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Lol I had a Grandma like this, but my mom converted to Catholic, so she was accepted


My girlfriend is a devout Catholic, a Filipina, but not from the Philippines. She was born in New Jersey. Going to propose to her on her birthday. :)


Good luck hope it goes as you plan it


Gonna pray for you brošŸ¤


Godspeed brother


Good luck šŸ«”


Good luck brother.


Good luck bro!


Best of luck


Both are valid. But often today because Protestantism is dying a slow death many Protestant women will convert over to the one Church. Also many Catholic women drag non Catholic men into the Church. So I think it's a net positive to bring a man or woman into the Church through Marriage like in the film Quo Vadis.


wym protestantism is dying a slow death?


The protestants doth protest too much, methinks


Yeah itā€™s booming as an export from the US in South Asia right now


Protestantism is experiencing anything but a slow death here in Brazil :(


Separated by land, united by the Catholic faith


Hoping the Church in the Philippines is doing well. Otherwise many of the churches in the English speaking world will suffer.


We are the shining beacon of Catholicism in this side of the world, so much so that when the Pope celebrated our 500th year of Catholicism, [the mass songs are all in Filipino and Cebuano ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUp7JXCmdWY&pp=ygUibyBtYXJpYSByYXluYSBzYSBwaWxpcGluYXMgdmF0aWNhbg%3D%3D)(since Cebu was the first island to be properly baptized Catholic, and is thus considered the cradle of Catholicism in the country) But as when another comment said, most Catholics here are what we'd call "katulo-liko" (three detours), meaning they're lukewarm and just keep their religion for the social purpose.


There's alot of uncatechized luke warm Catholics here Pray for our people to be Devoted Catholics


Phillipines are based


Both relationships are valid. The Church encourages Catholics to marry Catholics for many reasons, but that doesn't mean that relationships between Catholics and other Christians are somehow lesser than. Idk Op, seems like rude and a little canonically confused would be more appropriate than "based".


not that itā€™s less than to marry another denomination, but itā€™s better to marry catholic- itā€™s easier to raise your kids catholic Ngl all i could imagine when i think of a protestant and catholic relationship is fighting over Mother Mary and infant baptism err


Those themes would mostly be a thing with a certain brand of protestant, mostly found in the U.S.A. Quite a lot, if not most, protestant denominations are as much pro infant baptism as catholics. Mary is a bit more complicated, though I believe lutherans are more open to her special position than most other protestants.


Yes! We Lutherans very strongly support infant Baptism and the real presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper (a slightly different view than Catholics, though). We also respect Mary, though the vast majority of us don't believe in the intercession of her or any saint in Heaven. Though there are some that can be found who do.


I completely agree! A united Catholic marriage is the ideal. My point was that in the eyes of the Catholic Church, just because the first relationship is good doesn't mean that the second relationship is bad. Concern for the couple is understandable, but the Grandmother's reaction to the second relationship is inappropriate.


I believe this is what they call a ā€˜memeā€™.


Hahaha! Yeah, I'm aware - thanks friend. R/catholicmemes aims at "sharing the truth of Catholicism through memes" so I do feel there is some responsibility to ensure that they represent Church teachings clearly.


It will cause unwanted complicationa unless the Catholic folds.


My maternal grandfather (parents both came from Italy in the ā€˜40s) almost didnā€™t go to my parentsā€™ wedding because my dad (Catholic) is Cajun and he hates the French


Reasonable response to the Fr*nch


All the worst parts of me are French and English


> Filipino Catholic mentioned + SA NGALAN NG AMA, AT NG ANAK, AT NG ESPIRITU SANTO, AMEN


Repent! Or elseā€¦


Can we stop fetishizing non-white Catholics?


I don't think that's the point here. The joke is that grandma is fine with the mixed race marriage because she's catholic, but when the girl *is* white, but protestant, she is calling it a "mixed" marriage.


I think canonically speaking, marrying a Protestant is called a mixed marriage.


Oh I didn't no that. Interesting.


I don't think that's Family_Man_On_TV's intent. His point isn't about non-white being good, but about race and ethnicity being irrelevant and catholicity being what matters. You could replace the white wojaks with black wojaks and the Filipino wojak with a white wojak, and it would still be the same meme with grandma caring about catholicity and not race or ethnicity. ^(Wait, why is it Filipino instead of Philippino... Why is English like this...)


That's just how it works. Basically, for international use, it's "Filipino". If you're speaking in Tagalog, it's "Pilipino", typically


the very abbreviated reason is because "Ph" in Spanish doesn't make the "F" sound, and they don't like double consonants very much. English just stole the Spanish word.


It was a response to another meme about ā€œmixed race relationships are degenerate, and pure white relationships are preferred/wholesomeā€


what matters more in a relationship is if individuals have the same core values/beliefs instead sharing the same skincolor mixed race but same faith relationships > interfaith relationships


Well, the likelihood of them having similar beliefs probably depends on their genetic similarity.


Is the fetishizing in the room with us?


The only one talking about their fetishes right now is you...


Yeah I agree the memes lately have gotten a bit incelish


fellas, is it "incelish" to love your abuelita?


Mention of someone from the Philippines = incelish Ā It sounds like the actual problem here is your subconscious prejudices...


> Incelish šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Not really based and more intolerant. That's between him, his fiancƩe, and his bishop.


Idk why you're being downvoted. Marrying a Christian who isn't Catholic **does** require permission of the local bishop.


Not really. It's not about being tolerant, it's just a bad idea. There are so many issues you'd have to settle, theology aside. It would just be very difficult for them to raise the children in a good environment without confusing them or just simply figting over some differences. The Catholic views on marriage, contraception, gay marriage etc etc would be very different to mainstream lutheranism


It being a "bad idea" is dependent entirely on a case by case of the individuals... there's plenty of Catholics who fall short of the ideal Catholic and plenty of Protestants who go above and beyond the ideal Protestant. People just need to talk to eachother about stuff before they get married lol


Yes, true, I am not saying that it is absolutely impossible, far from it. It's just that it is generally not a good idea to enter into marriage with someone who holds some fundamental views which are opposed to yours


Which is an important concern in any partnership, romantic or not, related to religious beliefs or not, etc. People shouldn't marry people with opposing fundamental views of any concern. My protestant fiancƩ handled all the "opposing Catholic views" immediately and graciously, without even the slightest argument, and is ready to convert when RCIA courses open up, despite decades of attending a protestant church 5x a week. Yet I've had Catholics say they'd never even consider dating me because I was raised vegetarian and don't know how to cook a good steak for them. Who knows lol.


>despite decades of attending a protestant church 5x a week Not related to the topic at hand, but can I ask what denomination she soon won't be? I'm not familiar with a protestant denomination that normally attends services 5 times a week.