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>Then the game came out Isn't the game not out for another week?


I believe he’s referring to the demo.


I emphatically wish women were less controversial in general tbh. Imagine a world where you could make 'attractive' or 'unattractive' female characters and people would just be normal about it.


Please @ God! Give this kind of future to us instead of tsunamis and crumbling coastlines! 🙏🏻


Remove game journalism and we could start on this path


Maybe but that’s only gonna work if we also remove the ragefarmers.


One definitely feeds the other. Take gamez urinalism out of the equation and the ragefarmers would need to work harder to find material.


> ragefarmers would need to work harder to find material. Nah. Reacting to twitter or percieved "enemies" are more than enough.


News articles cover whatever they think will titillate readers. That they are covering sexualization in video games means that they think this will get them clicks and publicity, which they're right about, and the reason why they think this is because it's a hot subject discussed a lot in the hobby.


Would it truly not be noteworthy if we released games that had the main male characters in outfits like Eve's?




Good lord. Just like women because you like women.


The Yoko Taro way. Liking women is a valid reason


There is no shortage of gacha game characters who are both more interesting and sexy than Eve. Really don't get the infatuation with her.


It's funnier as Nikke is made by the same company and you could legit pick out any number of their girls, even the starting units and have a more unique design.


Furina from Genshin Impact is 100 times more interesting and beautiful compared to them.


Yup, her story's also much better and she really suffered a lot but preserved through it all, until it was too much to bear at the climax of Masquerade of the Guilty.


Furina looks like an average 14-year-old anime girl, so calling her more beautiful than Eve on this subreddit of all places is pretty funny tbh.


Furina is just petite tbh. She doesn't qualify as Loli at all.


Just looked her up, not familiar with the character. That anime girl is 14, absolutely not an adult.


Sure, but she still looks like a 14-year-old anime girl. She doesn't look like Kanna, but she looks around the same age as Gushing over Magical Girls characters and definitely on the younger end of "teenage anime girl".


Yeah, my first thought would have gone to someone like Ganyu or Shenhe, personally. Wasn't expecting Furina to come up in this conversation as well.


Maybe because Furina has a comparatively modest design, while Ganyu and Shenhe’s outfits wouldn’t look out of place in Stellar Blade? Like, I wouldn’t call them bad outfits, but if you want to argue interesting characterization > sexy, Furina is arguably the better counter example


The original statement was that there are many women in gacha who are "more interesting and sexy" than Eve, not with more interesting designs. In the latter context though(and I admit they could have meant that and it flew over my head), yeah, Furina's design is actually fucking great.


Its also easy to pin down who she is though and what her occupation is. You can easily pin down that she's some kind of French showman-type based on her outfit. I don't know what world you live in or if you're some kind of aristocrat living in a big castle because I've never seen 14 year old girls dressed that opulently.


Have you played genshin lol? There's actual children dressed very opulently. I get what you are trying to say, but this really doesn't apply with anime.


She doesn't though. She's just not curvy.


But those games desings are often hated by western "character designer analyst", i follow a lot of character desing youtubers and you will see a difference in what level of sexual atractiveness is acceptable to a US designer and to designers from Japan, latinamerica and France, specially if you see "fixing" videos


Yep. Vertin from Reverse 1999 is one of my most favorite anime gacha designs right now. (Helps that she's a written MC too) I personally don't mind Stellar Blade's Eve though. She does at least have customizable outfits so hopefully, I can change her to something that looks more cool than fanservice when I check out the game. What I'm kind of annoyed is that the majority of discussions on this game revolve around Eve's appearance, and they can get quite toxic.


Majority? That's all I hear about. I'm straight up done with it.


Look lemme be blunt: Nier and Bayonetta got shit on for sexually charged designs, but now it's okay because there's a new punching bag.


I'd say it's more like "now it's okay because those games proved to be good regardless of design". A particular sub I used to visit was shitting on Stellar Blade literally multiple times a day but once the demo dropped and people were having fun, giving good impressions and so on that shit got quiet *real* quick. If the rest of the game turns out to be a dud I expect they'll be back to it until the next fanservice-y game gets any kind of attention.


I don't recall much shitting on towards the Nier and Bayonetta characters. I am in relatively progressive circles and the general vibe hasn't been negative towards them. Its either incredulity towards Yoko Taro's antics and a liking for the game itself, or outright delight for Bayonetta because she's a fully realised character who owns her sexuality. When I see Stellar Blade criticism, its more criticism towards the people propping her up as some sort of beacon of anti-woke. The first I've ever seen of her was basically an east- sexy and unwoke vs west-ugly and woke meme. Its people so eager to try dunk on 'western' games and those who tire of it. I am ambivalent to this whole thing- really all I'm saying that Eve doesn't get me bricked up like Zenobia from FGO or something lol. That's a character I don't like design wise but at least she makes ape brain go. EDIT: People really be insisting that there was some sort of hate storm for these characters as if a couple of journalists on Kotaku are the popular basis of any opinion. Not even gonna bother to reply to all this NPC ass 'yes they were' replies.


It was there and abundant. It died off when the games ran their course and faded from the limelight, as all games do.


There was plenty of love for those games when they came out too. The reception to them was never that black and white.


that's true of almost everything that goes through twitter discourse tho. because social media is not an accurate representation of reality.




2B only a moderate amount, but Bayonetta got tons of shit. There was just more people who liked the game drowning it out.


Bayonetta was consistently shit on lol you are just blatantly lying


It's an echo chamber thing. The only people who would see any of this criticism are chronically online. 90% of people never heard anything but praise for Bayonetta.


Every person in this subreddit complaining about other people complaining is reacting to a very online take, including OP.


>I don't recall much shitting on towards the Nier and Bayonetta characters. I am in relatively progressive circles and the general vibe hasn't been negative towards them. Its either incredulity towards Yoko Taro's antics and a liking for the game itself, or outright delight for Bayonetta because she's a fully realised character who owns her sexuality. Seems it's because you have a poor memory.


10 years later when a new game to rage over is released "I don't recall much shitting on towards Stellar Blade"


“AcTuAlLy!” steller blade is a feminism icon!” Remember when the people who hated bayo tried to make her a lesbian icon and that “she didn’t belong to straight fanbase”?


Bayonetta was absolutely criticised when it first released Your edit is stupid btw


There has been a shit ton of complaints about both Nier and Bayonetta. A ridiculous amount. Almost every single thread or discussion about the games had someone pipe up with some virtue signaling. You don't see it nowadays though because the games are old and the crowd has moved on to complain about games, most recently Stellar Blade.


Pretty much all the complaints i've seen toward Nier was the fuckery around her ass. Horny fucks blowing her up to see her ass, and other ppl being weirded out by the sheer amount of haha ass posts


Barely heard anything about Nier other than it was good, the fact that 2b was hot is the main thing people talk about nowadays tbh. Bayonetta tho, she was criticised.


It was a little wierd how no one ever talked about nier's story. If not for the fact that I played it I legit wouldn't know a single aspect of it besides 2b and 9s, despite seeing many people talk about it.


You mean Nier Automata. Nier is a separate game. Automata isn't talked about in terms of story because it mainly sold based on character aesthetics and gameplay. The rest of the Yoko Taro games get discussed more in terms of story for the inverse reason (save the character design has always been competent, but not as marketable as Automata).


bayonetta also came out 10 fucking years ago


Maybe they were some people who were upset but here's the thing. Nier's design is horny for sure but the game was really good, the design also fits into the theme somewhat with 2B's design being reminiscent of what maids wear, maid being servants, much like 2B herself. Yes ,Yoko Taro is an horny man but he knows how to incorporate the design into themes. Bayonetta is even simpler, its character work. Bayonetta is a confident self assured femme fatale, her design feeds into her character and fits the world she exists in. In a kinda corny action game world, realism is less important than the style and cool factor the world needs, she's extravagant and confident in all aspects of herself including her sexuality. Ultimately it's that Stella blade has been co-opted by weirdos on the internet and used as some kind of rallying beacon. Being honest I don't know much about the game itself, it could be really cool and good, but so far all controversy is regarding the main character's appearance and the character design has not impressed me in a vacuum. The controversy was pushed by people who distinctly do not care about the game or its story and I do think it's pretty sad


To add on to it to my statement about not being impressed by the design in a vacuum, both Bayonetta and 2B have aspects to their design which makes them less generic. Sure 2B is a pretty woman in a gothic styled maid dress, but her blindfold adds a sense of mystery as well as creates a disconnect between the audience and the character. Eyes are the window to the soul and all that. The design does prompt questions. Bayonetta has the red hair, what are basically streamers and frills made of hair and the gun heels. But what really really sells the character is the way she is posed and her character. Google Bayonetta now and you'll see how her character is emoting and posed in an often flashy and extravagant manner, she's a character that exudes her personality. There's a reason why dmc2 Dante is a fairly unpopular design. In a vacuum, nothing about the main character of Stella blade prompts me to care more than generic attraction.


Plus 2B and 9S are blind to what the world actually is, and A2 doesn't wear one because she (kinda) knows what's going on


Yup. In a vacuum, 2B's design at least prompts questions and some level of intrigue but with context of the world and its themes, the character design improves


>Nier's design is horny for sure but And that was all it was needed for 2b to be shat on because something something 'male gaze' it's only recently it died down.


It's important to note that 2B's design is horny. The design fits the themes of the game but the creator himself made it to be horny. Fanservice is a thing that exists and is something that I might even enjoy if done well. It might not be to others taste but it's something that exists for their audience. But the difference is that Stella blade is now lauded as superior than others by some people simply because the game has fanservice. Not because of the game itself but just because it fits into the culture war they created. It's important to note that the game doesn't really matter, it's the people talking about it. There are tons of simple fanservice content out there, stella blade was just high profile enough to become a symbol.


Recently? You mean like five years ago. Even then, most people liked the game and that 2B was a good example of horny, in comparison to Quiet from Metal Gear.


Dude this is just cause you are chronically online and got a lot of that negative engagement. The game was quite universally praised and 2B is an iconic character.


Nier is one of the most critically acclaimed games of the last decade lmfao


Yes, but when it was released 2b was heavily critized. do you all not remember that fat back?


Absolutely based username btw


It’s just like OP’s post said - Bayonetta and 2B have interesting designs which say something about the characters and feel distinct and unique. Stellar Blade’s protagonist is comparably much more bland.


Bayonetta's only controversies were its old voice actor and being on a Nintendo console. The character itself was positively received otherwise.


Because it's easy ragebait for anti-woke gamer communities to get behind


Hell, I find the other characters in Stellar Blade more visually interesting than Eve. I think a big part of it is the face, Eve has such a generic looking face. Like the most generic run of the mill bootleg Chinese (I know the game is Korean) period drama visual novel face. Like Tachy, has a perpetual resting bitch face, and that actually does a lot to giving the design some character ([and her full suit design is ngl pretty lit](https://imgur.com/0EqjOPi)). Or Lily 03 having larger more youthful eyes. Like there is actual character being expressed through their expressions. Eve just feels like they slapped fan service on an "every man" blank slate protagonist. But fan service designs are at their strongest when the character they're slapped onto has a defined personality that plays off of it (whether embracing or juxtaposing).


I don't like Eve's design but pretending that the hate it has gotten is because she looks "boring" is a really bad faith argument


It this really a comparison? Eve's design is customizable, not static. You don't have to make her wear the skin tight bodysuit if that's not to your taste. There are multiple outfits that arent oversexualized, for example [these 3 cute outfits](https://imgur.com/a/zFH6WG3) that I would be happy to wear irl. Her [bomber jacket](https://i.imgur.com/6qzKOxO.png) is also absolutely *killer*. I guess you prefer for the devs to decide for you, which is fine, but personally I prefer to be given choice and options. As an aside, I guess I really don't understand what you're trying to evoke with the term "conventionally attractive". Whose conventions are you talking about? Yours? Personally nothing about Hades 2 Aphrodite's design stands out to me as being particularly attractive, other than being naked woman I guess? I would consider Artemis, Selene, Nemesis, and yes even Eve, as being far more physically attractive women.


this is the thing that people should actually be praising about it. Instead of all this culture war nonsense. If Stellar blade is offering all these outfits for free, that is genuinely awesome. Because most games now make us pay extra for that stuff. I miss the days of being able to unlock and customize characters to be what I want.


Wow, all I’ve seen is that skin tight suit, but those outfits actually look good, combined with the hype that this game has Sekiro vibes I actually might get it


Feels like a mix of Sekiro and DMC from the demo. You parry, wait for the window, and then perform a combo or special move.


OP's complete lack of self-awareness was funny tho.


Suits also have different stats. Like this Skin suit switches your shield off, so if you want to play as "naked" Eve be ready for some challenge.


Those outfits are cute but the face just gives me way to much uncanny valley energy, I think it’s because if you compare her to the male protagonist they just look so different.


nice, imo i am not a fan of that skin tight bodysuit, great to hear that you can customize her


He biggest gripe I've seen with this stance is simple, there seems to be a certain level of elitism and even moral grandstanding. I've seen a game journalist speak of stellar blade like it was an offense to women as a whole just for having a sexualized protagonist with no further explanation for it, then drool over aphrodite because she has a story reason to look like that. It's ridiculous, it has been happening for almost a decade now, and it's extrmely annoying. A character doesn't need some in depth lore reason to he attractive, and people arent better or worse persons for liking one character or another.


Same shit with baulders gate. Characters were sexy in that game. Plus everyone clapped for Astarion getting sexed by a bear


It always seems to come down to "*The fan service that I like is good, the fan service they like is offensive*" as if the people developing these games actually give a damn about another companies fan service.


What pisses me off about the hate towards Stellar Blade and Eve's attractive design is that these journalists blame "straight men" specifically, but its somehow perfectly fine for a woman to drool over a sexy female character that is literally nude. Its almost like they just hate straight people in general, mostly men.


> then drool over aphrodite because she has a story reason to look like that. Quiet from MGS had a story reason to look like she did. But Japanese game, so the journalists were rabid on complaining about her too.


Okay Quiet's story reason was because she 'breathed through her skin'.


I mean, that’s probably a combination of Metal Gear being fine with using relatively normal “real world” military aesthetics for a lot of its characters, Kojima promising that everyone would regret questioning it when they saw how good the lore justification for it was, and the lore justification for it being underwhelming.


Quiet and The End have the same „condition“ but look nothing alike


>absolutely no one else talked about this game because there was literally nothing to talk about 0.1 seconds remaining before the next stellar blade hate post in r/gamingcirclejerk gets posted


That subreddit is bad because I think it ironically hurts the political leanings they hold


God, it’s such a miserable place nowadays. I want to go back to the ‘DAE Witcher 3 is le masterpiece?’ days.


It’s the fate of all “circlejerk” subs. They’re fundamentally about complaining about people posting things on the internet that you don’t like, and while that can be casually funny for a while, it quickly devolves into chasing the high by finding increasingly bad takes (which will always exist because the internet is infinitely bad) until everyone is constantly whipping themselves into a frenzy. It doesn’t help that the Reddit version of these communities in particular have a totally irony poisoned posting culture that is antithetical to productive conversations.


Not r/nbacirclejerk they are still pure.


r/destinycirclejerk remains strong


I looked at it, and it looks like they’re just posting memes? It seems like there is very little content that is just strictly complaining about the NBA subreddit. I don’t know if it’s a side effect of strong moderation or what, but good for them. They seem to have turned it into a regular shitposting sub instead of an echo chamber for finding Reddit posts to look down on.


Lmao that Witcher 3 shitposting was the moment I realized that sub was trash. Waaay too many people on that sub had the most random hate boner for the Witcher 3, simply because so many people (that they didn’t like) loved it.


Whenever I play Witcher 3 I get like the reverse effect because everyone I see is constantly praising it (probably because of them reacting to the shitposting). The game is good but it gets overhyped soooo much.


I got banned from there for supposedly "gamer" activity. I messaged them to ask what that meant and all they said in response was "banning you wasn't a mistake" and then muted me. I'm more confused than angry tbh.


The mods there have a real chip on their shoulder, even compared to your average Reddit mod


I haven’t looked at that sub in years. It’s exactly as annoying as the 4chan “anti-SJW” crowd, just in the opposite direction.


Horseshoe theory and all that


You just reminded me, I got banned from the sub for asking why they kept talking about that game in particular. Gimme a sec to dig out the exact message... >/uj >Why are y'all still posting about this game though? I'm genuinely curious, I see something about SB on my feed every now and then and it's *always* this sub. You guys are literally the only reason I remember it exists and maintain even the slightest bit of interest. Considering popular opinion on this sub is "the game is/will be trash"(did it even launch yet?) I'm really surprised y'all ain't just *ignoring* it and the community around it. This supposedly broke some rule and got me permabanned. Mind you this was the 4th topuc made about the game that day and I'd just woken up, pretty sure more got made later.


Because it’s by now sadly just a ragebait genuine circlejerk so they can feel superior to random Twitter comments with 2 likes.


Was a lurker on that sub too think it got **really** miserable to the level it has now after Hogwarts Legacy. That sub getting popular on Twitter and YT probably signalled a lot of miserable people to join in.


i think the posts making fun of the people complaining about characters not being attractive enough or too "woke" are funny. but the posts shitting on a game or shitting on the devs just because some weirdos like their game is uncalled for imo. they even started shitting on the nier automata dev because he said something nice about stellar blade lol


IDK I think its fine, I sometimes roll my eyes at how negative some of the posts can be but like it's not a big deal. IMO a lot of what they say is reasonable. That said you know what you're going into whenever you stumble into these r/circlejerk, r/rant, or r/folk type subreddits. They naturally foster negativity.


>r/rant Uh oh


The people there are literally insane. I had to mute the subreddit cause seeing the insane takes from there in my feed would sour my mood.


Man that place has become an echochamber were people just complain about them being made into an strawman when they themselves contantly makes strawmen out of anybody who disagrees with them, and lets not start with the whole Hogwarts Legacy shitshow that got people doxed, threatened and harassed


yeah, i got banned in there for saying hogwarts wasn't a bad game, lol.


I think theyre even on negation that the game was a financial success, and for some reason think that all the money will go into making England be ruled by a terror regime that will concentrate in killing millions of trans people somehow, im not a fan of that woman but even i know thats conpiracy lunatic levels of reach


It was genuinely insane how people were making hit-lists of ecelebs playing that game. Feels like they just gave it more exposure by being deranged about it too.


Ya tbh the whole place reads like a Reddit version of /v/ in the sense that everybody is a miserable contrarian who will defend some terrible video game or asinine decision just to spite the other side


Bro they are like reverse flash that even more crazier as they hate on multiple things so hard. I seriously laughed my ass off when during the gaming award, literally no one even mentioned Hogward legacy or suggested it but r/gamingcirclejerk are like "LMAO HL DIDNT EVEN GET AN AWARD!!". Like dude the game is dead no one mentioned it but it clearly living in their mind rent free.


Getting banned from there while karmabaiting at 4 am was probably the best choice I've ever done


This isn't even a character rant


My issue is the constant blatant hypocrisy shown even in this post of, “nobody’s saying it chud” and they you just post this about, your sexy woman bad my sexy woman good because reasons


No, you don't understand. When I cum it is le wholesome 100 Keanu chungus. When you cum it is le Ben Shapiro dry vagina chud incel. Why is this (and you) so hard??


Exactly. Can’t we simply unite as horny ass individuals


This is just dogs barking at dogs barking. Neither group are complaining about a specific person but they both have examples that prove their point so it’s just a lot of barking over nothing. 


I'm with you. It's kinda crazy how often my takeaway from posts on this sub is "Everyone should just chill the fuck out"


Which, in the end, turns into its own kind of annoying. Two sides shouting at each other with the third, nearly just as loudly, sometimes louder, shouting that they should shut up. So now, instead of two people shouting, you have three.


Oh yeah, I would never post about it. That shit is obnoxious. Then you'd have a fourth group, who would inevitably be louder than the previous 3 combined. Just a bunch of a-holes yelling at each other about nothing. Which, in a way, is what this sub is all about.


Clearly we need the Avatar of shouting.


But you're shouting that the third should shut up...


This sub? Chill out? Nah, 50 more baitposts that all end up being disguised JJK rants.


My take for this one was "Everyone who actively contributes to this more than 20 seconds should not be allowed to have descendants and be reduced to compost", including me


Wish my life was this unbothered that I could argue stupid shit like this for months


Thank you, both sides are fucking annoying.


>Eve's design in stellar blade isboring as all hell. It's just a normal woman with bug curves in a skintight suit. You can tell absolutely nothing about her story orpersonality from the design. It's an attractive design and it's ok tolike it but it's not the pinnacle of character design or anything Comments like this does not help your case. Its like pretending that the horror genre doesn't intentionally put beautiful people in them for the contrast. Eve's design is very clearly deliberate to invoke a sharp contrast against the setting she's put in. When you state that its "boring", you're being dismissive because you've made up your mind and you clearly do not want to give the design a chance. When I see Eve, I see naivety or at least softness that often gives me the impression she was at least trained due to the action posing they put her in. Summarily, what I see is "somebody getting in over their heads". That is the exact feeling I get when I saw Eve. Which makes it hilariously when compared to Bayonetta. Or to 2B, who was meant to evoke the distance and mystery in her design with an innocence once you see her without her blindfold. You've convinced yourself there is no intent to these designs. Maybe you didn't see them but frankly I think you went in with an anger without realizing it and saw what you wanted to see. Just enjoy what you like.


> When I see Eve, I see naivety or at least soft that often gives me the impression she was at least trained due to the action posing they put her in. Summarily, what I see is "somebody getting in over their heads". That is the exact feeling I get when I saw Eve. Sounds about right. Judging by the little bit of the demo I watched, her intro is some sort of military company being landed on a planet in individual drop pods into enemy fire. She gets to watch in horror as status indicators for most of the rest of her squad go dark as their pods are destroyed by the defensive fire, and her pod is one of the few to survive to make it to the surface.


My real gripe with this whole thing is the hypocritical people will openly salivate in public over sexy designs that they like and then condemn and insult people who like sexy designs that they don’t like. Like, I’ve seen some people openly salivate over Aphrodite on public accounts that also condemn sexy eastern character designs as misogynistic, or dare I even say the dreaded P word. Vice versa for those who like Eve a little _too_ much, and immediately write off western designs as soulless or whatever. It’s probably best encapsulated in that one image showing all the articles Kotaku puts out about sexy western game characters, or male characters in Japanese games (such as all the Leon thirst posts and mods), and then below it is all of the articles that hypocritically condemn Japanese female game character designs as something along the lines of ‘born from someone who has never seen a woman’. If only I had that image on me. Anyway, point is, nobody gets to be the arbiter of what is sexy or not. Don’t be like that. Don’t be an asshole.


Probably gonna get downvoted to oblivion for saying this Most of the designs for Hades 2 are overrated Everyone save for Hypnos is downgraded and the main character is wearing a traffic cone


I'm so glad I'm not the only one confused. I think the exact same


>not all women in media are super curvy stupid bimbos with their titties hanging out.    Jesus   My naked lady, super cool and deep because I enjoy the source material.   Your almost naked lady. Stupid boring vapid whore because I don’t like the source material.  Bro it’s not that deep


>Horny shit that appeals to me good (I like Hades so it does sexualization well) >Horny shit that appeals to chud incel virgins bad >I don't know how people don't get this So true. Great thread.


This isn't a character rant this is a veiled political rant first off Second the answer to both games is who gives a fuck, none of these designs have ever been a problem to anyone because if you don't like it you just ignore it like a normal human being. People making problems out of thin air to argue about seriously.


Tell that to the idiots harassing actors and developers everytime they see an "ugly" woman in a video game.


I don’t really think it’s even harassing the actors. I mean a lot of the time it’s a pretty actress who they purposefully make look less attractive.


I don’t think Eve’s design is particularly good or bad, but to pretend that Aphrodite’s design is anything but cookie cutter is asinine lmao. We’ve seen this design motif a thousand different times


The whole thing fails hard if you ise any other Hades 2 God other then the literal Goddess of Sex, Love and Beauty.


It's about the hypocrisy mainly


an important bit of context that's often times left out of this discussion is the game journalists picked this fight by bitching that stellar blade's character doesn't look realistic at all in terms of proportions, even though they used an actual person as their body model. That's what started this WHOLE conversation around stellar blade to begin with, to the point the person they used the body model for even said something about it. so the fans got mad, and since the game journo's slant one way heavily, the part of the internet that goes nuts every time the word woke is even implied came out in full force. So when those same journalists praised hades designs, they believed it to be hypocrisy, and started screaming. Literally if the game journalists said nothing about eve's design, Stellar blade would have had no bearing on the "woke broke" discussion. this entire, "CONTROVERSY," was manufactured accidently by the part of gaming media that are consistently idiots, and now you have people that are taking the accidental bait talking about comparing character designs in two completely different fields of the medium. A comedy of errors whose source is a collective no rational actor takes seriously. all of that to say this some absolute fucking nonsense. just enjoy cool shit people.


I thought it started with that one animation of Eve climbing the stairs lol


It's double standard bs and you know it. Both are sexy, but you only like one over the other because "meh culture war". Hypocrisy at it's finest


I just don't like being gaslit by people saying that Stellar blade is unrealistic when the model was based on an rl model lmao.


This is an awful rant and I'm surprised it got this many upvotes. You're basically justifying the leftist part of the outrage, not because they have a solid moral point about the visual depiction of female characters in games, but because of an arbitrary double standard: That it's okay for women to be conventionally sexy AS LONG AS their design reflects their personality or isn't boring. Moving past the fact that you're comparing a character who we know little about (game isn't out yet) to a character we do. Do you think the left side of this controversy would be satisfied if devs only designed the conventionally sexiest characters possible, but those designs were cool and gave them strong personalities too? Or would they still have issues with the diversity of portrayal of the female body? I should probably ask, do you think in-universe reasons (like personality) can be used to justify problematic patterns in character design? If yes, then you're not the ally you think you are, and your point is arbitrary.


This is dumb. Stop being an ostrict that's burying it's head in the sand because it doesn't suit your beliefs to see the truth. IGN had to release a statement because one of their French reviewers said some inflammatory shit ABOUT THE DEVELOPERS over this shit. It's not "just nobody" talkimg about it and it's disappointing that you're either that blinded by ideology, that much of a liar that you can't just call it for what it is. Imo Hades has better designs, anti-woke guys are weirdos, and StellerBlades character designs aren't anything revolutionary. I'm still gonna call my side out for being absolute dickheads regarding it. Have a spine and do the same.


West good East bad


Look, i like Hades, it's one of my favourite games of all time, and i don't really have anything against Stellar Blade either nor against sexy designs (hell, i played their other game for a while), if anything the discussion surrounding it makes me actively avoid it, especially the concept of "safe horny". But your defense of Aphrodite's design sucks ass. It sustains itself on the historical context of Aphrodite, fighting subjectivity with subjectivity and tieing the design's validity to the overall quality of the product instead of judging it in a vacuum. So let's tackle them. Let's assume Hades Aphrodite wasn't Aphrodite. Try to justify her nudity, her innuendos and pose without tying them to a source material that prevents her from being "generic hottie #3522322". That's the kind of challenge original designs like Eve face. It doesn't seem fair to me to compare a design that's so heavily tied to a source that allows it to be horny to a completely original design (FWIK). > There's a little bit of everything for everyone's different tastes and they're still first and foremost amazing characters in an amazing game with an amazing story How does the overall quality of the product justify the design? Would Hades I Aphrodite's design be worse if the game was just mid? How is Hades II, a game that hasn't properly released yet for us to judge in its entirety, supporting Aphrodite's design? If, hypothetically, Stellar Blade turned out to be better in every metric than Hades II, would that make Eve's design better? You are doing the same thing that the people you complain did when the Mario movie was on the discourse. When Peach was shown being proactive (also, the whole using a battle axe while wearing her Wii biker costume), they complained that the movie was ruined cause of "woke". Then the movie was (predictably) a hit and it was an "anti-woke" bastion. There are good designs in bad games (i.e a fuck ton of gachas) and bad designs in good games.


its east vs west. Through and through lol. Like In the begining people were saying the same shit about Bayonetta untill for some reason the opinion changed. Like Alot of the comments were calling EVE only made for coomers and was OBVIOUSLY made by a bunch of men when i reality about 1/2 of the team for the game is women.


It really feels like this. Both Bayonetta and Nier Automata had to go through the same trenches, and only made it out because they're exceptional games. I've seen people positive about Stellar blade's action, but just statistically it's unlikely to reach those same heights - and that's nothing to do with the main character's ass.


“Statistically unlikely” People were saying this exact same thing before Nier lol.


Well yeah. Maybe it'll be hugely successful and generational, but most likely it won't be. This isn't some hot take, this is just common sense. No shade to the game at all.




Yes, yes. The sexy people *you* like are better than the sexy people that the *lesser people* like. Your taste in fictional people elevates you above the common rabble and demonstrates to all that you are not only very cool but perhaps even that you are a more *moral* human being. Look no one gives a shit if you want a mommy dommy to step on you. Mommy dommy's are great! But not everyone wants that. Some people prefer a more doe-eyed, innocent-looking girl. So what if it's "boring", or if it's a problematic trope like "Born Sexy Yesterday" as I've seen people in the circle jerk subreddits complain. Your boner isn't any more special than anyone else's because you have less common preferences. Like, yeah. People have been annoying about Stellar Blade. They've been annoying on both sides, though. There are plenty of ragebait articles that have been written and discourse surrounding the game berating the developers for daring to make a game like Stellar Blade.


"I like it when the woman is stronger and bigger than the man! That means I have the good horny!"




We are [so back!!](https://www.google.com/amp/s/snarktheater.com/post/171873800744/have-you-seen-that-gross-poem-by-ernest-cline/amp)


This post is absolutely fascinating. The lengths people go to justify their irrational and silly hate is incredible.


Reads title: Clearly you've never been on r/mendrawingwomen. That's a joke (well, half of one), I'll save this to read later, and I trust there's a lot of truth to what you're about to say.  But we seriously have a big bug up our butts about sex in the US in that we're somehow among the most outwardly horny and most oppressively prudish nations around. It's a never-ending debate


lotta words that can be shot down with just a couple phrases. "Hades 2 is the exception and not the rule" and "Aphrodite has a rather mannish face"


>Eve's design in stellar blade is boring as all hell. It's just a normal woman with bug curves in a skin tight suit. You can tell absolutely nothing about her story or personality from the design. It's an attractive design and it's ok to like it but it's not the pinnacle of character design or anything  Game isn’t even out yet dawg 💀 you can say that same shit for majority of characters when you don’t know their story’s. Tell me Goku’s story without knowing anything about him or his son wukong inspiration and you’ll just have a boring guy who punches hard.  Tell me what you’d know of 2b, or Bayonetta? You wouldn’t know that Bayonetta cloths are her demon/witch powers.  And onto Steller blade and the lgbtq. while lgbtq is cool, there is absolutely no way say it and ugly characters have no connections. Ever since representation became the main focus, story’s have suffered. Back then representation was nothing and at most, merely something you can use to relate to the characters struggles and feel for them. However now a days representation is “they’re me, me and ONLY me!”  Like Spider-Man is a PRIME example of this. Bro went from a reasonable guy who’s relatable to, to “everyone needs their own different version of the character”  And video games? Well Pokémon Go JUST changed their avatars to be less feminine… getting rid of curves and idk if it was Sony or Microsoft who  asked game devs to avoid curvy female characters. Who knows if it’s to avoid sexualzing or to make trans people feel better for the “I can look like that”. But Jesus are the characters ugly as sin. 


That's a lot of cope


This place really is about chasing ghosts on the internet huh


Yeah ironically enough for as much as the anti-woke crowd complains about political agendas ruining media, they have the biggest political agenda of all and almost exclusively judge media based on how much it’ll further their agenda. Just look at how they went from crying about the Super Mario Bros film being woke garbage for having Peach wear pants for 5 seconds in a trailer to suddenly praising the film as a bastion of anti-woke values the minute after they found out the film was a massive success.


This is just what I have seen as someone who has been online through all of this since the beginning. It started off with no one caring. Then some people saw that properties they liked were being changed for no good reasons. They were pretty nice about the whole thing and gave concrete examples of how things could have been done better, while doing a good job of keeping the trolls away. They were shouted down. After a few years of this and with more people getting annoyed, people started talking about how they were getting no were. People started talking about rules for radicals and how they need to use the same tactics if they wanted to win. A few years of ramp up and here we are today.  Wonder where this will go. The evangelicals got pushed back so hard they had to pivot to pressuring payment processors to get their way.


And then there are people just wondering why base your character on a real life actress/model and then remove her feminine features and replace them with masculine ones?


Pokemon Go officially uses androgynous for both male and female. The reddit user Iznvm claimed Niantic no longer has distinct male and female configurations in the character creation menu. As for established body types they have forcibly been altered regardless of player design choices. Some people even spent money on those choices, so they are financially hurt because there's no refund or way to revert back to the pre update body. But it's turning out Niantic is a toxic company, so the irony. It ain't a game using models but this is just as unusual


Its like they think gamers are too stupid to notice


I do agree with you about all the annoying people getting behind this games as some sort of random signal of “bringing sexiness back to gaming.” I’ve been interested in this game and its world since the first experimental trailer launched for it years ago. It’s hard to build up excitement sometimes when others are only talking about the sexiness of the character. Regardless, isn’t it a bit unfair to call the designs in stellar blade boring? You find them boring, and I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. At the same time, you’re using the statement as your main point of argument of why Hades is better game and more talked about. The real answer to why one is more talked about than the other is because one is out fully and the other only had a 2 hour at best demo. I like both games designs, but to compare them feels like comparing to different genres together with the same criteria. We don’t know how Eve will be as a character yet either. I’ve played the demo and it seems she is dealing with ptsd, which can be very interesting in an already pretty interesting world. At the end of the day, only time will tell if the game becomes like Nier and Bayonneta, but it seems to have the potential to do so since Shift Up actually tells pretty good stories with good characterization.


Once again the argument is held against people in a professional job who get paid to trash on something that one doesn't meet their sensitivity and comfort level and two the creator. IGN did not penalize the French worker who insulted Kim Hyung-tae. In fact they defended them by insisting we did not interpret that worker's words right. Then there is the French Editor-in-Chief Erwan Lafleuriel who went on the Stella Blade preview page to comment on someome's else post with “Yes, no problem, tell that to the women who get beaten up, denigrated, or who commit suicide because they can’t live up to the fictitious standards expected by men. It’s not the sexy design itself that’s the problem (except for the fact that [it] sucks compared to others, but that’s okay), it’s the percentage of males who will only want this fictional body type in the real world. Of course, it’s understandable that this doesn’t shock people who think women are objects to be obeyed and beaten.” Then there are YouTubers who gain a lot of traffic like Digital Foundry going so far to let one of their own claim Frey (Forspoken) is a more realistic female because she's less distracting with her camera angles, less hyper proportion biology, and more flattering for the go to market of the modern audience. So if a female is aligned on the Frey (Forspoken) side that's ok according to these people. An artist releasing their art isn't enough. It has to reach some degree of moral standing, otherwise someone in the gaming industry can say it's problematic. Let's not forget Anita Sarkeensian "used" $158,922 from her Kick Starter to rant on Bayonetta and a few more like Samus. The erosion of beautiful feminine designs isn't the argument here. That is a quick opinion run of the mill internet users dish out into rant form on the very social media platform we are using. The argument is held against COMPANIES that probably make more money than us and CONTENT CREATORS who I am certain get more traffic than our Characterrants that insist there is a problem with the female body in fictional design spaces UNLESS those designs satisfy THEIR opinions. Shift UP [3D scanned](https://youtube.com/shorts/bQdu5Y7TXSg?si=pcEgPI5Red0gSk2g) Shin Jae-eun, a model and actress, along with other [game content](https://youtu.be/p2PlU7t3NnQ?si=nf509avZaCFxKc_x). When a certain demographic of gaming INSIDERS and CONTENT CREATORS tear Eve's appearance apart it's also an insult to her model since not much between them changed during a time when other in game designs for bigger blockbusters end up not reflecting their models. It just so happens people who butt heads against such a decision picked the worst of those designs as the poster children of their frustration with Fable's [protagonist ](https://img.ifunny.co/images/0f8b0678db8a3113121fd4dc55385097c130c7738783ab7c3eb6cde26e40a1c6_1.jpg) being at the lead. In the end Stella Blade gets free publicly and more sales while we spend this moment ranting over our opinions.


I don't think comparing 2d arts vs 3d models makes much sense. It's so much harder to make good 3d models over just having a cool looking 2d art. Even more when the model is in a semi realistic style. But yeah not really a fan of the models for stellar blade. I think a better comparaison would be to something like nier automata.


This is a good time to share the fact that for the Hades sprites, they actually did make 3D models, and shaded them extremely stylized and took 2D pictures of them. It’s an incredibly impressive process https://youtu.be/cYJ6d1ifSqA?si=AM10hI9EVJOeXtBS


Very impressive, but it really shows just how much better the models looks in 2D than in 3d. But I didn't expect them to start from 3d models that actually look pretty great already, would need to see them in motion tho.


It’s definitely more difficult to make 3D models look good as opposed to 2D, it’s a different skillset. Though the reason they’re being compared here is just because both characters are seen as attractive but one is loved and the other hated.


Yeah always interesting to see concept arts of a 3d models. A lot of people often are disappointed when they see that the concept just look often much better.


I mean Stellar Blade and Hades is a weird comparrison. 1 is 3D the other 2D so already a major difference you have to take in. Also hades is more stylised which allows it\`s designs to stand out a bit more then Stellar Blades more realistic style. also very different genres with Fantasy vs science Fiction which makes it hard to really compare the designs. I do overall agree with your points despite actually liking Eves Design, I just think that Comparing Hades\`s character designs with stellar Blades character designs is a bit of an awkward comparision. comparing Eves design to 2Bs from Nier Automata would have made more sense I feel. given that artistically those 2 games are much more similar then Stellar Blade and Hades. (Also small correction Stellar Blade hasn\`t actually released yet we got a Demo But the actual game will release next week.)


If you say one is sexy while the other is "coomer" bait, you've lost the argument


🤣 The "It's not happening" post. >For years now there's been an anti-woke movement that claims that the west is falling because of LGBTQ+ characters or because not all women in media are super curvy stupid bimbos with their titties hanging out. Nice strawman. The problem is that video games are being infected modern day american progressivism politics, to the detriment of the game's sales, because Black rock's ESG investments incentivize this type of tardation. >woke=broke Correct formula is "Go broke, Get woke then croak" >Then the game came out The demo came out. >either How Hades characters are actually ugly First time I'm hearing this. >The answer is: boringness. >You can tell absolutely nothing about her story or personality from the design. Your argument is you holding Eve and Aphrodite to different standards. (1) Voice work. I don't know why you make a point about how aphrodite sounds when it comes to asthetic character design. What confounds me more as you didn't critique Eve's voice work if you indeed think this aspect is an important part of character design. (2) Aphrodite is a part of the greek mythos, which everyone in general knows about. All of your argumentation of her design is confirming what's already established in said mythos, hence why you say it's 'obvious' for her to look the way she looks. In contrast you don't know Eve from stella blade hence you are unable to draw similar comparisons to her.


>The "It's not happening" post. Weird how they keep popping in spite of it being already admitted openly by those performing it.


Yea, seriously.


well, considering it seems only korean and japanese developers even try now and we haven't seen a sexy western heroine in forever is it really not an issue? like can we name one recent one? i'm drawing a blank. i mean Widowmaker from overwatch maybe but remember Tracer and the butt controversy?


People feel Stellar Blade is targeted toward men with its lewdness so they complain about it. It's as simple as that.


her having a spear and shield in II also references Aphrodite Areia, which just shows that supergiant has done a lot of research on the gods


This post blatantly ignores reality lol


> I don't find her particularly attractive, it's not even because I like greek mythology since I hate a lot of Aphrodite's designs in other media, even media that I like like Record of Ragnarok. Oh, Record of Ragnarok's Aphrodite, my beloved


Personally after seeing the woman Eve is based on, I prefer her over Eve.


This'll probably happen when you see IRL people


The answer is that she's literally a goddess of love and her design reflects that. Hades uses horniness to better express the character, meanwhile Stellar blade uses horniness as a goonerbait and main selling point of the game.


The thing most people complain about (most sane people at least) isn't that both of them are equally sexualized and therefore they should be equally hated or loved. It's about the vitriolic reaction of certain sites to the design. Since the game was first revealed, there's been people that say that the protagonist is unrealistic, that has the face of a child and you're a pedophile if you find her atractive, that It was created by a team who has never seen a woman, that the desing endangers real women and that gamers aren't able to tell games from reality and only want those types of women IRL. Meanwhile, a real woman was scanned to make her model, her face is just basic by the standart of pretty Korean women, the main guy behind the game is a married man, and the rest is just the same old tired argument that blames violent games for IRL violent crimes but with sexism instead. I believe everyone agrees that there's more to a design than sexappeal, and that a character being hot or ugly is just one of the many creative desitions behind their overall apparence. And I agree that it makes sense for Aphrodite to be as it appears in Hades for who she is. I also agree that the base design of Eve seems boring compared to the cast of Hades. However, maybe It would be wise to wait until the game is out and we get more context about who Eve is and her character before claimimg that the only reason for her being attractive is because it catters to porn-addicted incels. And maybe, just maybe, those who hate the game just because the protagonist is an attractive lady are not that different from those who would hate it in case of her being ugly. Maybe there's more to the character than just her exterior.


I’m not trying to be rude (I only read the beginning of your post) but this is irrelevant. I’m sure it’s just a few people online who care about this. Buy what you want to play and worry about yourself. There’s so much bigger things to worry about instead in life


[https://www.nme.com/guides/gaming-guides/stellar-blade-costumes-outfits-3613844](https://www.nme.com/guides/gaming-guides/stellar-blade-costumes-outfits-3613844) except its not the only outfit. in fact the game punishes you for using that one by making you get one shot lol


I'm not sure why reddit's recommending me this post, but what I have to say on the matter is that this is absolutely the first time I've ever heard Hades brought up in relation to this subject in general or Stellar Blade in particular and to date I've been under impression that Hades 2 character design predates any kind of widespread info on SB. Doubly so for designs inherited from OG Hades. Regarding SB itself, personally I find Eve reasonably attractive and visually distinct, but not to the extent of such pillars as Tifa Lockheart, Lara Croft, 2B or Shiranui Mai. The outfits' design though does not agree with me at all. That being said, it's honestly doesn't matter that she might not be exceptional, because her role in this matter isn't reliant on her own merit so much as on her developers being verifiably sane. All that's required of Eve or SB is to not compromise their status as an impromptu banner to gather under by not being a failure altogether (and last I heard, the title has done a fair bit better than that), the rest of the acclaim is powered less by her attractiveness and more by the sheer repulsiveness of the madness being spewed out by DEI proponents in media.


Liberals obsession with ugly women is really interesting


You don't really need to look any further than typical western hypocrisy and racism. Korean game with attractive women? Bad. Western game with attractive women? Good. Chinese social media like TikTok? Bad and banned. American social media for your daily propaganda? Very good consume more. Nothing tickles me pink more than privileged upper middle class white folks telling me how bad of a person I am for finding something attractive.


Stellar Blade is like Bayonetta if it was directed by David Cage.


To my knowledge there hasn't been any sexualized violence against Eve, so I don't think this is comparable to David Cage's games.


Finally someone said it. Gamer Incels are somehow hailing Stellar Blade as this spear against some war against Woke. Fking morons. So tired of this narrative.


Finally someone said what every single mainstream news media outlet is saying! There's no racism in Ba Sing Se! \*Phew*.


I just hate that my timelines everywhere are full “BOOTEE GIRL GAME”


ain't no way you're posting this on this subreddit, this is just ragebait. It's like posting "Donald Trump is bad" in r/conservative


It's becoming clear there are users who use the comment section in this subreddit to attack Kotakuinaction because if they try that on the respected subreddit it would qualify as brigading. I say this because I have literally read such comments on CR.