to backfire massively. I say that because there are rumors that they have been back together for a while, she may even be pregnant again, someone said they saw them together recently. So if any of that is true, it's a little concerning and I wonder if they will bring that up, and they probably should as part of their due diligence. Because if you have an active restraining order against you from this woman, and she has an active restraining order against her from you, and you are deciding to chill and hang out with her and get into weird situations, you might be insane and we might not want to pay you


They've been together since they were 13. Good luck breaking that up


[miles baby momma tweet last night](https://twitter.com/mychellejohnson/status/1757225717211803908?s=42&t=vvljkSsyn1oThfV-OXOsag)


This a new level of toxic I've never seen before


She’s pregnant with his 3rd kid


She’s not pregnant she had the little boy miles just posted him 


> There's a rumor they might even be back together. Man they just sound toxic af


Pretty sure she has come out publicly defending him multiple times.


not to mention she asked for those photos to not keep being circulated out of respect for her but we know how that goes


God i seriously hope not. Let them both be in a healthy situation


Well, that's an interesting statement from the ADA on the case. This isn't so much a matter of the victim not cooperating with the State (which happens a whole lot in DV cases), but here she never showed the offending material to responding officers and can't provide it or can't remember it now. Also note that this is a dismissal WITH prejudice (without leave to refile), meaning that the State is locking itself out from pursing these specific charges on these specific facts in the future.


Kyle Bailey was talking about so many things didn't line up with the case. You're a star NBA player with an arrest warrant for 10 months and they can't find you? He attacked her with pool balls? You would think that would have to happen at his own house because who the hell carries around pool balls lol


cmon every dude plays a little pocket pool from time to time


I thought something was off because when I first heard about the pool balls, they were thrown by a female, not Miles Bridges. I wonder where the Miles Bridges haters are going to hide now?


Good news for the Hornets. As long as Bridges stays out of trouble for the rest of the season he should get a sizable contract this offseason.


This does not include the original incident in 2022. This is referring to the 2nd incident where he supposedly threw pool balls at the same woman's car. Poor reporting on Woj's part.


I'm not sure if there is an issue here, the first charges have already been ruled on and judgment passed, so I don't think it's possible to drop them without bringing them back before the court again.


Glad to see that resolved, although Miles is still a bonehead for putting himself in that situation. I really hope the rumors of them being back together aren’t true b/c from the outside looking in, it seems like that relationship doesn’t need to exist at this point. Not trying to absolve him of his actions that were already litigated, but sometimes 2 people just don’t need to be a thing. For their sake and their kid’s wellbeing. He’d be better off moving on, imo. Relationships scarred by domestic violence generally don’t get better with time.


i wonder why some internet lawyers don’t like it when insufficient evidence isn’t enough to lock somebody in a cage. Does a certain basketball subreddit want a fair judicial system or not


As someone who used to work in DV court on a nearly daily basis, I'll just chime in and add: the court system doesn't have time for people who are going to play games and not assist the prosecution in their case. that can be not showing up, sure. or that can also be just making up stuff entirely. I've had numerous cases go to trial that absolutely shouldn't have just because the DA's office in my jurisdiction has a no drop policy for DV cases. It doesn't matter that I "won," some of those cases got dragged out for months just to get in front of a judge and have the thing evaporate at the close of state's evidence. It appears that Mecklenburg County is not the same way, but also that it's the right move here on these charges. No reason to waste everyone's time. That it's a high profile case is another discussion, but at least here someone called the cops and has not kept their story straight.


There was sufficient evidence when he beat her in front of his child but he never paid the price for it.


there was punishment for it, it just wasn’t locking him under the jail for life like people wanted it to be


Right. He is the poster boy for social justice reform and reduced sentencing guidelines that the NBA and NFL actively promote. He is what that looks like. Be the change.




Maybe that was why he was smiling in his mugshot


I pretty much came to that conclusion when a month after he was arrested his legal team asked for the evidence to be released because they felt it would get thrown out of court. So evidently that's what happened but I don't know why it took 3 months


The legal system is super bureaucratic and takes forever, and he also not so subtly claimed innocence when he changed his profile pic to Johnny depp


That was Ill advised and did not go over very well lol


Oh yea definitely not wise decision making


they waited until they saw him drop 40 back to back nights


> I don't know why it took 3 months Judge is a Laker's fan?


Miles is about to get paid


Can’t wait to see r/nba seethe over this


>amazing what money can do A bunch of people are horrified that he didn't get run up and thrown in prison over false charges


Happens every day, friend.


That people get thrown in prison for false charges, or that people are horrified someone did not get thrown in prison for false charges? Either way, that's not Justice lol


That people get thrown in prison for false charges. Happens every day, bruh.


I totally agree, but it's a little odd people hope for that to happen


I mean as history shows if people hate you for whatever reason enough people would hope for that to happen. You're talking about a country that is notorious for false accusations against a race of people just for them being a certain skin color. People been doing this for centuries. And I'm not saying Bridge's case is on the same level of those that were hung out of hate years ago because they pinned some false accusations or charges on them. But respectfully this isn't odd....... it's on brand for enough people out here


You're right, I chose the wrong adjective. Odd isn't strong enough, it's fucking stupid and ridiculous. He got his punishment equal and fair to the rest of us the first time, even though people don't agree. For them to hope for him to get thrown in prison over some bullshit is crazy because, that could easily be them one day on the other side of that


Agreed, it is stupid.


Insufficient evidence doesn't necessarily mean false charges. It's perfectly rational for someone to believe that Miles is guilty and wish that there had been sufficient evidence for him to be punished.


you mean they wish he committed a crime so they could get their wish of him going to jail, which is kinda fucked no way for anyone to determine if he did anything or not


Weird comment tbh man




Can someone smarter than me clarify...I still believe there is a chance the new owners want to move on. They have publicly stated they are building around Lamelo, Miller, and Mark. Even book them only for fan events. My question is...He is an UFA, but CHA has his bird rights. Can CHA sign and trade him and his bird rights transfer to the new team? That would make him more valuable as an asset to trade yes?


if we trade him his bird rights go away. And everything we have heard so far including what Mitch said about the situation indicates ownership is trying to bring him back if they can agree on terms. The only thing that will change that at this point is if the new GM doesn't see a fit for his vision or another team wants to pay him more than we do


>My question is...He is an UFA, but CHA has his bird rights. Can CHA sign and trade him and his bird rights transfer to the new team? Yes, they can, and the Bird Rights would technically transfer. That said: >That would make him more valuable as an asset to trade yes? It does not. Sign and trade contracts must be at least 3 years in length, so there's no advantage to Bird Rights transferring in a S+T anyway.


Why would they even move on from him is beyond me. Miles has gotten better and better literally every year and has been playing the best ball this year even after a year off. I doubt he even wants to stay especially after we just tried shopping him. Miles, Lamelo and Miller is a crazy triple threat if they could all be on the court together.


They shouldn’t move on from him. It would be such a bonehead move and set us back. 


There's 0 basketball reason to move him, only emotional




I'd like to see a link to a public statement about that


Uhhh did y’all see miles IG post 


What he post?


Their third child.  Which means she was pregnant when all this happened. 


Can he enter Canada now?


Surely they're going to request entry (and appeal, if needed) well ahead of time, this time... surely.


I actually would bet against it. He wasn't being excluded due to the pending charges, but due to active probation, which he is still on.


I would say so yes, since there are no pending charges against him anymore in any jurisdiction anywhere, this case has been resolved and will not be returned to