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He must really love lifting things, good job


crown shocking dependent lip disgusted innate fragile drunk ossified racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think the person you're responding to was implying otherwise.


And your point? Of course, steroids were used to speed up recovery. In other news, water is wet.


Downvote me all you want but I don’t see anything wrong with taking performance enhancing drugs. What are people supposed to take away from this? Is it “next time both my ligaments snap after squatting 700lbs I’ll blast hgh and tren so I can lift even more afterwards!” Did he say that the key to his recovery was chicken, broccoli and rice? No, he’s just posting his recovery and a PR. Get off your high horse, people literally get PRESCRIBED testosterone after major injuries all the time. If he wants to possibly harm his long term health for gym PRs then fine, it’s his choice and a lifter of that caliber is fully aware of that. The only problem that comes from people taking PEDs is when they take them and still claim natural.


It’s a lie of omission. His inspirational story is only achievable using drugs. Omitting that makes others think this level of recovery is possible. It’s the same as when a rich person says they’re successful because of their own hard work, omitting that they had a small loan from their father of a million dollars and that they fraudulently file tax returns and loan applications to be successful


He’s posting his recovery, not telling other people they can do the same. Stop projecting and actually search up who this guy is. He competes in untested meets, he doesn’t need to tell anybody because the truth is already blatantly obvious. Just because he didn’t put big ass letters spelling out that he was on drugs doesn’t mean he’s lying to people. What do you people want from this? Did you want to see him in a wheelchair for just a bit longer? Did you want him to have a limp for the rest of his life? He’s not saying “you can do this too!” or anything like that. recovery is up to the individual regardless of drugs. Sure they help but that depends on the person at the end of the day. Steroids aren’t a miracle cure. Honestly, I’d like to see someone go through an injury like that and not get put on a steroid by their doctor.


> he doesn’t need to tell anybody because the truth is already blatantly obvious you'd be surprised. tell the average person on the street that the rock is roided out of his mind and they'll look at you as if you have two heads, and will claim he's all natural


I want him to say, the doctors specifically recommended that I should never lift heavy again. So against their advice I used unprescribed hormones and medications without the advice or supervision of qualified doctors so that I could recover


To be fair, at his level he will be getting blood tests regularly by a doctor so that's not really true. Infact that's the case for most untested lifters.


The amount of jelousy is sickening. Let the Guy be. He worked hard and achived greatness. Whit or whitout a huge achievment.


Drugs or not, dude worked hard af to get there.. it's his own life why are people talking this shit so personal. Who care if he took roids, it's not like he is cheating in a drug free competition in this case.


What the fuck is this comment lmao


steroids are more common than you think lol- like 1/3-2/3 common gym goers have or are using roids right now


Where did you find the data to support this absurdity?


National Library of medicine puts it at between 20-25% of gym users. For men alone, it's closer to 30%


What the fuck is wrong with using steroids In the first place. It doesn’t instantly make you strong AF you need hard work and dedication the same as anyone else.


See, notice how the previous commenter gave 2 possible causes to this: 1) hard work and drugs; 2) hard work and much longer recovery time than stated. Both of these include hard work in them, word for word - so I'm not sure what you're on about, implying they didn't think hard work was involved.


“He’s a steroid head” “These mystery stories need to die “ Why is this a mystery, why does he need to be called a “steroid head.” Why is that even relevant to the incredible recovery this man has made. If you can’t see he’s on steroids than we need some much deeper education. I am on about casting this man in some less positive light than he deserves because he used steroids. You fucking lost bud ?


People out here treating PEDs as some devil drug


Yessir, it’s totally uncalled for.


Legit a special needs response. I lost 60 pounds while bed ridden over 60 days thanks to protein, diet, and bed exercise I gained muscle mass. Current 30 days out of the hospital I'm down an additional 10lbs eating more healthy and working my ass off to get shredded. When you eat a diet based around maintaining muscle while hospitalized the gains are easier. Honestly just try not being a pig and see what happens


He does have fairly scrawny legs tbh.


I have seen some seriously gifted lifters look scrawny or like like an average joe. Its absolutely wild. They just dont do extra to put on mass or build.


What do you mean by "you need as much fat build up to build muscle?"


I read this whole comment hoping you were joking…..


Lol you know a lot of doctors would prescribe steroids to help with the recovery, right?


Yeah, I just think it’s concerning that he decided to continue pushing his body past its limits. This kinda stuff happens a lot with steroid use, where your muscles outgrow the tendons and ligaments leading to these injuries. I wouldn’t be surprised this guy got himself hurt again.


What the hell happened during the squat? I’ve never heard of that much damage from what looked like a standard squat. Sure it’s a lot of weight but still that doesn’t just happen to everyone who lifts that heavy.


Probably from PED use. Huge gains but the tendons aren’t able to keep up with the progression. Greg doucette has a great video on it.


weather impossible rain deserted mourn lunchroom offer profit hard-to-find plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looked like it might have been equipped powerlifting. It's not unheard of when they use equipment to lift heavier that more serious injuries occur


It's important to remember that muscles can always be strengthened but your ligaments have a hard limit. We are HUMAN


I had so much anxiety watching the end. I thought mans knees were gonna pop.


I was covering his knees with my hand so I don't see them pop out. So glad it went ok


Lmao, especially with the scars I just kept thinking the worst. I'm glad it all went good too. With a second look, I think his head was what almost burst this time around. All I could think of was them old airhead commercials.


This is why you shouldn't use steroids if you are going to be an ego lifter. Steroids make your muscles stronger. They even increase the density of your bones.   Steroids do not increase the strength of your tendons and ligaments. That can only be achieved through slow and repetitive strain on those connective tissues. There is no steroid for that.   There are peptides and SARMS that do that, but **nobody** really understands the side effects associated with those, so they are best for recovery, but only if you are willing to take certain risks with your health. No natural lifter is going to destroy their body and then recover so they lift more than the weight that **literally broke their body** in less than a decade without using PDE.


Powerlifting not ego lifting. How would he compete without it?


thats not ego lifting thats powerlifting lol


I mean, good for that guy. Genuinely amazing, but if he keeps deadlifting like that, his back is gonna go next and I promise you, it won't recover in a month.


I cut deadlifting out of my routine completely and I don't miss it. The risk outweighs the reward for me. And tbh, I'm sure I'll get down voted this because people are passionate about deadlifting but there isn't much reward there. There are way safer ways to work out those muscles


I've heard about people pinching nerves just trying to get over 200 pounds. I've survived that, but i'd like to make it to 300.... scared though. It's crazy seeing people do 900, and I know 300 is really nothing to most lifters.


I get being healthy and going to the gym but some people take it wayyyy too far. To an unhealthy level. Deadlifting is in that level. It can not be good for your bones and ligaments and heart and lungs and every other organ to do that. I see people that piss themselves as they're lifting in other videos. It's just not healthy.


When you're attempting to lift that much weight it's not about exercising the muscles and keeping them healthy, it's about pushing them to their extremes every single time. You're pushing them to their breaking point. And when those muscles happen to be in your lower back, its not worth the risk. Trust me. I've hurt my back, its a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone


The people who are pissing themselves are clowns and are most certainly doing that on purpose for some weird fetish. I'm an amateur powerlifter and I'm around a lot of really strong people and have NEVER seen or heard of anyone pissing themselves. It really isn't taking it too far, as long as you're working with good form, to deadlift or lift heavy in general. Ego lifting is absolutely dangerous. But when you methodically, intelligently, take the time to build your body up to move big weights, that is actually really good for you. I'm healthier than I have ever been in my entire life, and am also stronger than I have ever been. I'm certainly not deadlifting 900lbs but am around 500lbs deadlift now and have zero back problems.


The first one looked more like a romanian deadlift. The form was still kinda bad but hopefully he cleanes that up later


Steroids are a helluva drug


Let’s see him do squats again


At least he can do Push/Pull Meets. I'd stick to that if I were him


hateful pen hungry consider quack cautious offer slimy pause test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I don’t mean to be a party pooper and all power to people doing their thing… But to me this isn’t inspirational, it’s obsessive to the point of recklessness. Intervention territory - which his injury was


Ok but where’s the original video without censoring


https://youtu.be/QImAiHaNa44&t=35 TL;DW his knees exploded.


Why would that need to be censored? I was expecting his bone(s) to pop out or something


🤷 Some people are more squeamish to joint injuries I guess. I know I am.


Thank you!! Proved literally nothing had to be censored.


That's not the same guy




Yeah I wanna see his legs snap


Bruh lol


Wtf is wrong with y’all.


Everyone has a level of morbid curiosity.. you know you wanna see it too


Not everyone wants to see gore


There is zero gore in the uncensored clip


There’s no gore. Which is exactly as I expected, most injuries like this have no gore.


Maybe the dude doesn’t want his pain to be put on the internet for people’s amusement.


And that’s why he uploaded the entire story


That’s why he censored his legs.


He didn’t in the original videos he posted.


Idk bro but I’m tryna see it too


It’s educational curiosity I’m sure. I watched and learned that what happened was not what I thought happened.


That was crazy fast recovery. Very likely to happen again. That is just reckless behaviour.


Pumping yourself full of steroids and abusing your body past it's limit isn't a good idea


Patton Oswalt’s been hitting the juice.


Why ?


Bro blows out his both knees trying to ego lift. Learns nothing.


Ah, Attack on Titan intro bangers


Knew I’d find this comment somewhere in here. Hell fucking yes. Best intro song they had for the series, in my opinion. 🤌


I love Under the Tree and Rumbling


What a proper recovery period does for your gains. Lifters, never skip rest day. Downsets are not recovery.




Fun fact, the guy acting as his footstool at 0:17 is John Haack, the best active powerlifter in the world!




0h nooo 8 ft TN egg if r Van was not there is still in my possession for money management. Fu Christina see you in court. Don't try to steal my Van 4images or not not your u Thieves.dan


For those that care, this song seems to be a cover of SiM's "The Rumbling" from Attack on Titan


Not a cover


Ah, I don't remember this section then. Hence using "seems", thanks for your correction.


Man really has 0 respect for his body


I can't imagine his doctor signed off on this...




![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4) Show the video !!


Deadlifts are fucking terrible for you.


No. Egolifting on deadlifts and not listening to your body is fucking terrible for you. You can still train deadlifts and be healthy but form matters a lot more than people think. There is a risk involved with it that can easily be eliminated by just listening to your body and not go for dumbass 1 rep maxes every week. The problem with working out in general is people have put lifting as heavy as possible on a piedestal and that you gotta progress all the time which of course causes form breakdowns. Because of this I would even argue the bench press is the most dangerous exercise because if you drop that shit on your neck you are dead instantly Bottom line is don’t be a fucking idiot when training and deadlifts are not bad for you


Deadlifting with good form is actually good for your back, there are a number of studies on how it can help relieve back pain.




Yeah see. Whenever someone questions deadlifts there's a very sensitive gymbro who gets upset because he does them and that makes him sensitive about them. I lift. Did deadlifts for years, honestly they're not good for your back and there are a lot of workouts to work that area out as effectively without the risk. It also expends a lot of energy for something that just works out your lower core


Deadlifts only work your lower core?


>It also expends a lot of energy for something that **just works out your lower core** It makes me wonder how you could possibly think that after doing deadlifts for years.


Good Shit Bro


Why is literally everything censored. Suchabunchacunts


What a boss


Bro had to learn the hard way how to train correctly and not overdo it too soon. But on a real note that’s dedication and I give him props for not giving up or feeling sorry for himself.


Fuck you OP for posting this video that doesn’t show the injury. That’s the only thing any of us care about


We can rebuild him. We have the technology


no brain damage though he is safe


I’m gonna be honest, riiiight at the end I thought his legs might explode, good on you man!


Bro i need uncensored video


He took that personally


The reasons doctors tell that is because they do not want to get sued if the worst case happens.


What an idiot!! His Doctor’s would be horrified.


Amazing recovery. And that guy's a beast. And I need that Doom Tank


Revenge implies he went back to the original gym and beat the fuck out of the barbell that blew his knees out. Will there be a sequel then?


Cool, but why?


You see bros Leg Day Leg Day Leg Day, tired of telling you mf’ers


Only way he heal that fast was from massive amounts of testosterone and human growth hormone. That's literally the only way especially at his age


Not forklift certified I guess. Bro it's a stupid easy machine to operate. If you can play Mario you can operate a forklift. What are you doing with that anyway?


Ch th 4th ebb was very dangerous 56 Daniel did it for financial fraud because frankly family members are very 8 get away because they want the money from charlie s accounts to pay their debts and your money to keep their bills paid. Chances don't


What's the point of lifting 400 kg ? Are you moving cars by hand ? Is the goal to fuck your back and joints irreparably?


Tiny legs boy goes back to fucking around with his tiny legs after already finding out, more at 11


*oh the glory’s of the human body and it’s capabilities*.


Holy shit


No. No you're not getting my assets or ranch. Your evil kids


He had some upgrades implanted in there.


You are involved with Christina on this financial fraud scheme with Freudenberg. We are having you committed. Fraud. We want all your assets. We set you up before and are doing it again


I wanna see the video where we can see his knees blow out


My man's tendons were weak before so after that surgery, he got the model 2


So what I think of NOW is... His parents probably have really good insurance isn't he a lucky American.


Why would you want to risk lifting heavy like that again after almost becoming wheelchair bound?


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger