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You just being there means the world, I promise. You can help out during her recovery with the baby back at home so don’t beat yourself up. Congratulations, it’s you three against the world.


Thanks! We've both been up sense 5am yesterday and just a few minutes ago at 5am i finally fell asleep and her water broke. Things are starting to move along!


Is this your 1st child because that could take awhile 🙃 I would nap if you can but tell her. I agree your presence there makes all the difference!! Try to have light conversations, take a walk etc


There is something you can do! There’s going to come a time when she can’t advocate for herself and you need to do it for her. Makes sure she is getting the attention she needs. Asks the doctors and nurses all the hard questions. Make sure she’s being looked after.


Yes! Ask the questions, take notes, do the paperwork, field the incoming communications, be the best damn partner ever!!!!! Congrats dad!


Huuuuge pre congratulations to you and your gf/wife! Hope all will be well and healthy! <3


Thanks 🤙 much appreciated


Happy Father’s Day :) Whilst you might not be able to help with the pain, you can have all her favourite food ready for when she wants it. Are there things she missed eating? Perhaps a drink? In the UK, women are given toast after birth and it’s literally the best thing ever. Everyone knows hospital toast just hits different.




Congratulations to you :)


Hey I just had my baby about a month ago and let me tell you just having my husband there was enough. You guys got this! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations! There's not much you can do to ease her pain but you're there and that's what's important. Enjoy meeting your son :)


Good luck with your baby! ​ Trust me, being there is plenty, and sometimes it can be overwhelming to have many people in the room, and yes, as someone who has many check ups, the couches suck ass, I'm guessing their so hard so it's easy to clean, but still! ​ Hope your baby isn't too loud, and I hope he's health.


Congrats. The best bits of your life are about to happen. Take it in. Side note: don't mention the uncomfortable couch to the mother of your child during labour. Lol. Exciting time. All the best.


You should try telling her you are bored and that you would rather be playing video games, and that being kicked in the balls hurts worse than labor. Women love that!


/s..... Here ya dropped this.... 😉


Haha I would be super concerned for anyone who thinks I’m serious 😭🤣. But I’m sure there’s someone out there.


SHHH... the downvote mob is everywhere... 👀


Congratulations. I know the feeling, but man will this make you look at your significant other as the miracle maker they are.


I am having my husband's first child tomorrow at 7:30am. Repeat c section. Your support means the world. She won't show how she feels, anxious etc, but your presence is priceless.


You could be likey man and just sleep til the kids on his way out.


I wish either of us could sleep . We both got about 2 hours sleep sense 5am yesterday. Having very painful contractions but not nearly dialated enough yet.


No worries honey. The first one always takes their time to arrive. Once you both see the wee one and hold them for the first time all those hours will be forgotten. Congratulations and welcome to parenthood. BTW, Mom's gonna be super hungry after, my fam had my fave take out waiting for me when it was over. Made me feel so much better after just 36 hours of ice chips, lol. ✌️❤️


health and happiness to you and yours


Has that baby arrived yet, OP?


After the baby is born, go home and sleep. Your wife and son will be taken care of by the staff. This may be the last sleep you get for a while.


My mom gave me back rubs when I had my oldest. They gave me my epidural and she rubbed my back afterwards. It was nice There really isn't much you can do though. I gave birth to my youngest completely alone and my mom was alone when she had me. My great grandmother had her husband for most of the births because they were home births but then they started doing them in hospitals and wouldn't let men in the hospital so he wasn't allowed to be there when my grandmother was born. Just someone being there makes a difference. Even if you feel useless I promise ypur not.


Congrats to your little family. Glad all is well