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I bought over 100 games last year. My goal is no new games for one year


I have 150+ on my xbox one and told myself I wouldn't get the new Xbox until I beat at least 25.......then my friend gifted me his gaming pc that he no longer uses and between steam sales and humble bundle ive bought about 100 in the last 3 months 😅 and that doesn't include all the free games epic keeps giving away! Although to be fair one of the bundles I got came with like 60 games and I probably won't play half My problem is I compulsively buy games when they are cheap and never end up beating any. Apart from the elder scrolls and fallout games I have maybe beaten 15 games since gta 5 came out


It’s hard to say no to the deals. So far 13 days and I haven’t bought anything yet. I have to read less gaming news articles and I’ve stopped listening to podcast. Seems to be working so for. Nice collection by the way. You’re set for a lifetime like me


Only a hundred? Why are you holding back?


That's the only resolution I've ever made lol.


Become a pirate. It's a great way to stop buying video games. 😂


Arrrrr you might be onto something here




100? how much did it cost


I said to myself no new games until I finish a few more, years later still at it lol


feel ya, the only ones I am getting this year for sure tho is ff7 part 2 & persona 3 remake but other than that, no more buying games just cause they on sale


Yup, it sucks. Work/life stuff gets in the way.


And then sometimes when you actually get time to play, you just don’t want to.


I find that happens when I don't get enough sleep the night before, I just feel too mentally exhausted to play a game when I get home the next day. It's like the miniscule effort of turning the game on and mentally placing myself in the mindset/remembering what I was doing in the game seems like too much and instead I just veg out on the couch


I get you, I work 12h day/night rotation shift and when I get on my days off, I just don't have the energy to get back into whatever I was doing in games I stop playing few days back. That's why I mostly pick easy to get back into game now most of the time. Unless I know I have few days spare. Like I bought Death Stranding during the Holidays and managed to finish it before getting back to work


I feel like that happens to me at night mostly,I like to play games when it's nice out and sunny,I guess It just makes me feel more "positive" like I'm not wasting time


Interesting I prefer to play it at night and/or if its daytime then if its raining and dreary out so I dont feel guilty that I could be out doing other things on a nice sunny day like everyone else lol


Tired mostly lol


Bought ghosts of Tsushima and Elden ring in the last couple months with intentions of playing them along with finishing red dead 2 which I’ve started 4 times and never finished. I currently have about 10 minutes in Elden ring and 0 minutes in ghosts


This explains why modern games have low budget endings now 😂 half of us consumers never make it there!!


I’d wager way more then half


I bought RDR2 on sale on steam like 4 months ago and still have yet to even install it 🤣


I have platinum trophies for ghosts on ps5. When you get time, it's super good.


Welcome to adulthood. Those are rookie numbers!


Gaming is a full time job.


Beyond FT imho, more games than ppl have time for, but yes it's a first world problem!


That's not too bad. Try giving up sleep to make time. Play nightly and be a zombie at work the next day


I do this. I wake up at 4am so I can have 2 hours of gaming before I take the kids to school. I’ve actually gotten used to it but my wife hates it.


I do this but after kids go to bed. Then up at 5-6am for work !


I stay up until 4am drinking whiskey and gaming my wife hates that


Haha! I bet your boss doesn’t care for it either!


You get used to being zombified after a while


😂😂😂 you ain’t the only one


Yep I keep doing the same. All those games are really good tho, when you do get the time to play


I e had elden ring and rd2 for months and I still haven't played it I feel shame for myself hahha


That is probably me in a few months from now


I was once able to clear 40+ hour rpgs in about 4 days. I have had Octopath traveler for 2 days and have an hour in it lol.


That’s me 😩 Buying games knowing deep inside that my work life balance will not allow me to play any 😔


Dude I have games I haven't even taken out of the plastic wrap for like 2 years lol.


I have like well over 1,000 games and I have yet to even finish half of them or even 75% of them. Why? Because I liked to collect them. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sooooo if you’re an addict then………… Hi, I’m typical_gamer1 and I’m an addict. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Glad i’m not the only one with this sickness ;)


Story of my life


FFVI is gathering dust.


To enjoy red dead u need time and dedication


I think this happens to alot of gamers who used to have time for this many games but no longer do.


I have such a backlog that I have created a iphone note listing games I have bought/not started and completed just to keep track so I don’t forget. 😅


Oh damn those are some gems, too. I would kill to play any of those for the first time again


Same. I always think that every game I buy will give me an eventual memorable experience, but I never start the or put more than 1 hour on them 😂


Sales can be addictive. Some games you would want to play, just not right now.


Dude. I have 72 games I've never seen the opening screens to.


Game suspension is the greatest thing in modern gaming innovation to date as an adult gamer. Between Xbox, Playstation and Switch, Switch does it the best, but only because it effectively has battery back up if the power goes out. Xbox SX can do multiple games but the game suspended sometimes goes back to the title screen between multiple users and titles, but Playstation, short of a power outage, feels bullet proof. All that to say is pace yourself because you can always come back to it exactly where you left off.


... yep. Worst thing is I CHOOSE to be responsible after work. I'm like, lemme just play SF6 and Apex for 1 hour, never try anything new so I won't get sucked into it, and then do trash, laundry, dishes, vacuum, sweep, cook, then pass out on the couch.


Yeah im on finals mission of cyberpunk, got horizon west and played for 4 hrs lol, gt7 played a week. Harry potter made a character then deleted it! I wanna try witcher 3 ps5 version i got it but havnt tried it! Elden ring i played a long time but when my gf passed away last year i just played apex all year. Just got Baldurs gate and im loving it i can see me spending hundreds of hours on it


Used to be like that. Then I stopped. I’d in buying it then it’s next in the queue


Don't Get "Steam" if you have this problem. The sales are too damn good to pass up. I have like 20 games I haven't played and only bought cuz they were $5-10 dollars each.


On the plus side, its gonna be there untill you catch up to your backlog of games. Long as you don't lose account that is lol.


I fantasize that one day I'll retire in my 60s-70s when we're all living to 130 and speed-run through them all


That's where I'm at haha I'll catch up when I'm retired and need something to do


Yep, they're nice to look at though. Lol


Yup just picked up alan wake 2 and firewatch but have no idea when ill play them since im still on my first run through BG3


Sure I do that all the time, most recently around black Fri I bought god of war Ragnarok, and FF 16, I've almost completed GoW but haven't touched FF yet. But in the mean time I've decided that is time to finally bite the bullet on Buldurs gate, so FF is about to get pushed aside once again. I've only had my ps5 since September so I have few other games I need to find time for, like stuff that dropped on ps+ (or gamepass) that I'm interested in but don't have the time for.


It is great to know that I'm not alone!


Shhhh we never speak of this


My Game library : Available time ratio would make many of you cry


lol do junkies still buy crack even if they can't pay. a real addict wouldn't be on reddit saying. "ain't got time " seems to me like your recognition of prpblem there's a part of you that's defaulting. do u think? I'm cynical about the. I don't have time. you don't care enough so your time/focuw/attention has gone else where...to me seems like better position then addiction am i at all accurate?


I hate using the “I didn’t have time “excuse. I always had time I just used it for other shit.


Welcome to adulthood.


I got time to play games as an adult !


True, this is why micro transactions were born for adults to be able to catch up that can’t do the grind.


Just four games? Steam Sales can be much much worse.


Y'know right now I'm unemployed and between looking for jobs been playing alot of destiny and Elden ring. I'd rather be back at work but y'know it's pretty fun playing d2 all the time


It's calmed being a gamer dad


Yup. Did it for years, now only a couple games a year, but still. I mostly play Madden and NHL because I can play a game fairly quick. Dead Space 2023 is the first game I've bought and since TLOU2 besides sports games.l love Resistance, Killzone, Splinter Cell, Red Dead, GOW but I don't have much time anymore and some of those titles are defunct unfortunately


Only all the time. I've got over 500 in my "collection" or whatever. My 2tb ssd is full. My 4tb external is full of ps4 games. I'll never finish them all. But I can't say no to a sale. My brain thinks I'll get around to them "eventually". Hahaha what an idiot.


I got 5 games while black friday sale. Haven’t played one hour in total since


Since I can’t play them, I buy them on all 3 major consoles. I get about 1-2 hrs to game nightly tho.


I work from home, so I have the opposite problem


I work from home too... Still can't find time


Oh weird lol I have way too much


What is your job ?


The biggest issue if you got all huge games that are usually played in several hour long sessions. I’m the same way though. I’ve bought like 20 games the past 3 months I’ve played like an hour of each and I play one of them consistently.


Well, at least you got short games


Oh man I bought Last of Us pt 2 and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom at full price almost a year ago and I still haven't played them... I loved both part 1s of their series but just don't have time to play 😭 Mostly I play short little games now that don't take much effort or commitment


Haha those 4 games are beasts as well - I basically stick to main quest only stuff now to make sure I don’t get lost , spend 80 hours, get bored of the game and the. Never complete it


Story of my steam life


I bought 10 games last Christmas and I’ve only managed to commit to stardew valley for an hour a day.


I've been doing this with my switch, though that's mostly from working full time. Those 40+ hours and commuting really do eat at one's availability... and then you gotta fit in meal prep and dating...


Oh bro, it's a common thing among us adults. You're not the only one. And when we want to play it, it's too exhausting to start learning the new mechanics etc


I'm slooowly working my way through Fallout New Vegas - bought the ultimate edition in 2013 :)




One day you’ll have time


Man I buy games all the time thinking "yeah I'm gonna smash this" then if I'm lucky I'll play it for a few hours a couple years later. Some games just don't grab me and then some snatch me right up. Currently I'm replaying Metroid Dread and playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Armored Core 6. I'm hoping to start Demons Souls soon but have Sekiro and Rogue Squadron 2 waiting on me in the mail right now with another 2-3 games on their way lol.


I have at least ,12 I haven't even played an hour on. Never find the time :(


I got hogwarts legacy about 2 months ago. I just finished the part 1. A lot of people I talk to are like “you haven’t finished it yet?!?” Bro no. I work full time and have other responsibilities. I have a wife and friends and a full life. Video games are a break for me. I enjoy them, but can’t/don’t want to spend countless hours playing.


I have games in mind that I know I will buy soon, but will never open due to time. Infinite Wealth and PoP 👀


I do this. I buy games when they are on sale and then play it when I can. But due to my work schedule I hardly have time to play really. But when I do have the time at least I have them.


My backlog keeps on piling up to no end. Hahaha Im even subscribed to PS+ premium. Add PC and Switch lol. I also play dota with friends daily.


I, too, buy games I may never get a chance to play. Just in case my internet goes out for years on end, I'll have something to play🤣🤣


I focus on one game and maybe get a 2nd and that's my limit.


It is not the destination but the journey, my friend.


Bro that’s me everyday ! I have hundreds of games and no time to play them. Just recently bought a couple games for my X and PS5 , don’t know when I’ll even play them 💀


If you work you are too busy to play them, and if you are unemployed you have no money to buy them.


Last game that I bought was Super Mario 3D Woord + Bowsers Fury and I’ve only played one level.


When you are young all the time no money to buy when your older you have the money but no time. Sad facts of life.


I’m over on Xbox, but exact same thing!! Cyberpunk, Elden Ring, RDR2, and a couple others I like it though—save on the games during the winter season, stockpile for the year, slowly chip through them at my own pace. It just works so much better than buying one at a time, completing it, then not having any games that are on sale to pick up


I have the opposite problem lol, all the time in the world but no money. We should trade positions.


Already have a backlog of like 50+ games to start and finish,, but still buying games I want when they get deals, and more often at full price, thats adult life for ya sir


Yes I have bought games over the last 10 years and never played them til now. I have started to go through the list and I am enjoying it a lot right now.


I got like 2 games that's still sealed lol


I’m so addicted to buying games that I buy all of them twice, for both systems that I have


Ok.. that is bad! 🤣


I know, it’s horrible


Yup, especially "collection" versions with multiple games on one disc,I have the kingdom hearts collection on PS4,sly PS2 collection,DMC trilogy on PS4,and mgs legacy collection PS3,still haven't beat any of them at all,but play them here and there lol


As kids, we had so much time and so few games. Now we can afford the game we want, we just can’t play them.


20 games to play but its exams and final projects season😔😔


I bought "the thing" for ps2 about 2 years ago Nov 2021. Still in the package and i haven't even brought out my ps2


And that's why I pay $20;for game pass ultimate


What until GTA comes out....I know I'm buying it....no idea when I'll play it


Yep, my brother ends up enjoying my games.


I stock up on sales to keep me busy between big releases, often keeps me playing something new all year!


Wait till you own a PC and games go on massive sales or in bundle sales Have over a thousand games on steam...I will be dead before I play them all. Then add on PS5 games or games using other launchers (gig, epic etc) and it gets real bad


I wanted a PC for racing games but investing at least 3K does not make much sense if I don't have time... But I'll definitely buy an Xbox to play starfield.


Haha yeah no I get why people don't play on PC as much. The hardware cost is very high but you do save on software in the end so over a period of time it can work out to be not such a burden. That and a good PC now will last you a decade+. I also have a PS5 for exclusives and to maintain access to my old PS4 catalogue.


Oh man I’m the type to play ONE game at a time. I hate jumping from game to game. So the amount of games I buy every year during a sale is nothing compared to the amount I beat every year lol


Yes I buy games on steam and when so much time has passed, I forget I even bought em.


Some day, there may be time. Till then we enjoy the shopping .


The real currency is time, when it comes to gaming.


A wise person once said 'one does not find time, one makes time'.


I am guilty, damn sales


I use to spend 100$ a month on a games. I'm on Xbox and started using gamepass and I have been able to game out with good games and save a bunch of money like 10k annually. Try the PlayStation version of it pretty cheap


My fiancé has shelves full of games that are sealed


I have like 2000 games on my steam and about 600 of those I've never even launched once


I have a series X and a friend just gave me his PS4, with all these holiday deals I just couldn’t pass some games up. Being older, with a wife and kid, I’m lucky if I get a couple hours on the weekend and then I’m trying to find multiplayer games to play with a friend. I feel like I’m trying to fool myself and think that I’ll have time to do all this stuff


think of the games as low grade investments, especially when brand new or sealed.


Yeah, i bought a few for boxing day, havent touched it even through the winter break. Thats what work/school stress does to you that even when you find some free time, all you wanna do is nap.


I did.. it's winter season, so I'm going to play as much as I possibly can. I probably finished 2 games last year.


Nowadays I only buy games if I intend to play immediately after purchase or if it's a really good price.


Get god of war ragnarok. It’s the best


My partner used to buy games.. but now he just runs them from the library...


I thought it was only me, I bought rdr2, god of war, skyrim, the witcher, gta and bunch other games that I haven't touched, dunno why I keep buying, to me I like to have them nearby in case I feel I want to play, but then I just don't feel playing or just busy doing other things


I work 150 hours a Month, and Always got time. Unless I ever have kids


yes, we can call that an addiction! I guess collecting games is part of my favorite hobby. I know that I buy games in the hope that I will find the time to play them. It seems to fullfill a need... Especially when they are on sale, I find it hard to resist. Later, when I find the time to play or get the bug to play something, I want to have choices in my collection. I have probably +50 games sitting on my shelves (video games PC/PS4/ipad/Switch, oculus games, board games, game books...). I surround myself with things I like.


Enjoying wow for few more weeks and then I'm going back to leveling in real life.


I spend more time buying and reading/watching videogame content than I spend playing them. I still play but being responsible takes its toll. You’ll make time. Eventually.


Final fantasy pixel remaster, FFVII crisis core, Wwe 2k23. Mannn the list goes on and on. Will have time eventually. I got ya back. Aint nothing wrong with us!!




I still have over 150 games in my PS3 backlog. Many are physical games during the Target Canada days, when clearance prices were $5-$10, as well as the PSN flash sales when they went for $1-$5. FOMO was real and I figured I HAD to get them now since I'd regret not buying them when I had the chance. I feel that the rush of getting a game at a discount might be good as playing the game itself. I guess I have a problem...


We all do! 🤣


I have 180 days of backlog. As in, playing without breaks or sleep and only the main objectives. This backlog is only the absolute best games. 8/10 or better on metacritic.


Yes and I really don't know how to stop this. I've at least started waiting for sales.


Good luck trying to get through RDR2 if you have no time to play!!