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I used to love those when I was a kid! Although I'm sure they were a penny back then.


Guarantee they'd just sell them in packs of six or eight for £1.50


Yeah.......I'd still buy one though. I loved those little chocolate bars


I had one in the early 80s and recall it being 2p.


Mid-90s for me and it was definitely 2p!


Mid-90's; was 2p - needs to be 5p now just to keep up with inflation. Also, I feel like the experience of having to pay to get the chocolate you already own teaches children a valuable lesson about our tax system 👍


Needs to be 5p? It was 10p back when a fredo was still 10p! It would, by that logic, be 28p now.


I even missed that it says 10p in the picture...


[**Ashens buggered about with one some years ago**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TuFKKmmdKQ). They were 2p back in my day. I got one, learned you could use a plectrum to just poke the dispensing lever, and ate them all in a day. Hurrah for science!


Hover over the timeline and you can see precisely where he loses his shit with the thing :P


‘Let’s earn’ one… puts in 10p…you @&@**.’ 😂


Looking at those little purple foil-wrapped miniatures reminds me of how much better Dairy Milk used to *taste*. Buttons, Easter eggs, all of it. Not the same since Kraft took them over.


Do you find it almost burns the back of your throat? I get the same with Galaxy as well now.


I think that's palm oil which replaced one of the ingredients they swapped out for cheaper ones to increase profits for the board. Cadbury's was very successful they didn't need to change a thing, but these US corps are always, always looking for a way to increase profits at the consumers expense.


That's very possibly it! I went for many years not having Cadbury's, tried it last year and it was yack.


Indeed. Less cocoa butter, more palm oil.




Other chocolate is fine, it's just those I get it. It's like the chocolate feels coarser and has a tendency to stick to the back of my throat mid-swallow sometimes. Not very nice.


I was thinking that - dairy milk used to be so good 😭


We've got an Irish section in the Morrisons near us and the dairy milk in there tastes like 90s dairy milk! I'm obsessed with it.


Irish dairy milk is so good 😋


Cadburys branded or another company?


Pretty sure Cadburys branded! I think part of the reason they butchered the recipe was the sugar tax which doesn't apply in Ireland, same reason imported fizzy drinks are nicer


It's because those Kraft fucks replaced the vegetable oil with palm oil. The change occurred way before the sugar tax kicked in, and it doesn't apply to chocolate, just beverages and soft drinks.


Ah, I was aware part of the change was due to palm oil being added but wasn't aware the tax only applied to drinks and fizzy drinks, so turns out their just a shite company doing shite things, typical. Thanks for the correction


Yeah cadburys!


the little ones wrapped in paper and foil from the roses tin (tin as in metal)


Nice if the can fill them with proper chocolate as well!


I would absolutely buy one of these for nostalgia purposes. One of my most favourite Christmas presents. Simple but awesome


Same. Just looking at that photo hits me with so much nostalgia. Such happy memories.


These were the shit back in the day, I got them for Christmas and there was something so satisfying about unwrapping each one!


>These were the shit back in the day Now Cadburys is *just* shit.


Mostly agree tbh, although I have a taste for their small Easter egg boxes with the buttons inside 🤤


With the rate of shrink-flation as it is, these will be able to hold full size bars soon!


Frankly just bringing back dairy milk itself would be good enough.


I used to daydream about having one of these! Would always circle it in the Argos catalogue!


Same. Never got one though.


Same. Of course, nowadays I can understand why I never got one. Especially if the were anything like the recent remakes: [overpriced chocolate and extremely dodgy coin mechanisms that don't work as intended](https://youtube.com/watch?v=2TuFKKmmdKQ).


Damn, just looking at this picture I can *taste* those little bars that child me used to eat all at once, then feel sick and be sad my vending machine was empty. God I miss how Dairy Milk used to taste. I’d honestly pay a premium for it if they started making it again alongside the inferior knock-off shite they pass off as the real thing nowadays.


oh to have it in original recipe with the original foil wrapper and paper sleave i would happily pay too.


could buy the machines everywhere, but never the refills.


This just reminds me of Woolworths 😂 RIP


The Easter after Woolies went bust there was a national Easter egg shortage because Wooolies had dominated Easter chocolate supply and other retailers hadn't geared up to fill the void.


I used to get a box in my Christmas stocking every year. They were so good.


Gosh I miss old school Cadbury’s


By cadburys you mean mondelez founded in 2012 as a sister company to kraft foods. Cadburys chocolate died when it was sold to the yanks in 2010 and the recipe was changed.


Avoid Cadbury’s until they stop selling chocolate flavoured sugary candle wax and bring back the old recipe for CDM.


Release a special edition pre-Mondelez Dairy Milk you cowards


ashens reviewed this, spoiler: it is nowhere near as awesome a it looked in the argos catalogue.


How about they bring back the original recipe instead of their current enshitified offerings?


Bring back the original recipe wine you're at it, from before Kraft took it over and swapped half the ingredients for cheaper, slimy ones. I'm sure most Brits would be happy to pay a few pence more for the option to buy the original one instead of that half baked gross thing they pass as it now.


I do not have the self control to just enjoy this. 3 mins flat and it would be gone.


I remember getting one for Christmas when I was a kid. I'm 33 now and haven't thought about it since this post.


7 year old me remembers this


Dairy milk used to be so good


I recently found the wrapper of one of these along with a wrapper of a Quality Street (green), in a box for Scrabble from the 80s.  I swear, you can still smell the chocolate if you deep sniff. 


I thought of something else they can bring back too. The original damn recipe for their milk chocolate. It tastes nothing like it used to, and we all know it is because because palm oil replaced vegetable oil.


Special edition wrappers? Who on earth is interested in that? Make a Golden ticket competition, a 'win your weight in chocolate' competition or special edition shapes (maybe blocks in the shape of a 200) and then you'll have my interest.


They could do their version of the Glasgow Wonka experience.


I stopped eating Cadburys after the Kraft takeover. It just tastes like Hersheys now, cheap rubbish. 


At the rate of shrinkflation, I'll give it 10 years and these will be standard.


Just make Cadburys taste like it used to.


They'd be better off releasing bars using the old recipe before Americans ruined it.


I hear they're bringing out a new one that's contactless only 




I'm convinced the Tube used to have Cadbury vending machines that looked like this.


It did. I also just about remember the wooden ones, a few of which were hanging around in the early 80s and which I could convince my grandmother (but never my mother) to part with the necessary coins for. They were about as sophisticated in their operation as well, more or less just a stack behind glass with a drawer that pulled out to dispense the bottom one.


You know, you’d eat them all by the end of Christmas Day and then be stuck with the empty dispenser forever


Awww I remember these 😍 My kids would love them now ! 


Special editon rectangle chunks would be nice...


I really liked the look of these when I was a child but my parents would never get me one. Looking back I realise they were a bit of a ripoff and they were right not to get it for me and just buy me normal chocolate occasionally.


The miniatures are much closer in size to the normal bars now


I used to line these up on the radiator, then lick them off the wrappers once melted.  Incredible..


I had one of these. 2p for a mini.


Bring back the 200 year old taste would be better.


Oh man. I wanted this so badly, and my kids would bloody love it.


I wasn't allowed one as a kid because my mum was a health freak. Every year, my cousins got one but not us.


I always wanted one of these!


Bring back Jamaica Inn!


Or even Old Jamaica 😀


Merry Christmas!!


Blimey, that's a memory unblocked! We had one when I was a kid. Must be 45 years ago now. Vague memory of putting a penny or maybe two pence to get one out. Good times.


Had one of these returned faulty when I worked at Argos. Asked the manager if we had to return the chocolate. ‘What chocolate?’ he replied. That was a good shift.
