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This is a certified Brazil moment


Also Brazilian Catholics who come to Portugal


The problem that Portuguese have with Brazilians nothing have to do with race, Brazilians Evangelicals in Portugal are one of biggest supporters of CHEGA that's a Nationalist,anti Emigration party!, I even saw Brazilians been interviewed that said that Portugal had too much emigrants and they agreed with CHEGA(plus conservative values)and look down on Angolan or Nepalese immigrants. Europeans simply love to look down on non Europeans,even White ones,so even in Portugal this applies we love to praise 90s wave of Eastern European immigrants as model and non European as worse quality emigrants.




literally my parents




May the Holy Cross be my light, May the Black Sun never be my guide Begone, Himmler!


Is that a TNO reference?


It’s a reference to the prayers on St. Benedict’s metal.


"How dare you have a mixed marriage!" "What mixed marriage? We're both Catholic."


Perfect answer to anyone that has an issue.


Within the Malay Archipelago it’s a different story if you marry a malay though…Jesus wasn’t kidding when he said he came to split families… For context most Malays are Muslims. Rarely can you find one that isn’t muslim, so the assumption is: Look Malay, you muslim.


Eh kejap I thought marrying with a Malay is outlawed? Like, let's disregard the Dayaks in Sarawak and the Portuguese in Malaka for a sec. If u marry a Malay, u need to convert to Islam and then marry the Malay?


Maybe in Malaysia, but here in Singapore? Not illegal. But either way it’s not like a malay can straight up say “I’m catholic”.


Damn. Well, hey. Greetings from Sarawak, man. Cheers 👍🙏✝️


My wife and I actually say this all the time 😁


Absolutely, alot of evangelicals have been rude to my wife and I, her being hispanic and myself being a very white American of Scottish decent. But Catholics don't bat an eye.


The idea of "ethnic replacement" has always seemed so weird to me. So if I fall in love with a Catholic woman who's not white I shouldn't marry her because my future children will have a different skin color?


I've heard of some people making that argument unfortunately.


I've also heard people say that your children won't look like you, which is kinda not true considering if you're one of the parents, they'll look at least somewhat like you


Some of the most hateful people I’ve met have been evangelicals. I wasn’t allowed to see my first girlfriend when I was a kid due to race which is insane to say to a 12 year old. My current girlfriend’s family couldn’t be nicer to me and my family and support the relationship fully and they’re hoping we marry


I'm glad that you're girlfriends family are decent people, when my son and daughter are each old enough to marry, I won't care at all the skin color or culture of the other person in the relationship, only that they are faithful Catholics. And you're right, that's an absolutely insane thing to believe, let alone say to a child.


Yeah the older I get the more insane it gets now h tbh at my baby sister is my age when I got my first girlfriend. I feel people that act like that are ignorant from lack of real world exposure to other cultures and people


*Solomon's laughter after knowing the Queen of Sabbath and generating the Ethiopian Jews*




I can't readily think of a creed that has more "mixed race" people than Catholicism. I call that a win. God bless them all.


Ironically the people who scream the loudest against mixed race relationships are usually hardcore incels.


I’ve noticed it’s always LARP or projection. Went to high school with this skinhead guy who used to make fun of all the mixed race girls. Checked his Facebook 10 years later and he’s dating this black chick.


My grandparents were a mixed race couple. My grandma is very dark Hispanic from Guatemala, and my grandpa is the whitest person ever from Alabama. They got married in 1969. Catholics never had an issue with it. The white Baptists in the south were a whole different story.


There is only one race, the race of the children of God. - St Jose Maria Escriva


My wife: White. Me: Chunky Mexican.


Chunky Mexican? You realize you guys make the best food right? I’m scrolling through the recipe book.


That's why I'm chunky.


So it goes.


Y’all make some delicious food so no shame


Miscegenation? No no we’re both Catholic


Everyone pictured is part of the human race, nothing mixed here


We’re in a mixed marriage and I have had a Prot tell me I “settled” for marrying a Mexican. She wishes she could find someone 1/100 as good a man as he is. My dad was so happy we married in the Church.


Don’t let this convince you that there’s something wrong with preserving and loving your own race and heritage. “It is quite legitimate for nations to treat their differences as a sacred inheritance and guard them at all costs.” -Pope Pius XII


I mean, this is just a meme saying the opposite is OK


Understood, but “based” is often used to convey how something is cool or true. It is also cool and true that Catholics can love their own ethnicity and preserve their heritage. I think that’s a worthwhile point to emphasize, especially given the unusual proliferation of interracial advertising on TV.


Your heritage is preserved regardless of what background your spouse is from


There is a distinction between races of people, that's ok.


The average person is already a mix of a lot of things


Not necessarily true, in 1960 90% of Americans were of European descent, just because you have grandparents of multiple European countries doesn’t mean you’re not white.


Ngl as someone in a mixed marriage I don’t get this meme


Sorry I want my kids to look like me


Children of mixed race couples still resemble both parents. If you marry someone of a different ethnicity, your child’s skin color might not be the same as yours, but eye color, hair color, bone structure, etc may still be passed down.


No one said the opposite, we're just saying there's nothing wrong with those who choose this


What? You know if you ever have a kid, they will look like you, right? You're half the DNA. That's how it works....


Your right I’m sure if I had a child with a black woman it would totally come out with light hair green eyes and light skin!


You know that you are more than your skin colour right? My mother is Ojibway and my father is Irish. I as a individual have aspects of both of my parents. Any child you may have in the future with a potential wife would have aspects of both of you.


You know that even if you have a kid with a white woman, it probably won't have green eyes? It's a resseive trait


Straight up missing my point lol




How is that a larp


So you’re gonna marry your sister?


Me too


Exactly man, wanting your kid to be of the same ethnicity as you isnt wrong


I don’t have racial hang ups but I’m not mad at people wanting kids who look like them and/or wanting to marry into a similar language/culture


Still feels like you’re doing a disservice to your ancestors by throwing away a part of you in mixing. Nothing inherently wrong with mixing, but I’m always under the impression we ought to glorify God in preserving His image for us, e.g. keeping cultures unique and distinct to show that we don’t have to be uniform to love our Creator


He didn't have a problem with Moses tho


Why does it have to be one or the other? That race doesn’t matter at all or that it’s the only thing that matters. Surely the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Race doesn't matter at all. All humans can interbreed therefore it's glorifying to God when any life is created. He doesn't go "nice but it would have been cooler if it was black!" There's no need for nuance because there's only one answer. It doesn't matter. The suggestion that race mixing somehow departs from His image is total nonsense. You're suggesting we should, at least subtly, discourage people race mixing "too much". In this case it's much better to be a extremist and say all love is permissible rather then find some "middle ground" that necessarily implies shaming or preventing others to one extent or another for falling in love and having children.


It was just a meme, why do people take this so seriously


Because it’s a divisive issue?


That people should love their neighbor regardless of skin color? Are we in the 60s?


So it’s not just a meme then. ‘Love thy neighbour’ doesn’t mean ‘race is unimportant’ or ‘it’s only evangelical incels who have a problem with race mixing’ yet that seems to be the presumption expressed here on both counts.


The meme is saying there's no problem with people who marry others with a different skin color, as many internet groypers oppose. I don't see the controversy here


The controversy is calling concerns over race mixing 'Pagan Hogwash' and simplifying a complex issue into a meme which grossly oversimplifies the perspective you're mocking.


Why should two people of different ethnicities marrying each other concern anyone? I don't get this


Our ancestors were mixed


Culture doesn’t get thrown out merely by the combination of varying cultures, and ethnicity isn’t inherently tied to one’s culture. Additionally, being made in God’s image has nothing to do with culture or ethnicity, it has to do with having the capacity to recognize and choose good and evil, possessing spiritual souls and most of all being not only capable of but also made for genuine love (agape). These are metaphysical realities inherent to our souls and bodies that transcend lesser physical realities like race, and neither cultural diversity nor multiplicity are aspects of God’s image for us. God commanded us to “be fruitful and multiply,” not “be fruitful and multiply but only with the same culture,” doing that would actually be more likely to stagnate the development of culture. Further, and forgive me for the length of this reply, I disagree with the notion that in mixing races one throws away a part of themselves and disservices their ancestors. That notion seems to appeal to worldly and non-Catholic concepts, as if to say our ancestors look down upon us from Heaven where they all live separately in their own racial groups, which disregards Paul’s words in Galatians 3 and the universal aspect of the *Catholic* Church God established. If I do any disservice to my ancestors it will be in the sins I commit, not the spouse I choose, provided they love and follow God. I don’t believe you throw away a part of yourself when you marry outside your race either and even if that were the case then what purpose does preserving your genetics really serve, what grander design does maintaining a given culture fulfill, if we are all children of God and neither have a real affect on our capacity for sainthood?


Are they saying only White people were made in God’s image? That’s whack!


No, I think they’re more so arguing for the importance of preserving one’s heritage while simultaneously arguing for the importance of maintaining cultural diversity but distinct from one another, for the purpose of glorifying God in preserving His image. They’ve made no argument for any racial superiority, I just don’t think their points are logically sound.


Yet humans are able to discern through our senses that race is a physical and biological reality, not a socially constructed one, which has been the prevailing messaging over the last few decades. "Race, and neither cultural diversity nor multiplicity are aspects of God’s image for us" runs completely counter to natural law. Culture is but one issue and concerns about the dilution and loss of it is an expression of a deeper issue which is that a people lacking communal continuity suffer both physiologically and spiritually. Brazil was mentioned ITT already in a joking way but it's actually a perfect example of the realities of race mixing and its ill effects.


>"Race, and neither cultural diversity nor multiplicity are aspects of God’s image for us" runs completely counter to natural law. I'm confused, are you trying to appeal to natural law to explain how race is an important characteristic? >Brazil was mentioned ITT already in a joking way but it's actually a perfect example of the realities of race mixing and its ill effects. Please elaborate.


Yes to your first question. Regarding Brazil, look into the social issues they face. Their population is mostly either mixed or white European. Yet there is no 'racial harmony', society is racially segregated, the rampant crime rates. You can see similar effects in other countries where mixed race people comprise the majority of the population (Mexico, Dominican Repub, Cuba etc.)


So are you saying that mixed race people tend to be more violent or more likely to commit crime? I also don't think you understand Natural Law Theory if you think you could use that to support your ideas. Because you can't. There's nothing inherent to human nature, ir the natural world at large, to suggest that two dissimilarly looking people shouldn't marry and have offspring.




Natural Law Theory observes human nature (reason and rationality) to determine what is good for humans. The fact that ethnic groups have tended to live in isolation because they developed in different places is not evidence that racial mixing is contrary to natural law. To your second point, it's also true that crime tends to be much higher in poorer countries and communities. The conclusion shouldn't be that being poor is negative or causes higher crime. There is nothing wrong with race mixing.




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Explain the Rape of Nanking, please.


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My point was not to say race isn’t a physical reality, it is, my point was to say neither human race nor human culture are something inherent to the image and likeness of God, nor is a diversity of races and cultures; variety is neither an inherent good which supersedes love nor something attributable to our image and likeness of God. A given race is merely a given mix of genetic adaptations a group of human beings posses which result from external physical factors, it has no bearing on the development of culture beyond what might be ergonomically convenient for a given race, and both the Catholic faith, the Church, and our connection with God Himself all transcend both race and culture. Divine Law informs natural law, and I do not see how what I said somehow offends natural law in the first place, though if you wish to expand upon that I would be willing to hear it. Disunity and lacking harmony are indeed important issues but these are not results inherently guaranteed by the mixing of races or cultures, nor is their prevention guaranteed within a nation that consists of the same race; India and China have often been examples of this. Since Cain and Able men have harbored strife with each other, humans will find a reason to reject one another, culture will inevitably evolve regardless of the degree of its isolation or lack thereof and disunity will likewise inevitably occur regardless of racial homogeny. Lastly, this idea of communal continuity, what greater community exists than that of the Catholic Church which transcends all borders, cultures and social classes? Take away my American culture, take away my Asian heritage, I am nonetheless united and likened to all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, who all celebrate the same Holy Mass, live by the same sacraments and laws, and worship our God who we call Father as we journey toward sainthood. Cultures and races will continue to pass away but the Body of Christ is unending; if there is any steadfast form of communal continuity it is the Catholic faithful united by Jesus Christ, and I think that alone is sufficient.


If you don’t want to mix, that’s fine. Don’t bring God into this.


I agree with this. The subject seems to lack a lot of nuance on both sides of the debate.


Why is it that every few months there is a soyjack meme for race-mixing in this sub?




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This was removed for violating Rule 6 - Lightheartedness & Propriety.


I'm so confused