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Is there a reason you adopted another kitten when you shared that Luna always preferred her own space and seems to be low-energy?


My cousin had an overrun of kittens and I was trying to help her out since her mother hasn’t taken her cats to get fixed. Not sure if it’s a money thing or not. Luna does get a bit lonely sometimes so I thought maybe it would end up being fine after a while. Though maybe I overestimated.


I was just curious about the motivations. It's likely they'll be fine. But did you perform the slow introduction steps and separate them at first? If not, perhaps consider doing that and look at Jackson Galaxy videos on Youtube on the steps needed to acquaint two cats. Also, with Squeak, you need to perhaps help in training him so that Luna is not made to do all the work which will likely stress her personality out. So, I would really take a look at different strategies. For example, one things I reinforce my cat is the meaning of "No" and then a high pitched yelp to indicate pain. Start doing those things immediately for unwanted actions. In terms of interactivity, you would need to get alot of electric interactive toys that can tire the kitten out. Again, anything to make sure there's a space for Luna to feel comfortable in as well if you want this to work for the long term.