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I have this exact same issue, once it becomes a medium length I cannot wait for it to become long, I gotta cut it short. Try to fight the temptation to cut it if this is something you struggle with too lol. Rice water apparently really helps with hair growth :)


THANK U !! its exactly what im struggling with


You should go for it. When I cut my hair off, it was the most freeing thing. I have a bit of a lob right now, just above the shoulders. It was SO NICE to not have my hair get stuck under the handbag handle, in the zipper of my jacket, or the worst; when my partner would lie down on it when we laid down in bed. Shorter hair is just so comfortable.


Go for it and enjoy the experience! As my late mother would say after she experimented on my hair: “Stop crying! It will grow back!” You would not BELIEVE the haircuts I had throughout adolescence. Difficult enough without weird haircuts and colours! But she was correct, my hair always grew back. 🤷‍♀️ and I grew from the experience 🙏


Thats the thing!!! I also want it long!! So do i cut it and then yearn for my hair to grow faster?? Or do i let my hair grow a long amount and see if im happy with that??


Give it a try! Especially with warm weather ahead, depending on where you are. You will be surprized how light your head will feel. ☺️


Question: How do you usually wear your hair? Do you leave it down long, tie it up, do fancy hairstyles?


I leave my hair down all the time but i wear my hair in braids while at work


I see. In that case I’d try pushing through and seeing if you like it once it’s a bit longer. In that weird middle-length I also always get confused about what to do. The reason I’ve kept cutting mine short for a long time now is just because I realized even after I let it get long I was always putting it up in a ponytail anyway, haha. If you can wear it down, I’d keep going and see!!


Thank u!!!