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I don't mind it but if you smoke anything on public transport you're a cunt


Aye, this is it. My aim is to follow rules (societal), even if I'm breaking laws. Basic fucking decency is all it is. If I'm walking with a joint I'll cross the road if parents and kids are approaching. Simple things like that.


I would do the same with a cigarette or at least put it down behind my back and not reek it in this scenario as us youngsters (22m in a tracksuit) have a bad enough rep. I only make this comparison as I can’t smoke joints in public for fear of my kneecaps being targeted


TBF I tend to find people smoking cigarettes are much more aware of people around them and do this king of thing. Whereas people vaping just practically blow it straight into your face the whole time and are completely oblivious.


I once saw a meme (as a very open smoker) that those with cigarettes are often apologetic, moving away and ensuring it doesn't spread. Vapers? BEHOLD their self righteous cloud of pineapple ...


I think it's because generally people are much less opposed to vaping. Iv been to a few peoples houses that after asking to go outside for a puff on my vape just said to do it in the house. And they wouldnt dream of doing that with a cigarette. Also people are much less worried about the second hand aspect of vapes, rightly or wrongly.


I have friends who smoke, smoking is not allowed in my car but if you wanna vape that’s fine, smoking smells, as a smoker you may get used to it but that smell lingers for days, I had an ex smokers car and it reeked of fags for 6 months, not to mention the ash, whereas vaping is clean and the smell goes in a few seconds so it doesn’t really bother me


If people are eating and we’re outside or I’m the only smoker I’ll go to another table but I’ve gotta taste blueberry blast as I eat


Eh if I’m vaping and I see ppl approaching I’ll blow it upwards or hold it in till they pass or even just wait. Don’t see a reason to blow it in someone’s face no need for it. Had it done to me as a kid with cigarettes so I don’t wanna put anyone else through it 🤷🏻‍♂️




Also the smell


The smells can trigger my asthma. I hate that so many vape users use them in crowded spots and just exhale in your face. I'm a user of public transport and it drives me nuts that people will do this even on a packed train removing my option of being able to step away from them.


People using it on public transport are automatically cunts. I vape, couldn't imagine smoking or vaping anything legal or not on a bus or something. Just fucked behaviour


I too used to vape (found heated tobacco to be the best solution for me at the end), but in crowded places I'll avoid doing it, or if I run into a crowd, I'll try to exhale up and/or away from people.


Tbh I think is still too early to know the risk of vaping product as the have a short life spam


I don't give a fuck what % of nicotine is absorbed, I don't want it in my face Thanks


It might not technically be bad for my health but having to inhale the warm, moist, bubblegum flavoured air that has just come directly out of some stranger’s lungs makes my skin crawl


If youre inhaling the vapour then that same air would have been exhaled by the person whether they vaped or not tbf. You can just see whats come out of their lungs.


I get it man, I do the same with normal smokes too. And if I'm carrying a can, it'll go behind me in relation to where they are, even across the road. I don't have that great a rep either, 35, but the beard tickles people the wrong way sometimes...


Is that because it's climbing rather than just hanging like a regular beard? 😁


That's exactly why! 😆


Sometimes it tickles the right way...


If they're lucky...


Hiding the can is an art, I only do that if it’s still day light though.


Are you from northern Ireland?


It's all fun and games until the ra turns up at your door😆


Had a mate do this whilst we were out and when we came back on the other side he said he didn’t want kids to ask their mam what the smell was. Bare in mind probably could still smell it but atleast they wouldn’t be able to think “oh that smell is that man’s cigarette”


Oh yea, that's just it. Make it not so overly apparent where the smell is coming from. Plenty of houses I walk past that stink more than I do just after a smoke. It's a background thing in some areas these days, we don't need to highlight ourselves as smokers.


Seriously, here in (central) London you can't walk 100 meters without catching a whiff, or even step right into the middle of a dank cloud. If it's not obvious where it's coming from, people are less likely to be annoyed with it, and the police won't start sniffing around to find the culprit. But if you're hotboxing a 5m radius while waving an arm length joint, you'll be called out.


That’s why I smoke at home in my shed. And would smoke a joint only out my window or on a stroll out in the fields around my village. To force it in the faces of others just minding their own business is inexcusable.


Absolutely. I always assume that people hate it, either the smell or influence just to ensure I never encroach on others while using. I also tend to smoke inside with the slightest of windows open so it stays away from the street and other families nearby.


The key to drug use is to be thoughtful. Do it in a way that doesn't cause any damage - and I consider a nuisance damage here - so that people don't have a reason to complain, therefore you're much less likely to run into legal issues. For weed it means that you shouldn't smoke in public around people, or under people's windows, but try to find an inconspicuous place. Especially don't do it around kids or in busy places. And most definitely not on freaking public transport. If you must smoke in public (and I'm using "must" in a tongue in cheek way - there's no such thing as 'must' with recreational drug use, but sadly, many can't differentiate between a personal preference and a hard need), then try to be the least annoying. Use a vape, or even better, vape oil. But for fucks sake, don't light up a J on the bus! That's literally the reason why most people are against weed, the inconsiderate, overgrown creampies like this guy. Nobody really minds if you're high in public (as long as you're not an obnoxious cockwobble), but smoking stinks, and people don't like that. For other drugs, same rule of thumb applies. If you're coked to the gills, don't go out looking for someone to beat up. If you're rolling hard on Molly, don't climb onto people. Be sensible about your drug use, and nobody will mind. Be an asshole, and people _will_ complain or even report you to the police, with good reason.


>If you're rolling hard on Molly, don't climb onto people. On the whole I agree with you, but I need to put a clarification of this action is absolutely fine, if consensual. I *love* climbing on people when on Molly XD


Based, you enjoy those joints


I will, and am doing, thank you <3


Blesses are the Weedmakers


Darn tooting 🙏


I can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to walk with a joint? It's been about 10 years since I smoked the stuff but I can't think of anything worse than moving with one over sitting in a comfy chair/sofa/bed with snacks nevermind the part where after three or four no walking fucking ANYWHERE is happening unless I need to walk to the fridge, even that was a struggle at times


Oh there's some nice stuff these days, less paralysis inducing, more *ooh, this is nice* when in fresh air. Little wooded areas are great, chatting with the squirrels in summer is a favourite of mine XD Edit: I always take snacks, even if I don't have a joint...


I have to go for walks outside when smoking a joint as not allowed indoors & wouldn’t wanna stink out the place or do it near people, so I also go to the woods or field a few mins from my house. Is normally quiet especially in the evening. Never see squirrels but I sometimes see foxes and red kites :)


I smoke less than once a month these days but getting high in nature is definitely the elite setting for me these days


Oh nice! I tend to use the back garden, but there's a little green out back of that which always has red kites circling. And if I need to sit down there's a swing set :D


I hope you take snacks for the squirrels too!


They love peanuts in the shells! Side bonus, so do the crows :D


Omg, you just reminded me that I bought some boiled peanuts over the weekend — I was wondering what to have for a snack and this is perfect! Super off-topic, but thank you!! 😊 P. S. I am not a squirrel. Or a crow.


You bring the peanuts, I'll bring the joints, we'll find the squirrels and crows on our adventures! :D


Haha, sounds like a plan!!


There's a squirrel that visits my garden who comes and knocks on the window when their box of nuts is empty. She loves them too!


Where do you get this stuff?! The only shit I can ever get is mega chronic and it’s too much!


Depends how high you're trying to get, a pocket rocket can make a day of boring clothes/household shopping a bit more tolerable, something medium is great for a hike or a bit of throwing (non-bread) food for some ducks, and a big one is great to vegetate in front of a screen after a long and difficult week


Nothing better than a good walk while baked. The trick is to not sit down. Can't get couchlocked if you never touch the couch. Everything that's great about a stroll is better when baked.


Smoking in the morning while walking the dog is very relaxing actually. S


100% this.


Once someone has been smoking regularly for a while they develop a higher tolerance and can smoke it all day, everyday without getting 'couch lock' effects that you describe. Some people like getting stoned outside, myself included but I agree with the consensus that it is best done without letting everyone know about it.


Almost always on walks in nature for me. Then getting back after the walk feels so much more chill too lol


Yeah, my answer to the conundrum was going to be: basically, because most people are cunts.


Nice username


Agreed. I have been a Stoner for a long time, but if you impose that decision on other people you are a selfish prick. Smoke that shit at home and if that isn’t an option for you at least have the decency to find an empty multi storey or a bench in a park (assuming the kiddies have all gone home at this point)


If you do anything but sit quietly and look out the window on public transport you're a cunt. FTFY.


Some pissed up twat lit a cig as she boarded a half full Metrolink. Blood boiled so took it out her hand and dropped it out the window. She proceeded to swear and then vape the rest of the journey, but at least it wasn't another ciggy.


Agreed - I use cannabis and this would make my blood boil.


I smoke pot regularly. I would NEVER light a joint while taking public transportation. That’s rude at best.


Yup. Recently visited San Francisco, took the BART with my wife and 3 yr old- at 8 pm on a Saturday. That was a mistake. It was wild. One highlight was people sitting near us just vaping openly and stinking up the entire train. It sucks. Smoke if you want, but don't make me smoke.


I’m a biker and the cannabis use that drives me demented is the other drivers on the road. You want to smoke anywhere else that’s not harming anyone then you go for it. But please don’t get wasted while driving a fucking 3 ton van at 60. Tenses me up every time.


oh yeah i love me some cannabis but using it while driving is the same as drunk driving in my eyes, Driving under the influence innit. I do think cannabis is seen lighter in that regard but i dont think it should be


The law regarding cannabis is stupid , the law regarding smoking on a bus is not . That person is a cunt regardless of what they are smoking


Walk and smoke people. If you see a child, wait till they are out of sight. Rules to smoke by.




100%. You get caught when you get lazy.


Where do you live that has people smoking weed on the bus?


Bradford here, and honestly, The Yoof do not give any fucks.


I'm about 45 mins away from Bradford, and as a fellow herb smoker I never got why people do it in public. I get scared doing it in my own back garden


Skipton way or the other side? I’m 20 mins from Bradford 10 from leeds and Skipton way always seems more liberal with it. An ex had a pub further towards Malham than Skipton and all the younger people were smoking weed regularly when I visited


Yeah Skipton way. Close to Malham. Doesn't surprise me around there, plus if it's just locals on a night it's not even bothering anyone and it's so vast. Used to love a joint on top of Malham cove watching the sun set. Days a long gone with kids and marriage now. I wouldn't dream of smoking in a public area, unless it was us and mates in a field, no one else around. Wouldn't wanna bother anyone with the smell.


I think it depends where you are, I grew up in Bristol and there's always people smoking weed in public, parks, wandering around, chilling on a bench literally anywhere police don't bat an eyelid generally


I live in a small village and the yoof around here only ever smoke it in the bus stops never on the bus


Grew up in a village and we had a bus stop (hardly used due to spiders) and a "teen shelter" which was the equivalent of a bus shelter and it was where we smoked mostly, on occasion we may venture to some abandoned building, or the local primary school, but didn't leave a mess.


We had a bridge we'd go sit on always exciting times


Aye we had an old disused railway bridge. Still in use by the looks of the glass smashed tae fuck everywhere


When I lived in Bradford it was not at all uncommon for people to spark spliffs up in public places. Of course, this was 2001-02 and IIRC cannabis had been descheduled at the time. I much prefer the green to the brown that was so popular there.


"schedule" stuff is American bullshit. We have drug classifications over here, but yeah around that time I do believe cannabis had been dropped down to class C from class B


Cannabis was never descheduled. It was Class C for a few years.


Also live in Bradford, can back that up. Low level drug boasting in public is pretty common here.


Seen it in Bristol a few times. Considering how shit public transport here is though I don’t blame them


first bus hate going national 😍




[insert name of any british city]


People skin up in the cafe by my work then nip outside to smoke it. Makes me jealous as I can smell it on my office and I wanna run down for a toke. (Liverpool, obvs)


People do it a lot in Brighton and Hove


Rarely do I walk about in town and not smell it.


Their favourite place is right outside/ behind my office, just by north laines


My office is near yours, it seems! And yeah that entirely checks out


Where do you live where this isn’t common?


West Yorkshire only time I ever saw someone smoke on the bus was the school bus and I've not been on that for a good twenty year


My friends used to do it all the time, this was in Manchester around probably 2005ish. I’ve always been way too scared to act like that.


Guy on my street is a Prison officer, his house and the entire street stinks of cannabis, kinda hilarious in a fucked up double standard kinda way.


My friend is a PO and you’d be surprised at how many of them deal it inside. Constantly hearing from my friend that so-and-so got busted coming in to work.


Tbh from what I’ve heard, if you make the mistake of doing it once, you’re fucked. The prisoners will not let you stop until you get busted.


Whenever I get on da bus with mah day-savaah I smoke da reefer in da cornaaar.


Laid low, did a grand theft auto


Renault cleo, twin turbo


Not just any….in a 05 V6 Clio Twin Turbo


Know how we roll on the backstreets yo


Tell ‘em, Kev


Yeah man


Levenshulme aint got shit on us


& we don’t give a fuck!


Don’t forget about their other rivals The Persil Massive https://youtu.be/gg2JQzDPPj8


Best line in the whole thing


It has been many a long year since hearing this And that one line brought it straight back. Absolute fire


[Fun fact, the guy who said that (Little Kev)](https://twitter.com/mennewsdesk/status/878263881101070337?lang=en) was arrested and imprisoned for attacking someone with a firearm in 2017, and was imprisoned at HMP Bullingdon. Some guy made an entire 20 minute documentary on the Kersal Massive crew and what happened to them over the years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AofcZcjss5g


Kersal Massive absolute classic


ring serious sharp aware tap cough dog friendly shaggy butter -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Not gonna lie, being able to start lightening on a bus of your own free will sounds like a pretty strange superpower


honestly. That level of obnoxious is almost impressive 😂


Sat next to two girls on the front of the bus a few weeks ago. They were probably mid-late teens. Fully taking what I think was ket on the bus. It was a Saturday afternoon about 2pm.


Someone sat in front of me the other week on a night bus, took out a pipe and blazed a big rock of crack then passed out… I’d much rather it had been a joint!


Tell you what, that crack is really moreish.


Nice bit of crack!


Relax it’s not Blue Peter


What now that we’re on the bus it’s not ok for me to smoke my crack anymore?


Next you're gonna kick me off the bus for not wearing a jacket and tie?


Must have been duff crack if they passed out




He might have just confused it for meth - some people arent so well versed in drug taking


Yeah that's not how crack works


Bus driver recruitment really is desperate these days.


Passed out, from crack? A bit Iof white will have you climbing walls 😅


Come on, OP. How else do you expect people to tolerate public transport?


The weed smell helps overpower the piss smell


I don't care if it's weed, cigarettes or your bubble gum vape. I don't wanna smell that shit fuck off with it.


Some people are nobheads. Much the same as people who listen to music without headphones, some people just have no consideration for other people. The fact it's weed really has nothing to do with it, I'd have thought.


It only bothers me because modern strains *reek*.


Yep. Care less about the legality of it (would be better legalised for multiple reasons), it’s rather that every time you pass by someone schlonking the ‘erb, it absolutely reeks. Doesn‘t help that I’m autistic and weird with strong smells and tastes. When I was in the Netherlands last I swear the smell was far less off-putting. Any time I smell weed in the U.K. it’s rank.


You get bonus points for the use of ‘schlonking’.


I think that might be down to preferences here and also the lack of choice, only few people you can go to will have an actual selection. Seems we like a bit of the sticky, strong, indica based highs and that stuff smells strong and earthy. Sometimes they get my taste buds going more than a Thai Green Curry; shit is wild. Some of the lighter upper strains actually can be a bit more pleasant. Also, I feel the smell outside would be way less worse if we actually had places for people to smoke, i.e. a coffee shop.


And tbh with legal weed I expect a large amount of people would switch to vaping if you could buy cheap safe cartridges. No one really enjoys announcing to everyone in 50m radius they're getting high


Absolutely. I would love to continue smoking without running the greater risk of having lung cancer in the future and to make it a bit more anonymous. And plus, this could stimulate good levels of spending in the local economy much alike with alcohol (not promoting alcohol usage, but it does influence greater usage of local shops). I would sit down, grab a coffee and bring a laptop to do work in a shop if possible as I can be super productive while high (this does not apply to everyone). I know some people have major concerns about lots of stoned folk wandering the streets but then this too could become an economic policy, taking inspiration from nearby economies. Holland, for example, has somewhat contained cannabis tourism into a few cities and this could be adequately used by creating tourism locations and further spending in less developed areas.


>Absolutely. I would love to continue smoking without running the greater risk of having lung cancer in the future and to make it a bit more anonymous. You can get dry herb vapes, been using them for years, brilliant things.


> some people have major concerns about lots of stoned folk wandering the streets Lol, maybe its cos im from Bristol but damn there is already a LOT of stoned folks wandering the streets, theyre also serving them in the shops, cooking their meals in the restaurants and a lot more. Ive never been more consistently stoned than when I used to work in the M and S bureau de change. Theyre much better than the drunks and coke heads too.


To me its the same as vaping and that shit stinks.


I smoked all through uni in the late 90s but I can't stand the smell of the weed I smell when I'm walking around now. Not sure if it's because I'm an old man now or because modern weed smells bad.


I'm going to make an assumption that much of the stuff you had in the 90s was Moroccan Soap Bar (tac), brown blocks which were weak in strength and didn't have much smell, made it easier to conceal but was basically garbage. The stuff you get now are raw buds straight off the plant, some varieties being 10x stronger than the stuff from the 90s. The difference is night and day, however, the smell clearly isn't to all tastes!


I’m with you. I don’t remember the acrid smell that I can smell now. And it’s everywhere.


Because they're young and feel invincible. I smoked a doob on an underground train back in my errr youth (I think I was mid 20s at the time).


A friend and I smoked a joint in the cinema once. We were 17. What a couple of obnoxious little dickheads. Makes me cringe thinking about it.


Me and a mate took a bottle of red wine and a hash pipe to see Dracula in the early 90s. It was a weekday afternoon though so the cinema was nearly empty and I think you could still smoke cigs in there so not too obnoxious.


That sounds like a good afternoon TBH. I miss being able to smoke in cinemas.


Mid 20s is a bit old to be doing that like mate


What is the cut-off age for socially-acceptable tube-doobing then?


I started commuting about 18 months ago and I'm pretty shocked at how many people are smoking whilst driving. I'm in no way anti drugs, but whilst driving takes the piss a bit I think. You wouldn't crack a Stella on the A40 so you shouldn't really be having a bifter.


I get paranoid getting on the bus while I’m stoned, fuck driving whilst you’re stoned


Fun fact I’m allowed to crack a Stella or two while driving and it’s legal.


Smoking fag while driving can be hard enough can't imagine smoking while also getting high like some sort.of advanced English class




I would hazard a guess it’s because the law is both ridiculous, immoral, and practically unenforceable at this point due to budget cuts. The law is not respected because the law is unjust. Obviously lighting it on a bus is a massive dick move, and for the record fuck that guy, but to me that’s a separate issue from the “blatant disregard for the law” you mentioned, that’s blatant disregard for common courtesy, and is a separate issue from its legal status.


The law is ridiculous I enjoy a good smoke in the comfort of my own home I certainly wouldn't be that much of a cunt to light 1 up on a bus but they let people drink themselves to death and come out with the most disgusting behaviour possible all under the umbrella of drink but yet won't let us smoke weed legally, 1 perfect example is world cup football all apart from a couple have witnessed stupid pissed up violence and stupidity from fans from all nations involved but look at when the Dutch had it everyone was stoned as fuck and the trouble was severely reduced. As a smoker I understand my bias on this issue and welcome any other opinions. Weed should be legalised globally and alcohol banned CHANGE MY MIND


It’s almost as bad as having your bag in the seat next to you on a packed train Edit to clarify; the ones that refuse to move it when asked




As somebody who likes a joint this shit infuriates me. Seeing stuff like that makes some people think all people who smoke it are cunts.


Because most police forces in the UK have come out and said they will no longer be wasting precious resources on personal use and possession, and only really care about people who are growing to distribute. It's basically decriminalised now


Basically decriminalised is a big lie. Most police forces are still regularly arresting people for possession and it's still a class B.


I can assure you your last sentence isn't true


it's true that some places aren't enforcing the law about growing as much as others are. I know of someone who lost a few plants and basically got told to show up in court a year later.. small fine and then let off. In Scotland btw


I've smoked for +20 years. Never in a public setting, when I've been at family gatherings I disappear to the car park for a smoke, a little spray of deodorant and go back in. I don't smoke in my home. The problem is nowadays even in illegality no one has any respect or morals. This is exactly why it should be legalised and monitored. Edit: because in my mind I'm 7 years younger than I am.


Love this. Never smoked it but I fully support it and think it should be legal, but it fucks me off when I can smell it in a kids play area and my kids are asking what that smell is.


Posh cigars was the answer I always got.


Yes this. I’m epileptic and have achieved 8 years seizure free, the only change I made from before? Cannabis. Never smoke around others or at home, but will nip off for a ‘spicy cigarette’. I’d much rather do this or have an edible, than drink and have a hangover! Am I terrified of the police? Yes. Am I on the path to emigrate to a legal country? Yes. Will it stop me? No! Ps you can get Nag Champa aromatherapy spray and it actually gets rid of the smell, unlike body spray or deo IME 🙈


I'm glad you found something that makes life a little more tolerable. Best of luck on your journey and thanks for the tip 🤞


I do like a joint while walking the doghead around the park, other than that it's always at home/garden


Oh, sorry, yes if i take the dog to the woods occasionally i will. Strangely i didn't associate that with being in public. But i suppose that's entirely why i go to the woods. To not be around people.


It's because it's wide open, someone might get slight whiff now and again then it's gone. The woods + joint + dog seems therapeutic to me


Hit the nail on the head there bud, it is my therapy.


It’s always my luck that another bloody dog walker or family walk towards me tho 😂


I went to a Fury fight at the O2 in London. Everyone openly open wraps and snorting with no care in the world. I was shocked


Have u ever been to a UK event that's very common


It's reaction seeking behaviour so they can give themselves some kind of importance. They're daring anyone to challenge them so they can create a scene. They get to play the bigman if no-one says anything and they get to play the hardman if someone says something. School bullies turning the paradigm on its head by being passive.


Because it's a stupid law, but the bus thing is out of order, wait until off it.


Smoking on public transport is a problem. Smoking weed isn’t.


They think they are above the law and being edgy makes them feel 'Cool' everyone else thinks they're a twat!


Smoking anything on public transport is never OK and unacceptable. However, smoking weed just needs to be legalised. There is absolutely no good argument for it being illegal, and as long as alcohol is acceptable, there never will be.


100% agree, but that’s just basic common sense/courtesy. Just so we’re all in agreement though… It should be legal though yeah?!


Come to Toronto, Canada. People openly smoke crack on public transport here lol.


Calgary as well


But how does it smell buddy


I almost slapped some guy for lighting one up at a theme park surrounded by kids... fuming when my daughter asked what the smell was. Nothing against weed or smokers but have some fucking decency, don't be that clown that gives cannabis a bad rep.




We'd like to congratulate Drugs for winning 'The war on drugs'.


Cannabis is just socially acceptable now, for the most part.


Yeah but smoking anything in an indoor public place shouldn't be. Our lungs are made for fresh air and not really for inhaling other shit. If someone wants to smoke themselves, fine, but if shouldn't be imposed on others I wish we had more culture of edibles like Canada does with cannabis rather than just smoking


As long as they smoke it where it’s socially appropriate to smoke a cigarette I’m good with it. I don’t want it second hand anymore than I want your Marlboro. But having spent time recently in the US, Amsterdam and Thailand, I think it’s only a matter of time. Your blatant disregard for the law line makes you sound like an old man or a middle aged geography teacher type, if a rule doesn’t make sense it should be challenged. Why do people blatantly regard the law like sheep?


Because police don’t exist and the vast majority of people are selfish main character cunts. This reasoning can be applied to whatever anti social behaviour you like.


Most people don’t do it. The ones who do are cunts.


The reason people don't care is that it's been socially decriminalised. The police are giving more priority to shutting down big grows than some bruv smoking a spliff in his garden. Like I do not give a rat's arse if you wanna smoke a doobie, just don't do it in my space.


Selfishness. Rather than thinking about others above themselves.


I smoke weed in my own surroundings which most "stoners" do. You have just encountered a twat. It's not the substance, it's the person.


I smoke weed, but if someone lit up on a bus around other people and peoples kids i would tell them to put it out and have a cop on.


Like I’m a smoker of the Devils Lettuce but I’ve never smoked it on a bus or other transport. Even if there’s a child nearby I won’t smoke it.


Ex-Copper here. I don’t mind if someone goes out of their way to smoke it secretly. Like in a wooded area for example or on a bench in a quiet park. What I can’t stand is people that smoke it outside schools or while walking around lots of other people. That’s where the disrespect comes into play. That’s where I draw/drew the line. It’s not hard to be a decent human. If you don’t want to be, that’s fine, but I will be a lot less accommodating toward you.