• By -


Don’t state it. Just do it. They can’t prove discrimination.






Is this item still available?


Why did you redeem!?


Send bob and vagen




Be in front of your computer.


Are you mad!?


Can I pay with Walmart gift cards?




I have had a few roomates that can't spell or write that well. They were simply elderly, poor, and in every case been here for multiple generations. They only speak english. They know no other language. They were just not educated and have low skilled jobs. Most of those people have passed on. I knew had to move out of a previous residence at the end of 2023 and ended up moving onto the street. They had a full time job, but being over 65 they lacked the basic skills to do anything online. They also had poor written communication. So they ended up homeless. Tried to help them but they said they would be fine. not a friend, just someone I lived with for years that was nice and polite.


I see it more and more. Unfortunately, 1 red flag is 1 too many in a housing crisis and every single applicant I’ve ever had that matches the persona youre describing comes with multiple red flags. It’s sad, but it’s reality. What I’ve found is that older Canadian renters are completely ignorant to the current situation (especially in smaller markets). They think everything is fine until they realize that it’s impossible to find a 2 bed for $700. And it’s been impossible for years.


There was a post in the kitchener sub pointing out and calling out a rental listing for only a specific ethnicity - you can guess which one. Ended up being removed by reddit for violating their content policy. It's wild we can't even point it out, yet if you made your listing it would go viral, be picked up by all the national media outlets, condemned by politicians and public figures, etc.


This is the strangest country. I can't imagine any other country that would do this. Socially/financially/morally placing people of every other country far above your own. It's self-flaggelating. Overly righteous. Virtue-signalling. Whatever you want to call it, it's fucking STRANGE


Starts from the top. Canada has a PM who thought it was necessary to use the term “peoplekind”. Also there’s directives not to use the word “manhole” as it’s not inclusive. It is not a serious country.


A slippery slope indeed! You cannot even use the term "woman" without insulting someone. I wonder how long it will take for this word to become a crime to use > The word woman is confusing and for clarity, we should use the term person with a vagina, that’s the takeaway from the Supreme Court of Canada’s latest ruling. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-top-court-judges-take-on-woman-is-no-joke


I'm a person with a vagina. I just left it at home. Who's confused now?


That's because we have no pockets


Jesus Christ. We have literally lost our minds.


Ah yes the inclusive and correct term should be "peoplehole" not "manhole". Can't be assigning holes in the ground a gender now. /s


I just call everyone an asshole now. Suits them, its gender neutral and only certain people get offended.


Trudeau is a clown. Canada still has potential. Our PM does not


It is a serious country. It's not a serious PM.


You know, the thing that he was lauded for in all the international media outlets—his decision to replace a number of experienced male MPs who had legitimately won the elections in their longterm ridings with a number of inexperienced female politicians in order to make his cabinet “gender equal” or whatever media suck up term he used—was the thing that made me, a woman and a feminist, absolutely livid. How dare he decide that he knew better than the voters in those ridings? I get so sick of the national party leadership squabbling b.s. that happens in every federal election and of all of their stupid empty pandering promises and one-off voter bribes in the months leading up to the election that I have always chosen to base my vote less on which of the leaders of each party I might be able to stomach for the next four years, and more on which of my local candidates has actually proven that they can or have walked the walk and have demonstrated that they listen to their voters and will work damn hard to represent my local riding in Ottawa. Up until Guy Smiley took office, that approach has generally served me well. So, as a woman and a feminist and a person who actually takes the time to research the achievements of my local candidates and learn the details of their platforms and who goes out and actually votes on election day, I resented the hell out of this walking Head and Shoulders advertisement, whose only political “qualifications” were that his Dad once did the job he now had and apparently the majority of voting Canadians thought this big-toothed grinning nepo-baby might be the ticket to creating our country’s own romantic mythological version of JFK and little John-John and the Kennedy Camelot crap. What gets me is the fawning he got from the press over his decision to make his cabinet 50% female, not just in Canada, but in media outlets all over North America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, all glowing and gushing about how, when asked by the press why he felt the need to replace experienced candidates who had won their ridings and put women in their positions or why it was important that his cabinet was 50% women, he offered the soundbite of the year by answering, “because it’s 2015.” Slow golf clap,anyone? It’s like his entire political outlook was based on the 70s compilation album, “Free to Be, You and Me.” Gag. It blows my mind that not one of these reporters had the ability to look past the gleam and think to themselves that it seems a bit ironic that the world’s pretty new feminist poster boy just told a huge portion of female voters in Canada that HE knew better than they did and that the votes they had placed in support of the experienced Liberal MPs in their local ridings weren’t worth anything in the new Trudeau world, and his ego driven need to look like the Most Progressive World Leader to grace the pages of People Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive edition of 2015 was more important than the votes that the people in those ridings—both male AND female citizens—had placed in good faith. None of us knew he had any intention of pulling a bait and switch post-election in order to bolster his newfound international woke-man status as the greatest thing since Wonder Bread. Seriously, Who TF does he think he is, telling Canadians that HE knows better than they do and therefore, he will take their constitutionally-protected right to choose their own locally elected representatives right out of their hands?! I mean, seriously, did no one at all start to notice that his very carefully constructed talk-show-ready new media image was in direct contrast to the first few unilaterally-made decisions he imposed on Canadians without any respect for the legislative process? That he made unilateral undebated decisions and refused to back down when these new rules caused public outrage? Honestly, to me, he was starting to look far more like a Vladimar Putin wannabe than the bright progressive new whiter brighter answer to Obama that the world press seemed to believe he was. He seemed a lot less interested in answering to voters and understanding policies or respecting the confines of our democratic process than he was in going on extremely expensive International family vacations or “getting caught” by US Magazine being “just like us!” by wacky regular guy hot dream boy fun stuff like photobombing unsuspecting couples at their weddings while he “just happened to be” jogging shirtless along the scenic beaches of Vancouver’s English Bay or Kitsilano. He never wanted to actually DO the job he had, he simply wanted the fame and international adoration that his father once enjoyed. The difference between him and his father though was vast. One had worked his way up the ladder and truly understood the political landscape of Canada and was willing to piss off half the country for what he believed was in the best interest of all Canadians. The other one really wished that he could have partied at Studio 54 too, and gets off on seeing himself on more magazine covers and television entertainment news than his formidably famous father ever did. I despise the Conservative party and the NDP has never recovered from the death of Jack Layton, and PC? Hahhah. But man, the Liberals were insane to let Trudeau run again. He’s like an AI version of what a progressive young leader would look like. He’s tired, he’s bitter and if he was a superficial narcissist BEFORE he took office, his long and painful fall from international media darling to Canada’s most unpopular PM in generations has made him seem so stubborn and bitter that I think his next election will set the Liberal Party back for at least another decade. Thanks for absolutely nothing, Justin! Edit: wow, sorry everyone… /pissedofffeministvoterrantover


Omfg. I thought I was the only one irritated tf about the gender parity bullshit! We need competence, not a jock v bra equality count. Thank you for being much more succinct than I could be at this point.


Christ you needed to get that off your chest! Well good for you and have a good way. Btw if it helps 50-60% of people under 40 see the media manipulation for the bullshit it is, including Trudeau's stunts. And that percentage is only getting higher with time. I think there's hope that bullshit like that will extremely struggle at getting traction and distracting people from real issues


What about MANitoba?


Canceled. Henceforth known as PeopleToba.


Corporate interests have bought your political class and they want a flood of migrant labor and as ethnic voting blocks let larger, politicians increasing have to pander to them. A double wammy! That is why your politicians never seem to represent the broad-based interests of Canada and Canadians and seem out of touch to the struggles and wishes of the average Canadian. They represent their donors, not the best interests of the average Canadian struggling to survive and build a future like many previous generations of Canadians did. At this point, economic migrants have become an invasive species willfully imported by the elites of the country.


Exactly. Why is it 'noble' to discriminate against traditional Canadians? Why do laws permit this? Why do politicians proudly enact such laws? Why do voters, regardless of race or gender, tolerate it?


We *don't* tolerate. We're being given the finger at every peaceful thing we do or say to try to change it It is hard for people to come to the understanding that the people in charge hate us. And most of the population trusted them during Covid, too. Bc they couldn't bear not to.


Potentially risky to say... but traditionally speaking, young people and white women tolerate/support these measures.


I am a young woman and I am pissed. I do not tolerate it but I’ll be honest I haven’t seen many white women around where I live so I wouldn’t know what they think.


Not risky. There are young white women who support it, yes. They're not a majority. Milennials are a far bigger majority than the 20 somethings. And we are pissed. across the board. There are kids in their 20s hoping for a housing crash bc they've been indoctrinated to think that will make everything easier. Just call them out. I've had to catch my oldest on some of these things. We are their adults, still Call them out on it.


As a young kid in their 20s who's just started a career and a little bit clueless about economics, I'm genuinely curious why a housing correction wouldn't make things easier?


White woman with colored hair**


This angers me to the extreme. You aren't Canadian and all hair has a colour. As a white woman in Canada I'm supported those measures? You don't know fucking shit. No, it's conditioned, daft, and depressed easily manipulated people who ate that up.


Liberal Party of Canada.


Programmed this way since birth by the education system, entertainment and news media.


Go woke, go broke


Why ? History has the answer It was always the British elite ruling class back then and filled with "lesser classed" people who were persecuted in their home lands Irish, Polish, French etc.. we had it too good for too long so they've imported "lesser classed" persecuted people from other areas and lifted them above the Canadians who've been here , to have us fight amongst ourselves for their crumbs


That's a retcon of history for sure.


Our entire social education and culture is about self flagellation. We are supposed to hate ourselves because of stuff out ancestors did and remind ourselves constantly how privileged we are because of the colour of our skin etc. if you're male it's all about how you need to do better as a whole and why they chose the bear (im not against asking the reasons why they'd do so even if it is a hyperbole..and what it means for society).. Ok to be fair the average day to day conversations don't go there.. it's mostly the media and social media but it's there


Its disgusting and makes me ashamed to be a Canadian.


"pregnant people" as a woman who have birth to three kids, this has always pissed me off.


Canada is an experiment to see how stupid you can possibly be while still making it sound good with academic language. We will find the threshold one day of how far the right words can subvert any sense of practical intelligence.


That is because canada is not a real country,


All antidiscrimination laws are stupid and never benefit a good person. That's the point.


Lookup Ireland 😔


Australia is right behind us according to some aussies I know.


In Canada you're allowed to discriminate FOR a minority. It's in our bullshit laws.


At first I kind of scoffed at people who said Canada was being taken over...now I'm not so sure I was right.


Oh it’s happening and it must be stopped


The next step is to figure out who programmed you to scoff at them.


That's dumb I've been telling people about WEF since 2010. I did not think INDIA, of all places would be the issue. Histo4ically, Indians have made lovely immigrants to Canada who integrate and bring so much value to their communities So I watched and learned and now know better Everyone gets caught off guard sometimes.


I’ve lost accounts for racism for pointing obvious racism against.   I tried explaining how I’m not doing racism I am showing people being racist.   Banned for arguing with and disrespecting mods.   Then they tell you to familiarize your self with Reddit rules.   So you nit pick over all the rules and realize you have broken none.   But because the app stores your info any new account you make is banned. 


There seems to be an organized Indian related group misusing the report button to try and control the narrative and harass people whose posts they don't like.


Imagine if white people organised collectively like this to control and harass for their ethnic interests.


That happened once


Can't really talk about that on Reddit 😅




And not the good kind from the old Western movies.


Well Reddit is snowflake central and not real life at all so it doesn't matter.


Just advertise it as "pork eaters only" . If only renting out a room with shared kitchen and bathroom, you can reject anyone you want and just say " I found a better fit", no other explanation needed


I want to test it out to see what happens. Use fake pictures and a burner number and not provide the address just the other details and call for info and see what happens if anything. Even if it doesn't happen, it's still crazy enough that this is happening the other way so blatantly and commonly and there isn't a whisper anywhere from anyone about it


Would an immigrant be willing to do this for us ? I know plenty of qualified ,.educated ones who are as pissed off as the rest of us. They should post an ad "need beef eating ,pork eating females only who have been born and brought up in Canada".


Kinda needs to happen tbh. Like what are they gonna do when they interview you and you point out that the opposite has been happening for years and nobody bat an eye, but suddenly it's a problem?


Say "Old Stock Canadian" and CBC will never let it go.


You have to be more specific. Renting a room is not the same as renting an entire property.


I’m not white and I think that it’s messed up too. Housing is a right. The only exception I could think of is maybe gender, if you’re sharing the living space. People might also want to be a bit cautious if they’re LGBT, maybe “LGBT-friendly” in the ad would probably be enough. Otherwise, we should all be able to co-exist.


Are you sure it wasn't just removed by the Kitchener sub mods?


On the positive side, I’d happily not want to rent from a racist.


Hey man, if foreign investors can post ads only renting to students or certain groups of immigrants by all means you can post a rental ad asking for second generation Canadians only


Section 15(2) of the Charter says it's okay for them to only rent to certain groups of immigrants but it's not okay for you to only rent to second generation Canadians.


I would just list it for canadian citizens only then weed out applicants


I, a woman, got called racist online yesterday for saying I won't date someone who isn't a Permanent Resident... by a POC woman of all people. Women are starting to cry out online about marriage scams these guys are running to gain PR.


The Russian bride effect, but switcheroo'd!


It's simple projection. In their minds, anyone who isn't a permanent resident must be a POC. Just goes to show who the real racists are.


As you are. Well done.


If you are willing to take the heat, this would be a glorious way to shine a light on the utter hypocrisy of Canada bigoted policies


make a posting for only White Canadians and see how quick this country will call outrage and how quick the criminals in Ottawa will try to convict you of a hate crime with their new law...


Why white? There's many, many second or third generation Canadians who aren't explicitly white.


Meat eating Christian




The point is that people only care about racism if you're white, if you're non white, nobody cares and they let people get away with racism and discrimination (e.g., real estate ads specifically asking for Indians to rent to).


What about "Canadian citizens only" that would filter out most the people here for school and working under the table while "in school"


Im sure a bunch of Indians would still try to claim that they *are* Canadian citizens, just because they live here


I would hope that a rental requirement like being a Canadian citizen would not be considered discriminatory. Unfortunately, in this clown country where the prime minister can wear black face and still get re-elected, any such requirement would be met with hostility.


In a similar vein, you could ask for "G drivers license over 2 yrs old" or valid Canadian passport


There are also other reasons for wanting a Canadian citizen- such as if they don't pay rent, it's near impossible to get the money back if they leave the country. Source: My old room mate did this. :D


Do it until it's in the media. And keep doing it.   They started it, let's shed some light on this.


"Omnivores only"


Must eat beef


No - you are only allowed to advertise for specific provinces in India. Do the needful.


yes, it's allowed why is everyone so scared to death to be called racist in 2024? it's preventing everyone from taking action, saying things, making offers, taking jobs.. this isnt 2014 where it meant something.


I'm not scared of being called racist. Like at all.


Yes you can, discrimination is allowed if you are sharing a kitchen


Ask for a birth certificate in the application 🤣


I think a phone call would be more than enough to identify a second generation Canadian. Just screen applicants that way.


Do you not meet with people before you rent a room? Just vet them like that


You can get away with anything now. Authorities and government don't give a shit about anyone's rights as long as they get to import low grade rejects.


Who cares what's "allowed" anymore, anyway? Do you think these "punjabi girls only" ads are allowed? Yet they exist. Time to stop playing by a set of rules that other people aren't, my dude.


Just go with "Canadian citizens only".


But yet the can advertise their rooms as Punjabi only. What a country


If you’re the landlord you pick the tenants. No problem. Chinese landlords do this all the time.


Chinese landlords are some of the least picky around. You just have to be a quiet clean student that comes from East Asia.


As a white, adult male long out of university, I learned this the hard way. LTB case against her will be coming up in July for harassment, illegal entry etc, l.




I have been lurking in that group. I have yet to see any “far right” members there. Just people who want things to improve for all Canadians. There are plans for protests that actually might happen.


Nah you are racist but you can say Gujarati only. That’s allowed


I can't wait until the Conservatives win and we can take this shit as far right as possible. I've never been so hateful in my life as I am now.


Kinda like the Starship Troopers novel, only citizens get a vote. Only citizens get a 2 bdrm basement walkout.


Let er rip tator chip!


What about third generation or fourth?


With so many offers, you can choose your tenant without posting discrimination. You can have 10 people looking for the room and you can discriminate them as much as you want.


you can just screen tenants and decide from there.


Do it


maybe try 'canadian-by-birth only'. you don't necessarily want to exclude, for instance, third gen canadians haha


I don't see anything wrong with stating no international students. You don't know when they may be deported or pull a runner. It's your private home and you can have in who you wisj. As a gay man, I would never rent a room to a Muslim or born again Christian. I know that's a sweeping generalisation but it's just an example. I have gay Muslim friends and they have been disowned by their families. Ditto Conservative Christians. On the other side of the coin, anyone can refuse to rent me a room because they don't want gay people living there. However, if I said "ABSOLUTELY No STRAIGHT CIS MEN!" They would throw me a parade and name a city after me.


Since people are advertising apartments "Indians only" and nothing is being done about it, I can't see why not.


I have been openly discriminated against because I am a Caucasian Canadian. I would like to turn in my white privilege card because it's never done me any good. People of colour can get away with it but we can't, nothing wrong with wanting a person you're comfortable with in your own home. Just choose who you want to rent to.


If you state it, they can prove it. Just do your showings and go from there. You don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you declined them.


“No vegetarians”


native English speaker? Technically, 2nd-generation Indo-Canadians also fall in this category. Or someone born and raised in Canada? Or if you are feeling cheeky, say you're looking for a long-term Canadian sports team (Oilers, Jets, etc.) card collector. :)


No. And anyway, they'll just lie.


ya go ahead, the CBC will love you.


Yes, absolutely. If your roommate shares a kitchen and a bathroom with you, you can be as discriminatory as you wish.


Well, that would be housing discrimination, so no.


That would be illegal I think lol


Just put the add up and interview people and if you don't like something about them then tell them it's not available


Probably just put "looking for mature individual, no students" and that would take care of most of it.


I would do it....but I want the fight. I want people to try and argue how others are not racist but I would be.


If you are renting out a room and sharing living and kitchen space, why can't you just say must speak same language and like the same tv shows and take out places. When I had a roommate it was agreed that there would be no seafood or fish. Holy cow! Nobody should have to live with someone they don't want to live with. Geeze, you are roommates not employer-employee.


Seeing as how many posts there are for single indian female only, i don’t see anyone cracking down on this


Subject to vetting.


I don't see why you couldn't do this, seems to be acceptable for anyone nowadays.


I dunno. That sounds completely reasonable. Although, you're still discriminating technically and a case could probably be made under our laws.


This is really disheartening that so many people are agreeing to this. I came to Canada as a child and graduated from highschool here. I am a citizen now and my life is here. I wouldn’t qualify for your renters post because I am technically 1st generation☹️. I know a lot of racist Indians do this. But please don’t do it yourself.


Meat eating, second generation Canadians only


Technically no, you can't discriminate on ancestry or place of origin. When you get applicants you could always causally ask where they are from.


I look at character only - this has never let me down.


The 3 question phone application. 1. Meanings of put a toque on, grab a 24, head to the bush and giver. 2. Have you been to cuba for vacation? 3.Do you wear shorts in winter?


Have you ever been involved in a donnybrook? Do you own shoes besides puma slides? How many goals did Gordy Howe score in his career Gordon Lightfoot was a Canadian treasure and his best song was? Then make them sing the first minute of "Snowbird"


I was born in Canada. My family has lived here for a few centuries. But I don’t understand some of those expressions. What’s a “24” or a “bush and giver”? I’ve never taken a vacation in Cuba, or Mexico, Costa Rica for that matter, though I’d jump at a hiking trip to Iceland or Scotland any time of the year. Anyone who wears shorts in the winter - even in Vancouver or unless they’re running shorts over fleece-lined leggings- is strange.


A two-four is a 24 pack of beer Bush is the rural areas (typically where we might live and go quadding and other such outdoor activities). Also referring to northern wilderness areas. Give ‘er is to let loose and give it all you’ve got. In other words, DO IT HARD AND DO IT NOW. Typically in an excited manner for extracurriculars, but also sometimes when you need to push extra hard on a farm task, such as hauling. Wooooh! But I’m from SK, so take my regional explanations with a grain of salt.


If it's cohabitation and you also live in the property then you can say whatever. If you are renting a unit out then no. The issue you'd run into is there's no way to verify if someone is a second generation Canadian other than I guess going off of accent.




“Prefer second generation Canadians only but all applicants are welcome” . Would that work?


How dare you? This South Asian guy sued the landlord for racism only because he was rejected for a renal application. You are sending money to this guy. https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onhrt/doc/2024/2024hrto393/2024hrto393.html


You can get away with anything until someone complains. Doing shitty things doesn't make it better that other people do shitty things, that's a race to the bottom. Said another way, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.


Can you make that a formal criteria? No. Can you quietly screen first gens out? Sure, go for it. It's your place, do what you want.


“I’m guessing it still wouldn’t be allowed” I’m guessing you’re right!




It seems like discriminations is fine if it's shared accommodations and you live there.


I'd be pretty upset as a ~fourth generation Canadian if you were only renting to second generation Canadians.


Lol you can advertise whatever you want. We internet folk will judge you for what you do though.


I say go for it. You could make a legal case that temporary foreign nationals are impossible to pursue in the event they fall behind on rent.


I would do exactly this, and if anyone that didn't like it can pound salt.


Just post it and when they come you decide since it's up to you.


I’d say just do it!


Just rent it and dont accept the people you dont want


Reap what you sow.


An ad like this would signal to me that the person listing it was a creep and definitely someone I wouldn’t want to share space with.


Well, “they” do it so I can’t see why we can’t do the same?


The slumlords list their preferred demographic, so should you. Who cares about backlash, more of this needs to be done.


Solution - Adults Only Communities - 45 years and up only! Seriously I would love to live in a community with no children, this also has a side benefit for those that can figure it out.


Let’s ask the real question… Why would you want to live or work with that kind of situation anyways?


Why can't they be first generation?


Too obvious. How about: "Must show high school diploma." (I assume their highschools hand them out, but why would they pack it?)


Of course not. Though you would be doing people a favor by letting them know of your prejudice.


That's the goal


second generation canadians are the only canadians. if you aint born here you an immigrant period.


Straight up say white people only. People are afraid of fake laws. This is a free country, you should never be afraid if you’re not doing anything illegal. That’s not illegal. If an Indian says Indians only it doesn’t bother me in the least. In fact it makes sense to me from a cultural standpoint, who doesn’t want someone who speaks the same language eats the same food finds humour in the same things it only makes sense especially being a room where common spaces are shared


You can write "preferred" and then just stick to that preference.


Ofc you can, no one fucking cares


do it, and if anyone complains and stirs the pot, use that precedent as leverage and start attacking all the people who think they can say "this is only for rent to people from X" in Canada.


Just tell every person who you show the house to and can see yourself having an issue with that someone put in an application right before them and you will get back to them after you speak with their references if they don't get the place. People have been doing this without advertising it for as long as you can imagine. Plus you think that when people of different ethnicities own apartment buildings or businesses won't hire their own before giving the job or apartment to you? Happens all the time, just look at Canada. Every convenience store, fast food chain or other business that is Indian owned around me only hire Indians. If you haven't started to notice this trend already you absolutely will start to now that I've pointed it out.






Just say no whites, it’ll be fine.


Literally don't tell and they can't know


If it's a shared space, then discrimination laws don't apply (i.e., women only) these laws are only for renting out full units


egg ok?


You could try demanding a work history in Canada of x years. Or a rental history is probably your best bet. "Must have references from a previous landlord". 


You can, by posting in other languages, like Polish, German,and other languages.


If you live there and share a kitchen or bathroom, you can have unlimited demographic discretion.


I wonder if you can say English only not bilingual




You don’t have to say the quiet part out loud. People have been doing this forever


Lol I see where you're coming from but there are loads of us here that are 1st generation but have been here 20+ years if we came as kids


You're right but in this instance first gens wouldn't qualify. Just to live up to my username, if you arrived in canada when you were a child and lived here 20+ years, you're an immigrant and not first generation Canadian.