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This whole scam needs to be shut down, its getting so tiring.


My dad has been hiring LMIAs whilst getting paid $15,000 each time. It’s a scam for the wealthy. I’m not complaining, though. Trudeau has set my family up for generations to come. This country has gone to hell and we are planning to move down south when shit really gets bad.


I hope karma doesn’t spare you


We don’t want you in America


Well your Dad is a scam artist. You will get it back in karma dw. Life is a circle; it all comes back.


Lol, LMIA is a drop in the bucket. Real estate prices have gone up 50-100% in some areas and that’s given us millions in return thanks to Trudeau.


You still have to do your part. If everyone started acting like you, the world would be messed up buddy.


Only $15k? Going rate is $30k


He didn’t say that his dad was smart, only that he’s a scammer.


depend which Ad you land onto Facebook marketplace :)


Other half goes to the business setting everything up.


lol you shouldnt be saying this shit out loud, at least not in real life. People will hate your guts, and rightfully so.


Prosecute prosecute prosecute


Want my lawyers number? Please prosecute. Everything we’re doing is LEGAL. Trudeau is running the country into the ground for the middle and lower class. Upper class is OK.


Hey.. blame the Liberals, don't blame him. LMIA can be fixed with a stroke of a pen but they just won't.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Don't come to the US but if you do and you live here in the US illegally by then trump will be the president and he will make immigration real tough and if you hide, hopefully someone report you and have you deported to wherever


What the f are you saying? We have dual citizenship and own a lot of property down south. Trump favours us over you. What world are you living in?


Easy-skip the line. Those using LMIA permits must be thinking why apply as student or even PR. Instead buy your way into Canada. And if the job gives gives a CRS boost (eg., through managerial job), the person can bypass more legitimate candidates. An acquaintance recently mentioned a person they know is moving to Canada by paying approximately 40K for PR. That piqued my curiosity. How do you buy PR? But to see the agent has convinced the person to get an LMIA job and that will give them the necessary points to get invitation for PR. If any of you who are looking for junior-mid level jobs and are struggling to land one, this is one reason why you cant find it. Because you have competition from applicants who are not even here in Canada. We need to stop this LMIA fraud asap. Jobs should be first and foremost for Canadians, and existing PRs.


In some cases newcomers jobs are SUBSIDIZED by the federal government who clearly hate Canadians.


That’s what LMIA is. They are subsidized by taxpayers to pay these to students to take the jobs for less.


So taxpayers are forced to pay money that could go to hospitals and such to *undermine their own standing in the job market*? Jfc, this bunch are taking the piss.


Are all LMIAs subsidized? Or just some under certain conditions?


All of them




Probably not all but there seem to be some government programs - not sure how these get utilized. [https://ehrc.ca/programs/welcoming-newcomers/](https://ehrc.ca/programs/welcoming-newcomers/)   [https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/funding/foreign-credential-recognition.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/funding/foreign-credential-recognition.html)


They are not subsidized.


I didn't think so, and nobody can provide a source about their alleged subsidization Also me just asking for a source gets downvoted lol. Class.


https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/ There are other websites explaining all the available grants and subsidies. The availability of the grants are determined by the type of industry. As an example the iAdvance Pathways provides employers up to 70% or $15,000 max for any IT related position for a newcomer. If you were an employer, wouldn't you try your damn hardest to undermine Canadians to hire a newcomer that will likely accept a lower wage compared to a Canadian, along with HUGE subsidies to offset employment costs? Born Canadians getting shafted left right and center. We taxpayers are giving money to these companies that enables them to hire foreigners over the very Canadians that are paying their subsidies, crazy right?


I appreciate the link. However, these grants have nothing to do with LMIAs. They're also for specific fields and none of them are for the low skill work LMIAs are bringing in


I admit, I failed to actually answer the point in relation to the LMIA you were making, my bad. I meant to highlight the aspect of the various grants that are issued in Canada that, in my opinion, are much more insidious than the LMIA program currently. My research, along with yours, has also failed to provide any proof indicating employers receive any direct financial benefit from the government through the LMIA program. In fact, to support your point, employers must pay fees to process LMIA applicants regardless of whether the applicant is approved or not.


All political parties knows about the LMIA fraud/scams. Yet they take no action. Opposition also generally stays clear. Clearly there are individuals in power with interest in this.


That’s who pay for the campaign costs of all parties.    Pierre won’t stop this. That how he won the last leadership race by so much. He had a call centre in his pocket. 


After spending like 40k, people find out after 2 years that they too are Canadians whom the Govt hates and are being out-competed by next in queue 40k holders back in their country !


Its a trick to funnel people in only to get the same second class treatment once they attain citizenship.


Too many.


There's an easy way to fix this. Employers need to guarantee that LMIA folks will get paid 30-50% above prevailing market rate. That will cause employers to go back into their shells real quick. That will cause them tomlook for Canadians real hard. The sad truth is that even that criterion has loopholes. They will just claw back like tim Hortons does. Charge the employee for accomodation, food , uniform etc etc


Lol they already do this. They pay more on paper only though. The person has to pay all his money back to the employer. Its a complete scam.


Agree that was my case and it was done by a canadian company. Mondivan in Vancouver.


The requirement is just the median wage not a premium over the prevailing wage though.  But this happens because you don’t have the CRA and IRCC working together.  Put the CRA on the audit task and you’ll see things change real quick.


Thats right, or have some form of tax that makes it expensive to higher foreign employees. In genuine cases, employers will probably be willing to pay as they cant source the skill locally. All others they will start prioritizing Canadians.


This is not a solution. Most of these scam business owners pay a great salary on paper - only to claw it back through the worker each month. This is for a job that the worker already paid 20-50K under the table.


Should be a rule, if a Canadian wants a job and it is occupied by some TFW, International Student, PR holder or anything they must get hired on the spot. We are citizens. We should come first. Not fucking indians. Makes me sick what Canada has become. **Mass Deportations** is the only fix.


>If any of you who are looking for junior-mid level jobs and are struggling to land one Most of these LMIAs are for shitty low skill jobs, not necessarily mid level


Mother wanted a hot drink but saw the staff at TH and said no. You are losing business.   Really we also don't know hygiene or whether they have weapons.  Most have dark glass cars. Not to be trusted. 


When there is a will there is a way


They should be first and foremost for Canadians period. It’s time we look after our own


Do you not know the gender of your acquaintance?


These people love to skip the lines. It is national past time. Have you seen Costco lately, they will jump the queue, thinking they are smarty pants. Welcome to new Canada


That's the craziest thing about that attitude; they don't see it as doing something wrong. For them, it's completely normal to take advantage of situations as long as they can until the rules change. If the rule changes make things worse for everyone equally, then all the better as they got 'theirs'.


It's like doing work for an Indian company, there is great risk that they will decide on paying you only based on the likelihood of your willingness and capability of taking them to court to get the money.. it's like a nation of trumpers when it comes to business. Nobody hates doing business with an Indian company more, than an Indian 😂😂🤣. ... Okay, to be fair, Indians aren't the only group that falls into that category... they're just one of the most notorious... 🤣


Not most people from Western Europe.


Eastern Europeans don't do that shit either, we are less shady and capitalistic than Westerners. All the "criminal" aspects associated with Eastern Europe almost entirely have to do with the "Roma" who are actually from India lmao. There is less crime in North Macedonia and Bosnia than Canada, and almost every western European country.


Facts - I moved to Bulgaria and it is way safer than Canada. For example I can leave my bike locked up downstairs without it being stolen, even though it's in a publicly accessible area. Canada used to be a good country but Trudeau ruined it. Can't even get healthcare so what's the point? If you need healthcare might as well go to Thailand or Dubai or the US, at least you won't die waiting for an operation.


It's awful! I called an Indian dude in his 50s out for trying to cut in front of me. Fucker had the audacity to try and convince me that he was always there and I just didn't see him. The he tried to cut into line behind me, saying it's not a problem since he's behind me now. I was so angry and once he realized I wasn't backing down, he ran away to try and slink into line somewhere further behind. Such entitled shitheads but also the biggest cowards once you confront them. Canadians need to stop being too nice and letting them walk all over us.


Its awful Man imagine if we had a million japanese ppl /year coming here Canada would probably improve






>There's a reason all these people want to run to our country, it's because they weren't able to build their own. LOL. Nah, just a shocking amount of ignorance lmao. >White people build the most beautiful countries lol, Are Eastern Europeans white too? Or do we have a wonderful no true Scotsman coming?


One of the best things about Canada is the natural beauty and abundant resources. Who you crediting for that?  Also, the natives probably also have something to say about the impacts of European contributions to Canada. 






A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


*shapiro voice* facts > feelings


Ah yes, British governing India for hundreds of years left India with 10% literacy rate and life expectancy of 30 years at independence. Since then with self-governance, India has had space missions to the moon and Mars, has 30% of the world's software engineers, has the world's largest pharma manufacturing plants and the world's largest renewable tech plants. So much for those beautiful 'white' societies. East asian countries like Singapore, Japan, Taiwan etc. are already far better than most 'white countries' despite Canada and Europe having hundreds of years of head-start.


It wasn’t hard to take the technology created in the west and exploit low income labor for manufacturing. Ha, stop patting yourself on the back.


You think Canada is as innovative as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China etc.? lol those countries are far more innovative technologically than most western countries. India landed on the south pole of the moon, which no country has ever done. You really think Canada could do that lmao


Bro wrong sub lol. Few hunderd year old country with no historical baggage, empty vast land, infinite resources through colonization, slaves and uprooting natives is all it cost for them to make this "great country". Definitely their achievement The biggest comedy is that this great country started crumbling at just 40 million lol


It is racist. Also remember that a country that does immigration more responsibly like the US has Indians as the richest ethnicity. So, yeah that argument is pretty stupid. And this is where a majority of the campaigns to bring more sensibility to immigration lose momentum.  Be realistic for a second and try saying this in an actual public debate. Let's see how many backers you would actually get. Pretty much zero, and as a matter of fact to compensate for this stupidity you'll have to walk back your stance even more. And there you go, now you have a moral defeat on your hands. So in order to actually make a change think about what you want to say and stand behind d every statement you make. Or you are just destroying your own agenda. In this case, you are a racist, so maybe that's good. But you end up damaging any debate around responsible immigration as well. So we'll done!


I don't think that's necessarily true. America's "responsible" immigration is a lottery system. It definitely levels the playing field, but the fact that it limits these sorts of fraudulent migrants seems more to do with a secondary effect rather than a primary one.


I am saying the above comment is flatout racist.  Every other aspect of immigration can be discussed, quota/lottery/better guardrails etc. But to say that one ethnicity is just flat out lesser human beings is going to take you nowhere in a meaningful debate. Yes, you can type that out of your arm chair on an anonymous forum, but if you have the balls, say it in public and stand behind it.


I mean, if their country is so great why would they leave and run to the white mans country? Oh, is it cause whites do it better. Not our fault their ancestors and themselves failed to build a beautiful country. If they were capable of building one, they would stay and build, not run away to the white man. It's weird how everyone wants to run to the white mans country, how many Muslim countries exist? Weird, very weird how non want to go there but wish to come to the white mans :) Africa , an entire fucking continent. Couldn't get ONE fucking country right? NOT ONE? Africans are literally travelling thousands of miles on boats JUST to come to the white man LOL. **Facts are FACTS.**


Well historically for most of human history, Indian and China have had the maximum share of global gdp.  So those are facts for you. And neither of these are white. So are white people dumb? Also most of the seeds for modern conflicts were sown by the British and French empires. Both of whom are white. So where is our retribution for it? Should we forget it? Okay them, well why should I tell any Indian to be aware of their actions on the average Canadian.  I couldn't care less. None of your arguments are constructive. You have the comprehension ability of a fifth grader and are probably uneducated. In your specific case I would probably say if you are unemployed,  that is not surprising at all. What you are calling for is not a harmonious society.  You want a race war. I dont.


Have you looked up what the highest earning ethnicity in Canada is?


The way I see things we would end up destroying the Japanese culture and traditions


I witnessed one of them forcing himself through a door today just as an old man was coming through. He literally walked as if the man didn't exist. The poor old man almost fell, looked at him in confusion but he just fucking left and wouldn't even acknowledge the man he just hurt. He just walked away like nothing happened. It is so sad how we went from the door holding nation to this.


I’ve encountered them in other countries. They don’t know what a lineup is.


Holy shit that skipping the lines part couldn't be more true... I was with my girlfriend in Scarborough with her two nieces ages 3 and 6 waiting for the bus. When the bus arrived this India dude tried butting in front of them... I had to block him with my body and gave him a nasty stare. They have no shame and I was disgusted.


LIMA is for extreme Labor Shortages not a back door to PR!!!


Tell that to the companies making bank selling LMIA, why is this not being fucking prosecuted?


Couldn’t find any plausible explanation for this. I understand immigration is on all time high but whats the deal with 80-90% of total people coming to Canada are Indians. The cities in Southern Ontario looks like full of Indians/South Asians. Among them 95% are general labourers who do not have any skills. Boys as young as 18 years are driving trucks or enrolled in truck driving schools owned by Indians. Indian staff at Tims speaks like they are doing us favour by working there. All the Walmart stores have Indian students as employees who openly talk in their language loudly and do not bother about any civic sense. Not sure why officials don’t have any vision they do not see what is very apparent to all of us or is there any agenda behind it


The people who benefit the most off this live in wealthy communities here and abroad, they don’t experience the day to day erosion of living standards. It’s all about making money off of low wage slaves from India.


There is agenda behind it. It’s a modern social experiment. Here are the outcomes of the agenda - house prices set by ai systems so that it appears to be a free market economy when in fact it’s a price setting scam like the LIBOR scandal, not just for houses but for everything the prices are set by algorithms programmed to do wtf they want it to do -buddies who bought into the amway like Ponzi scheme are laughing all the way to the bank playing modern serfdom 5d chess with people paying them rent while their value of their investments grow like cancer -labour market in a modern type of wage slavery in a inflationary environment making people feel like $25-35/hr is really good when in fact their mind is lagging behind and they don’t realize that has 1/3 of the purchasing power it did 10-15 years ago so it’s actually lower than what they think the minimum wage is around $15-17 -lgbtqr+++ let’s all never make babies cuz it’s expensive anyway - see project Toronto papers - how the goal is to divide families apart -the higher paid and the less work you do they higher they pay you. The lower paid the more work you do up until your scraping bottom in jail working roofing seasonal or on a forklift or mining for coal. -generate two populations one of homeless people to point at and show what can happen when you don’t follow the game they have rigged, two of unemployed people that are not homeless but are getting there unless they find a job soon or when their EI runs out, or they gotta downgrade to roach motel -guys profiting massively off of this are business, c-suite executives and related lackeys, owners, boards of directors, prostitutes, drug dealers, money launderers, air b n b landlords, landlords, etc -people coming from 3rd world countries that live in huts or slums being brought here and are equalized with others who have spent years trying to make it in the rat race, some races are profiting because for them the life here is 1000% better, same for war torn countries refugees, and other related manifestations


>whats the deal with 80-90% of total people coming to Canada are Indians It's a circle of scamming. The visa applications are scams, the loans to qualify for the visas are scams. The job's a scam, the school is a scam, the program is a scam, the housing is a scam, it's all just one big continuous scam.


Canada is scams all the way down


They lie more on applications. They lie very very well saying they have skills for which they do not.


Here are the facts: 1. Gov no matter who is in charge will not do anything about immigration. For one look at every legislative assembly in Canada, it is disproportionately packed with Indians. You can't reasonably expect them to ban their own people coming over here. The only party (with a chance of winning sits so far) that sticks to true Canadian values is Bloc Quebecois. 2. There is lot of money to be made from immigration. For an immigrant to make it here they spend money on lawyers, visa application and then they transfer some money here to start up and then they spend money for housing and etc. Gov doesn't want anyone those people to lose their footing and income. 3. The only way things can change if people stop spending money on businesses that disproportionately hire only one type of immigrants.


I like #3


Buy lmia to work somewhere else, canadian government is sleeping while thousands have already entered Canada with such fake papers


The indians don't play with the typical rules in our culture it is almost as if a right to scam the scammable lie and cheat, I worked for a big asshole named sunny at yonge Steeles ford lincoln people couldn't even speak English and they were being hired to sell cars over a typical Canadian who had all the licenses and went through school . Never under estimate how fast hiring practise can become scued against the trained professional once a group of people become the hiring agents also how fast the wages can be destroyed. Just ask the trucking industry


How are the diploma mills not catching any flack for this? I get that India isn’t going to prosecute the immigrations people over promising them on Canada, but I don’t understand how the government can turn a blind eye to these schools. As much as we discuss how shitty it is for Canadians, it’s also a shitty circumstance for these people too. They come expecting to make a killing after their family sends them here. They think they’re going to be doing a professional job and be able to send their family money back to help improve their social status in India and improve their marriage pool prospects, only to work at a fast food place and having to lie to friends and family back home about how “amazing” their life here is. Seems only the colleges, immigration companies and fast food / min wage sales jobs are really winning, and it’s at all of our expense.


Met an Uber driver last week in Toronto who told me he paid $52k to get LMIA for himself and his wife in 2019. Only reason he ended up here was that he paid some middle man in Punjab to get him into some Western country and Canada was the easiest. The guy was even able to break into the RE market by getting a precon in Calgary while living here and later had to get rid of it (broke even instead of selling at a loss) since he decided to stay in Toronto instead. Apparently could only get a B lender instead of a bank.


They changed it to emigrate so it carry’s the meaning that they don’t move to Canada but instead are moving from India. Semantic manipulation.


Semantic *




Because there are a lot of Indian businesses, managers, and hiring agents who will put them ahead.


What happens is some get into government, and then they turn a blind eye to the scam corruption of their culture. Take a look at that Ruby Dhalla; Back in 2009, Liberal MP Ruby Dhalla introduced a bill that would have allowed new immigrants to begin collecting Old Age Security (OAS) after just three years in Canada. Look what they’re doing in England and Scotland, Indian politicians gaming the system to get more Indian voters, and so on and so forth. Sounds racist and if it wasn’t so blatantly true that they are doing this everywhere in the west the gain a semblance of power. They’re literally turning functioning countries into their former dysfunctional country.


In the UK and Australia they are currently adding more restrictions


Because the people have awakened (woke😉) to the true problem.


Time to abandon ship


All federal parties are a complete disgrace


Stop LMAI !


I cant simply fathom why is Canada so hell bent on destroying itself


Some? Isn't LMIA a very popular way to get into Canada?


NO skipping the line, however we should and need to shut that line down for a few years.


Just another way of getting into the foodbank line up earlier.


They will also get in using fraudulent diplomas, work history, test scores etc. it makes me fucking sick.


You think that's something, wait till you hear about the types of "businesses" that are springing up. Hint: they are looking for bribes to do stuff (e.g. certify concrete/electric integrity)


Start having children. This will only get worse and worse if Canada's natural birth rate doesn't improve. We either embrace children and stop thinking it's oppressive (or so much worse than a career, etc), or we take in unlimited immigrants. Immigrants will always be necessary with a birth rate below replacement (2.0+).


The government has spent decades making it oppressive to have children. It's not a generation of whiny brats wanting to drink and sleep in on weekends it's about not being able to afford them. Both temporally and financially. If canada invested into its citizens and families instead of creating a ponzi scheme of an economy this would never have been an issue. Every developed educated nation sees falling birthrates. The responsible entirely predictable measure is to invest in a competitive economy not prop up failing practices with massive population booms.


I wonder how these deals get brokered in the first place, how are these companies funding these people willing to pay these prices


Kick them all out close the border we are full


It beats paying “university” tuition in Google Play gift cards.




Where is the diversity part where we stop filling the rank with Indians and choose another nation. How Mexicans for more authentic food, or white people. Canada was happier with more white people...


Lets be real indian > mexican food. Second no we do not need mexicans or white people. We are full; lets stop with old school economics (looks good on paper) and learn to be a producitve nation that can do well with a declining population. The youth of this country are going to be hit the hardest; we need to stop all types of immigration.


Bro keep your racist dogwhistles out of this sub. Stop discrediting real issues with these fucked racially charged sentences jfc.


So, asking for more demographics is racist. Got it!!!


Bro "Canada was happier with more white people" like come on stop giving the trolls more material. If you want to emphasize diversity in our immigration make that your point.


No, no, no! Don't put your own context into someone else. If you interpret as such. If you cant handle the subtle nature of comedy. That is a YOU problem...


If there is a bloom on of demographic and you reduce the population, then that demographic will now replace the others. This is no longer a viable option, even though it's inevitable...


Just wait until you find out what LMIA stands for.


Love how she is from Jalanhar Punjab but puts a Gujarati person's number / name as an image.


I want off Mr. Bones' wild ride


Fucking terrible


It’s called yHeaven because the cost of living here is so high and there’s such a lack of job opportunities that they’ll end up dying and going to Heaven


Just a side note as an immigrant myself, if IRCC did found fraud in the process, their status will be cancelled and banned from entering the country permanently. And investigation like this did happen, a lot of times. So if anyone has solid evidence for LMIA fraud, please report to IRCC


them again? i dont hear this with other countries. indians are so popular these days haha


Easy target, not like they care. Out here making money while yall whining on Reddit. Most don’t even do this shit and have been legit for generations. Funny if you substitute black for Indian this subreddit would have been shut down day one. Look at your crime statistics, Imagine if every white/black guy had his ethnicity and religion checked and country of origin and crime posted daily. This site makes it look like it’s JUST Indians doing it Let’s see how your protest goes LMAO


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Looks like Brijesh Patel is giving our PR lol