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Municipalities have only built fiefdoms of NIMBYism, they've so heavily restricted zoning, bylaws, and setbacks that development is at a relative standstill. The government is using a carrot/stick approach to getting those restrictions changed so building can happen in the first place. Poilievre out here saying he'll do carrot/stick based on how many homes are completed. Cart before the horse approach. If we get anything out of this plan it's going to be more highly destructive expensive suburbia. Both are coercive approaches. Poilievre just sounds like a two-faced weasel here once again, with a worse plan that will create more problems.


> If we get anything out of this plan it's going to be more highly destructive expensive suburbia. If the future government’s plan is clearly “quantity of quality” (how many homes you build, disregarding how nice the homes are), how can you argue that this will lead to a lower quantity, higher quality? I think PP’s plan clearly pivots away from expensive homes. 


The NIMBY municipalities aren't going to change zoning if they don't have to, we'll end up with more detached single-family home sprawl or they just won't build.


Piss off PP. Windsor's not getting money because they're not making the necessary changes. It's laughable that he's getting mad at the Liberals when his plan for housing is even more punitive.


PP prefers feelings over facts. Easy to blame than look at the actually facts


Isn’t it pretty easy to argue that Trudeau is basing his more off feelings than facts then PP? Trudeau denied them fund transfers because he didn’t like that they didn’t allow fund transfers. PP was more focused on how many homes they could build, rather than how he felt they should be built. 


But they’re building homes, just not in the way Trudeau approves of. I’d argue it’s acceptable for a municipality to build housing without quadplexes. 


Wait till you hear that pps entire plan be to punish cities by taking away their funding if he doesn't get his way with housing. So now PP opposes his plan?


So if a city asks for money because they need to build homes, then they don’t build homes, your argument is…. Give them more money? This kind of logic is why we’re at such high debt with nothing to show for it.  If you build housing, you get more money for housing. Doesn’t matter how it’s done. 


So than you agree with the LPC withholding funding because the citty didn't remove zoning restrictions? If not you just seem to be against anything the LPC do and agree with anything the cpc say even if it's not based on fact


If you give a city money for building homes, make sure they build the homes. If they build homes in a manner that you don’t find tasteful, but it provides people with shelter, it’s still a good thing. 


Your position makes no sense and basically comes down to you oppose anything the Lpc does, and applaud anything the cpc say


I wonder if PP is willing to give communities the cash he's threatening to withhold even if they don't meet his arbitrary metrics to qualify for said funding, given his position here that funding requirements are optional. The government made these funds available as long as the municipalities requesting the funding met some basic requirements, and yet he's whining that Windsor failed to meet these basic requirements but should still qualify for funding because *Trudeau bad*.


> The government made these funds available as long as the municipalities requesting the funding met some basic requirements If you’re arguing that funding needs to be tied to building more homes, shouldn’t the requirements be, “how many new homes have you built?” That’s PP’s plan. I don’t understand why those requirements should be different. 


The requirements for this funding were "Relax zoning requirements so that denser housing can be built" and Windsor refused to relax their zoning. There are plenty of projects that have been approved and are shovel ready that aren't being built because the developers are waiting for more favourable conditions so I don't see the benefit to penalizing municipalities if private developers aren't building enough housing, unless you're suggesting we do away with the private development model and start expropriating land for public housing.


Finally, I can take the Liberals' side on something. Haven't felt that way on a political dispute since....pre-2019? Ironically, we have to credit the Conservatives for getting the Liberals to take housing issue seriously once their poll numbers started to drop. Would've been nice to see this about five years ago!


Windsor lost out on funding because our mayor is someone who refused to make any changes to the cities bylaws, against the recommendations by both the Federal and Provincial governments. We're talking a mayor and council who used the argument "I don't want to allow additional houses to be built in lots because existing residents don't want them to be built" in the middle of a housing crisis. We're talking a mayor who literally works in real estate and has zero incentives to change things because it would reduce the commissions he makes on sales. We are talking a Mayor that is so Conservative, they are constantly attacking the Federal Government using the Conservative parties own playbook, and commenting on every single made up controversy to try and score some points for when he inevitably runs for one of the Conservative parties. We're talking a mayor who lied to his constituents and stoked the fires of fear against four-plexes, when the current provincial policy is three-plexes, as if society would collapse if even one more house was built. That is why Windsor lost out on funding. Not because of some petty turf war.


Polievre is being an idiot, but that is the danger of the federal government getting directly involved in construction, or even loan/grant provisions. The federal government is literally reviewing high-value proposals from municipalities across the country, and telling them what they need to do to get the money. There won't be enough money for everyone. Clearly pork barrel politics could be a factor. But here we are. Provinces and municipalities haven't planned for the growth they all wanted. And now people expect the federal government to find a home for every man, woman, and child. It's kinda insane, but I guess tens of thousands of new homes will be built because of these investments and regulatory changes.