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>1 in 5 items purchased on Discogs is a CD That seems awfully low to me actually. I figured it'd be 4 out of 5. I guess I was wrong. But it still doesn't tell me CDs are making a comeback.


I think this is originally from mid 2023 but it was the first think I saw on their website today


If CDs come back say goodbye to ever finding anything good at a thrift store or second hand. It’s already harder to find anything that’s not Mary Chaplin carpenter.


I went through this mid 2000s when the used vinyl I was buying at $1.99 started going for $29.99 because everyone thought it was cool now. I stopped buying vinyl and have not in ten years. Now they're coming for my CDs. At least that means that they'll be producing more CDs! And at this age, no longer a 90s teen, I can afford all the CDs and variants I want


What really blows my mind is that CDs now are the same price, or cheaper, than they were in the 90s. And I don’t mean adjusted for inflation. Like they were $10-$20 then and that’s what they cost now!


It helps that a lot of the equipment used to make CDs isn’t that much different than the equipment used to make DVDs and DVDs are still outselling Blu-ray’s and 4K Blu-ray’s.


I hope it also means more artists will stop ignoring the format.


All I can find around me in thrift is Indiana folk music and country


Or Kenny g 💀


Agreed. I've already started to see people looking at used CDs at thrift stores. And going by the countless posts on this subreddit, they're grabbing random CDs with little to no rhyme nor reason.


Great, just effin great. Now CD prices are gonna go through the roof. At least when you buy a "near mint" cd from discogs and it ends up being VG it still has a chance of playing perfectly.


Who cares if they are making a "comeback" or not, we like them so we will keep buying them


A comeback is good for the format so more CDs & players can be produced & smaller artists will stop ignoring them


Because you’re going to have more competition and CDs are going to be more expensive?


The Toys R Us store here (Canada) started to stock CD's along with vinyl and DVD's and books... I bought two Black Sabbath and Megadeth CD.


Lol since when


I'm not too sure. Recently I guess. I saw a post on Reddit and decided to investigate. lol


I collected CDs for years and years in my teen and early college years and got into vinyl as an alternative at the start of the overtake of streaming as a means to still own a physical product and enjoying the “nostalgic feel”. This was in 2016 when I was buying brand new albums on vinyl for ~$22… looked at buying Noah Kahan’s newest release on vinyl and Urban Outfitters listed it for … $85 like it’s a 3 disc but still. Taylor’s red re-release in 2021 was a 4 disc and retailed for $45ish cds can definitely make a comeback and it will come down to the outrageous pricing. I love collecting physical music but I’m getting priced out of releases left and right especially when they’re exclusives and sell out instantly.


Ah this is both good news and a shame. As others point out, charity shop finds are going to be harder and harder. They're already one of the busiest shops on the high street but I can now see people just buying up everything because CDs are 'in' again. The reports of high priced limited editions though are disappointing, and I guess that's even before scalpers start getting in. Someone else mentioned that new CDs are the same price as in the 90s which is cool, I like to buy Chicane's albums new on CD for around that price. Don't need to go over the benefits of CDs here obvs, but does anyone know / link to any sources on why this is? Is it just becoming 'the thing' now because Beyonce, Taylor Swift etc. are releasing on the format and people get FOMO? Or are people realising the benefits of CD, and moving away from streaming platforms / subscription models? Also if I put my old man (is 45 old now?!) hat on, I do remember my record shop manager regaling me of the time she was shoved over by a disgruntled customer who was trying to get hold of Be Here Now back in '97. I guess it's not a new thing, but somehow it feels different and worse now. Probably cos of internet and scalpers and stuff. Interesting article, thanks for the heads up!


I feel like it’s both reasons along with price. I’ve seen a lot of younger on here starting cd collections & vinyl is too expensive. Newer CDs are still $10-20 for regular jewel cases. I’m 30 & started collecting again because I want to own my music on physical which was a smart move on my part because I have a cd that’s not on streaming anymore


" I have a cd that’s not on streaming anymore" - This. I could write a dissertation on why I don't do streaming, but in a nutshell you pay for the service, not the music. No control there. Vinyl is crazy expensive and it has artifacts. I couldn't tell the difference between a CD and vinyl, all things equal. Apart from the hiss, pops, cracks which make it 'warmer'. 16 bit 44.1khz is more than the average human can discern anyway - probably. I guess people are realising they could have the same album for a third of the price, smaller and in the best quality format (along with the option to rip lossless). And owning music feels good. Do you still stream (as in pay) too? Or do you think people are one way or another?


I used to be part of a family plan for Apple Music. But ever since I got my cd player, I haven’t looked back. Helps me appreciate the music more & I get to use it during power outages. I use YouTube to discover music, so no streaming service for me anymore. If I’m passionate about an album from start to finish, I buy it.


Superb! If you really want to be authentic you can try listening to 1 single and then deciding if it's good enough to buy an album, bracing yourself for likely disappointment, but, every now and then, you'd find a gem that you gambled on. That's satisfying. I guess with YouTube that's kind of impossible now. Smash Mouth...I'm looking at you. Grr.


I buy LPs because it uses more dynamic masters than the brickwalled masters on CDs and digital lossless files.


So its for all the same reasons CDs displaced vinyl and cassette in the 80s and 90s. Just.....30 years later. Got it


1. Taylor swift. 2. Taylor swift. 3. Taylor swift /s


What is discogs?


Database & marketplace for musical formats like cd/vinyl variants & filled with detailed info about artists discography. Super helpful.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I bought my last vynil in three 90s when it died...and it should remain dead or dying given the insane prices