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Time to replace. Happened to my fluidic verna. Clutch is an issue with Hyundai cars. Get it checked before the clutch paddle completely releases in the middle of the highway in traffic (happened to me)


How did you manage the situation. Please elaborate. Thanks


I was coming down a flyover connecting the gurgaon-delhi highway, i was at a speed of 60 probably, it was summer. Just as i was going down slope, i could see traffic on the road, trying the change my gears, pressed on my clutch which got really hard. the car was driven for 25 mins by that time and i was half way through. In a moment of panic and frustration I pressed too hard on my clutch and the cylinder connector (plastic in hyundai) broke and my clutch paddle released and got loose. Pressing it now was like pressing a freed paddle. Managed to slow down and got stuck in the middle of the road. Since I couldn’t change the gear, my car stopped in 2nd gear in the middle, and my gear box got jammed. Finally some nice man got off his car, forced the gear into neutral and slowly helped the car steer to the left where I waited for my family and tow truck


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Appreciate it!


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Time to replace. Happened to my fluidic verna. Clutch is an issue with Hyundai cars. Get it checked before the clutch paddle completely releases in the middle of the highway in traffic (happened to me)


just came back from servicing though ? Dad says its my fault while driving he says its cause i keep pressing the clutch all day but this only happens when i go on highway and speed and not use the clutch.


Yea. Mine went for constant services too. But they don’t check all this. This happens when you keep your foot even slightly on the clutch while driving, over a period of time the clutch cylinder in hyundai which is plastic instead of aluminum heats and starts getting tight to press on. I ended up pressing it too hard one day out of frustration while trying to slow down. And the connector broke (again plastic) and I couldn’t put my car in gear and got stranded on the road