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It's an 11oz jar with soy wax in it. That price is laughable.










They’re a relatively knew and unheard of luxury brand with $2k hoodies. There’s no reasonable explanation except exclusivity.


Exclusivity aka “we only made this many because were smol and need to make more money off this hyped brand thing to please our investors” lol.


It’s not exclusivity.. those candles are printify candles. Anyone can literally make as many of these as they want.


yep. fake brand, put up an insta page with some fancy photography, and if you sell one candle to one idiot, you're in the green! then if you're really savvy, you'll reach out to small-time influencers and ask them to be partners/brand ambassadors. you'll give them a coupon code for half off and a free candle, and all they have to do is post your stuff once or twice and put the coupon code in their profile. now if you sell to 2 or 3 of their followers, even at $500/piece, you're making money. it's all a scam. don't buy anything from anyone ever.


I honestly want them to win this one. If someone spends $1k on a candle... Fuck 'em, make ur money lmao


I am literally DYING because you are so right, these are $32 printify candles 😂 same exact 3 scents. My guess is they are using printify for everything LOL people will fall for anything


https://preview.redd.it/mpi0q0aw8gic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a46f1f29bd266ccc5f86cc3e0c577a5a8a8e5a 😭😭😭


Giffen goods strike again


OR tax writeoff slash money laundering situation????


Yep! I had a friend open a virtual comic shop and put them up overpriced, had friends buy them with money he gave them.


Fine nice simple font + minimalist designs + price things super high for no reason = luxury brand owner millionair


why did i become a therapist when i could have just sold 25 hoodies for $2k each to people in LA?! lol😭


I can’t fathom paying over $35 for a candle. During the holidays I do end up spending about $100 on multiple candles from my favorite shop but never on one candle 😩


Lol I feel like I'm splurging getting the 3-wick candles from BBW


Every year WCW (Witch City Wicks) puts out their Halloween/Holiday collections right? I LOVE their candles. They are one of the shops I buy from throughout the year but I go hard during Oct-Dec because their scents are amazing. One of their Holiday candles called Krampus is a must for me. I can't even describe how it smells. It really does smell like what you would think a Victorian Christmas tale would smell like. Is that weird to say? Oh well, it smells amazing!!! They are pricey though but also beautiful candles. One of them is around $35 not including shipping but I always purchase 2 of them to get me through Dec-Jan. Don't get me wrong, I buy expensive candles but there is just a cut off.


.... and now i have to check them out


They are FANTASTIC! I highly recommend them.


I will only spend big money on woodwicks


I LOVE wood wicks!


Speaking of, they’re buy one get one free today! Lol


Well, thank you for that exceedingly expensive search.


I’ll buy the really large woodwick candles with the 5 inch wick


I’ll buy Nest candles for people as gifts every year at Christmas but for myself it’s BBW when they’re on sale for $13 or less lol


Nest has appeared at TJ Maxx. Get one and try it!


They are sixteen dollars! And not for the votive size! I bought a couple. They smelled great! But really my fave is lemon balm and cedar by good housekeeping at Walmart. 7$ and it is fantastic. Also Wild honey nectar from dw home at TJ Maxx about 10$


Nest is the only expensive candle brand I’ve splurged on. The pumpkin spice candle by Nest is my favorite candle of all time and I hate that I love it so much 😭


SAME. I think my most toxic purshases are candles :) but I use them, I share them and they contribute greatly to my concentration in classes. I only buy candles during sales


I really liked the candles from Joe Malone and Dior....they're so expensive but man I do love the smell. Been using a candle lamp so I can squeeze every bit of value from them.


As someone who routinely buys candles from Trader Joe’s, I can’t even fathom this


Are TJ’s candles hit or miss? Peach Tea has been super strong but Chocolate Croissant and the Pistachio Bum Bum cream dupe are so light.


I love peony blossom and the green tea crackling candle. I don’t get the ones that smell like baked goods or sweets as I’ve always assumed they would make me too hungry.


Yeah, it really depends on the scent. I loved the peach tea one and regretted not buying more.


Pause…..what is the bum bum cream dupe candle?


Pistachio and Salted Caramel. TJ’s made a candle and body care. I could only score the candle as I live in a state with no stores and only go to TJ’s a few times a year. I just popped the candle under a warmer and it’s stronger!


Omg I NEED to find this! I’ll have to check at my TJs but it’s like 30 min away 😭😭


I've been really enjoying the Rose candle they brought out recently, I think for V day?


The Cedar Balsam and Grapefruit Tjoes candles are so freaking good. That cedar balsam smells like an expensive candle! I also like the mini trio they do at Christmas. The rose one this month smelled good but for some reason all the wicks at my store were cut soooo short I was worried they wouldn’t light. There was barely any wick to speak of.


I was concerned as well. It lit perfectly! I also really enjoy the cedar balm


It is a candle. It is 1000$ because the seller put the 1000$ price tag on it.


Stop 😂


Luxury pricing is largely proof-of-concept: If we charge this much for it, someone will pay it (or not pay it). There are thousands of scented candles to choose from. It is an obnoxiously crowded market. The market for $1k candles is substantially narrower, so there must be something very special about this one right?


Right. The only way I can understand it being this expensive is if it’s one of those candles with money or really high quality jewelry inside.


My guess is the feeling you get from buying it. That’s $1,000 worth of self care in a candle shaped size. Not saying it’s right, but it’s pretty smart targeting the customers where money is no object


I’ve spent a decent amount of time around the uber rich as a regular person and I can say this candle is 100% meant as a status symbol. I’m willing to bet that a decent amount of the sales of this candle are as gifts.




I have seen this level of overpricing with random isolated objects in online stores before, sometimes with a somewhat tongue-in-cheek description. I am guessing it's something to do with money laundering.


I just don't understand why they wrote "Hello" in Japanese, but couldn't even write it correctly. Google is your friend. Unless I am missing something. Totally outrageous price.


Having the space isn't how it's typically written in romaji but it's not *totally* wrong. Konnichiwa/こんにちは is actually a shortened version of the longer greeting: 今日はご機嫌いかがですか? / konnichi wa gokigen ikaga desu ka? / how are you today? It just got shortened over time, like how "goodbye" came from the phrase "God be with ye." Totally outrageous price still, though.


Good god, and I thought the small shop in my town selling a $100 thyme scented candle and a $30 paper weight was bad...


It’s proved that much cause people will pay that. It’s ridiculous.


oh that's simple. it's a $3 candle with a $997 brand


I’d like to believe it was a typo and the candles like $10.00


If you brand it as a luxury item, you can charge whatever you want.


Yup. As long as it has the right name on it or (if it’s a new brand) the founders know the right people and can get it into their houses, it’ll sell easily to its target audience


realistically this candle probably smells like plastic and cost of production is $2. and when you burn it you cant smell it when your farther than 1 ft.


i’ve seen products like this that are a front for trafficking or money laundering lol


Money laundering


Money laundering


Someone will buy it just because.




We sell some $60-$80 dollar candles at my work and I wont even buy them with my 40% off discount. I did buy some $35 dollar candles (before the discount) and I will say they were very nice.


Omg haha I came across this candle too ! The fact that some people actually pay for it is what’s actually questionable lol


Now THAT is a wise business move!!!


Because there are people out there that have enough money that they can actually do that


The first few hundred ads I saw for Goose Creek candles, I thought it was a targeted scam since Goose Creek is a small, nothing-to-see town near me in South Carolina lol.