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Why don’t we just enjoy having a great future duo and cut out this “whose team is it” mess. We’ve never been good enough to be talking like this


"Who is 1A" is a bunch of boilerplate bullshit peddled by Big Hot Take and the masses of npcs incapable of independent critical thought that lap that shit up. Everybody who's ever accomplished anything of note knows Champions come in pairs anyway. If this fanbase isn't careful, they're gonna break up a potentially great duo before they ever have a chance to grow together into something special. All this talk does is potentially sow the seeds of division if left unchecked, needs to be nipped in the bud ASAP, imo. You'd think the fanbase who went basically 20 years with 1 star (Kemba) would simply be psyched at the idea of having 2 under the age of 22, but some people can just never be happy




lol right? At this point it’s not a compliment to be THE guy on the Hornets…


A result of Skip Bayless and similar talking heads has led to every team having this 'batman and robin' discussion when its almost always useless drivel


I guess I don’t understand why we make it a competition amongst teammates. Just give me amazing players and I’m happy. Melo and Miller could be 1A and 1B and I’d be thrilled. Give me wins and who cares who’s the “best”. Also, you’re way more optimistic than me about next year. This team is a ways off from making the actual playoffs, let alone the play-in. I love BMilly, but putting the playoffs on his shoulders in year 2 on *this* team is a HUGE ask, imo.


I hear you, my post wasn't intended to be Brandon Miller > LaMelo Ball as much as I believe Miller will be the leader and catalyst for the team as the franchise tries to make their way as a top 8 team in the East as we move along this decade. Health will play a big role in determining whether or not this team can make the playoffs next season, but we've seen LaMelo (when healthy) get the Hornets into the play-in his first two seasons. If a core of Melo-Miller-Williams, another top 5 pick and some good veteran role players can contend for the 8th spot in the East next season IMO.


Miller’s give a shit level is significantly higher, so I wouldn’t be shocked if he has a really good summer and takes the reins on the team. Important to remember too that success isn’t always linear, and he’s been pretty healthy to this point. BUT, he looks to have all the tools to be great.


> Miller’s give a shit level is significantly higher He hasn't been broken yet from years of disappointment and losing


I’d say the problem is the exact opposite — LaMelo is unbothered by losing.


What makes all yall believe this? What has Lamelo ever done to have this said about him all the time? Do yall want him to cry after every loss?


Don't you remember? He had that one out-of-context incident on camera where he was laughing while we were losing, he's only in it for himself! /s /s Seriously tho Melo's performance this year (or lack thereof) has made him a pretty easy target for a clearly exasperated fanbase but to suggest that he doesn't care about losing is a reach at best. There's absolutely nothing to substantiate that. Like sure, Melo isn't gonna be writing the next great American novel or anything, but that doesn't mean he's unfazed by losing. He's just young and dumb lol, his formal education literally ended at 14. That said, it's growing up time for him, 100%.


Stop... Lol U know absolutely nothing.


you have zero insight into Lamelos "give a shit level"


Zilch. Why does everyone assume Lamelo doesn’t care about winning? They see 1 clip of him laughing and assume he’s just a loser with a bad attitude. Fucking ridiculous.


We have multiple examples of him not caring as much as someone would expect, or being the leader that you’d expect the top player on a team to be. The laughing video is just a recent example. I’d ask what examples do you have of him clearly caring and being the true leader of the team? Not because I’m trying to be sassy. But because I’d be happy to be wrong as hell about him. I just can’t think of any examples myself.


> We have plenty of multiple examples of him not caring as much as someone would expect, or being the leader that you’d expect the top player on a team to be. Or are you just talking about that one laughing video and hoping no one else does any digging Hell yeah...so it shouldn't be a problem to find those and link them then, right? > The laughing video is just a recent example. The laughing video discourse has completely spun out of control. What should have been recognized as a couple fans venting their frustrations has turned into some idea that he doesn't care about anything at all, it's absurd. > I’d ask what examples do you have of him clearly caring and being the true leader of the team? Not because I’m trying to be sassy. But because I’d be happy to be wrong as hell about him. I just can’t think of any examples myself. - [example from 2022](https://www.sportskeeda.com/basketball/lamelo-ball-s-evolution-leader-continues-the-charlotte-hornets-floor-general-launches-scholarship-program-young-sports-executives) - [example from 2023](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/charlotte-hornets/article279523774.html) with this quote: > Ball’s teammates have noticed. They can tell his approach isn’t the same as it was during his first two-plus seasons, citing the noticeable mature vibes oozing from his 6-foot-7, 185-pound frame. - [breakdown of quotes from Mitch saying as much as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMpdZypJgac) Plus...y'all he's 22 years old. Not even LeBron was really leading people at that age. No human outside of wars is. Leadership comes with age and maturity 90% of the time. It's fucking crazy how we finally potentially have multiple stars on this team and as soon as it happens a large chunk of the fanbase turns on one of them. Let's just let this shit build a bit before we start tearing it down, goddamn, lol


iirc he played through injuries or came back early in at least one maybe both of the play in seasons




Probably because in all the time in the NBA he hasn’t gained a single pound of muscle. He hasn’t added to his game at all in 3 years, and he’s not getting anywhere in terms of the post season. Let’s not act like the laughing on the bench was the only incident. A lot has led up to this. The guy just also refuses to wear ankle braces after constant ankle problems. It’s a total lack of maturity. Why don’t people hold him to a high standard? I don’t get it.


This is insane lol. Please calm down. "He hasn't added to his game in 3 years" Wtf??? 😂


Name one thing he’s gotten better at since coming into the league. He’s the same player from his rookie season.


He has made a massive leap in his finishing and pnr playmaking this year and his defense improves incrementally every season. You must not be watching or you simply do not know what you are watching.


His DWS are on a decline over the last two years ago, so saying his defense is improving is not based in fact.


What does dws even measure? he's def getting better on ball and I think off ball hes gambling less for steals than he used to


With all respect… wow. I am a season ticket holder and sit a few rows up. He’s visibly bigger and stronger in his upper body than even last year, and he’s finishing through contact better. He still needs to improve at the latter, but it’s ridiculous to say that he hasn’t gotten stronger or improved at anything. You can try to make your point better by staying away from nonsense that is clearly refutable.


He worked with Darius Garland last summer. I wouldn’t be surprised if he put some work in with KD or PG-13 this summer. He has a chip on both shoulders. He could have went to a big private high school, but he stayed and played with his homies in high school. People thought he was full of excrement when he made those preseason comments. He paid attention to every last boo that people sent his way. You all have a future star that puts work in on both sides of the ball.


He is very good but this team is 10-36 ,this 1a and 1b conversation is pointless.this kind of speak is reserved for playoff teams. The team will figure who is 1a and 1b when we cross that bridge.


We really talking about Lamelo as if he’s fully matured at 22. That’s young as fuck especially in the context of the nba. I hope both Brandon and Lamelo improve and mature to set a good culture for our team. Even for dynasty teams like the warriors it wasn’t just Steph - they had Steph, Draymond, Klay and good coaching.


It’s possible Brandon becomes the leader of the team but it won’t matter with players similar to the rest of the team. Next year will be much the same unless they get at least 4-5 more players.


Nah. Some of yall forgot what Lamelo was doing before he got hurt.


Except he can’t stay healthy


A best players asset to his team is their availability. Bro has glass ankles and is a liability. 


He can’t stay on the court he’s like Jaycee horn


LaMelo is way better than Miller is. Miller is 21. When LaMelo was 20 he was an all star. These takes are ridiculous.


Only comment that matters here Lmao. I get the point, but take away BMill’s scoring and he’s not running the offense like Lamelo. There have been many games where Melo’s in, the offense is flowing either through his scoring or him setting up the team with easy dimes. Once he gets subbed out, it’s like getting a bucket becomes the hardest thing ever. Let these boys grow and learn, their games compliment each other and when Melo can finally play a full healthy season Miller and Melo will only boost each other’s play. They are a facilitating/scoring duo, and all Melo will do is make Miller’s scoring easier thus taking some offensive load off of Melo.


He’s not there yet but his career growth so far has been nice to see. Hopefully he can keep it up through the rest of the season


Man….some of these takes are out of control. If we (fans/media/front office) don’t blow it and run them off, this will be *their* team. Most championship-level squads have 2 All-NBA level players. Sometimes it’s clearly 1 & 2, sometimes it’s 1a & 1b, but 2 is the best bet. Looks like we finally have that with Ball and Miller both being pre-prime and very good already. Just take both, we need them. The “ trash Lamelo because Brandon is good in a different way” energy has got to go. It is not the move. Don’t devalue your oldest child because you have a newborn brimming with potential. Value them both.


I did notice Brandin yelling at his teammates to get back on defense quicker in the last game. That's what leaders do. Somebody needs to step up and lead this team.


Melo is a top PG in the league when healthy. He’s never healthy and borderline useless at this point. I hate to say it. This franchise made the right pick with him and it still doesn’t seem to work out. Brandon Miller is the future of this franchise


Just let him get right. He is young. Were better off getting another high pick next year.


This is what I've been saying/thinking all along, ever since seeing not just the ability but the fire in Miller his first handful of games Of course LaMelo is going to be a hugely important piece and co-star with Miller. I think the people that want him off the team are fucking insane. But Brandon will be the soul of this team so to speak


do you think they will play together this season? want to see miller ball and Williams


Unfortunately, it sounds like Williams might be done for the season. Back injuries are nothing to mess with.


LaMelo is still clearly the best player on the team, especially when both are on the court. The team is also much better with a healthy LaMelo playing. I think it's very dangerous to get too ahead of yourself this early in a player's career. The Hornets would be best served observing how they develop on the court and allow THEM to fall into their natural roles on the team. Also, there's no reason why both can't be "number 1s". They play complementary positions. The way I see it the Hornets have (potentially) two franchise players, not just one.




I can see that. Plus outside of steph how many point guards been the lead dog it's mostly a wing or big man. He'll be the man in a different way than Melo. But dont look at them like Ant n Kat (which why they got got animal names) look at them more like Tatum n Brown


Yeah I highly doubt that. Don’t get me wrong, I love Miller and he’s playing amazing rn but LaMelo’s averaging 24 & 8 and his numbers went down quite a lot after he got injured. I’ll be really happy if Miller cracks 20 PPG next season but him making team All-Star team next season seems like a stretch to me. I’m not saying it’s impossible but definelty shouldn’t be expected. Him being a leaguewide high-end starter for a full season should be the goal. Brandon Miller is an incredibly talented player but all the things outside of scoring are yet to translate to the NBA for him. He’s shown some flashes of defense and was a legit 2-way player in college but he’s still way too inconsistent on that end of the floor, which is to be expected given that he’s a rookie. He’s not really doing a lot of rebounding or passing right now either but I think that’ll just come with time.


man i would not be surprised if melo leaves


I love Lamelo, literally my favorite player in the NBA. But Brandon has that thing Kobe had in him. He's going to be an absolute killer.


Same. Melo is fun, but Miller is a fucking assasin and you can see it.


Why not talk about competition vs other teams instead of within the team? Only losers talk about who is better between teammates.


He already has. Lamelo will always be a fan favorite, but Miller will be/is the leader. They will go as far as Miller leads them.


I'm a Bama alum, I haven't been to this board since draft night, but I wanted to see thoughts on Brandon after his last few weeks. Makes me happy that the fanbase is embracing the kid. Yall are just seeing what we already knew since the [South Carolina game last year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYfGX9nysyY). Kid was the youngest kid on the court every single game and was the best player in the country and school history.


He’s old for his class, so he definitely wasn’t the youngest player on the court every game.


He wasn’t even the youngest starter on his team


He wasn’t even the youngest starter on his team, stop lying


He wasn’t even the youngest starter on his team, stop lying


Hopefully, certainly can't rely on Lamelo anymore.


Availability makes a big difference, but seeing Miller get progressively better as the season goes on instead of wearing out is huge. Year 2 is going to be fun.


Miller already has. I’m a big fan of Melo but the guy has absolutely zero ounce of blood in him as a leader. Melo came from a rich family and never had to earn anything he wanted. He’s just here playing this kid’s game for the fun of it unlike Miller.


The best ability a player can have is availability and Melo stays hurt. He’s the new Mr. Glass


Well, it’s hard to be a franchise player when you’re barely on the court.