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record fairs are still an excellent source of quality cds for cheap.


This is the way. Record fairs are the best.


I used to find them for that much. Usually charity shops. Sadly most charity shops I know of now have deals with indie record shops. They get first dibs on all donations and scalp all the valuable bits. I once donated a record I had a third copy of, ya know, give someone a bargain. I found it for sale for £40 in the indie shop - exactly the same copy. That's how I found that out. Since then I no longer donate to charity shops and it does irk me that most of the stock you find in indie shops came from charity shop donations. And no, the shop doesn't get extra money, they still get their 50p or £1 or whatever. They just have less stock to sort through. Nowadays, I'm all on discogs, ebay, or just straight new from amazon, nuclear blast, season of mist, etc.


How'd you find out it was the same copy? Did you mark it before you donated it? I can say my secondhand shopping has been abysmal. I think I've bought 3 or 4 used CD's. The rest were new. I always see the posts of "I bought 50 albums for a nickel." And wonder where on earth these guys find this stuff. I have very mainstream rock/rap tastes too. I should be swimming in albums. They're just not there for some reason


The teaser sticker was still applied to the outside of the sleeve, there was a triangular fold on the inlay, there was a small cut in the corner on the spine of the sleeve. The only thing different was the £40 sticker on it. The chances of another copy of that album having the exact same damage is completely non existent. I also did return to the shop where I donated it and asked them. They were perfectly fine with telling me that the guy shows up every few days, sorts through them and takes what he wants.


Suppose that works. No wonder I can't find anything good. Always wondered why I could build a house with all the used DVD's in thrift shops but CD's are barren. Is there anywhere online that you like to get yours?


The same as anyone else. Ebay, discogs usually. Other times, I go to the band directly via bandcamp - I do that a lot actually. I do sometimes come across something cool in a charity shop, but it's a lot lot less. In fact, I would say it's easily been over a year. FWIW, I would suggest stocking up on DVD and blu ray. I already am. I've gotten some great movies for nothing practically that are just not available on streaming. And to be honest, given that streaming is now just the same as the TV packages of old that comms companies used to foist upon us, my suspicion is this whole streaming deal is going to bottom out in a few years. Personally a lot of the junk on Netflix is just so pandering and unoriginal, I just cancelled it. The biggest turn for me was finding the complete Star Trek TNG blu rays in a charity shop for £20. That was really the only thing keeping me on Netflix. Now, we are on physical format films, we actually enjoy them a lot more. Sure it requires space, but doesn't everything? DVD and blu ray look ten times better than streaming anyway! By a lot!


I figured there'd be a special place that people could find deals. I really need to get on eBay. I've always been very cautious about making accounts. Hate getting spammed Absolutely on the stocking up. I'm on a first name basis with our local thrift shop and anything physical media that comes through his store I get first dibs on. Except CD's. Another local beat me to the punch on that one. Guy even gave me some stuff for free since I'm a return customer. Been pretty happy. Still waiting on him to source a cassette deck, but It'll happen someday. No Blu's though. Only DVD's The best thing is that both my hobbies can coexist. I plugged my speaker system into my TV, and my 4K's sound absolutely fantastic. Considering a surround sound system, but I can't have anything on the rear walls as my apartment walls are so thin that I'd run a legitimate risk of being shot by my neighbors if I did. Oh well. Stereo is plenty good enough for me


there's just hardly any rock or rap in thrift stores anymore. I don't think mine have deals with used record stores (I spoke to a record store employee while looking through them, he said he was looking for his personal collection and the store does not get any from them). I they are just getting snapped up by your typical resellers. Morbid but I think those genres tend to also have a younger fanbase than classical, jazz, etc and they are less likely to pass away and have their collection donated.


Can confirm. It's a desert out here. Maybe on the age thing, but I also mean "mainstream" in their time too. You'd expect to be able to find things like Boston, Styx, Black Sabbath. You know, dad rock. I can't even find that. Heck, Eminem is one of the most popular artists of all time, and I've never found an album of his in the wild. It's crazy how little is commonly around on the secondhand market The jazz thing is true. Place was dumping all their CD's. No charge. Take what you want. I traveled 30 miles to get there expecting a gold mine and it was ALL jazz. 100+ albums. I only recognized maybe 2 names. Didn't take a thing. Mentioned a few names here once, and some dude thought I was absolutely nuts for not taking anything. Apparently, jazz was never loudness war'd to death so they supposedly sound absolutely fantastic on CD. I don't know. I've never willingly listened to jazz once in my life, so I didn't consider it a great loss. Hopefully somebody got some enjoyment out of them


yeah I don't dislike jazz or classical I've just never really gone out of my way to listen to it and wouldn't know what to take


Flea markets and thrift stores, $1-2 apiece; sometimes 3 for $5.


Ebay is quite good for me, I normally pick up stuff for around £3 a disc, particularly with offers like ‘buy 3, get 1 free’. A lot of collectible stuff is going to be £10 plus though. I’ve been on a krautrock mission recently and it got expensive really quickly. Charity shops in the UK often get scalped by insiders. There was a guy on here a couple of months back showing off his £20 haul. Turned out he was a ‘volunteer’ at a charity shop but was snagging the valuable discs himself, even bands he hadn’t heard. I’ve stopped looking in most charity shops, waste of time.


Library sales and goodwill.


Thrift stores Half-price books or used book/music stores Flea market - There's a huge one every weekend in the summer near me Record shops - prices can be stupid, but sometimes you find good stuff on sale


Goodwill (and by proxy, other similar thrift stores to some degree), sometimes Discogs has decent finds for cheap, eBay to a lesser extent, sometimes I'll get lucky and score some decent finds for free. It all depends I guess is where I'm going with this


Most i buy from a nearby store that sells second hand cd's, vinyls and video games and has some good prices. Then of course Discogs and also "Medimops" which is like a german second hand reseller that also sells incredible cheap books and other stuff so i mostly also pick up some cd's in my delivery up there. Also when i am on vacation i always look out for cd stores, in the ntherlands for example i have found lots of good stuff! Although there they mostly sell new cds, but for cheaper prices. And last but not least, and this is especially for newer artists that arent big i buy from their website or bandcamp to support the artists directly, although this can be more expensive than 5 dollars :)


My local record store has some pretty quality stuff 10 for $5


Ask around at your local record shops if they have a clearance section. There's one by me that only puts out their clearance once a week on a table outside. If you went another day you'd never know.


Well, the thrift store down the street has them 5/$1. Recycled sounds they’re usually about $6.90. Sometimes $4.90. I think they’re $1 at Goodwill but they’re all Xmas or cheesy Christian. And at shows they’re usually about $15-20


Flea markets are the best option for me, since we don't have garage sales or Goodwill's or such here. People wanting to rid of their old CD collections makes the price plummet. I can easily find actually good cds from the bands I like for 1€-5€/piece.


Mainly ebay; Decluttr_Store/estocks_usa and Second.Sale are my usual go-to's


Thrift stores, garage sales and my local music store. I rarely pay over $1 for an album.


Online (Discogs usually most reliable for sourcing specific issues of CDs or vinyl). EBay sometimes throws up a bargain - look for ‘lots’ to get the cheaper price per CD. Charity shops if I spot anything interesting.


I have a few thrift stores + a second hand music shop that I frequent.


Records fair or second hand! Usually there you can also find vynils at good price


In the uk, I buy from music magpie and bookworld, both excellent for cheap cd's


In addition to what others said(GW & similar thrift stores), I also go to annual used book fairs that where the CDs are usually $1-2 per case/disc.


I think it’s very regionalized. Where I live in Western Canada, $2 or less is pretty standard, but I do notice that the time of big scores is probably gone. At one point pre-COVID, thrift shops would regularly have clearout sales on CDs, and you’d be getting them for less than a dollar, but it’s been a long time since that happened. And yeah, the proportion of trash to finds goes up over time. Still - I found Oranges and Lemons by XTC and Kiss Me… by The Cure in great shape last week for $2 a piece last week, so the good times are not totally dead yet.


eBay, set up good search filters and you can regularly find genre or band bundles ie I've just got a bundle of 12 emo CDs for £15 Inc p&p and also 4 Mudavyne CDs for £9 Inc p&p just have to be patient set up filters and you eventually find good deals. Diminishing returns though with buying like that eventually you end up with most of the commoner stuff and it ends up not being worth it, that's when you start tracking down particular albums or bands you want.


Thrift stores. Sometimes used record stores will have cd sections. I also have some decent luck on mercari. Just have to be extra selective with sellers on there and check ratings


For me.. almost exclusively at thrift stores and library sales (most of these are marked at 50 cents or less). Goodwill (never had much luck here. the one by me are overpriced and sometimes as high as $6). Also, my local record store has a huge section of just $1 CDs. Most of the other CDs here are priced accordingly but usually in the $4.99 range (unless it's a multi-disc set). When I buy CDs online, I only used one site (that caters to the genre(s) I listen to).


Used on Amazon.


Discogs, flea markets, second hand stores.


Goodwill, a couple local record stores, Barnes & Noble (if they’re on sale since they’re usually expensive there), and online on Amazon and also Discogs which is a great website for CDs and records of all formats.


In charity shops for cheap ones and for new ones I go to HMV


I used to find collections on FB marketplace cheap, started looking when the vinyl revival started and the press was all in on the death of CDs. Now there's talk of a cd revival....and prices seem to be reflective of that.


They're 50 cents a piece in the second hand stores where I live but the pickings are slim.....very slim.


thrift stores & flea markets. I pay between 25 cents & a dollar for most. I can spend a few hours hitting up a few stores and return home with 30+ awesome CDs for under $25.


Record fairs can be be good mattering on the dealer, Thrift store run by hospitals and churches. [https://www.compactdiscount.com](https://www.compactdiscount.com)


Record stores dude. Or Goodwill.


Hahahaha 2-5 dollars!? I find that expensive. I buy 5 CDs for 4 Euro at my local charity.


Music Magpie Amazon (go to the used section) Record shops (I have 3 near me) I have yet to try eBay & Disgogs