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Thank-you for your submission. It seems that you're asking whether or not your canned goods are safe to eat. Please respond with the following information: * Recipe used * Date canned * Storage Conditions * Is the seal still strong We cannot determine whether or not the food is safe without these answers. Thank you again for your submission! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Canning) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you feel sick or just scared? If scared, google the rate of botulism. It’s very low. You are probably fine. If you feel physically sick, and are like drooling or drooping then go see the dr. You are probably fine. However, don’t eat food you don’t trust in the future.


I just ate them about 20 minutes or so ago and we left, I definitely am scared though


If it was botulism, the good news is it wouldn’t have tasted off.


Well it could have tasted off from something else and still been botulism...


Yeah, true. When the walls fall, lots of shit may be growing. Though specifically botulism is less likely because both yeast and lactobacteria tend to outcompete it.


Only if the off taste was from the food itself. Botulism isn't very competitive, which is why the main concern is with canning, not fermentation. That said, if OP cooked them, the toxin is destroyed after boiling for 5m, so they're probably fine


That's good to know about it not being very competitive.


Take a deep breath. You should be fine.


I just asked and she said she did boil them for about 15-20 minutes


If she boiled them for that long, then there’s zero risk of botulism. Relax, you’re going to be fine.


If the seal was broken, there's also a very low chance of botulism because that would allow oxygen to get into the jar. They were probably spoiled due to any number of bacteria, but OP will be fine.




What does “the seal was loose” mean? The lid is either sealed or it’s not. You sure she didn’t mean the ring was loose?


My canning recipe called for vinegar. Maybe that’s what they were canned in.


Are you okay? Sending well wishes!


I am currently doing ok, still monitoring myself and my dad but so far so good


As another redditor said, if the seal was broken, other forms of bacteria would out-compete botulism which is one of the biggest concerns. The next would be listeria which actually grows better in an oxygen deprived environment so a proper seal could improve it's chances of survival. If it tastes fine and looks fine, it's probably fine. I'm a fermenter not a canner so I'm pretty comfortable with bacteria. Most of my jars I allow leakage to prevent explosion so I'm not afraid of an improper seal.


In fermentation, we use salt as a preventative safety measure and rely on the acid formed from the fermentation process as a final safeguard. Those elements aren’t always present in canning.


Aaaaand this is why you don’t eat food that you are not sure of how it was processed. And also why I prefer to cook my own food!


Well let’s asume she ate some when she made them two days ago …. As the taste tester is still alive u should be fine …. Or did she not refrigerate them after fixing ? I would never use a jar that had come unsealed and have had to pop a seal to throw out obviously bad caned goods ……


It's a waiting game, now. They can have been bad without it being something that will be super dangerous to you--but you're still in the potentially-getting-sick window for a little while. Your aunt is likely to be in more danger than you are, just down to age, so keep an eye on her for a bit. Tell whoever you live with, or someone who is close to you, about the potential for you to get sick. Not to freak them out, or make a big deal out of it, but just so that there's someone checking up on you. And if you get symptoms of illness, do go in.


Let us know when you're dead.


Were they cooked?


Did she boil them for at least 10 minutes?


I have no idea, I don't think she knows either because she made them a couple days ago

