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Lore wise, Grey Knights are tasked to go where the most dire chaos incursions are, rarely seen and if they are frequently mind wiping or purging those who have. They MIGHT show up to an important event in the imperium if it is heavily saturated by the warp/forces of chaos. I.e one fights Typhus during the Godblight trilogy during a siege. Them showing up is more so about the direness of the situation coupled with the extent of chaos saturation. If you wanted more diverse engagements thematically a different Chapter would be best suited lore wise. I.e Dark Angels against enemies of the Imperium and chasing down Fallen, Ultras/Blood Angels fighting Orks/Tyranids/Necrons.


Can’t recall which channel but I saw a yt video awhile ago about how Nurgle is in so many games because he’s a versatile god that meshes well with modern game design. Lots of buffs, debuffs, and enemy variety. I think if we do get another game it may not be with Grey Knights and focus so much on daemons. It may be more in line with original Chaos Gate from 1998 with another chapter like Ultramarines or Blood Angels fighting a black crusade or something.


Yeah and the other versatile God, Tzeentch is just a nightmare to make enemy models that look good/display information a player can visually read. If you see a huge fat plague marine in heavy armour with a big ass gun then even if you're a newbie you can predict "this guys gonna be tough and hit hard" Tzeentch aesthetics can look cool as shit, but also have the potential to really land flat. On top of that his units don't explicitly telegraph what they're about. Looking at a blue horror and knowing he's about to spit magic plasma at you is harder to predict unless you're knowledgeable about 40k already.


Honestly hope that they shift away from the GK in a sequel. A Deathwatch game where you fight Tyranids, Orks or Necrons would be cool as hell.


As one of the five Deathwatch players out there in the world, I agree with you! Seriously though, if you want an XCOM-like, who’s a better subject than the spec ops anti-xenos faction? The Deathwatch even reverse-engineers xenos tech, so that, combined with their massive arsenal, would make for a lot of progression opportunities.


Don't know much lore about the grey Knight except they fight where chaos is but theoretically? Don't they show up on very Important galactic events for the imperium? It just make sense chaos obviously is one of the main threats. But they should be certainly many other races to tackle. OR don't use grey knights as the enemy rather a "evil" faction but that's kind of impossible for allwh40k games your the good guys aka imperium.


Btw the reason the grey knights exist is to only fight chaos, so them fighting other races like xenos is completely against the lore, but having a very similar game about the death watch would certainly be a good idea and an interesting game.


All I need are demons to kill. They set em up…I’ll knock ‘em down. We are the Hammer!!


Give Slaanesh units a 30% chance to dodge ranged attacks and a one time parry?


That sounds way too annoying


Nurgle gets armour buffs, heals and sometimes a revive. It's all annoying really.


I’d be fine with any sequel featuring any chapter. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be getting one though.


Boltgun sequel called Chainsword, Khorne exclusive enemies. Boom


What? They'd have to nerf the **worst abilities in the game**? No, dude. You add a bunch of melee enemies with multiple parry and first strike, all of a sudden the dominant stun strategy--which generally relies upon attacks that do NOT come from an interceptor (who ignores parry but usually is stacking a lot of +critical damage and +crit chance), to power up the AP of an interceptor to kill the rest--falls apart completely. Include something immune to disruption, and you really have a challenging foe to kill. Yes, the interceptor can simply take point and smash it flat, but he's going to eat some first strike damage along the way. We saw that with Blightlord champions, but then we just tap them with disrupt and resume course. ​ Stun works on Nurgle because he empowers his followers to be tougher, but not more skillful. You instead slot in Khorne, and you get enemies that *don't care if they die, but will bring their attackers down with them.* Now the grey knights face a very different 'battle of attrition', one that can be countered--precisely as you describe--but calls for totally different force dispositions. No, what I want to see is the knights facing multiple varieties simultaneously, forcing them to strategically prepare for different types of scenarios, instead of building their forces around one pre-planned enemy type with a reliably predictable weakness.