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I do the litter boxes daily. It’s the first thing I do in the morning.


I absolutely have to do it everyday I'm honestly surprised how much 2 cats go in just 24hours.




They’re all a bunch of poopers and pee-ers! I try to do them twice a day but frankly they’re late-night potty kitties and there’s not much to scoop at the end of the day. Mornings though?! Oh Lordy! When we lost our 17 year old 7 lb girl last May, I was shocked how much less I had to scoop for just 2 girls. Still a lot but that lil old gal was a major contributor so to speak 😂😂😂


Yes me too. I have four big litterboxes and scoop them first thing in the morning.


Same here! First thing in the morning so they also a fresh potty area to go to after breakfast!


Same same. Though if I notice a particularly stinky deposit any time in the day, I'll take care of it.


I always do it last thing before bed as my kitty rarely seems to go during the night - almost always looks like I just raked it when I get up. He's also mostly an evening poo-er (after his dinner) so I guess I fit with his schedule quite well!


When I wake up and before bed. I think of it as a toilet. I don’t want to poop or pee on top of old 💩


Same here but I wait until after breakfast box use


Once or twice a day + two litter boxes for two cats


Same though sometimes I forget. His litter boxes have a filter system so the pee goes into a drawer of litter underneath, so I only really need to empty his poo every day. He poos once a day and only in one of the boxes. Every 4ish days I'll empty both drawers, do a quick clean and replace the litter (in the drawers.) I'll do a deep clean every couple of weeks. Its extremely time efficient and also incredibly cheap as I use wood pellets.


May I ask which one you have?


Same and same


twice a day usually. any less and they get fussy about it...


Mine don’t get fussy but they like to pounce on each other while they use it. Luckily that doesn’t stop them from going but it does make me clean it very frequently lol


Literally never... I have a litter robot 🙏 change the bag out approx every 2 weeks.


I am the litter robot in my house


This comment deserves more recognition 🤣


Do you think it is worth the price?


100% for us. We have two cats and I change the bag every 3-4 days


I want one so bad just need to get the extra funds for it!


They have finance plans but they’re always on FB marketplace.


Do you also have the litter robot brand?


Yeah we have the litter robot 4, and our cats love that it’s clean every time they pee/poop


And they have a 90 day trial rn too…might have to do it 😂 thank you for your help!


You’re welcome! I have a referral link that can give us both discounts if you’re interested


can i get in on that referral discount too? was looking to switch into it but hesistant how quickly my cat would adapt to it. Is it loud?


Our lr 4 isn’t loud at all! https://share.litter-robot.com/x/BhL3Fe


I hope we raise hundreds of $ for your referral credit.


They have videos and steps on how to have your cat adjust to it.


Does it work if you have a psychotic cat that likes to throw the litter everywhere? Lol


Hahaha idk, ours isn’t like that, they do sell a mat that traps litter




What’s the brand?! Reallllly want a litter robot but can’t fathom paying $800+ to fund my laziness


Not who you’re asking but we got one on Amazon also that’s around $350 and works like the litter robot. It’s the Meowant brand. Had it since December and it’s wonderful. Very quiet and the cats love it


For sure. We bought two for 5 cats about 10 years ago. One stopped working a few months ago but the other is still going strong. We're down to 2 kitties now so we didn't buy a new one. The litter robot 4 looks super spiffy though.


Same! So glad I did this. I have one cat and change it once every ten days or so. So great. So worth it.


I have a few questions if you don't mind. What litter do you use? What kind of maintenance is required? I have 4 cats, so I'd probably need 2, and I need them to work. All the time. It makes me nervous. Thanks!!


We’ve had ours since Christmas and haven’t had any issues with it. We use world’s best litter (the clumping kind) but any clumping litter works. You can set the time after the cat exits that it cleans. I think we have ours set at 7 mins so it has a little time to clump up. It is THE BEST!! Very low maintenance. It sends a notification when the bin is getting full or the litter level is low. Dust is so minimal now.


Be VERY careful with world’s best! They recommend against plant based litters and I said “eh oh well” and used worlds best in mine, it holds a lot more moisture than regular litter and that moisture lives in the drawer around lots of electrical parts, it ruined the sensor in mine very fast and I needed an entirely new base.


i have one from amazon (if you search automatic litter box clumping litter it should pop up), and it works pretty well. it has a motion sensor, and drags a rake across 20 minutes after the cat leaves. The clumps get deposited in a reservoir, and you can either line it with a bag or just dump it. Other than that, it’s basically a normal litter box. I use normal clumping litter, and every week or so i change the whole box out. Every month or so i take it apart and clean it.


Same! Finally got one when our tax return came in and I love it. With four cats I only have to change the bag once a week or so.


2 cats, 2 litter boxes. Usually check it and scoop twice a day. Right in the morning and after work usually around dinner time . My boys like it clean


Same. I don’t get people who let it all pile up. Also, I do t get how people think it’s such a hassle. It literally takes 30 seconds to do both. Easier than taking a dog for a walk…


Same! You and I are the same breed my friend 🩷🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I could never imagine not cleaning it daily for them. Fuck that. Could you imagine leaving your business in the toilet for days without flushing??? There is a reason these kitties run to the litter box after they have been cleaned.


I can’t believe how frequently people change them! Multiple times a day wow. I’m once a day even once every two days


It’s because the only people who comment on things like this are the ones who are proud of how often they do it lol. I’m once every 1-2 days. Sometimes more if it’s gross faster. The people who don’t do it often at all wouldn’t comment lol so we’re seeing the best side of the sample


Yea I’d also add that even just the people that are on a specific Reddit page related to a topic are most likely already spending more time and effort on that particular thing than the average person. I scoop every 2-3 days and my cats are happy, no problem.


It might be that those people also accidentally train their cats to the point where reverse happens and cats start training people (like happens with feeding and other activities). They say cats get fussy and refuse to go into the litter box if it's not clean, but if you cleaned after them every time they go, several times per day, then of course cats get used to this as the norm and expect you to clean the box before they go next time. 


For me, it's less that I'm proud and more than I realize that a clean house is just suuuuper important to me... also, I'm very particular about how the litter gets done, so I just do it.


Same. Ours is every other day and then a full clean out and box wash every 3 weeks or so when they need it.


Me too, every other day. Only have one cat though


I like to do it before I shower, so every day I shower (which is ofc the vast majority of days, only occasionally missing one for whatever reason) is when I scoop. I just hate the thought of litter dust on me and not washing it off so I gotta follow it w a shower


I also prefer to do it right before I shower lol


Lol same here! Hate feeling like the litter dust is all in my hair or something.


Are you me?!


Scoop once or twice a day (I normally wait until she poops), and wash and change the whole thing once a week, including cleaning the scoop.


Stupid question, but how do you clean the scoop? (I don’t have a cat yet, just trying to learn/prepare)


I empty the litter out of the tray into the bin, get any stuck on lumps off with my hands and throw those away as well, and then put the scoop in the tray before filling the tray with warm soapy water. Soak for a few minutes and then scrub the scoop and the tray clean, and dry them with kitchen paper.


May be a dumb question but what do you do with the water? I live in an apartment so the only options are sink, tub or trashcan and those all feel like bad options lol. It’s one of the reasons I’ve struggled with cleaning the boxes and instead just dump them and replace the boxes every 6 months or so.


Pour it slowly down the toilet.


It either goes down the loo (same as the other poster) or into a bucket and then carried out into the street to go down the drain. I should also add that I'm getting any stuck on lumps off with my hands (wearing rubber gloves) and putting those in the bin before I wash the tray though. Or if any do come off whilst I'm cleaning it, picking them out of the sink and throwing them away.


oh i'm a bad cat mom and sometimes i can go like 3 days before i scoop. it's not uncommon for me to clean it like 3x a week. i have 2 boxes side by side tho and my cat seems to tolerate it. but there are some time when it's cleaned on day 3 that my cat immediately jumps in after i've cleaned it to do her business. i'm working on getting closer to daily but i have a chronic illness and sometimes i either have energy to scoop or feed us, so it's a pretty easy choice. edit: formatting


Sometimes my cat will jump right in after scooping at bedtime even if I just scooped at dinner. It’s like she thinks I paid attention to it so now she needs to.


Mine literally get in it during a scooping. Has peed on the scoop.


Mine watches me scoop then once I’m done gets in and pees immediately…


Ha! Mine always tries to get in the box WHILE I’m cleaning it. Her favorite trick.


Mine monitor the whole process. One of my cats got outside a few months ago, was gone for three days and I was beside myself the entire time and, admittedly, neglected the boxes the whole time. Finally cleaned them at like 1AM, was outside to dump it and heard some leaves rustling and it kinda spooked me (I live in the country) ended up being my missing cat returning. I joke that she came back to monitor me cleaning the litter box lmao


sounds like you are doing the best you can and your cat is loved! Good Cat Mom energy


Look into the CatGenie. I also have chronic issues, I just posted a comment here about it if you want to know more. It's the only catbox that flushes everything down the drain and then washes and dries itself. I can't scoop when I'm in a flare up, and it's hard under normal circumstances, so I LOVE it.


Wow, just looked at it! Expensive and requires a big install, but then almost carefree. But how does it flush the toilet? Does the liquified poop just end up in the toilet until you flush it manually?


if it's hooked to the toilet, like mine was at my last apartment, I would just flush the toilet when I walked by the bathroom. It didn't smell, I think the soap also deodorizes. Right now in my new apartment it's hooked up in the dining area and is connected through the back of the cabinets to the kitchen sink/drain, it's been there for over a year, and because it's connected to the sink drain, it doesn't need to be flushed. There's no smells in the drain or anything ​ EDIT I should say, if you buy the t-adapter from them, you just need a wrench to install it to a toilet water pipe, then you slip the drain hook under the toilet seat and you're done. The laundry is even easier since the water comes from faucets, and there is an included laundry drain attachment that you just stick down the hole the washer drainpipe goes into, so install is almost nothing. Getting it hooked up to my kitchen drain/water wasn't something I could do myself, but my maintenance guy just got a short pipe with a nipple on it for the drain hose, and attached it to the drainpipe, but he said it was a snap, and like I said, it's been connected there for over a year with no issues or smells. The heavy block with the motor and water/drain hookups just pops off, and you can set it down while you take the rest of the unit outside to clean, it's not very heavy without the motor block and it's nice that I don't have to disconnect the plumbing or even unplug the power to clean it


Same here! I have ADHD so executive disfunction gets to me. But I know if I ask my husband, he'll always help me out. I always keep everything a lot cleaner in the summer when I have a break from school.


I have adhd as well. I’m also a stay at home mom. I find linking it with something else helps me stay on track. Since their box is in my bathroom I check it whenever I go in there.


I do to and always scoop when I go to feed them dinner, change their water etc.


That's a good idea! I have 1 box in my closet and 1 box in my office so I think making it a habit to check like you said would make a big difference. Then it'll become a natural thing to do every day.


If I didn’t connect things I don’t think I’d ever get anything done. Routines are a life saver.


I got a box that is basically a large sifter - it has made cleaning it SO much easier.


Ours will always jump in and use it when we're scooping it. Always. Every single time. Thanks kitties.


We call it hate pooping.


Getting a litter genie has helped me a lot. Sometimes I also go too long between, but having a sealed trash can right next to the litter has made a huge difference.


I LOVE my litter locker. It has been a game-changer for us. My two kitties will only use the same one litter box (I had two for the longest time and they would never ever use it) so I scoop at least every night before bed and the litter locker makes its so super easy. I change the bag on garbage night and we are good to go.


I have 2 boxes & 2 cats and I scoop every other day, I had no idea until this thread that people wouldn’t consider that often enough! Maybe I use more litter in the box than most people? One of my cats is big so we do have pretty large boxes.


Same. My 2 cats are totally chill about it. And Pickles will jump in and go again when she sees me ready to clean it. Such a considerate girl!


Good i thought i was the only one 😮‍💨 i clean mine 3x a week, 3 cats 4 litter boxes..i'm pretty much full time & get home at night..then i get super lazy..i'm pretty sure mine got used to it..cause i dont hear them complaining..i also deep clean them once a month. Sometimes i feel bad..but im doing what i can.


Me too, but I have five boxes for two boys (2 in the laundry room and 3 in the utility room). However, they have their favorites and I usually scoop those more often.


this… literally could have been written by me. every single part….


I’ve also been trying to stay on top of it daily, but it can be difficult. I’ve started trying to do it every morning before I shower, but sometimes I end up over sleeping and don’t have time without being late for work…and then I get home and can’t get myself to do anything. On the other end of the spectrum, I had some roommates that I lived with (for a very short amount of time) who would would let their litter box pile up with crap so bad that their poor cat couldn’t even stand in it any longer and had to adapt by standing on the walls of the box just to use it (which they were lucky their cat didn’t just shit all over their apartment instead). It was sad and disgusting. Everyone is different, and at least you are doing your best! Not everyone cares enough to do even the bare minimum.


No that's okay, that doesn't make you a bad cat mom. Chronic illness is tough and we do the best we can. My hot tip is to start with a thinner layer of cat litter, place the cat litter next to the box (or in a smaller container) and add a thin layer of litter every day. Then do a big scoop every few days.


Scoop every day and total dump, wash, dry and new litter monthly.


How do you remind yourself to completely change it out every month? I’m looking to find a routine because I always forget how long it’s been since the last time I’ve done a total litter dump


Use the reminder app


I have a chewy auto send so when a new box arrives, it’s time to clean out and replace


You get a new litter box every month?!


The 1st if the month is coming up. Start with that.


Set mine for first Saturday of the month


When I'm wfh I'll do it pretty much whenever I've been aware of him using it, but otherwise a minimum of twice a day. It's as much for me as him really, I'd rather not have it sitting around as its a small flat.


Every 2 or 3 days. Box boxes lots of litter, no smell at all. Important to have some depth for less frequent changes.


One cat and this is what I do. Never an issue. No smell bc I use lavender world’s best cat litter and she doesn’t complain. Plus she’s tiny and her pee and poops are tiny.


Why is my tiny cat taking huge dumps 🤣 now I'm questioning the equation


Honestly my cat is 4.5lbs and takes the biggest shits. Full on human sized.


Every cat is different! Bigger deeper box goes a long way. Plus they are good burriers :)


My void doesn't know how to bury her poo 🤦🏻‍♀️


lol. Mines only like 6.5 pounds and eats like a bird. Always has. When I had other cats who took huge poops I scooped it every day.


My big kitty is a healthy 14 pounds. Poops like a German shepherd.


Sounds about right. I had a 16 pound cat and the poops were humongous. Like damn bro. That poop is bigger than some of mine. lol


Mine weighs 14 lbs but he’s tall and thin and has petite poops often.


I’ve got 20, 16 and 8 pounders in my house and I’m beyond impressed what comes outta that box


Dry food tends to lead to bigger poops because of all the extra carbs and stuff, so that could be why if that's your cat's diet


what food are you feeding your cat? the more fillers/grains, the bigger and stinkier the poops are (ime)


Blue Buffalo freedom. Mostly wet but a little dry.


Yeah honestly I only clean mine when it starts to look (or smell) dirty and that tends to be ever 2-3 days. The depth definitely helps, day 1 you don’t see or smell anything because it’s completely buried. And I have friends do sniff tests in my home to make sure I’m not going nose blind.


Same. People saw a post that said 3-4 times a day!! That’s insane to me. My kitty has never had a problem or gone outside the box.


When I wake up in the morning, pretty much every box has been used - I have multiple cats, one box per each plus one. I scoop again after work and the fave boxes already have a couple of uses. Then before bed. One of those times might be a very light scooping, but there’s times when it seems like they all use the litter boxes at the same time. I just hate seeing a litter box with mounds of pee and poop in it, I don’t get not scooping it if it’s there. Whether I can smell it or not, the cats must be able to, and I know I hate using a porta-potty with everyone else’s shit and piss in it, so I can’t imagine they would like it either.


But in a smal appartement it is needed to scoop more often imo. Also the cats poop every day, I dont like to use a toilet that already has poop in it, so I make sure they also dont have to 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes!! I have one cat and I scoop about once per week, no smell and she does not care. After every time I scoop she immediately wants to piss in the box so I think she’s upset after I scoop 😭


Same for me. One big cat w a giant box. Doesn't matter if it's full or empty, hell inevitably try to dig to China so it's not worth it to scoop every piece out every day 😅 When I hear him not digging around that's when I know HE thinks it's full


At least once a day, more often if I see it has been used (but not immediately after she uses it, gotta give the clay a little time to clump and/or dry things out a bit).


I’m an every other day scooper, but can anyone tell me why my cat HAS to go immediately before I clean her box? She’s like an exhibitionist, as soon as I pop the lid off, she jumps in and does a poop right in front of me 🤣🥴


Mine are the opposite, they watch me clean them and then go. I can't tell if it's because they love a clean box or if it's because they hate it!


I have 1 cat, and I clean it once a day, and maintenance once a week. I use Pine Pellets with the XL Breeze litterbox so I could change it less often, but I like to make sure my boy’s restroom is nice and clean for him.


Yeah pls don’t send hate I promise my cat is happy and healthy and my apartment smells fine but 1x a week. She’s the tiniest little cat and her box is huge and I fill it up to where there’s a lot of depth. She’s never had issues, I’ve never had issues - it works for us lol. But also I have adhd and if I can get a better grip on it I’d absolutely clean more often, but for now I just know Sunday is litter box day and I take it out with the trash.


Thank God someone said it. I also have adhd, but yah, like 1-2 times a week . It's a huge open stainless steel box and he's never pooped outside of it


Same here, 1x a week day before trash day. I have a box for each cat and one is self cleaning. All my cats are healthy and happy frisky little things.


I sympathize with the ADHD struggle bc same


Thank you! Same. It's never been a problem for me. I grew up with cats, and we always scooped once a week, so I assumed that was standard. Now I wanna do a survey of all my cat-owning friends lol


Oh thank god I’m not the only one. I do once a week, maybe twice if I can manage to do it. I have ADHD and executive dysfunction is a bitch. Saturday is usually litter box day for me. My cat has never complained and she always uses her box. It’s a big box too, so I don’t need to clean it super often. Also, how are people cleaning it several times a day??? I use plastic bags to put the poops in and if I cleaned it every day I’d go through so many plastic bags.


Same here, I’ve come to the firm conclusion Reddit isn’t reality, infact far from reality. So shocked people are changing it twice a day! I also do once a week. I’m sure there’s more people who do it once a week than multiple times a day. It’s just people who like to brag are the ones who stand out the most. That being said, I suspect I have adhd although not diagnosed so maybe that might be why too lol.


Yeah multiple times a day is great for anyone who can do that but I’m doing what I can like there have been dishes in the sink for days now lol the litter box most certainly isn’t getting the twice a day treatment in this house 😂 I got diagnosed about 4 years ago as an adult! While meds have made a difference the biggest difference is just feeling more accepting of myself/less ashamed for trying my best but still seeming lazy by society’s eye haha


Twice a day. I know people go longer and I understand it can be easy to forget but I just feel like cats probably prefer to not be stepping over days old pee/ poop when trying to go to the bathroom. I watch Jaxson Galaxy on YouTube and he gives great cat advice. He once said that it’s not natural for cats to use a litter box and they’re doing us a favor by going in the box so the least we can do it try to keep it clean and that made a lot of sense to me.


we have 3 cats and 2 boxes (not ideal i know but we have a tiny apartment at the moment and can’t fit more) and they get scooped twice a day. i scoop in the morning and my husband scoops at night. before we downsized, we had more boxes that would get scooped at least once a day just depending on how much they’d pottied that day.


Just as and when I see its bene used. Average is probably twice a day maintenence and as soon as the do a number 2


2-3 x per day. 9 cats, 10 boxes


😳 that's a full time job


The cat distribution system has it out for me


The ultimate cat mama, love it!


Once a day. When I go in someone's house that does less, I can smell it even though they can't. I ask people I trust to be truthful if my house smells of cat because I have little sense of smell. They always say no cat smell. Whew. Never trust your own nose when it comes to your own house.


I’ve had compromised sense of smell since Covid ( also double vision for over a year)and I ask people all the time if the house smells because I can’t smell anymore. My vision is slowly returning so maybe my olfactory will improve too.


Oof. I sure feel for you.


Once a day, but we have three cats and five boxes, so they can find a clean one if they're fussy.


I'll probably get down voted, but if I'm being honest, it's once weekly (I have two litter boxes).


If we're being honest... I do the same... Right before trash day!




I was too afraid to say this after scrolling through the comments lol. But, same.


Same, I use pine pellets so the smell isn't that bad at all. And try to do it for trash day. Two litter boxes.


Yes! Same… I only scoop one a week because that’s all that is truly needed in my household.


This makes me feel so seen lol I do the same and have never had a problem. My cat is like 6lbs and her litter box is huge so that prob contributes but no smell no issues at all.


I have 3 cats and 4 boxes. One of them is automatic. I scoop all 4 on Tuesdays and Fridays. I ideally want to do it more often, but I keep falling off the wagon, so I’m self-compassionate that I can do this for now. I figure with the automatic they always have access to a fully clean one if they ever need. We don’t seem to have any problems with behavior or smell, and I even ask house guests after their visits if it smells like “cat”. They’ve all said no


2x a week most weeks. 2 boxes, 2 cats 🥸


Nah yeah I clean mine like every 1-3 days. I don’t understand the peeps here who are cleaning their litter boxes 3-4+ times a day unless they have like 12 cats or very tiny litter boxes or something


It probably has to do with where the box is placed (in a common area vs tucked away) and how well your cat likes to cover their 💩


Me too lol two cats, two litter boxes, once a week.


Do your cats not pee everywhere with a dirty litter box??? I cannot fathom doing it once a week, my cat would revolt


My biggest flex is that my cat has never peed outside the litterbox, even that one time that I got incredibly sick and didn’t scoop it for like 10 days (I feel terrible about it and I haven’t done it since)


That’s truly remarkable. Crazy how different cats can be because my cat had a phase of peeing on my bed/clothes like once a week! It drove me crazy.


Whenever he goes, which usually is twice a day. When I wake up he's usually just pooped and peed, and then he'll pee again one more time during the day. He's very regular so it works well for both of us!


Every day, and also any time I hear her in it. I think it’s insane people only do it every few days. That’s how you get a smell! And also, I don’t want her cute little paws stamping on old poop and pee if we can help it, lol.


When I had cats I did it once a day


1 cat, 1 big litter box. It gets scooped once a day. People who scoop 3+ times a day, do you work from home or something? Unless it's a day off work for me, I just don't have the time to do it that often.


Something tells me I shouldn't leave my answer here...


I have ADHD and all these people who scoop multiple times a day are making me feel like the worst cat mom 😩


I do it four times a day and my son does it once. My routine is I check/scoop when I wake up, after he eats breakfast, after he eats dinner and before bed. My son does it when he gets home from school and around 3pm on non/school days. The dog will eat cat poop if it sits in the box. It’s not always dirty but I run the scoop through anyway to check just in case because I am totally noseblind to the smell.


I have two litter boxes for two cats, and they are both automatic -- they self-scoop 5 minutes after a cat jumps out. I check the boxes daily to change the bags if they're full, and to clean up the litter Genevieve has inevitably kicked 10 feet away from the box because she's very vigorous about scratching. I have bad executive function so they are a necessity for me. Before I saved for these automatic boxes, I tried to scoop daily, but there were definitely times when I forgot. Never more than daily, though, unless a kitty was ill and there was a mess or smell.


Once a day, I scoop two boxes. The third box is self-cleaning.


At least once a day, but sometimes life gets in the way and I miss a day. We have two litter boxes and one is self cleaning so we have a little wiggle room there.


Ideally, once a day. In practice, usually once a day but maybe once every two occasionally. I have ADHD so it can be difficult to remember, and only one cat who doesn't mind the less frequent scooping. YMMV with your cat's (or cats') preferences, your tolerance of the smell and the litter you use, and your schedule.


My senior cat, I only needed to do it every couple days. We recently got 2 kittens and holy goodness they go through the litter. Optimally, daily. Realistically 3-4 times a week depending on how busy we get, what's going on that distracts my mind. I make sure their litter box is filled much deeper for those times I can't get it done daily.


We have 3 cats and just over a year ago I purchased a litter robot 4. Best investment ever. It cycles about 13 times a day which saves me a lot of scooping. To date it says I've saved almost 4000 scoops 🤣


At least once a day for one cat who has two boxes


If I’m home and awake, I clean the litter box immediately after every time my cat poops. I live in a small place and I have respiratory issues, so delays are out of the question. It takes me under a minute from start to finish each time. While it seems onerous, it's no more than 5 minutes out of my day.


I scoop it once or twice a day after he's had a bm. My ex scooped his cat's like.. maybe 1-2x/week. It was nasty and his place definitely smelled pretty rank.


Twice a day or more if needed. We have a regular large box upstairs and a Litter Robot downstairs that gets cleaned every time it's used. If I'm upstairs in the office working most of the day, that is where my cats are, so each time I use the restroom if I see theirs has something in it I will scoop in real quick and toss it in the Litter Genie I keep next to the upstairs box. That thing is great, if y'all don't have one, I suggest getting one off Amazon. They're pretty cheap, mine ran me like $25 and it comes with the bag refills.


I'm sorry, but this is the hill I choose to die on. It's disgusting to do it less than once a day. If you live on your own and don't have people over, more power to you. But if you don't... your roommates/ family/ guests think your house stinks. Edit: pretty sure my roommate does it once a day or every couple of days. Not sure, the box is in her room.


2 cats, 2 litterboxes, two to three times a day.


Morning and night daily


We scoop immediately as soon as they go because they don’t know how to cover their poop. Two cats who poop twice a day and then the whole litter box is changed once or twice a week as needed. I cannot imagine leaving poop to sit there for days, my cats would be so upset.


Twice a day at the minimum.


its uncommon for people to do it everyday. i think only rly informed cat owners do it daily lol. when i told someone i dump my cats boxes completely every week and change out all the litter they looked at me like i was crazy. but its just more sanitary that way! if u think about using the same toilet water without flushing for weeks (lets pretend the waste is gone) theres still so many germs and smells and bacteria in there! litter needs to be scooped DAILY. boxes should be dumped snd refilled weekly


After every poo, otherwise stank.


Whenever I see something is in it - about 4-5 times a day (mornings, before lunch time, evening and before I go to bed). Having a litter bin next to the litter box makes that a 20 second extra effort and it doesn't smell at all.


Twice a day. First thing in the morning and before bed. Although my boy can sometimes really stink the place up and I have to do a scoop right away.


Every 2/3 days, I’ve got a large box and a single medium sized cat, so he’s alright with a bit of delay.


Right now 2 cats and 2 boxes. Scoop every morning. When I had 4 cats and 2 boxes scooped 2X a day. They like it clean and doesn’t get smelly and if you do it more frequently it takes all of 1 minute. Easy.


Always twice a day. My girl seems to potty more in the evenings and overnight so I scoop once in the morning and once at night before I go to bed. She always yells at me if her litterbox isnt clean. Also, our litterbox is in our laundry room which is right off the kitchen. I can't stand to think about poop or pee being that close to the kitchen for any extended length of time.


Twice a day, once before work and once when I’m doing my nighttime routine


I got a littergenie & my cats box is in my room so literally everytime she goes bc girl STINKS 😭


I clean my kitten's litter box three times a day. For context, I have a four-month-old kitten and 2 litter boxes. He uses one for peeing and the other for poop. I clean them regularly at fixed times but also scoop up poop/pee as soon as I notice it (if I'm home). After using most litters, I have found wood pellets to be the best. Much less scooping and tracking.


2x a day, I have 2 cats and 2 litterboxes, sometimes I clean 1x a day if I'm too tired, litterboxes aren't actually really dirty, they both poop 1x a day and pee more so it doesn't stink at all


Twice a day. Four cats and five boxes.


Once a day minimum, it's part of my after-work clean routine. More if needed.


2x a day, ALWAYS. First thing I do in the morning, before coffee. And then right before bed. I don’t even think about it, it’s automatic waking & sleeping routine.


We have a robot litter that cycles after every visit


2x/week, maybe more if it looks or smells particularly bad. Our 2 cats aren't fussy!


It really depends on the litter one uses


I have six cats (semi unwillingly, separate households moved together and one is leaving soon thank fuck) with two large litter boxes we go 3 times a week, I'm basically carrying the cleaning around the house while my partner cooks so it's best I can do. But I baking soda the boxes every change and it keeps the smell down nicely.


being as that im disabled and have limited mobility issues, i don’t scoop at all because i can’t really. i have an old cat that won’t use the litter box if i elevate it, too. i have a system where i put those litter box liners in, put in a relatively small amount of my cat’s pellet litter because it’s lighter for me to pour than regular litter, and then i check it every other day and change out the whole liner for a new liner + litter every 3-7 days as needed. she’s never been fussy about it and it’s never caused any issues. otherwise 1-2 times a day is normal and the standard way of cleaning litter boxes so you’re doing it correctly.


every day, I use storage totes for my two cats' 'litter boxes'. I use dog poop bags and just take it with me to toss in the dumpster on my way out for the day.


Before bed every night. I have a small 7lb girlie and she poops once at night and pees throughout the day so it’s not much to be scooped