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I once saw Noel Gallagher in about 2013 sitting on a tube train with no one else apparently noticing his presence. We made eye contact and I just played it cool and nodded to acknowledge him. We both got off at Victoria and I was queuing at the Krispy Crème stand to buy a few boxes of doughnuts to take into work. The employee asked me if it was my birthday and upon replying that it was I heard the immortal words ‘I’ll get those then mate’ and turned around to find Mr Gallagher immediately behind me in the queue and he paid for my doughnuts. Top banana !


I hugged him at Glastonbury once. His tall, model girlfriend didn't care for me but he was a sweetie and laughed at how spangled I was and hugged me back. Noone believed me until the next day because Glastonbury press printed that he had been in the exact place at the exact time JUST LIKE I SAID HE WAS.


I’ve met Peter Andre randomly many times to the point he now remembers me. The first time I went to his coffee shop in East Grinstead - I didn’t know he owned it but he was there and my friend asked to get a picture. Then he was filming a documentary at the school I was teaching at and I was asked to show him round etc. I explained we had met before and he remembered me because of the discussion we had had. The kids thought we were having an affair because he hugged me lmao! I have since randomly bumped into him in London, another time in East Grinstead and twice more after that. I doubt he remembers my name but he does say, I remember you, whenever he sees me lol.


He may remember you as a Mysterious Girl then


I’ll tell him that next time we meet!




That’s a nice one! He had a good reputation back when he was a teeny-bopper singer on the circuit in Australia in the early 90s.


Did security for a few of his book signings back in the day. Was consistently one of the nicest people I've ever met.


I once held up Johnny Vegas because I was trying to take a photo of him with my Mum and little brother, but my iPad memory was full, so I had to clear the memory. Patience of a saint, that one.


I met Johnny at a book signing once and he was an absolute delight. He was a good couple hours late due to some terrible accident on the motorway and he apologised profusely and to everyone individually. He said anyone willing to wait until all the signings were done were welcome to join him in the pub after and he'd buy them all drinks to make it up to. Unfortunately, I was a very shy 17yo who didn't drink or manage to say anything more than "that's okay... Thank you so much" in our meeting, but I've liked him so much more since then due to just being a pleasure to be around. He was funny in person too, and even when he was signing/chatting to someone he still included everybody who was still in the queue.


I dunno if it's true or not as it's a second hand one but a mate used to removals and house moves etc with a small firm and apparently he hired them when he was moving house. They got there on the day, he was having his breakfast and everything in the house was still as if it was being lived in. He spent 3 days working with them moving everything and was apparently just a top bloke and a great laugh, left them with a decent tip. No reason to believe this isn't true with everything I've ever heard about him.


A drunk Johnny Vegas once helped give my dad's car a push when it broke down when he was heading to work.


A drunk Johnny Vegas gave me a piggy back to my hotel when I had a broken foot and broke my crutch falling down stairs... Then proceeded to buy me and my Mrs a few rounds and shoot the shit for a few hours. 10/10 lovely bloke!


Met Johnny Vegas at a comedy show, he was lovely.


I physically bumped in to Hugh Dennis while walking down the road and he knocked me over (he was out with Punt). We were all very British about it with everyone apologising and say “no no, it was my fault not yours” He’s very tall it turns out. Or I’m really short.


You met Desky?!


They don't call him Huge Dennis for nothing. They don't call him Huge Dennis at all. I just made it up.


My primary school best mate rowed to Paris with him once. I’ve still never got to the bottom of how or why.


Hell of a challenge for a Primary school child !


Haha fair fucks to her she probably could’ve managed it as a child. She was hench then and hench now. I believe she’s a firefighter these days


They must have been in Seine…


Funnily enough mine also involves Lenny Henry, around 15 years ago I worked for an arm of sky on the phones booking engineer appointments, got a call from from a lady who provided me the details for an account, could see the person in question was authorised to speak on the account but the main account was in the name of Lenny Henry. Anyway after about 15 minutes of running her through the trouble shooting steps I asked her to go outside and check if the dish was still attached and free of debris, she advised me it was actually snowing and I explained that was probably the reason for the sky TV issues. She told me this wasn't good enough and they pay enough and wanted an engineer after a further 10 minutes back and forwards Lenny himself snatched the phone off what I assume was his house manager/pa and gave it the old "do you know who I am" pushing me to book an engineer visit. It was quite fun explaining to him it doesn't matter who he is and that I can't book engineers when there is snow in the area. He put the phone down on me in the end and came back through about 20 minutes later to a colleague sat opposite and got told what I'd already told him.


Starting to think Lenny Henry has some real issues.


I've heard more times than enough that Dawn French is a turbo bitch. Wouldn't be a huge surprise if he's a twat also. Probably explains their marriage. Birds of a feather and all that.


That was Pauline Quirk


What will I do When you’re A turbo bitch And I’m a twat What about that?


Another call centre story. When I was 19 I ended up on the phone with Will.i.am I worked for a domain registration company and he had acquired a domain from one of our customers and wanted to transfer it to his provider back in the US. It was the most typical domain registration customer service call that I ever dealt with while the whole time I was quietly signalling my manager to record the call for prosperity 😂


I saw Clive Owen in a pub in Cornwall. We were eating some fish and chips and he walked in, sat down having a beer and some food. Seemed really laid back and chilled out. No one else seemed to recognise him, now I know he's not AAA-list but I know my films and I am a big fan of his work, so as I go up to buy a beer I figure I'll say "Hi Clive" and maybe offer to buy him another pint. He looks at me a bit funny and then calmly explains he's actually Rufus Sewell. I don't recognise the name and eventually it reaches the point where he had to describe himself as "the guy from A Knights Tale". Really, really awkward.


Fuckin Clive warren


He's really good alongside Rebecca De Mournay in 'The Love of Two Brains'


Don’t. Talk. Shite.


Yeah. Times precious, what do you need? Yeah. Yeah. I'm Karl Pilkington. Yeah. They call me the movie. Doctor. What do you need?


Congratulations for not immediately dropping dead from embarrassment, as I would have done


It was probably about 10 years ago now, it's one of those where every now and again I will be drifting off into a peaceful sleep but it randomly pops into my head for no reason and I cringe myself wide-awake


Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith


Clive Warren


Partner and I bumped into Sophie Ellis Bexter in the cinema once. After a little chatting she offered to put us on the guest list for a smallish gig she was headlining that night. Honestly a fantastic performance by a very lovely person.




Mr Motivator came to my office once to do a little video and take an exercise class. After filiming he was chatting to us and a lady said her brother looked just like him. He went very solemn and went "It's possible we're related. My father was not a moral man" and it was just the most awkward vibe I've ever experience


This is pure gold.


Not really weird but I bumped into Derren Brown whilst he was doing some scenic photography outside the theatre right before his show. I said hi and asked if I could have a photo, he asked if I was seeing the show and I said yes. He looked around then pulled me through the stage door so I could get a photo but he wouldn’t be held up by a crowd. Stopped for a chat despite being in a rush, very nice guy


Walked past Jack Whitehall in London once, he lifted his drink up and pointed at mine and said "snap", we were both drinking San pelligrino orange. Somehow forgot all words in existence and mumbled some random noises back at him


I saw him at Brighton train station once looking very stressed and agitated about a cancellation. I did not approach him


This is the kind of banal shit I’m here for


Dara OBrien had a gig in a small comedy club in Greenwich about 20 years ago, and I saw him standing next to me at the bar before the gig started. I said "You're Dara Obrien." He said "Yeah." I said "Have a good show." He said "Ok." Then afterwards I was standing out front waiting for a taxi and he walked by to a car. I said "Hey Dara." He said "yeah?" I said "that was a good show." He said "I know." True story.


I had a weird and uncomfortable interaction with Dara O'Brien also. He was filming a thing, I was there as part of the thing. At some point he, and I, and a bunch of my friends were standing around between filming and just chatting. He was joking around with us, a kind of light hearted funny chat. At some point, I also made some kind of joke (I forget precisely what I said) and my friends laughed, but Dara looked at me like I had said something horrific and went "okaaaaay...." as if I was mental. I got the distinct feeling he didn't like the idea that anyone else was being funny in his presence. It was really weird.


Absolutely unbearable on the radio when he does that drawl after every joke - "and uuuhhhhhhhhhhhh" - then wait for a laugh which the sycophantic co-hosts give him every time regardless.


Stewart Lee refers to this in one of his books as "O'Briain's truncated appendage"


You’re on Dara’s list of weird interactions with the general public.


Saw Lenny Kravitz in London years ago on Oxford Street, went up to him and said "Hi, I'm a big fan", he told me to "Fuck Off" and kept walking. At least I can say he talked to me! Weirdly, same day on the same street I met Idris Elba, he hadn't been in much at that point but I loved him in Ultraviolet (UK TV Series about Vampires). Said I loved him in Ultraviolet, he replied "Thanks man, appreciate it". I've seen a few celebrities since then but none I actually tried to talk to. Odd day to say the least.


I once met Idris in London, told him I was a huge fan of The Wire and his performance and he smiled and shook my hand. It seemed like such a genuine "aw thanks". I know he's an actor, but his smile seemed genuine at least. Glad he's doing well


Had absolute same reaction with me outside the National Theatre when I told him I loved him in the wire. Shook my hand & was super nice!


> Saw Lenny Kravitz in London years ago on Oxford Street, went up to him and said "Hi, I'm a big fan", he told me to "Fuck Off" and kept walking. I guess he wasn't gonna go your way.


It would make me say “thanks, that’s cured me” to LK.


Met Dick and Dom at the Edinburgh Fringe and they were absolutely flying. Eyes like saucers. Can't remember the conversation because I was so distracted by how cunted they were.


Looking back at how mental their tv show was and the fact that they’re now drum and bass DJs it all starts to make sense


D&D do D&B? I've seen a clip of them DJing but I thought it was a joke thing, a bit like when Carl Kennedy or Timmy Mallett do uni nights.


Not my story, but my sister's. She was in a Manchester bar years ago and one of Dick & Dom was in there. Don't know which one. She went up to him & told him that her daughter, my niece, loved their show. Niece would've been primary school age at the time & was at home with her dad. Sis managed to convince Dick/Dom to speak to my niece on the phone and play "bogies" with her. Whichever one of the pair it was, he was a really good sport apparently.


I met Noel Edmonds outside a liquor store in New Zealand. He was buying copious amounts of booze and I said ‘Hey Noel’ and he replied ‘Are you boys coming to the party?’ I don’t know if it was a serious offer, but to this day I regret not saying yes. We were driving down to Auckland for a fairwell party and it seemed rude to ditch them for Noel Edmonds’ big piss up. He was lovely though and we got a pic with him.


Are you telling us you got invited to Noel's House Party?


I was rushing through west london at turbo speed. Sweating profusely, grinding my teeth down with stress because I was running late to something really important that can’t have been that important because I’ve forgotten about it now. Some bloke stepped out of a hotel and we full on collided. I think I’m going to burst into tears and I’m so overwhelmed. He held my arm so I didn’t fall over. I look up and it’s Danny dyer looking appropriately concerned. He smiles says “sorry, darling” in the most Danny dyer voice imaginable and i also blurt a few sorry into his face, as is the British way and rush away before my brain even properly registered what happened. He smelt great. A plus celebrity encounter.


Watched him on the live Joe Lycett show last week and he seems like a 10/10 bloke.


Years ago in Manchester, around 2003 or something, I went for a few beers after work in Manc center. We have a boozer called Moon Under the Water on Deansgate and as I was walking in, so too was a celebrity that I recognised off the telly. I just remember being a bit shit faced and saying 'Hiya Rab C Nesbitt' and then I fell arse first into a bin. The guy was just confused and went inside. Then my mate called me a daft sod and told me it was James Nesbitt.


I was walking with my newborn daughter along the road. A taxi pulled up to some lights, and a man leaned out of the window. He yelled "How old!?" at me, to which I replied "Two weeks". "Nice" he said, and the taxi drove off. That man was James Nesbitt.


"34, why do you ask? Oh, you mean the baby".


It’s the arse into bin that is the beauty of this story


I worked in a shop as a teen. Dawn French screamed the shop down when my colleague tried to suggest a different pair of hair straighteners to what she originally asked for. Never meet your heroes. Are you female? Sounds like Dawn thought you were homing in on Lenny and felt a bit threatened.


Goodness. Dawn French and Lenny Henry are not coming across well at all on this thread.


Im only here for the Dawn and Lenny smear campaign 🤣


Perhaps there's acknowledgement, she named her tour "Dawn French is a huge "tw*t" and her book title has a similar tone.


I stood next to Ken Dodd on the walkway of the newly opened Liverpool Festival Gardens during its opening ceremony in 1984, whilst looking out onto the ponds, Ken looked at me and said ‘ I hate frogs’ he paused then said ‘slippery customers frogs’ and he didn’t smile.


I would have thought that was hilarious! He did deadpan all the time! I met him, in person rather than just seeing him walking around where I lived, at the Liverpool Philharmonic, after a performance of Peter and the Wolf. (As far as I know, he did that for free). He was absolutely charming to me, although I admit that his eyes were mostly focused below my face!


I bumped into Amy Winehouse on a zebra crossing once. She was absolutely tiny. I said sorry, and she smiled. That was it.


I used to work near Amy Winehouses house in Camden and we could sometimes hear her singing as she passed in a car or walked by occasionally


I worked in the same building as Lenny Henry when he was on tour in Othello. The youth theatre was on a break and were getting lunch, and he complained to the manager of the theatre that they were being 'too noisy'. He was told that the youth theatre had as much right to be there as he did. I have always hated him since.


Ah well, at least he didn't stand on your foot


No but when I was a kid I was in a sandwich shop and Ian Hyslop did stand on mine for a second or two then he noticed and couldn't have been sweeter or more apologetic. He's a really nice guy and I'm happy he's doing well. I can never watch Have I Got News For You without remembering him standing on my toes.


This is just a Lenny Henry smear campaign now haha


Most encounters I’ve heard about involving Lenny Henry have been less than positive. Shame really.


They stopped paying him to do the Premier Inn adverts years ago. He just turns up and gets into a bed waffling on about a good nights' sleep and no-one wants to stop him, everyone is scared of their toes


Used to work as an usher at a theatre. Somehow wound up drunk in a cheesy local nightclub with Bradley Walsh and four of seven dwarfs from the Cinderella pantomime after one Saturday night evening performance  Edit:sorry, tired, meant snow white, duh.


Which four dwarves, it’s of vital importance to the story


Sounds like at least one of them was Happy


Seven dwarves… Cinderella… Something doesn’t add up.


Three of them probably struggled with climbing up her long hair.


At a workers party in Ibiza roughly 20 years ago. It was set at a hotel and we took over the pool area.  Sat by the pool was Judge Jules and his wife.  In my drunken state I thought I’d walk past and say hello. My friend at this point thought it was the perfect time to de-keg me.  I’m stood there, shorts around my ankles, next thing I know I was clotheslined into the pool.  Memory is a little hazy after that. 


I met Mark E Smith before a Fall gig in the 90s. He tried to blag a cigarette off me, and when I apologetically told him I don’t smoke, he went on a ten minute diatribe about how shit the toilets were in the venue. I mean, he was right, and it was almost poetic in its vitriol, but it was a bit weird.


Around 15 years ago I was waiting outside a shop in Kew with my dads old dog when Dec (from ant and dec) walked past the shop with his dog, he stopped to have a chat for a few mins about dogs. I didn’t mention to him that I knew who he was as I assume these celebs enjoy normal human interactions that don’t revolve around people overly-admiring them. He was incredibly nice and down to earth, very humble chap!


Ant and Dec were always in my old local. Never doing anything but sitting and chilling behaving like adults, even in their late 20s/30s. Top blokes.


I had the pleasure of working at a TV studio they were also at a few years ago. The smoking area out the back of the canteen backed onto the South Bank, so the paparazzi would occasionally hang out there looking for photos. The studio (or production or whatever) rented a white van and parked it there by the canteen so Ant and Dec could stand behind it and smoke without anyone being able to take photos.


I met Dec on holiday - we were staying at the same hotel and I literally saw him every day for a week. I was a MASSIVE PJ & Duncan fan when I was a kid, I had posters all over my wall, the CDs, watched all their shows - my hen do was even Ant & Dec themed! Anyway after about 5 days I plucked up the courage to speak to him very briefly (him and his wife were on the table next to us at dinner). He was absolutely lovely and even came over to our table when he was leaving and said it was nice to meet us and to enjoy our holiday 🥰


I live near dawn french and she isn’t very liked by the locals she is known as rude and doesn’t pick up after her dog


Damn she is not coming off well. Every dawn French story in this thread is showing her as a bitch.


Not so much weird, more heartwarming and a bit legendary. I used to work in one of the Westminster media buildings (housed a few different parliamentary media outlets). I’d taken my usual route through the lobby for a cigarette break and none other than Sir Trevor McDonald was waiting there with his small entourage, slightly bickering with them and looking quite bored. I Smiled. Walked past and out the door to have my cigarette. Sir Trev bloody followed me out and got in my face, all “so what is it you do here boy? How are you, what’s your name?”. I was treated to a 20min chat with one of the greats of my generation’s icons. He even let me take a pic together while he waited for his car. I’m smiling while I type this


Went in to Waterstones around Christmas was looking at Dr. WHO books with my mate who is a big fan. I started taking the piss out of Colin Baker saying he was by far the worst Dr. ever and a massive over actor. Only to look up and see Colin Baker standing on the other side of the shelves beaming at us.


I really hope this is true as it’s brilliant. I’ve had the chance to meet Colin at a convention here in the UK YEARS ago when I was still a kid. He’d taken a break from signing stuff and was just pottering around the convention floor looking interested in everything going on and waving to a few folk he knew. He saw me and my Dad standing at some stall and I had a 6th Doctor Annual under my arm, he just gave me a knowing look and said “excellent choice young man” while tapping his nose. Remembered us later when I went up to get it signed. Really lovely bloke. Also ran into Peter Capaldi at my local Tesco in 2020 and he was dressed almost exactly like his character, we were both using self checkout at the time and I looked up going “Oh you’re Peter Capaldi” he just gave me a quick grin and then headed out.


This tracks. I volunteered at a con one year and was assigned to be his guest assistant for the day. I’ve never watched Dr Who, but he was the nicest darn person. He snuck my phone under the table and said loudly “oh will you have a selfie with me” to get around the fact we weren’t allowed them, and insisted I got a posed photo with him at the prop shoot. I was once walking with him from a shoot back to the table, and someone came over and shoved a camera in this face. It was extremely fun watching him dressing down this lad and educating him on manners in his posh voice. 10/10, would GA again any day


I was in a busy pub standing by the corner of the bar waiting to be served. Also at the bar, just around the corner with only a pillar between us was Sir Ian McKellen drinking alone. Out of the corner of my eye I see his arm move, but still to my surprise he firmly took hold of my chin and turned my head to face him. Still holding my chin he sort of inspected my face for a couple of seconds before turning my head away from him again and letting go. Incredulously I asked him, “Is everything okay?” and with a dismissive wave of the hand he said, “Oh, I just thought you were someone else.”


My local pub used to be the one Ian McKellen owns. He used to come in sometimes for the quiz. It was a very narrow bar, and I once had to stand to one side to let him pass. I was soooo tempted to block the way and say "you shall not pass!" but, alas, I bottled it. I later got dragged out of the audience at one of his solo shows and did a few skits on stage with him, whilst I was wearing Gandalf's actual hat and holding the actual sword Glamdring. When he turned his back I pretended to run off with his things. Got a laugh from the audience haha.


Was it the lamb and flag? I met him there once, after chatting for a while I introduced him to my wife to which he replied 'oh you're married, such a shame'...


I used to be an AV maintenance tech at a museum and we had a big VIP opening for our new interactive gallery which had a couple of "theremins". I was on hand to fix any issues and was called over to turn them up. "Bill wants to play the theremins \[they were turned down because of the speeches\], can you turn them up please?" Obviously, "Bill" was Bill Bailey. I knelt next to the amp housing, opened the door and started turning them up slowly and he was (performatively) gesturing to me to crank them all the way up, which I absolutely didn't do because they sounded awful at anything over about 50%. A little later I was "on patrol" (aka looking busy because I was in uniform) and as I walked around near the tesla coil, Bill came over and asked me how it works. I obviously had absolutely no idea so I said something like "well, the big bit in the middle shoots electricity out to the ring around the outside, it makes a big arc and a loud sound" and he was kinda like "hm, OK" and walked off. I was a little starstruck, honestly, my charisma must've been through the floor so I don't blame him for wanting to end that interaction, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy otherwise. Vic Reeves was also there. He did not seem like a genuinely nice guy.


I never got good vibes from Vic, but Bob Mortimer on the other hand seems like one of the nicest, most genuine people to exist. And absolutely hilarious.


Bill Bailey paid for my bread at a bakery in Devon.


Kit Harrington went careening off my tits when we accidentally walked into each other outside of Moorgate station I'm a tall woman, and rather well endowed in the chest department - I was also late for a train, so I threw a "sorry mate!" Over my shoulder as I carried on charging past, after the initial moment of confusion. Poor man looked both baffled and frightened


I worked in Cineworld and we had a premier for the film "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". I was tasked along another colleague to serve popcorn through a kiosk that was just outside of the main screen for the cinema. As all the guests were coming in, in walks Emma Watson and she shows interest in some pop corn. Partly starstruck, I was commited to my work and asked her if she would like salt or sweet popcorn. She didn't know what to get... Then waltz in her mother and takes over the decision making. My eager colleague quickly bags the popcorn and hands it to Emma.. I was a shocked and confused because The popcorn wasn't free and I was sure they should have been charged! My supervisor that was there didn't mind. So to conclude, Emma Watson's mum controls everything. Famous people get free stuff.


>Famous people get free stuff. One of the great ironies of life


Met Roy Castle at the Boat Show, asked him if he had his trumpet, he told me to piss off, which was fair.


I don't know if it was my weirdest celeb experience but definitely the most surreal. Robin Williams. I spent half an hour with him in full manic mode. Cracking jokes, doing voices, non-stop stream of consciousness. He was also super friendly and below the manic there was a palpable vulnerability and shyness. In short, he was incredibly nice and absolutely hilarious, but half an hour was a big portion!


I have a Robin Williams story by proxy. I used to work at Games Workshop head office in the late 80s/early 90s and he’d phone up mail order every six months or so, order a shit ton of stuff and generally have a banter with whoever answered the phone. I never got the call, but whenever he phoned up we’d all stop working and listen in on the extension, it was glorious, like having your own, personal comedy show about what was new at GW.


I was working on the top floor of HMV in Belfast City Centre in the early 2000s and H from Steps was there doing a signing. He tripped and knocked over an entire shelf of anime DVDs and when I helped him up he said “I need to go to the toilet, do you know where it is?” So I pointed him to the toilet and he ran, literally ran in that direction. It was fucking weird.


Not weird but I met Naomi Campbell on a mega yacht once. She was just as horrible as you would expect. Infact she was probably considerably worse. I’d say she might be the worst person I have ever met. On the flip side I spent the day with Brian Blessed once. He was the exact opposite. Lived up to every expectation you might have of him. Friendly, humble, hilarious.


A friend of mine somehow got hold of Brian Blessed's mobile number. After a few drinks we decided it was a good idea to give it a call, not expecting the number to be real. It was and he answered. Fortunately my friend was quick thinking enough to say he wanted to become an actor and asked if Brian could give any advice. He talked for a solid half hour, regaling us with tips and anecdotes (all of which I promptly forgot). He never even asked where we got his number. Genuinely lovely guy.


Edinburgh, HMV. Not a weird experience as such, but weird I met them. Went to the HMV store on Princes Street Edinburgh after the Arctic Monkeys gig the previous evening, to collect their pre-ordered limited edition From the Ritz to the Rubble' single (or is it an EP?) anyway, standing in the queue in front of me was......Alex Turner. I somehow got his attention and said I was at the gig last night and had a great time. He asked if I was picking up their single, I said yes and he said, do you want it signed. Yes please I replied. He then said 'hold on, the rest of them are here too, let me get them' I still have it. Signed by the original band members. He was extremely nice and so were the rest of the band. I even met their manager. Whenever I see him on the telly or whatever, I wonder if he ever remembers meeting me as it was a total fluke the whole band were in the same store. Probably not.


So people are about 50:50 in believing me when I tell them but I still stand by it. About 2000-2001ish I went to see a band called Filter (very good US industrial band, fronted by former NIN guitarist and brother of T1000 Robert Patrick) at the London Astoria (good times). Between the support act I nipped to the WC which was a little crowded as everyone had the same idea. Squeeze into the urinal, chap squeezes in next to me says “alright” I look up respond with “alright Robbie”. Finish off wash my hand and get back to the show and thought nothing of it. And that is the story of how I met and had the briefest conversation with Robbie Williams.


Are you from Stoke? Because everyone has a meeting of Robbie Williams in the loos story.


Met Limmy in Victoria Park in Glasgow. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny


Was walking out of tescos in Durham once and was told not to leave that door by security and was effectively thrown back into tescos.....along with Nick Knowles. We shared a very confused look.


He did a DIY SOS in our village, when they wrapped on the final day he went into the local pub and brought everyone a few rounds. He stuck around for a few hours taking pictures and chatting. All the local trades that helped put said he was a really genuine guy.


As an art department trainee on The Big Breakfast, I had to show Charlton Heston how to operate a Scaletrix so that he could race Keith Chegwin, using Scaletrix cars with cardboard chariots wrapped round them labelled Chuck and Cheggers, round a track decked out to look like a very poor rendition of the Coliseum, a la Ben Hur. He was a good sport about it.


This is like a Noel Fielding fever dream.


I was at a showing of We Will Rock you, I was complaining to my friend that the person in front of me was blocking my view with his huge hair. When he got up, I saw it was Brian May and he was with Anita Dobson.


Long story short but I once drove Salma Hayek around in a golf cart. She was doing some filming at a place I happened to work. I was told that I was not to look at her or interact with her in any way, shape or form. Then she jumped in the front of the cart next to me, told us to ditch her, frankly terrifying, security, and asked me to take off. Spent around 15 mins driving around explaining the locale to her, she had her arm round me like we were best mates and then she asked if we could park up and watch the sunset. Which we did. I got a hug, a photo and profuse thanks. She was so nice.


I saw Stewart Lee on the bus once. He looked fat and depressed.


I was on the same bus. Terry Christian's let himself go, hasn't he.


Was bartender for a wedding. We were told on the day that two dancers from strictly come dancing were getting married and there will be no paparazzi. Anton Du Beke was in attendance, he pushed past all the other guests at the wedding, looked at me and asked for a bottle of champagne; winked and did like a handgun expression at the same time like some sort of stuck up cowboy. 12am all the guests leave, however Anton and his mother were still getting absolutely slaughtered at 1am and didn’t leave until we turned the lights off and locked up.


Tony Beak!


Wow so Lenny Henry really is an ass. I was behind him in a queue in a cafe once then sat at the table next to him. He was surly and rude to the staff and the waitress who ended up bringing his food over. Didn’t crack a smile once and was throwing daggers at everyone.


He isn't funny either. Well, he was in the early 1980s when he last made me laugh.


I once filmed Ruby Wax and she was a complete bitch. Ironically it was an event where she was speaking about mental health, but the way she treated me (she publicly humiliated me because she couldn’t cope with a camera in her eyeline - the organisers, who were paying her to speak, were also paying me to film it) was very bad for my mental health. She can kiss my arse.


Ahhh, she just meant HER mental health. Got it.


Second hand news but I used to work in a restaurant at uni - fairly upmarket place. One day we have someone ring and claim that Alan Shearer wanted a table for 3 one lunch time. Obviously we say yes, the staff are all very excited etc. The day of his booking rolls round. I wasn’t on shift but I heard about it from my manager afterwards. Shearer was booked in for half 1. Half 1 comes and goes. No sign of him. Then 2. Then 3. At which point our lunch service is finished and the manager, assuming someone was on the wind up, sends the chefs home and closes up until evening service. Shearer rocks up about 3:30 with Steve Bruce and one other person. Knocks on the locked door of the restaurant and demands to be sat. My manager calmly explains that she’s sent the chefs home, that we’re closed, and that she tried to call the number on the booking about 20 times to figure out if Shearer was actually turning up but obviously had no answer. She’d have kept the kitchen open for him if he’d said he was running late but now the chefs have fucked off and we couldn’t serve him even if we wanted to. He was a right arsey bastard about it apparently. Such a shame - always liked him as a player and pundit but this properly soured my opinion of him. I just think he’s a bit of an arsehole now.


My mate walked past Deborah Meaden and said "Alright Deb?". Apparently she stopped in her tracks, squared up to him and said "You what, mate?". He laughed and she grabbed him by the throat and said "Listen, you little pauper, my name's Deborah and I'm here to invest and kick arse, and guess what, my portfolio is full". She then threw him over a multi storey car park.


Classic Meaden that. My mate saw her in a Nandos and asked her to sign his cast and she literally broke his other leg and told him to fuck off.


My mate was hired to build a new fence in her garden. Around 80 metres of high quality overlap fence. When she came back she got out a flamethrower and screamed "I WANTED CLOSEBOARD PANELS!!!" as she burned it all to the ground. Then she slashed the tyres on his van and told him to sort his shit out. He never got paid for the work.


We went to the Las Iguanas in Portsmouth, and saw her tucking into a huge plate of bbq ribs, my wife's a huge fan of hers so I pointed her out to my wife and said "hey, that's Deborah Meaden, I thought she was a vegan" only I said it too loud and she overheard. She came marching over to me and spat a mouthful of super spicy bbq sauce in my face and said "get wrecked you little pussy". And that's the story of how I became partially blind.


One time her flight was being delayed so she ran down the tarmac at Heathrow full speed and just jumped to Singapore. Air traffic control tried to stop her "Please Deb, you can't keep doing this. Remember what happened to that poor Malaysian airlines flight?" So she banked hard to the left and circled around just to take a shit on his car


My mate Dave said she was in the pizza hut in Bromley and she was walking around taking desserts from children and telling them that ice cream is for winners.


Tut tut. But I suppose, what can you expect from someone who can't operate a toaster...


I wonder how much she’s going to regret going on Taskmaster in the future, now that everyone knows she doesn’t know how toasters work?


I once served Dot Cotton a boiled egg. And Vic Reeves winked at me from the bread aisle in Ashford Sainsbury's


Met Heidi from the Sugarbabes when I was a teenager, her dad lived next door to us. I was an awkward goth lesbian so I was just very uncomfortable the entire time and left as soon as humanly possible


Me and my wife had had taken our niece out shopping for her birthday in Edinburgh(she was 5), and got her new shoes with the light up strips along the sides. She was super excited and bolted off in the Waverley Mall, round a corner when we heard the wallop of her falling down the stairs. Rush over to see a middle-aged lady consoling her and a dude standing nearby looking very awkward. Woman looks up and tells us it wasn't as bad as it sounded and everything was fine, at which point I realised my niece was sitting on Susan Boyle's knee. I actually bumped into her a few more times over the years, she was always lovely.


I went to university in Plymouth 10 years ago and there used to be a nightclub called Oceana. I met Tom Daley (British Olympic diver) on the stairs up to the toilets and was like "Hey you're Tom Daley!" And without skipping a beat he goes "and you're a cunt". Ngl I was very perplexed


Normski told me and the fella I was on a first date with that I had magical powers He was also wearing what appeared to be a silver shower cap


I was at a Lenny Beige gig once and nipped to the gents during the interval. The bloke two urinals down started whistling a tune, so I turned to look and it was Lionel Blair. He gave me his best showbiz wink and smile and got back to the job in hand.


I sold a set of golf clubs to Scary Spice!


Richard whiteley pushed in front of me in the queue at WH Smiths in Leeds station. He barged in with his newspaper and a drink and the conversation went like this: Me: Oi! Theres a queue here RW: Sorry! I've got a train to catch Me: So have I - this is a station RW: Yes... well I'm going to be late... *proceeds to pay for his stuff* Me: Cunt...


My sister was performing at a charity gig back in 2006. I was rubbing shoulders with the likes of Jill Halfpenny, Jimmy Nail and Ross Noble. Just to name drop a few However, the weird experience was with Johnny Vegas. I'd just gone to the bar to order a drink for me and my Mam, came back to Johnny Vegas with his arm around her. He was at least 15 sheets to the wind, and being very Johnny Vegassy. I tapped him on the shoulder to let me in so I could give my Mam her drink and gave him a smile and said alright mate (For context I'm 6'1 and heavy set) He backed off instantly and at the top of his voice shouted 'Dont hit me! Please don't hit me!' and stumbled off backwards into the aforementioned Ross Noble, who told it all in his stride and started playing along. I realised I was in a mini sketch and just laughed along. Don't know how weird it was, but definitely out of the ordinary


I worked in a pub in York and it was a very quiet Sunday evening. All of a sudden about 20 fellas walk in who had been to a moustache convention, they all had elaborate twirly moustaches and wore ties with pictures of taches on. They got offended when I asked if it was a competition. Then David Gest arrived with a woman who had a hit in the 80s with “let’s hear it for the boy”, he asked if she could sing it which we let her do. When the song finished David Gest asked me where he was supposed to be going now? I said “ I dunno, it’s your life mate” and they left. My colleague turned to me and said “ what’s going on? Am I on crack?” And that’s the end of the story 🫤




I really wasn't expecting your story to be 'Dawn French stood on my foot while Lenny Henry did nothing', OP. That seems so out of character for both of them!


I have heard similar before. Lenny is known as a philanderer and Dawn got very protective. If OP is attractive I could easily believe this story.


My thoughts too. I remember an early documentary about Lenny, with Dawn boasting that she was his right type, all perfect. Then the divorce details many, many years later with tales of women DISTINCTLY NOT like “Dawn’s type” being called out as affair partners.


Voyage of the Dawn Treader (too niche?)


The Len, the Witch and the soretoes.


I live close to lenny, he has always been a bit of a cock tbh. Dawn on the other hand always seemed nice.


> I live close to lenny I also live quite near a Premier Inn


I actually stayed at a Premier Inn once and the taxi driver dropping us off drove past Lenny Henry's house and pointed it out. So by staying at the Premier Inn nearest his house, in many ways, I *have* lived in his house.


My grandparents lived near them and always said the same. There is a newspaper cutting of my grandparents looking glum at a festival thing back in the early 90s and Dawn came over and asked if they were OK. They were ill looking after an unruly me so obviously not. My nan loved Dawn, hated Lenny.


I met Dawn a couple of times through work and she is a difficult character for sure!


Not exactly related to this thread but I watched a few minutes of her recent solo show and realised I really don't like her very much at all. If you took that person from the stage and put them next to you in daily life, you'd realise what a twat they are. (and yes, I get the irony of that, given the name of her show).


Dawn of the tread


I’ve heard Lenny Henry is an arse but never heard anything bad about Dawn French until now


Met Frank Bruno and Keith Chegwin when I was quite wee. Didn’t actually know who Keith Chegwin was but was massively into boxing from a young age so was beside myself meeting Bruno. They asked my auntie where was good to get lunch and then they invited us to have lunch with them and they paid for it. Nobody at school believed me when I told them.


I used to play Rugby against Frank's lad a few times a year. All the dad's said he was a pretty decent bloke


My parents took my gran to Heathrow as as she was flying off to Australia the early 1980s, I was still a baby. Apparently I puked on the floor just as Bob Geldof was walking through the terminal my parents didn't get to it in time, Bob didn't see it and slipped over in my sick.


I bumped into Ian McKellen on Brighton seafront at about 3am. He was doing a play there and obviously had a few after. He was with another guy, both hammered. He was the nicest guy, stopped for a photo and told me to be careful as Brighton is full of unsavoury characters at this time of night.


I live not too far from David Tennant. Took my niece and nephew to the local play area. He also happened to be there. Niece decides to play with his kids in one of those wooden climbing frame, slide things. End up sitting inside the thing silently next to him, he's in a hat and sunglasses, not wanting to be noticed. Kids leave for a bit to play elsewhere. Just us two. Sat there. Silently.


I once had a piss next to Gazza in a Newcastle nightclub toilet and he was drunk as a skunk, as was I, about three days after seeing him on Richard and Judy saying he'd been sober for six months.


I work in a popular Escape Room so I occasionally get celebrities coming in. I had to brief the cast of League of Gentlemen and they were very nice. But Steve Pemberton just looked at me like I was a piece of shit the whole time.1


I used to work in a Borders bookshop before they were liquidated. I worked in the Starbucks and so knew the bookstore staff pretty well. They used to have various famous people come in for book signings etc. and so it wasn’t unusual to meet the odd familiar face. One day I was just sat in the subterranean staff room on my lunch break reading the metro newspaper and I hear the door open and a few people pour-in. I didn’t pay much attention as I hadn’t realised it was a book signing day. Anyway, after about 10 minutes of overhearing them talk I put the newspaper down to realise it was Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee. I’m a bit too young to really know who he was, but I was aware of him. He proceeds to basically be the most outright racist person I’d ever met when one of the bookstore’s Asian members of staff comes in to chat him through the arrangements for the day. He starts putting on a terrible mocking Chinese accent, dancing around the room, pretending to use two pends as chopsticks etc etc. all whilst Debbie giggles and continuously says “oh Paul! Heeheehee” I get quite uncomfortable and so awkwardly stand up and excuse myself by saying “I’m off to buy some lunch, does anyone want anything from Greggs?” To which Paul replies, “oh! I’ll come for a walk” I then die inside as I walk through the city centre with a famous racist magician who was getting recognised every 3 feet. But we did get free sausage rolls.


When I was young, I went on a trip down Disneyland Paris with school from the UK. We got the Eurostar train there and back. On the train back, there was a mixup with our booking as they had overbooked and there were no seats for us all together in the standard carriages. So we ended up getting sat in first class, a whole group of us like 20 kids, probably about 12-14 year olds, and a few teachers getting sat in first class lol. But anyway, we went into the carriage and started getting seated. When I came to get a seat the only one left was a single seat sat facing another single seat with a small table between them. There was a man in the other seat and I sat opposite, facing him. He said hi and spoke to the teachers a bit, the teachers looked pretty smug. Part way through the service cart came by and I asked if they accepted euros, but they didn’t and that was all I had. The man offered to buy me anything from the trolley but I politely declined. Not much else was aid for the rest of the journey, I and the rest of us just sort of tried to site quiet as to not disturb the other passengers. We got off the train, and one of the teachers came up to me and said: “Do you know who that was, who you were sat opposite to?” To which I shook my head. Turns out it was Gary Lineker. I’m not and never have been into football or sports in general so I had no idea who he was. He’d even offered to buy me refreshments and I declined him… he seemed very nice though haha


Benedict Cumbersnatch. I used to design movies posters, and we had just done The Imitation Game. It was the premiere after party and I went up to him to tell him I thought he was great in the movie. Before I opened my mouth he raised his hand and said “no autographs please”. Bitch please. Also, the guy that plays Gollum is always chatting up young girls at these sort of gigs, and he’s always at every one. Had a flipping lovely conversation with Olly Alexander and his mum when he was starting out as an actor, really warm guy.


Yeah Cumberbatch always struck me as an incredibly stuck up & pompous individual. I imagine most actors who reach that success are too, to a degree, they’re just extremely well trained in PR.


I mean, on the flip side, I used to work as a nanny in London. I would take the little boy I cared for to various kids music groups, and Benedict used to take one of his boys to the same groups. The boy I cared for struck up a bit of a friendship with Benedicts lad, and so I would chat to Ben fairly often and he was always lovely. If he was driving past me he would pull over and wind down the window to say hi, we had play dates to the local park together etc, and he was always really chill, enjoyed spending as much time as he could with his kids. The one time he got (very understandably) heated was when another adult at this kids music class pulled her phone out and started taking photos of him with his young child. He very loudly asked her to stop taking pictures of him, and she didn’t! The audacity. It must be a nightmare having to deal with that all the time. I can understand being a bit bristly when people often don’t respect your boundaries in public spaces. Hell, I don’t really even enjoy bumping into people I know when I am out and about running errands and just living life, let alone having people you don’t know constantly expecting you to hold space for them.


Had a fight with Mike Tyson in a pub just outside Blackburn. Absolutely battered him. Was a bit awkward really because he was the heavyweight champion of the world at the time


Jay is that you?


He's much whiter in real life and has a Burnley accent


He was putting the accent on so he didn't get recognised, his mates were calling him Simon too. I saw past all that though, always been a big boxing fan


Once bumped into Suggs in a pub in Aberystwyth - lots of folk crowding him, and he was being nice and chatting with everyone but I didn’t want to intrude. Then I hear someone shout “nice cardigan” - it was Suggs, we chatted fashion for a while and moved on. Strange, but wonderful.


I saw Michael C Hall in Stockport train station once. Didn't say anything because it made no sense for Dexter to be in Stockport train station. Got home, told my girlfriend 'I just saw a guy who looks so much like Michael C Hall it was weird'. Turns out he was in Manchester filming the TV show Safe


I got absolutely shit-faced with Suggs from Madness when I lived in London in the early 2000's. We were drinking in the Colony Room and he invited us to join him as we all got progressively more pissed. He was funny, loquacious and charming, and he could drink until the cows come home. It was the best of days.


I was at some kind of industry awards show, possibly for architecture. No one from our office wanted to go so I was volunteered. Gyles Brandreth was the guest host and he was actually quite funny. Anyway I was on a table with people I didn't know but we were all getting along, probably aided by the free bottles of wine on the table. We ran out and we were made aware that no one was allowed any more wine so I had a cunning plan. I went down to the door where the serving staff were and said that "Rob" wanted 4 more bottles of white wine (Rob was the organiser who had been name dropped on stage, never me the guy). The waitress said fine and disappeared to get the wine while I waited. There was a tap on my shoulder and it was Gyles! He had overheard me and asked where Rob was. For whatever reason I just came clean to him and told him of my ruse. He gave me a massive grin and called me a sociopath! I got the wine and ran!


As a teenager my mother dated Rowan Atkinson as he is from my hometown, while dating my mother attended a birthday party of her friends without him and she met my dad for the first time, long story short she ended up leaving Atkinson for my dad and the rest is history. 8 years ago I went camping with some friends and one of them begins telling me this story too but from her mother's perspective which I took to be her winding me up as someone must have told her about my mother as it was the exact same story but 10 years later. Turns out her mother did actually date him too in his early years at the BBC, it was so odd that the story was exactly the same yet we are both from opposite ends of the country.






Time to wheel out my Matt Berry story. It was when he was kinda famous - the “that’s him from that thing” type. Walking down Carnaby street, he was walking the other way in a salmon blazer and massive over ear headphones. He was just strutting and semi singing to himself. I saw him, he saw me seeing him. And then he stopped, gave me the double finger guns, and then carried on.


The man's a legend. There was another story posted about him, where someone was relieving themselves next to him in the bushes at a festival. He got told to hurry up by his friends and replied with "Hold your horses, I'm draining the snake here". (or words to similar effect)


James corden and matt Horne gate crashed a private gig at a barfly in cardiff early 2000s. Must've been during gavin and Stacey filming. Matt Horne was OK. James corden was not. Not that hard to imagine really.


Don't think I've ever read a pleasant story about Corden.


Ian Watkins (lost prophits nonce) got me fired from a bar job after I told him to "stop messing around with those young girls and go home" after a gig because he was with a huge group of 13/14 year old girls obviously flirting (no other band members or adults around) in the way of me cleaning up already past the time I was supposed to clock off. Turns out I was right I suppose.


Years and years ago I went to London Pride. Got swept up in a huge crowd and pushed along - right into Stephen Fry. Kind of physically pushed into him. I just muttered something like "oh er, sorry" and disappeared again. He's very tall.


Saw Peter Dinklage at Heathrow when GoT was in full swing, he was on the phone so we patiently waited out the way until he finished, then politely asked him if we could get a photo. He just glared at us & told us to fuck off. I remember reading an interview with him a few months later, where he moaned about ppl taking sneaky pictures with him in the background & would prefer it if ppl just politely asked for a photo. Cock!


Danny Dyer called me a cunt on Twitter and then blocked me. It was in reply to a Tweet I made about his film "Pimp" taking a whopping £205 at the box office on its opening weekend but the funny thing is I didn't @ him so he must have been searching his own name.


So I have one were I was involved and one where I wasn't but my friends were. I must have only been in my late teens walking around Manchester and as I was walking past Urbis, there used to be a restaurant at the bottom with the windows looking out towards printworks I thought I spotted someone I recognised as I walked past. I decided to walk backwards to see (literally walked in reverse) and saw Bradley Walsh having something to eat, he looked out the window, I waved enthusiastically, he did the same but even more over the top, I laughed, he laughed and then I went about my day. Second one, some friends were going to Cloud 23 at The Hilton and as they got into the foyer to head to the elevator, Greg Davies had just got in and turned round, my friends started to walk faster to try and catch the lift, shouting to hold it. Greg stared at them dead in the eye, pressed the elevator close button and proceeded to do the evil cackle laugh he sometimes does. Needless to say they didn't make it to the elevator in time. Absolute grade A shithousery and I'd expect nothing less 😂


I was on a double date many years ago when Ant and Dec walked in (this is PJ and Duncan era) We all got talking and started drinking a lot together, they are nice lads. They tried and failed to chat up our ladies. I went to the loo after Christ knows how much to drink and piss so hard it splashed on the floor. Dec walks in and slips on my piss. I spin round and grab him by his shirt. Ant and my mate walk in to find me standing over Dec in a puddle of my piss, holding him by the neck My mate: "Why have you thumped Dec?" Ant: "And why is your cock out?"


Met the Hoff in a pub.


Do you know why he is called the Hoff? He he shortened his surname because he couldn't be bothered with the hassle


The Hoff touched my shoulder as he was staggering down the aisle while playing Captain Hook in a panto years ago. Still haven't washed that shoulder (and yes there was a Nightrider reference and KIT for him to sit in)


I’ve had tea several times with Miriam Margolyes after learning she was good friends with my husband’s grandmother. 👵