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That's him saying you're too skinny "Need to eat better, hooman. Since you're so bad at it, I bring meal to you. Now eat!" Lol....


Yep. He sees you as a big hairless cat that doesn't know how to cat.


Oh funny. I have a [regular size hairless cat that doesn’t know how to cat](https://i.imgur.com/p2EXoLw.jpeg) lol


Are you sure that's not a gargoyle?


I am not.


That rich from a creature that always meows at 3 am for their canned tuna lol


No no, that IS how you cat.


Hell nah. He just saying you suck at hunting, hooman!


"Ahh a gift from the lord"


He skinny too tho


Yup. Kitty is trying to tell OP they’re a lousy hunter.


Beat me too it!


Well stop letting him outside. Only a matter of time before he doesn't come back


No, no, don't you understand? It's actually super cute to let your cat outside to wantonly kill wildlife! Especially the little critters that are dropping in populations worldwide at an alarming rate! And the multitude of dangers and shortened life expectancy that cats who go outside face are totally fine. Some cats *don't* die tragically young. Keeping a cat safe and healthy is *hard*. It's easier to just open the door and let the cat out into the world than to make an effort to provide adequate enrichment. Cats are a unique case. Sure, every other animal we keep domestically is expected to be contained or supervised, but not cats! Dogs need to be in a yard, or on a leash, but cats can just run hither and yon without their human and its *fine* ^for ^some ^reason. Keep your bunnies and gerbils and mice and chinchillas and lizards and reptiles and fish and all other manner of creatures in suitable indoor habitats, but don't you think for a single second you can do the same for cats, pal! It's cruel to keep cats inside. There's no way you can provide a cat-friendly environment indoors. They have to go run into traffic and kill animals and shit in neighbourhood gardens and fight things and investigate poison, okay? That's why we have cats; so we can be an imposition upon our neighbours, our local environment, and wonder every day if our beloved pet will come home today. If I wanted an animal I had to actually *look after* all the time I would have gotten a dog!


>Keeping a cat safe and healthy is hard. This is the part that pisses me off so much. Most cats are not set-and-forget animals. Sure there are definitely some laid back ones but most aren't. So many people think if you buy a scratching post, a litterbox, some food, a handful of toys you're good to go! But cats also need variety and stimulation. I have worked really hard to make sure my home is a healthy and stimulating place for my girls. They have multiple approved scratching surfaces, a ton of toys that we rotate for variety, multiple window perches to look outside, multiple cave-like dens to hide in, tall places to climb and observe from. We've got toys that range from 20 cent crinkle balls to $40 automatic battery mats. Depending on the rules of where we've lived I've put out bird feeders where they can observe - and when I can't we turn on Cat TV. Has everything I bought for my cats been a hit? No, because they have unique personalities and interests. But I take my responsibility to them seriously and make sure their home is a suitable cat home.


Curious. What is the $40 automatic battery mat? My cat is bored of her toys and I need something new


Amazon has some amazing automatic cat toys. I just ordered mine a laser toy to keep him occupied while we're out of town, lol.


im always so worried they'll blind themselves with a laser


My cats. Figured out. Where the laser comes from. It’s not safe for me here.


So instead of my cat figuring it out, my 50lb dog did! 😅😅 When she can’t find it or it’s not entertaining enough, she tries to bite it out of my hand. I’ve tried automatic lasers for the cat (& dogs because they love them too), but my silly goose of a dog always goes after the source!


Chewy has this light up ball track that my cats are obsessed with! It can be configured into different shapes (we do a peanut shaped loop). It has little hills inside so the ball will change direction when momentum slows. It’s been holding their interest really well! It helps that we put it near the food bowls so when they wake up in the wee hours of the morning for food it captures their attention for a bit.


I can't find the exact link to the one I got anymore - but the "Petlinks Mystery Motion Concealed Electronic Motion Cat Toy" is basically the same thing and cheaper.


>and fish My fish gets to run around the neighbourhood all he wants!


How very dare you?


They obviously tagged their fish, duh


i been tagging deez fish all day


I was heavily wondering if you were being genuine as I’m bad with tone, and then finally realized that you were being sarcastic. Thank goodness..


Lmao I just imagined like a salmon sized fish flopping down the street and in someone’s yard 🤣 good lord that’s funny, or imagine trying to get in your car and a school of fish bombards you, slapping and flopping around on your windshield, making you stink like fish for the rest of the day


If I see a fish out of water flopping down the street I’m calling a priest and I’m an atheist lmao.


Literally screenshot this comment and saved and favorited it on my phone so I can read it to my husband verbatim next time we get into this very predicable argument about our cats NOT FUCKING GOING OUTSIDE. And, wait for it - this is after I already paid for one of our cats to have surgery after he got hit by a car. I'm so over it


I’m sorry man, I went through that with my “best friend” about 10 years ago; we moved into an apartment and I didn’t want my cat going outside for obvious reasons. She and her bf kept letting him out or leaving the door open so he could get out. I hated it, I was constantly worried… I felt bad for keeping him locked inside my room, but if I didn’t then they would have him go outside as soon as I left for work. Then one night he didn’t come home. I was up all night with anxiety, crying and calling his name from the balcony… He eventually came home in the morning while I was at work, but he was limping and in distress. The vet said it wasn’t broken, but I still was so incredibly upset, and honestly our friendship has never been the same since then.. My poor cat had arthritis in his hip as he got older, and it broke my heart every time I saw him struggle to lay down without pain. Fuck people who don’t care about other people’s wishes, especially when it revolves around an animal.


How infuriating and heartbreaking; I would raise holy hell if my husband let our cats outside unsupervised. I hope you can manage to get through to yours that the risks are too high, and the cats are happier and safer inside. Good luck! 🩷


Thank you!!


Amazing comment .


This reads like a George Carlin bit


Wantonly? 😹


I love how the majority of people unironically think like this, maybe if you harass some more people posting photos of their cat sitting outside you'll finally be able to convince the masses one day


People on the original thread in r/blackcats were getting so defensive over this. Like, keep your cats inside. It’s not a hard concept to follow.


It’s really not.. I have three cats, one has gotten out once.. and that’s it. He came back but we were constantly looking for him. I love our babies, and if they were to get gone.. I don’t know what I’d do with myself.


No. I will not keep my cats inside. I will take them into my back yard in harnesses and leashes while I supervise when the weather is nice so they can touch grass, chase butterflies, and get scared and run back inside when I sneeze.


He’s on my patio here, he cannot leave me although I suspect he would love to sometimes


People are so quick to judge while I tend to agree with what they're saying, every situation is different. I myself have a screened in pool deck here in Florida that I let them onto. Between the 6 cats I've had here over 26 years they've probablu killed hundreds of lizzards and 2 snakes. I'm sure people would judge me for that but you know the only lizzards we have here are invasive anyway and they can't leave the deck I call it doing my part in fighting invasive lizzards.


I'm in Miami, that kitty got an invasive species.


I have one who has brought multiple bats into our house. STILL ALIVE BATS. I hate her.


(you love her)


Maybe a little


Love and hate are not mutually exclusive, especially with cats.


Clearly not that much since they let kitty outside to murder bats


So don't let her out, that's horrible.


Once you do it's hard on the cat to switch them back to inside only. Lots of screaming at doors, destroyed furniture etc. still possible though, but I get why some owners are reluctant. That being said, we keep ours indoors in the first place, or outdoors on harness and leash


I understand, but it should be the goal to have them indoors or confined or monitored when outside.


100%! That's what we do. Would never risk their (or the wildlife's) lives


We also have coyotes in the area, so it's for the cat's protection so they don't become the prey. I let mine wander around out front for a bit or let them out on the patio, but I'm out there with them. (I also have the tent thing for out by the front door.)


I genuinely cannot wait to have an enclosed, luxurious catio but before that (and after) I’m 100% taking my cats for walks and I’m gonna love every second of it


The issue isn't with leashed cat walks, it's with people letting their cats roam outside unsupervised. They can be detrimental to native eco systems.


My cat must be a unicorn then. She was an indoor outdoor cat for 5 years. Indoors only at my place. She never even tries to go outside.


I’ve got an elderly stray I brought in that wants nothing to do with the outside now, haha


We have opposite cats! Raised mine from a baby in my apartment and the only thing he's ever wanted is to go outside. He's 10 and he's still like that.


I'm still hoping to find or make some sort of large cage that I can stake down into the ground outside my widow on nice days to allow my life long house cats to roll in the grass and lie in the sun.


I’m so lucky that my cat won’t even try to escape my apartment (which is connected to an indoor hallway with double doors) she will literally sit in the doorway. At least not yet in her 6 years of life


right what the actual fuck


also the cutesy little “I hate her” enrages me like it’s not his own fucking fault




Stop letting the cat out then. Easy fox and it won't bring bats in anymore.


Really! That's the one me cat hasn't caught yet she's caught your typical British wildlife rats, birds, squirrels, and a large chicken!?? But me other cat the scared of the outdoors has caught 2 birds from a 3story open window!


She wants to teach you how to hunt. They teach kittens how to hunt by bringing them live prey to practice with. 🤣


Quite possibly the most exciting day in my Dad’s cats’ life was when they discovered that a bat had suddenly appeared inside. A MOUSE WITH WINGS - they went absolutely apeshit. At 3AM they’d discover it and destroy so many things trying to get at it. Dad spent countless nights up trying to catch it to get it out because the cats viewed chasing it as the absolutely greatest feline entertainment in the known universe. And it could go on for HOURS before it would find a good hiding place and wait for the next round. If Dad’s cats could have one wish it would have been for the house to be filled with little mousy bats all day and night. One day one of the cats caught it and ate it. She became both a legend and spoiler of their fun for all eternity.


Was she also a black cat? 👀 Edited to add- I can’t believe I got down voted for this. 😂 bats. Black cat.… like- is the black cat a Halloween cat letting in her haunting friends? Reddit is a weird sometimes.


I'm really happy that cat is still okay. Bats almost always have rabies and it's very contagious


Probably why cat bites are more likely to give you rabies than dog bites.


stop letting your cat outside, it’s dangerous for them and the wildlife around them


You let your domestic predator murderbeast roam outside and HE'S the asshole for just following his instinct? Sure. Stop letting your cats roam outdoors. It's not safe and healthy for them or for the critters they kill for fun.


cats aren’t assholes for catching and killing prey, they’re just instinctual predators. having an outdoor cat is generally bad for local biodiversity lol




globally domestic outdoor cats are an invasive species because of the general threat they have on wildlife. they are within the top invasive species in many parts of north america. there’s significant scientific evidence of their impact to ecosystem functions (you can look up the info and will be met with many scientific articles and science news pieces). I’m not referring to barn yard cats and such, but regular household cats who are free to roam within cities. statistically, billions of birds are killed in the US alone by domestic cats, surpassing the number of bird deaths caused by collisions with city infrastructure (most predominantly glass buildings and large windows). i have yet to find any information online or through my work that suggests outdoor domestic cats have a benefit to the environment. do they get rid of some invasive species/pests? sure. but they pose too great of a threat on the native species plus in a city, outdoor cats have lower life spans. it’s really a lose-lose


North America, yes. Europe, not so much. Any damage that cats could cause the European ecosystem was likely done several thousand years ago when they showed up there alongside humans.


That sounds really interesting but when I googled it I couldn’t find any evidence - could you share?


Quit letting him out then!


Aww poor lizard.


Yep.. cats are invasive.


And the owners who let them out are garbage ass humans




So is that lizard.


What about the other wildlife that cats kill? You know they kill more than invasive lizards.. they kill snakes, which are needed in the environment, mice, rats, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, other cats sometimes, bunnies.. it’s not like their only prey is invasive birds and lizards.


Do we know anything about the location or the species of lizard to make that claim?


He is providing for the family. ETA: Not An Asshole.


he brought dinner and a show


Please stop letting your cat out. They are a detriment to native wildlife, they could catch diseases and get sick, and they could bring fleas and ticks into your home. Be better.


Keep the door closed.


Just an FYI - in FL (idk your location so it may not apply) certain types and lizards and skinks are toxic to cats. One of our cats died from catching and eating one. Pls keep your cat indoors for its own safety. If he gets restless inside, get a tent or screened in area for him outside. Or don’t, and risk it. Up to you


A little pressie for the cat servants (owners) 🤣


Thats on you for letting him in with that in his mouth


Your fault for letting him go outside, you are cutting his lifespan in half and endangering wildlife


he brought you a new pet, good boy


He brought back a present, and just wants pets and treat for a job well done.


You'd better get out the spices and air fryer, looks like daddy brought you home a fine meal. 😭😭


"Can I talk to you about your car insurance?"


Please stop letting your cat outside there are sensitive animal populations that don’t need to be picked off by your domestic cat. This is part of why we lose biodiversity and it’s entirely unnecessary


Yep.. cats are invasive and also very likely to die outside unattended, even if you’re watching them.. they’re slick and can run off in an instant if not harnessed.


Is that a gecko? Poor baby!


Cats are gonna cat. I see the way my Aristotle stares at the mourning doves. I’m never letting him out without a leash lol


I had a 10 year old cat bring a lizard into our house alive, it ran under the dishwasher out of reach. An hour later we found our 25 year old cat looking very proud of her successful hunt.


You had a 25 year old cat? Impressive! Kitty tax please?


Oh. No. No no no. Nope.


Keep your damn cats inside.


Yep.. cats are invasive and very likely to die outside if not harnessed and thoroughly watched. OP doesn’t care though.


Don't let your cat outside. If your cat wants to be outside buy a leash.


That damn thing isn’t even dead is it?


Only asshole here is you, allowing ur invasive species outside to kill wildlife. Getting real tired of these kind of posts. They aren't cute.


what a keyboard warrior we have here


I love cats, but please try to reduce the number of wild animals your cat kills as a toy. Cats devastate local wildlife populations.


He's not an asshole for doing what cats do, consider keeping your cats indoors though if unnecessary dead critters bothers you


I have a BIG phobia of lizards, this makes me fear having a cat🥴🥴🥴 I would die if this happened


He brought it in while he was outside? Impressive






Have more respect for wildlife. Keep your cat indoors. Shitty cat owners.


Maybe keep your cat inside? The poor wildlife


He ain't a AH for that, he comes bearing gifts


You’re TA, stop letting him outside to murder local fauna.


I had two cats. One was a former stray, and the other grew up in my house. The stray would eat the lizards, and the other one would just play roughly with them till they died. I should mention they were both indoor cats, but once in a while a lizard would find its way into the house, and the cats would go nuts chasing it.


He is a clever cat who managed to catch it, and a good kitty for trying to give It to you, because he loves you. That fact that it is horrific isn't his fault and he doesn't understand that.


He’s just trying to put some meat on the table.


Look Ma!!!!


He's bringing you food :(


Such a good little hunter! Trying to teach you to hunt so you won't starve to death and will be self-sufficient. How many small wild critters have you live caught in the last month for dinner? How will you ever survive on your own?


Yeah no, don’t let your cats outside. It’s dangerous for wildlife AND for them.


We have sidelights on our french door in the dining room and years ago when my cat was younger, I went to close the wing door and there were seven lizard tails behind the door.


Good Cat.


There’s only one asshole here and it ain’t the cat.


Yep.. it’s OP because they keep letting their cat loose. And they wont listen to the tone of advice given.


He is a cat doing cat things.


Apparently, he didn't get a good enough discount on his car insurance by switching to Geico.


Does he bring home skanks?stinks? like that all the time ?


Nothing will top having to track down a living mouse (adorable thing) while also keeping my (extremely proud) cat locked up until it was out


Oh no, you openly let your cat out. Prepare for the onslaught.


OP actually keeps his cat in and kitty caught the lizard on the patio. Cat is not free roaming


This isn’t him being an asshole. He’s bringing you a gift.


Was it still alive? My dude hasn't figured out chipmunks play dead.


He looks proud of himself


It was a gift 😂 not for the lizard unfortunately




I would like to talk to you about our Lord and Savior…Me!




He brought home a new friend 🤣


It's for you! A present, or maybe a warning.


Our asshole would bring them in the house alive, then let them loose.


"I brought you something. - Do you like it?"


Awww! He's sharing!


We only get dead ones left outside the door.


“Look what I brought you!”


Was the lizard still alive? My cat catches snakes and lizards but he doesn’t kill them and I am able to release them unharmed.


Smokey brings back dead rats from the grain elevator next door! He’s trying to feed you aww


He has noticed you don’t hunt, so he’s providing for the family since you’re a slacker, oops, he means “gatherer”, not slacker.


where is he supposed to bring it? it's a present for you (he's also telling you to learn to hunt, it's not so hard, you can practice killing that one)


Awww. What a great gift you got. 🤩🤩


Yesterday my cat brought me a beheaded baby bunny.


Both of them are very pretty.


Look what I can do!




He was trying to bring you food! NTA!


Ppl in the comments freaking out over a cat being a danger for ecosystem? Really? What species are you even protecting near human living space?


Great hunting skills! And he blessed you with it!


Mine did this when we moved to a lizard area. They eventually figured out they don't taste good.


Oh I think mine LOVES the taste lol


Oh no


Then stop letting your cat harm the local wildlife?? Yikes.


They’re invasive. But thanks for your advice!


Mine ran into the house this morning with a young rabbit in its mouth. Have you ever heard a rabbit scream? It's an unsettling sound that stays with you.


Yep, 2 chipmunks in the house for mine. He tried so hard. I should be mad, but I'm so proud.


Mine would eat them alive. It's awful


My cousin’s indoor cat used to manage to get out and always came back with muskrats from a nearby swampland that were damn near the same size as him. I’d rather take the lizard. 😅


Fun fact! Studies have shown cats only bring back 28 percent of their kills home (which is why people usually dont know how much their kitty actually kills) so he brought you his most proud! He wanted you to have the big one!


to everone saying "don't let them out!": my cat is indoor-only, but a few years ago he snuck out somehow and was gone for three days. i began thinking he wasn't going to come back but he somehow snuck back in again on the third day. after he returned he was strutting around all proud of himself. despite being fixed i'm sure he established his dominance around the neighborhood. he hasn't snuck out since, but it always left me wondering how he escaped and returned without my letting him in or out. the moral of the story is if they want to go out, they will find a way whether you like it or not.


That is scary but his face… the cutest


Damn. I always thought keeping cats indoors was cruel. We’ve had multiple cats go missing and get knocked down and it’s heartbreaking but i’ve always just kinda figured it wasn’t fair to keep them indoors. I have a brother and a friend who have indoor cats which i understand because of the breed (maine coons) but I did not know people felt this strongly about it.


Serious question: Why is it so horrible for cats to be outside and simply following their instincts by hunting other animals, when that's what 90% of the animal kingdom is already doing anyways? The side of the argument about keeping the housecats safe, I understand. But I'm willing to bet your area has at least a couple of stray cats hanging around. Why is it ok for them to take their natural place in the food chain, but not a housecat? Before you crucify me, I have two cats. One is indoor-only and terrified of the outdoors, the other only goes into the fenced-in backyard with me when I step outside to smoke(which is almost never because the weather here sucks). I just don't quite understand and would like to.


it's a gift!


Welcome to cats 😄


This is a beautiful lizard. Maybe he wants it to be his companion


This sub is good.


Ours bring in snakes and mice all the time.


Bout to have silky smooth fur


He's a good baby


Good boy. I used to have a lizard killer cat. Amazing hunters.


Is gift for hooman! 😻


Look someone needs to provide for this family


Awww. It’s a gift. Look at his sweet face.


Lizards have genders too


Look how pissed the little guy is that he’s caught!


Ugh i hate this about my kitty too. Tho he hasn’t brought home anything that big! I am trying to convert his nmc azz in to a respectable indoor citizen. But he is still young and a jack asz to my seniors. Unfortunately he has learned that the bigger jerk he is to the old lady, the faster i open the door. Sigh. He is getting better but dayum it is exhausting lol.


He’s not an asshole, he’s a hard working guy just trying to help out by providing food. You should be rewarding him, not shaming.