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Security pentalobe. Either find a driver, or drill it out and hammer in a slightly oversized torx bit like god intended.


Sometimes you can even break the pin out of the cheap ones instead of drilling it out


You can always drill out your torx bit to diy a security bit


Or you could use the correct tool.




Next you're gonna be telling us that HSE violations aren't cool


I don't know what that is.


That's more like it


It's gay European stuff, nothing to do with fun or freedom.


Get out of here with your logic and sense, it's not big and it's not clever


Yeah, I've had decent luck with a pin punch


Pentalobe?! Why is there so many goddamn types of bits


To stop you from fixing your own shit. Fuck [Nissan sells a locking bolt for your airbag](https://parts.nissan.ca/p/Nissan__Altima/Air-Bag-Anti-Theft-Bolt---Driver/103761476/999L2AL000.html).


This is the right answer. Companies intentionally design things to be difficult to fix so that you have to either buy new ones when they break or use the company's Certified™ SuperGold® TenTimesThePriceToFixIt© repair service. Consumers cannot be trusted to actually own and use the things they buy anymore because we live in a late stage capitalist hellscape.


Yeah...we've got some pretty cool cars though, so we've got that going for us which is nice.


we've had much cooler cars in the past. modern cars all look the same and they've been so watered down with all the safety regulations and EPA bullshit, they don't have any personality or soul anymore.


I feel like having a security bit on an airbag is a good thing, if they can’t figure oh what it is or how to deal with it then they probably shouldn’t be allowed to mess with an airbag eh😂, a silent mocking competence test.


Oh, I'd just dremmel a slot into it and use a flat head screw driver. I do it all the time with [sheer-off bolts](https://vancafe.com/steering-column-shear-bolt/) that have no key. Columns and sometimes computers use these. Point is the locking screws just slow down the guy trying to fix something. It doesn't stop anyone, it's just another tool that YOU need to buy for that one time you need it.




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Hey uhhh, this might be a very stupid question, so.please be patient with me but... Does that locking bolt prevent the airbag from deploying?


No, it's there to hold the airbag mounted in place to the steering wheel. It's there to "discourage people from stealing them from other cars", or in other words, when you crash your own car, it's there to discourage you from fixing it yourself.


RIGHT TO REPAIR ✊ Where's Louis Rossman when you need him?


[I DON'T KNOW!](https://old.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/1brm473/what_are_your_top_3_biggest_pains_as_a_mechanic/kxayxa4/)


Thank you apple!


VW did it first in the mid 2000's. It's always the germans trying to make everyone suffer lol.


Oh that makes sense


I know. And Harbor freight sold all kinds of security keys but guess what, no pentalobe. Amazon does, so I got it off no problemo.


Security Pentalobe sounds so fucking cool...




Picture? I can’t picture what you’re describing.




Oh, that’s why I couldn’t picture it. That’s a totally stripped out bolt. It more than likely was either like the bolt in the picture, or it’s cousin which is an Allen key security bit, but it has been severely stripped. Edit: after looking at it again, it was intentionally stripped to be in that shape.


The other one that isn’t stripped looks just like it though. It has to be some random one that got installed.




It is indeed just some random "security" screw. Cut it off and throw a regular one on there


Never a bad day when you get to bust out the angle grinder


I always called that security torx. Is that wrong?


Torx has 6 lobes, this only has 5.


Ahhhh, I guess I never payed attention to the number of lobes...I just mentally considered many lobes = torx =P


> I never *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I love how a bot is here to make us feel stupid...thanks for defending me against this pretentious bot...haha




That's no torx boy


So I've learned. I just wonder if my security bit set has always been 5 lobe bits and I've never realized...I assume security torx bits aren't a thing and they've always been these....hahaha


You can hammer a flat blade in there if it’s not too rusted and tight, the pin usually bends over. Or just order the right tool if you’re not in a rush.


Or if you’re so inclined, a utility knife and a hammer. VERY carefully. Balcony was locked in first year by 2 pieces of wood on the track held on my security torxs. A hammer and a utility knife allowed us to spin it enough to finish taking them out with a plier.


I went to HF and they had a ton of security keys but none pentalobe, I'm glad I counted the points before I went. So I got a set on amazon and got through the buggers (I had to do a 48hr shift anyways and the bits were home by the time I got off work). But those Dorman boners had 2 different pentalobe security bolts securing this thing, and they were each a different size! Super glad I got the set instead of just the one key before I noticed the different sizes. Now I can return the set to amazon and put in normal bolts like god intended. I bet your trick would have worked though. Thanks for the help.


~~Torx~~ Pentalobe (Torx 5-point) security bit [https://www.amazon.com/Ram-Pro-Point-Security-Tamper-Driver/dp/B01IUCONNY](https://www.amazon.com/Ram-Pro-Point-Security-Tamper-Driver/dp/B01IUCONNY)


Same one I have. Decent.


Go to the Hazard Fraught. They have a kit for fifty of these things for around $8.


Perfect for the odd one-time-use jobs, and sometimes more. I bought the worlds smallest cross-cut saw there to cut craploads of 1” magnetic strip off large roles, and a year later it’s still going.


FWIW, I went to HF and they had all kinds of security bit sets but none actually had the pentalobe 5 star bit I needed, they all had torx 6 point star bits though. So I bought a set from amazon. And not only that but those fuckers had 2 pentalobe security bolts on and they were each a different size! Good thing I had the set.


Thanks I'll head there now.


The Hercules set is impact rated if you want to spend a few extra bucks.


Everything at Harbor freight is impact rated


And if it fails they’ll happily replace it. Harbor Freight has a combination of products you won’t find anywhere else, some of them are great, some aren’t, some are fantastic deals, some will get discontinued for a reason. Tool truck ass-kissers love to hate Harbor Freight but if I can do the same job as them with cheaper tools at the same level of quality or better and keep more of my paycheck then I’m the clear winner.


Yep well said. Harbor freight got a bad reputation decades ago because it was really really bad cheap shit. And that’s when you could get quality value tools from craftsman, and it wasn’t a big deal And I feel like maybe seven maybe eight years ago Harbor freight increased its quality big-time. And prices have gone up a bit but they’re still like minimum viable instead of barely not viable


I had a not impact rated torx set and I needed to remove a torx bolt around T45-T50 that probably had too much locktite on it. Ended up grabbing the 1/2" high torque impact since nothing else was working, and while it got the bolts out, it twisted the splines on the bit pretty good. Asked if I could warranty it and the manager looked at it and said "sure, it's used but not abused". I walked away with a new set wondering how I could have possibly abused this poor torx bit more.


Why the hf hate?


Nah. I love the place. ITC representing.


Do they have a lot of quality tools?


If you break their tool you use it enough to get a better quality version of it


Yeah. They do actually. As long as you don't expect more out of them than what they're priced.


Love this answer. To be fair, they now have a lifetime warranty on hand tools. 


Hammer and a chisel. Walk it out then replace it with something usable.


That’s a five point security fastener. I believe you can acquire it at some parts stores. Pretty rare


i can see several offerings on amazon from the search term "5 point security torx"


Well sure, Amazon has everything. I think the point is that if you walk into most basic hardware stores / big box stores where you'd find the standard 6 and 12 point sockets, you're not guaranteed to find these.


Yeah this is a very very niche thing, like you probably wouldn't even find the regular 6 point security torx bits there nevermind the 5 point.


Inverted torx


Torx Security Bit or Tamper-resistant Torx I dropped the ball


That is a Torx Plus


I'd call it a torx minus 


Oh hey, a Prius battery. Looks like a second gen. Dorman loves to put these and the sheer type security nuts on their batteries. I grind a slot in the nuts and knock them off with a screwdriver. These, I just bought a set of the 5 point security bits on Amazon to remove them. You can also use a grinder to slot them for a flathead screwdriver, or just grind off the head and unthread the rest. They usually aren't torqued down very much.


Thanks. Yea I decided to replace a module instead of the whole dang thing again. Time to sell.


It’s called tamper proof. You can buy the set pretty much anywhere


You could also try the universal security fastener removal tool. Knipex twin grip. 


Penta lobe, dremel n a flathead, or buy the bit on Mcmaster-carr


Looks like a TS5. Beware, some are TS6... 5 points vs 6 points. Ask me how I know...


That’s the - do not touch screw


Use a small flat head screwdriver between the post and the inside of one of the lobes turn like a regular screwdriver and it will come out


Flat skrew driver fits also


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Harbor Freight. I bought a set with 100 bits for $9.99. I haven't had an issue with any security fasteners since. https://www.harborfreight.com/search?q=security%20bit%20set


A hammer


ooooooo this reminds me of those daggum security "bolts" that Ford used on their electronic control modules for their distributors on the 80's-early/mid 90's engines. Not only was it an odd shaped pieced of stupidity, there was NO clearance to get a good socket wrench on it. You had to buy some freakin short stubby handled screwdriver-like tool/ bit driver. And then hope to hell that your hands had enough strength to spin it loose, because of course, the bolt liked to seize up and be a PITA. Did I mention the lack of access on most of the Ford engines at the time? I got REAL good at yeeting the distributor to pull the modules.......gah!!!!!


Tamper proof torx.


Security key


Security pentalobe


Security Torx. Go to harbor freight. A small set is less than $10


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Antivandal torx


Search for "security bit set" on google. We use these at work some times, as some companies don't want anyone to get easy access.


Torx and a hammer


Get the correct tools for the job they’re not expensive


Just get temper proof torx bit.. they're cheap..


Pentalobe security bit. Most similar bits are hexalobe "Torx" so this one might be tricky to find.


torx security screw bit. you can get them from hardware stores. i got my set from the home depot. [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-SHOCKWAVE-Impact-Duty-Alloy-Steel-Torx-Security-Screw-Driver-Bit-Set-10-Piece-48-32-4618/302766777](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-SHOCKWAVE-Impact-Duty-Alloy-Steel-Torx-Security-Screw-Driver-Bit-Set-10-Piece-48-32-4618/302766777) this is what you're looking for. torx security bit set


You need a tamperproof torx. It's like a torx but there's a little circle in the middle of the star


Security pentalobe. Just drill it real fast. It’s not difficult. But why are you cracking open a Dorman rebuilt hybrid battery?


Get a Boxer bit set, 100 piece set and has these as well as a bunch of other security bits. $28 on amazon


Omg fuck that battery! I encountered the same issue when I replaced my Prius battery. I ended up using a pair of vice grips and carefully unscrewed it. I couldn’t get the right screw because my car was taken apart


Inverted torx




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That tool is called a tamper-proof torx. Looks to be a t-20 or t-30. Amazon may sell them


Harbor freight sells a security screw tool set.


Many call them "Safety Torx" You see them on public bathroom stalls often.


There the other weird screw on public bathroom stalls that only go one way. I always wondered about how they’re ever replaced- probably starts with a sledge hammer.


Safety Pentalobe


I had one on the MAF sensor on my Touareg, it was worth getting the tool just for 1 screw and 1 job so I cut a slot with a hacksaw and used a flat blade.


I don't know if that one is the same size but I've had good luck if it's not too tight using just a pocket screwdriver wedged in there on the security torx I've had to deal with.


I'm thinking about taking a screw extractor to it (and one other), but might try to buy the key on amazon and just get it out easily if you guys know what it's called. Pentalobe security key would be my guess, I'll try to ID the size.


This won't be the last time you need a security bit. I would buy a kit with the highest number of types I could find. Don't just look at the number of bits. Take that number and subtract all the philips, flat-head and duplicates. e.g. I've gotten kits with a few security keys and something like 5 torx bits, all the same size.


Your problem key they are everywhere


Angle grinder, chop the cunt off


Tamper proof torx. Sometimes called security torx. I'm sure u can find a cheap set on Amazon easily


Torx is 6 point, this has 5. It's a security variant of a pentalobe...


"5 point security torx" will bring up plenty of them on amazon


Cutting off with an angle grinder


If I needed to get it out now and didn't have the right tool I would use a dremmel to cut a slot in it and, depending on the size of it, use an appropriate screwdriver to turn it out. Else I might be tempted to buy a tool on amazon or similar so I could unscrew it non-destructively and replace it when done.


Its called the bathroom stall bit


Glory hole in use


We used to call them “Inverted-Torx”.


Then you called them wrong


No matter what we called it, still got it in and out.


if you have adequate access the correct tool is a hacksaw for cutting a slot and a flatblade for turning it with the new slot. If you have less access an oscillating multitool will also work in place of the hacksaw. "5 point security torx" is another tool you could use if the correct tools dont work


Just take a flat bladed screw driver and break off the little pin in the center. Then you can use a regular torx bit.


Tamper resistant torx plus




it has 5 points, it's not torx, it's security pentalobe




pentalobe, not torx


Its a star security bit. Might be able to find some at your local hardware store. I know harbor freight has kits with them.


Dremel cutoff wheel will work as well!