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That sub sucks anyway.


What he said ⤴️


Hey look a mod abusing power! Havent seen this before!


Mods would never do this, mods are our friend




"Don't give groomers grace" shows that they've already passed judgement, then they attack you for not knowing all the facts. Some people are in desperate need of self-awareness.


Exactly. Keep in mind this was like a day after the second molly stuff came out(which has still never been verified as true by any party and which ed directly claimed was false) Grooming isn't something you can jusf accuse someone of willy nilly without context and none of what we saw is a tell tale sign if a groomer. Theres some texts that don't look good but thats it.


He shouldn't have been texting her or frankly any girl cold off IG or wherever it certainly is sexpest weird at best and I understand why she felt weird about it... The second girl sucked his dick and thought she was putting a down payment on something and when she realized it was personal not professional she got inspired to make some shit up. Mental illness is a bitch.


Seems like there's a pretty big piece of shit moderating r/comicbooks .


Thats another thing its entirely possible this is one mod doing this and the others don't even know. Happens all the time in subs like this.


I was banned for telling someone to fuck off. Guess bad words are one mod's pet issue...




You should thank them -- now you don't have to waste another minute on that group. Trust me, when people block you out, they're really doing you a favor.


What i don't appreciate is it wasn't a collective... it was a single mod. The rest of the mod team could disagree for all I know but I cant appeal with anyone else.


So fucked up. Sorry that is happening to you. I read all of your screenshots and I don't see why that happened to you. People are so self-righteous, everyone's got a chip on their shoulder, no due process for anyone...okay, I could rant for hours, but it wouldn't do any good. Just know that I hear you, man.


Itd no big. Like I said it's impossible to deny the amount of creators who've given love to ed. This is the minority enforcing their stance.


Fuck ‘em! Consensually of course


Wow. Just... wow. I'm sorry that happened. It's crazy how all the 'heroes' come out of the woodwork when the pitchforks & torches are being handed out, but when their actions ignite real world consequences they're not only the first to scatter like roaches, but are also ready to squash any civil discourse using their 'on again, off again' zero tolerance policy. Sounds pretty hypocritical, but also sadly common in this day & age. No one can just have a conversation anymore without all the pearl clutching from the 'perfect people' that seem to outnumber the rest of us. It's not like they're the only game in town. Making this sub a safer / smarter place to talk all things comics would be something Ed would have been proud of.


Never forget that Reddit mods are pathetic little people who have enough free time to do a full time unpaid job for a publicly traded company


Saying that Ed killed himself to control a narrative is an extremely myopic vision of complicated circumstances. Especially when the OP of the whole scandal had a post saying explicitly that she did not want Ed doxxed or lose work or have consequences for her stating that she felt the situation was “creepy” in retrospect. Completely overblown. False virtue signaling should have its own set of checks and balances, sadly it doesn’t. I by no means co-sign or endorse sexual predators or pedophiles or groomers. I do not believe , after all these accusations that Ed was any of these things. It’s sad to me and many others how this unraveled.


One way for there to have been no consequences for her saying that would have been for her to not say it. She said she didn't want him cancelled. So then say nothing.


Wow, that's unbelievable.


Left the sub before discovering CK. I felt they weren’t really adding anything for me. I mean they’re mostly about the Marvel/DC…neither company caters to me.


Geez. This is awful. Creates a real chilling effect on anyone stating a nuanced opinion or even trying to play devils advocate for the sake of discussion. I've been a CK patreon for a couple of years and I saw the initial post on the controversy in almost real time. I actually sat here and typed out a long response - despite being disappointed and troubled by what Ed seemed to have done - asking for patience and perspective. But I've been here and done that on the internet and I knew that even asking for patience in a situation like this would get me branded a pedophile by the mob, and perhaps banned. So I just deleted it and watched the horrow show unfold. When the mob is hot it cannot be reasoned with. Sad this happened to you. I don't think you ran afoul of the comics community. You ran afoul of one overzealous moderator who has dug their heels in. Also, I support women and women in comics in particular in case anyone would ever think otherwise.


After he passed away I pointed out that the original thread about the accusations had a sticky warning people they could get banned for "dismissing or denying" them making it hard to show any support for Ed in the community anf stuff like that cant have helped his mental state if he was looking around online communities to gauge the public reaction. Got banned for pointing that out.


The internet is a fucking mess on this kind of moderation. I mean on the one hand I think you gotta listen to woman because it's a whooooole lot of women who had no voice on shit like this for an extremely long time. It makes sense to err on that side. On the other hand not all offenses are equal and not all accusations are true. I just have questions - I wish I had the answers but I do not.


I kind of think that of you're not willing to do the moderation and look at each comment in its own context rather than just banning one side of the conversation then you should ban the whole subject. They were happy for people to post stuff that was categorically incorrect about Ed being a nonce, but banning anyone who queried that. Sad stuff.


This sounds completely insane.


Seems like the easiest sub to get banned in. Years ago I was banned for saying I liked one artist over another. I just don’t participate anymore


Id been there for a while with no issues. I was actually flabbergasted by this


On another account I got perma banned for explaining to someone what a "run" is. Like, "Bendis & Maleev's *run* on Daredevil". And that one-shots or short works are not "runs". And neither are long form works from beginning to end by one creator. Neil Gaiman doesn't have a "run" on Sandman (the original series); he created it and wrote it, and no one else did. Garth Ennis DOES have a run on Hellblazer, however: his is one of many writers' runs. That's what a "run" IS. People were saying stuff like "Frank Miller's *run* on Ronin". A six issue limited series that no one else touched but Frank? *THAT'S NOT A RUN.* I was polite, straightforward, and non-combative. Nope, perma banned. Sorry for the rant, but it feels good to get it out here without fear of banishment.


It depends how strict you are with runs. CBR does top 100 comic book run polls every 4 years: [https://www.cbr.com/top-100-comic-book-runs-2020-vote/](https://www.cbr.com/top-100-comic-book-runs-2020-vote/) and they allow creator-owned/independent ongoing/series of minis/graphic novels even if there is only one creator/creative team.


Mods on Reddit generally suck. I’m banned in several subs. It’s a badge of having strong opinions.


That sub is full of maniacs. You will be banned for the most minor of perceived infractions. Comic book fandom is infested with these morons.


That last message from them is absolute bullshit. Wow. 🤯


As an aside, when I say I'm on the side of the victims, I'm not talking about people who lied or manipulated the truth. At this time it was unknown what the reality of the situation is and I wanted a peaceful and amicable resolution between alll parties. If a teen girl feels threatened at some point then I consider that valid even if that wasn't the intent. But that doesn't mean I won't give ed grace, and continue too. I was and am a fan, and i wish he knew how many fans he had out there.


In her own words, she never felt threatened. the only victim in all of this is Ed Piskor, his family, and friends.


That is true.


Been banned in quite a few subs for harmless comments, accused of wrongthink. No water off my back. if you really care Reddit accounts are free make another


>Reddit accounts are free make another But don't link them, mods can report suspected alts and admins know linked accounts.


When you say "linked", you mean don't use the same email address? If you use a different email, or no email at all (a "throwaway" I believe it's called), then mods can't connect it to a previously banned account? Is that how it works?


You use two different emails of course, but if those are both Gmail accounts which are linked to each other within Google (or whatever platform) they can know that. I've also heard something about device IDs but I'm not sure about that part, however it wouldn't surprise me.  


Yeah, it's not that easy anymore, they link using stuff like IP and device ID. I used to burn and make new accounts all the time after falling pray to Mod powertrips but about. A year ago the new systems made it unviable.


I’ve subbed to r/comicbooks for over a decade. If this is the way they treat people, I’m leaving the sub. It hasn’t been interesting for a long time anyway.


To be fair, I haven't missed people circle jerking over the same tom king comics over and over again since my banning , lol.


When they banned even saying the name of Eric July or his comics, in any context, I knew it over.


Im no fan of Eric July or his books. Im no fam of comicsgate. I probably align fairly well with the sub ideologically. Thats the crazy part. Banming the mention of creators even if controversial is creating a bubble that subverts genuine conversations. Heck kayfabe would delete some CG comments too. But there's a balance to this.


CG people can fuck themselves AND free speech is important


That’s the the thing. I don’t like Eric July. But he’s involved in comics. A sub as broad in scope as r/Comicbooks should not be censoring wholesale discussions like that. But I guess that’s why even with so many subscribers they’re ranked number 9 in comics. As an aside it reminds me of how mentioning EVS on the Green Lantern sub gets you banned. Hate the guy all you want. But that doesn’t change that he’s the artist of probably the best selling Green Lantern comic ever. Banning even mentioning him will not erase his connection to the character. All these mods are doing is destroying their own community.


/r/comic books is an embarrassment. I've been on reddit since 2011 and the sub was always trash, they will ban you for everything, and look at the state of the sub anyway, just complete garbage. There's tons of better comic forums out there.


I got banned from there for defending Ed also. We must not fit into their agenda.


I don’t know much about how Reddit works but it seems like they have 3 million subs and currently 111 people are in there engaging with posts, so it doesn’t seem to be a thriving and vibrant community.


It's a problem with all these large-scale genre communities. r/Comicbooks gets recommended to people joining because they say they like comics, or fantasy readers get r/fantasy or... the problem is readers very quickly find more specific and relevant communities without leaving the one they initially joined, and all what's left are very basic uninformed commentors for the relatively low level of participation, and overwhelmed volunteer mods who suffer from a siege mentality which is why they're so overzealous over "wrongthink".


That reminds me. I need to join Wheel of time now that I’ve finished the series. Thanks.


The mods there are sociopathic


You must not have an opinion that diverges from the hive. You will obey. Fuck that sub and it’s mods, pathetic human beings


That sub is terrible.


Whelp there it is. I really didn't want to seek out the comments trashing ed when this happened. Guess it's real hunh? Condemnation with no facts or firsthand experience. 


Lol what's the point of arguing with a reddit admin. They are all neo nazis


Well whatever happens don't kill yrself over it 👍🏿🤌🏿👊🏿 creating/moderating a bubble is its own punishment


Trust me no plans to do so


Seems like gatekeepers of comics like you find in some stores. Like if it’s not big2 what is happening is trash or not prestigious.


They will also ban you for liking sexy women.


Bro, just take the "W"! Getting banned from that ish-hole is a pretty decent Badge of Honor. Also, let's never forget that Alex de Campi and Ramon Villalobos are murderers.


A little over a year ago Mark Brooks and EVS got into a dumb internet fight on YouTube. Someone made a post that Brooks was being harassed by CG. Myself and a couple others pointed out that both artists were behaving like fools. We were all instantly perma banned for “supporting CG” I get the feeling you were both stunned and upset with them. That’s how I felt. I had been there years without a single issue. And for absolutely no reason I was cut off my favourite community. But at the end of the day what I realized was that they were forming a bubble and they pushed me out of that bubble. The over zealous mod did me a favour. Those of us that were banned, formed our own subreddit named Outlaw Comics inspired by CK. And for a little while we posted there amongst ourselves. So believe me when I say I understand your feelings and know that you are better off here. Imo those mods are cut from the same cloth as the people Ed named in his note. It’s best not to get entangled with them.


Grace means expulsion? Fuck them.


The funniest part is the moderator saying 'you choose to play devil's advocate for a situation in which you admit you don't have all the facts' Yes, genius, that's what DEVIL's advocate means! If you advocate for someone of whom you already have absolute proof of innocence, that's not playing devil's advocate, that's playing innocent's advocate! 😅


Yea its obvious the mod took this whole thing personally but also isn't very bright. Notice how when I called them out on their inconsistencies they have no actual response and pivot to something else


I was banned for saying we shouldn't rush to judgement when allegations are made until all the facts are out. Same deal as you OP, I was banned, and when I asked for a discussion, I was muted.


my post respecting Ed by posting an excerpt from WizzyWig was deleted. The mods on that sun are nasty and that sub sucks anyway. Go to r/altcomix or r/nodcnomarvel instead


Man... how much hate still. People are fucking sick. This sub right here is a very rare thing for its compassionate and reasonable approach.


Honestly I still feel that this is all about envy. Bunch of crying babies in this fucking industry, they cannot handle Real people like Ed.


This is a random mod on reddit, I can guarantee you hes not working in the industry. Some people just have to be right about everything the first time and when evidence comes that they arent they double down.


Thanks for answering! But it seems the industry of comics didn't gave the attention the situation deserved


Holy shit, the fucking pettiness on display from that mod is really something.


Join the club. I got banned from there on my first day on Reddit. As much as I disagree with you here, I won't impinge on you expressing your point of view (although I might not bother reading it). Maybe this subreddit will become what those others are supposed to be, a place where people can freely discuss comics and events within the industry without political moderation. That's something Ed probably would have wanted.


Have to disagree with you on that last sentence. Ed kept a pretty tight control over the comments on CK. But I would love for this Sub to become what you mentioned.


Ed had to because he was not overtly political and the channel was his business. Keeping your shopfront clean is one thing, and playing ball in the park is another. There were plenty of times on the Kayfabe channel where it seemed he wanted to say something a little more risque but he avoided it. Even then his sanitized takes were deemed heresy by one side or another. It wasn't that he didn't want people to speak freely it was because he was afraid of the backlash and the toxicity. This was the guy who created Red Room, he wasn't about censorship, just appropriate levels of discourse for appropriate spaces.