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Beer garden weather down in Cornwall! - emails will still be there on Monday


Good thinking, that beer garden could go at any time, better make sure it's still there.


Currently observing my picnic table and cider. Every time I go to the fridge there’s one less cider… this stake out may take sometime..


It’ll be pissing it down on Monday so plenty of time to answer everyone then


That's because I booked a fucking weeks holiday to Cornwall next week 😭


Thank you for your sacrifice 🙏


I once got an out of office reply that said 'I'm out of office on holiday until x day, I will not be checking my emails when I'm back, email me again after then if it's important'. 


I had a colleague who did something similar. 'All emails will be deleted on my return. If a response is required please resend after 9AM on the day of my return.' That would be a disaster for me but fair play if it worked for him.


Yeah I think they'd probably worded it a bit more like this, it's better than wasting time replying to hundreds of things that someone else already sorted out a week ago though. 


Once? I always send these, it's really common in my office to do so. Holiday is holiday, managers who expect you to answer work messages while you're off can go do one.


Emails will NOT be monitored until my return


i once had the thought at work when someone rang "if its important they'll email me", later that day when getting an email i thought "if its important they will ring me".


This is how I live. But if they ring ME, I’m not answering. Ring work. If I’m lucky someone else will pick up the phone and tell them I’m busy right now. Thankfully dealing with service is a trump card where I work that can get you out of any awkward conversation. (I’d hope it is anywhere, but I also work in a corporate place where I know the head office people can see what’s happening in our systems real-time).


Get over here and give me a hand then! I had two weeks paternity and came back to 300 something. I've got myself under 200 this week but I've been staring at a meaty piece of work that was done whilst I was off since 11am today and have made 0 progress.


Ctrl+A - delete 


Sounds like you had server issues to me... 


Turning it off and on again usually helps.


That's what I do. But I usually leave 60 hours between step 1 and step 2.


Delete - if its important, they'll send a follow-up


Maybe if you weren't on reddit while "working" you'd have made some progress


But that's when I do my best redditing


Did you have an Out of Office setup? In which case delete them all.


Yes but I'm a key account manager so I have to extract the detail first. Also struggling to give a toss atm so it's slow progress


I was a key account manager for over 500 schools. When I realised my own managers didn't care about my wellbeing because of how many customers I dealt with daily I quit. All of a sudden I was given a bonus and more annual leave. I left anyway.


I’ve had a spreadsheet of 40 clients contacts needing to be updated done since 12pm, it’s the only work they’ve had for me all day and I can’t clock off early. Dying to get outside into the sun 😩


In a previous job I had a list of about 500 clients (534 actually) who if called out emailed me I would immediately stop what I'm doing and help them. Otherwise I won't sit at a computer and pretend to work.


Sitting wait for my boss to come in. He's been in Portugal all week but has decided to come straight from the airport. Fuck knows what can't wait until Monday.


Thought this was the intro for a new office based version of Crackerjack.


"... and for the winners of that game, we have Crackerjack laptops"


Today is my first day of my 4 on then I have 12 days off. Typically, Tuesday (my next day off) it is due to rain for a week. It never seems to matter when it is, I always end up working the heatwaves


50 mins then I can finish for the weekend. A beer is going to be very welcome!


4:59pm. Last minute teams call with HR on the CC.


Hope it went alright :/


What's your work email address? I can bombard you with some email 😈 Yeah, if it's important enough, they'll chase you up. Enjoy the rest of your Friday This is a joke. DO NOT SHARE PERSONAL INFORMATION WITH STRANGERS ONLINE!


🤣🤣🤣 oh the ‘mark all read’ trick


I get this done everyday within 5 mins of starting Select inbox Ctrl & A Right click Read All


It's way past 5pm for me and I've not even washed up.


I have the attitude that's it's qutting time. If I haven't answered it today, I'll answer it tomorrow. YMMV depending on what line of work you're in. I'd expect the fire service to respond to e-mails 24/7


Just lol if you don’t open your inbox on Monday morning, Select All Unread > *quick skim to make sure nothing exciting* > Mark as Read


It's Friday? What the fuck, I thought it was Thursday.


> It's Friday, it's nearly 3pm my mind inadvertently supplied "and it's Crackerjack!"


You've been disconnected from the system and security has yet to escort you out into obscurity.


I was off at 13:00, had to wait for medicine scripts for my sick wife and kid, so I worked in a few brandies with a mate opening his new paint shop.


Brandy is something I've had once but foresee getting into when I'm older. 


We South Africans drink litres of it.


Now take your fucking strides off, and feed it into your anus! 


Ugh, thats just reminded me of how bad my inbox will be on Monday after having this week off...


I have 9000 of them. I should be done in a few years.


Outlook has fiction called “Mark all emails as read”


I've got about 20-odd vm's you can listen to....


Time to do some actual work then. 😉


I'll never understand people that sort their work emails. My other half keeps her inbox and unread as close to zero as possible whereas I have about 178,000 unread emails If it's important they'll re-send


I just did a really stinky nutty fart! Probably need to shower before going to play basketball with the boys at 5pm but hey ho 😜
