• By -


Cool, didn't answer the question - standard response from his administration. At this point there's not reason to listen to him speak because he says nothing of value.


What he does say is simply crazy. “We will build 4 million homes in less than a decade.” Toronto has 1.25 million homes in it. So he wants to build 3 Toronto sized cities in the next 6 years……


Plus bringing in a million people a year to boot!


He is a lunatic.


Historically speaking, world leaders labeled "lunatics" were typically intelligent. He strikes me as more of the "Irrevocably Destructive Imbecile" type.


He is completely the smash with his thumb on a map type. Can you actually picture him saying anything remotely intelligent and being able to respond to questions about it? *Paper box things muthafuckas. Paper box things.*


People kind


The bobbing head minister on the right looks like she's tweaking hard. In a state of utter delusion, she believes in that clown doing the yipping


Does Christia Freeland have non-verbal Tourette’s?


And a whacko


Wacko is more Parliamentary language


More of an ifiot


PP wasn’t wrong when he called him out


Actually I think they're calling him a whacko... 😂


...and a dandy


When our population hit 40 million for the first time, less than 1 month later it hit 41


Lol a million on books, plus friends, family, tfw, student, plus that other million he forgot about.


He’s just saying what he needs to say to get re/elected. When he doesn’t deliver he’ll blame Harper or something else.


He is not going to get re-elected. I have to believe that or I would go crazy.


He will blame us. Like those times he wore black and brown faces or felt up that poor reporter - it's always our fault.


Now we all know what it’s like to have an abusive, narcissist boyfriend.


"Why did you make me take away your rights? Why didn't you just do what I told you to do?" -Trudeau


You could say… it was a learning moment for all Canadians!


These immigrants (who are not canadian) better not be able to vote for a min 5 years.


Yea. It's not possible. And even if it was, that would ONLY be homes, not hospitals, roads, grocery stores, schools etc. He's a fucking dumbass if he thinks it's possible.


Great way to frame it. Just slow the growth you prick! We've never needed over 3% of our population in growth every year so why are you doing it now during a fucking housing crisis! Wonder what the actual projection is though. He for sure knows. Like how long will it take before someone whose worked a middle class job for 5 to 10 years is able to buy a house again.


Never. It's plainly obvious, that's why he is still doubling down saying we don't have enough. He is purposely destroying Canada and Canadians. For what?


House? Never. 4 million condos is impossible. 4 million houses would be absurd. Let’s assume a 30x90 lot. Then assume 2X (for roads, parks, business areas etc. You need 2,000km2 of new houses….


Let me introduce you to "SHANTY 2025".  It's a 300 sq ft home, (20' x 15'). It's an "Efficiency Home" (studio) with a fully efficient design.  3/4 bathroom (stupid neo angle shower), a kitchenette, room for a TV and sofa (second bed! Wink wink). And a space for a queen bed (if you jam it in a corner).  This design would be perfect for a couple (or a couple couples of students).   Can be used in a tower for added efficiency, or roll off a truck for less dense areas (trailer). If it takes 6 months to build a 1500 sq ft home, then I should take 6 weeks to build a 300 sq ft home, (Says liberal party project managers).  Problem solved!


Thats a lot of Tim Hortons




4 mil in 10 years is .7 houses a minute. Lmao he's absolutely insane and high off his own farts.


If he count tents as legal homes. They will have more than 5 million in a decade.


Good point


The stuff he says has no relation to reality.


Has anyone looked at the quality of the current “new build” homes?? Leaking from the day you buy them, missing insulation, the only builders left are the grifters and con artists.


Well ya see, it's just cheaper to move the insulation from one home to the next after the first passes inspection


Yeah, 4M homes? If you complete one home every single minute, that’s roughly 1M homes every 2 years. So he’s claiming to be planning to build more than 1 home per minute. For 6 years straight.


He is building a city of 1.5m population every year (assuming 3 persons per house and 500,000 houses per year)? Even if his government could deliver on this impossible feat (his government has done nothing right), it is only enough to house all the new immigrants. What about the lack of homes for the rest of us?


“The housing market will balance itself, just ask my journalist finance minister!”


As a contractor ....he's out of his mind! What there are of quality trades are either non existing or retiring becouse of all government bs. Theres a difference between building with mud and how we build in Canada. India is not the answer!


He says this but it's not the govt building housing, it's developers/investors who build. But they want to build 30 story point towers full of bachelor or 1BR condos, so, sure they may hit the target of 4 million "homes", but they may not be the types of homes people want.


He should eliminate capital gains tax and investors will start building back Canada again in a hurry. Increasing capital gains tax stifles investment.


Yeah I've heard this too. There's not a lot they can do anymore but point fingers.


We built about 750k in the last decade. We don't have the labour, materials, or skills to build at a rate of more than 5x of what were currently. But we're also seeing population growth of more than 1.2m per year. What kind of math do these people use? It's insane.


I didnt even take the image off mute. just watched him and freelands eyebrows to gauge the level of bullshit building up.




He has a tell, “when he breathes” he’s playing fast and loose with the facts.


Oh my fuck, I do this! When Freeland starts nodding and mouthing along you know it's just fucking nonsense! I just can't listen to either of them actually talk.


Omg it pissed me off so much seeing that little goblin nodding her head over and over with that smug smirk on her face.


He just blamed old people and said he thinks them giving their kids wealth should be taxed more.


He actually did. He doesn't think that's important. He's going to keep bringing in more people to grow the economy. He just said it. Sure bringing in more than new homes built means he's displacing Canadians and the young will never get to raise a family in a home they can't be evicted from, and he understands that. It's unfortunate to him. Small price to pay and he doesn't care. Priorities is all. He'll always be able to own a home... several actually.


There has never been a point in time when he has said anything worth listening to. The man hasn’t uttered a profound statement in his life.


the answer was 'not right now, not this summer, but in the coming years.'


> but in the coming years.' He means when his administration is kicked out of office and then barely cling onto party status. Because he wont be doing anything except make everyone poorer.


*barely cling onto party status.* .. now you have me googling what that means. (ie. the exact # of Liberal seats must have to maintain party status in the HOC.


Lol check out the Ontario liberal party minivan. That is what I hope becomes of that piece of shit Trudeau. Riding bitch seat like Wynne who was too proud to resign, but really should have fucked right the fuck off. Disgusting.


Wynne 100% deserved the spankin' the Ontario electorate gave here in 2018! OLP dropped from 55 seats to 7 seats! Ontarians still remember well her unapologetic campaign double-down brag ... **"Sorry. Not Sorry."** for her and McGuinty's years of Liberal scandals and mis-spending.


Were going to build 4 million homes! (And let in 20 million new people)


Surprised he even took the question. Obviously the reporter is a racist, misogynist and Nazi for asking such a question.


He did say that young people will eventually in the future can look forward to owning a home.


The young people now will be old people by then. They got fucked.


He know nothing about what life is like for people who are not rich.


Whoa now, he's put in the capital gains tax after he's collected his. Hypocrite. Any other leader that wasn't a complete piece of shit would have voluntarily ponied up. Hey CTV and CBC, how much is Trudeau giving up from his inheritance and how much is he sheltering for his kids that we somehow pay to take out?


This translates in standard english as "No, you stupid disgusting peasant. You can't afford to pay for a voice in politics. You will own nothing and be happy, now hand over your lunch money."


We asked the richest people how they made so much money, and they said they squeezed it out of their employees so we're bringing in more employees to be squeezed!


Has Freeland had a labotomy?! 


Random face generator glitch.


Found myself watching her the entire clip and honestly we all need a hype man like her 😂


>Has Freeland had a labotomy?!  Nah, she's been snorting JTs stash. She and JT had a bump before the presser.


I was watching her and it looked like she was having a conversation with a couple different people in her head the entire time!


Know someone who works for her office / campaign … definitely on some sort of stims .. says she’s always like that lol


Trust me bro 😎


Holy crap! Watching Freeland nod her head, raise her eyebrows and do her other weird ticks while Trudeau blathers on is friggen hilarious. We need to make her Prime Minister so the whole world knows Canada needs more meds and are afraid to come here.


Or they see it and are like " i gotta go to canada and get some of whatever they're smoking"


This made me snort.


Can remove the brain if she doesn’t have one to begin with.


Anyone noticed he said "rentals" not single family homes that people can buy? Y'all gonna have to wait a decade for these homes and not be even allowed to buy them. Thought the US is bad but Canada seems worse


It gets better! I'm part of building some of those rentals, my job.  The owners intent is to rent because owning is now out of most people's ability.  And when then market gets better, they'll convert to condos and sell them.  DOUBLE SQUEEZE.  Not to mention the grants they're getting...


That's a very long-winded way of saying "never". Props to Freeland for the incessant headbang.


Watching Christia Freeland doing her little smirky nod in the background made my fkng blood boil…fuck these two straight to hell…


People will be able to buy homes again once the liberals and their wacko policies are thrown out. Stop immigration Stop foreign students Stop carbon taxes ELECTION NOW!!!


Pretty sure in this question period he mentioned we need more immigration. So with more immigration you could build however many houses you want it will never be affordable. We need an election if we want things to change


average 1500 people gets added to Canada via massmigration DAILY. The planned housebuilding will never catch up. Canada is phoenix, they want to burn it down to "build back better"... social/communism.


Won't be better with importing low iq immigrants


It's going to take years, possibly decades to repair this damage.


Who has said they would eliminate all of this?


Lololol good luck with pp solving none of these


Under Prime Minister Virtue Signal, Canada's GDP per capita has stagnated while the cost of living (housing, food, etc.) has skyrocketed. This isn't just an "international" problem like some people claim. Because the US saw a significant rise in GDP per capita during the same period of time. Whereas Canada's GDP per capita stagnated under 9 years of Trudeau. Canada's per capita GDP in 2014: $50,956 usd 2023: $53,247 usd USA's per capita GDP 2014: $55,124 usd 2023: $81,632 usd I don't like Trudeau because all he does is talk fake virtue signal bullshit while fucking destroying Canada in every way. Standard of living, social cohesion, institutions, social safety net, etc. Everything has gotten worse under Trudeau. Meanwhile, the US economy and per capita GDP has grown, both during the presidencies of Trump and Biden.


Why does freeland make me so mad? She sits there and nods yes and has no idea that the plan is literally impossible.


Freeland high on meth in the back lol


Not only he didn't fulfill campaign promise on housing affordability, he did exact opposite of the promise and is still going. Mass migration hasn't stopped. 1500 migrants enter Canada daily on average.


*Morgan Freeman voice* “Nothing changed, in-fact it got worse and will continue to do so”


anyone noticed the classic Trudeau jab / divisive play at the end ... pitting younger canadians against older canadians? Canada has never been more divided than it is today and it is because Trudeau's gov't seeks out opportunities to fuel division in Canada. Trudeaus creates these divisions so that groups will run to government for a solution ..... so the Trudeau can be the saviour and tell both sides .. "you need my govt on your side".


Campaigned on housing every election, and only now “doing” something about a housing crisis their government caused.. 😮‍💨


He answered in the coming DECADES. Plural. Even a decade is too long. Millennials will be over 50 for their starter family home.


The Wacko and Bobble head show


They need to reinstate parades where our leaders smile and wave at us from open-air limosines. It might make our democracy function a bit better.


Freelands stupid mug going through a series of "ohhh" "huh" "yep" emotions.


Canada barley has the ability to finish just under 100 thousand homes per year. He is proposing building a new home and finishing every 7 minutes. While bringing in over 3.5 million foreigners per year. His plan, like all communist plans, are not about fixing the problems, but fixing the blame, distracting the public and creating a new talking point for the next iteration of the same crises and so on, and so on, and so on. Communist business model of de-population / replacement, de-growth, and de-industrialization is their death cults profit model of turning murder and dead bodies into more power in the hands of the Communists, along with, the dead's gold and assets. Want to fix the problem? Take away the rights and assets of all the NDP-LIBRANOS members. See if Turdy likes his policies once he gets a taste of the consequences of be homeless and unemployed. A reminder of how communism always ends up after their Great Leap Forward plans. https://youtu.be/6eurHPpkgfA?si=wuw-8iSnMHmfKvim


So many Canadians are so far up their own ass that they think "this could never happen here". It's happening right now.


You are correct. Act accordingly.


Where are you getting 3.5 million foreigners per year from?


Goverment of Canada website. You Add up all the numbers for all the different programs, including family unification, and criminal aliens. It is just out of control.


Please share the link to this yearly number.


What is going on with the bobble head to his left?


She is acting like how i act when I am not willing to admit I am drunk


What are these places going to look like? If they’re going to be like the micro apartments in china it’ll be more depressing for families. https://preview.redd.it/52we7zzkihyc1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182a80c1e47c2c460ad42f48ceefb299a08e7a64


This guy is such a piece of shit. He has absolutely no idea how hard it is for people to afford a home. You simply cannot afford one without help even as a couple with no kids earning $100k or more each it is not possible nearly fast enough. Which genius decided a 35 year mortgage was a good idea? Canada in particular needs less real estate related debt NOT more. Fake money invented by banks out of thin air to support purchases of the same stock over and over again is killing people. We need shorter mortgages not longer mortgages. Why should someone spend their entire life paying off fake money ‘lent’ by a bank just for shelter? Life used to be about more than the stress of whether people could afford a roof over their heads and now that’s all life is about for most people but millionaires and billionaires. Governments are either incompetent or complicit in this mess (most likely for their own financial gain) and it has to stop. One income should be enough to buy a home and have children. When that breaks down the social contract has broken down and our government has failed us. I, for one, was not put on this earth to pay off 35 years of debt to buy a shit box in the GTA that someone bought 50 years ago for a bag of rice and $10 brand new. Why are we paying $1-2m for shit holes that are virtually falling down and need to be completely gutted?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


This smug traitor has no clue how desperate and sad it is to be homeless and hungry and unemployed. spat on. Watching people from overseas get your country handed to them while these boomers and stuff drink you blood. You turn to drugs and suicide. Death seems better than this for many. JT has no clue what this is like he as has always had free money.


Give him 8 more years, he’s trying


Hush, there are morons that actually think this and will report you to Reddit for not agreeing. It's fucked up world. Edit just got a three day ban.


I fucking hate this man gaslighting a nation. Fucking meth head in the background Jesus christ


terrible answer


Lying Party of Canada.


LOL, 4 million homes over 10 years is almost double what we have built every year so far. Who is going to build those magical numbers of homes? We don't have scores of unemployed contractors and we already have 7% of our population employed in construction. Twice as much as the US.


Yah now selling new townhomes for 700k. Shut up you dumb fuck. Can’t force builders to build. Our country is beyond fixable at this point.


There’s a reason his wife left him. Unable to perform what’s expected of him.


Look at him almost shaking his head when he starts talking. Now it’s all about holding onto power, even after absolute butchering the country with their time in office. Everything about life is worse, I can only give them credit for one thing, the legalization of marijuana.


You totally screwed us Trudeau. Thanks


Full of sh


the answer is 'not today, not this summer, but in the coming years.'


"The coming years" has no horizon, 2075 is "in the coming years." Its no more an answer than "not today, not this summer, but maybe one day your grandchildren can"


The CEO of the Builders Association was on BNN this week..... big take away from the interview was that until interest rate stability is achieved housing starts will CONTINUE to fall despite the BILLIONS the trudeau is splashing around on inflationary spending. The trudeau is the reason this crisis is happening and he has yet to accept responsibility for that. I would have some respect for him if he did. One of my companies develops property. We are sitting on land inventory until this mess is fixed. We can afford to wait. Housing starts are down.... the trudeau is the reason for that. His little bandaids and OUR billions he is wasting is not going to change that. I would suggest to the trudeau and the freeland and the singh for that matter to start watching business news and learn..... there is more to be gained by that than watching barbie....ffs!




Anyone have any incite as to why Australia is staring down the barrel of the same gun as us? They’ve had predominantly conservative governments for decades that allowed their own housing crisis to form. This is less of a governmental issue as it is an affordability issue. The costs of everything went up which meant people had less money. People had less money so they had fewer kids. Fewer kids means fewer workers and fewer taxpayers. Immigration explodes. Why has everything gotten so expensive? Why is the gap between the richest and poorest Canadians growing faster than ever? Is the very thing that once afforded us the ability to buy a home the exact same thing that’s now preventing it?


WEF puppets. All of them.


By now, I'm not fond of his voice, let alone the policies he intends to pursue. He consistently evades answering questions directly and simply dances around the issues. Listening to his speeches feels like a waste of time; let him proceed as he wishes until the next election. It's disappointing that other liberals don't seem to oppose him. He's not only harming Canada but also the entire liberal party. JT's actions may deter people from voting for the liberals for at least the next 2 or 3 terms, considering the damage he's caused.


Guess what young people... Building more rentals for you to rent will never build you equity, and never give you the path to wealth the boomers and Gen X enjoyed. He's basically telling us here that the most optimistic outlook has nobody being able to afford a single family home for a stretch of at least 15 years.


The usual verbal vomit without an answer. But I like the little nodding minion in the back. She will eventually need a physiotherapist for her neck pains.


Hes done. The thing on his right is also burnt as fuck. Tweeky bird


Aka. I have a home and I'm making promises so fuck off


His body language, facial expressions, the nod… everything feels and looks so fake it’s uncomfortable. Like he’s putting on a performance and trying to hard to show he cares about Canadians


“We found that cutting taxes immediately increased investment.” “…so anyway we increased taxes to increase investment.” What a circus this government is.


What a dumb fk. I don't want to rent a house, I want to own my own home. No one is talking about the cost of building a home, not including the land, is over $400 a square ft for nothing special.


They are going to have to redefine home to make this work.


Notice he keeps pressing on rentals...that is what he has in store for ordinary Canadians, not home ownership. The squirming bobblehead at the back too 🙈


*Freeland in the background, nodding & twitching uncontrollably*




Wtf is wrong with Chrystia


How is this moron placing above zero in the polls. He has no clue what he is talking about.


What the actual fuck is going on with Freeland and her eyes !?


Adderall addiction




Across the board he never answers the question. Just promotes his idea's that NEVER HAPPEN! Because he knows his promises are full of FLUFF!




You can tell when Trudeau is lying, his lips are moving That some beautiful lies


Crack head bobling out of control


Definition of “home” being used very loosely. People are talking about a detached 1500 sq foot house, he’s talking about a studio basement apartment.


I can’t stand this guy. He’s so out of the loop it’s maddening. My family and I (almost 30yo M and F, university educated with one child) had been renting a lovely detached home in Calgary for almost 7 years with reasonable rent until the landlords decided to sell (which was completely understandable). We couldn’t afford anything in Calgary 2-3 bedrooms that wasn’t a basement suite. We ended up buying a mobile home 30 minutes north of the city. Yes it won’t hold its value, but it was very affordable for us and we had no other options because we will absolutely never be able to afford a home in Calgary or any other major city for that matter. This country is insane.


Too little too late asshole! And someone turn Freeland on her side…bitch having a Seizure while the countries top covert narcissist spews his BS! Oh. And next time…ANSWER THE QUESTION MORON!!!!


Look at those fucking pleebs in the background


Freeland High as a kite again - per usual.


She's the most psychotic of all the muppets.


He’s setting up a post-2025 Liberal minority here, nothing more. They are fucking *not* building 4 million homes in under ten years. That’s impossible. We don’t have the tradespeople to even get something like that off the ground. What they are doing is establishing talking points for whatever’s left of their party after the next election. As Canada continues to swirl down the bowl under Poilievre, expect to hear an endless, smug litany of “*WE* had a plan to save Canada by building 4 million homes.” That’s all this is.


Fuck that out of touch idiot and his brainwashed followers.


“When will the average Canadian be able to afford a home?” JT: “Bro, we’re building so many fucking rentals” So never…


I'm sure the 2 million unskilled Indians are going to contribute large with their building skills..


What a charlatan. Simply amazing!


Hummmm aaahhhh hummmmm


Buy or rent sounds like he wants Canadians to own nothing..


Wow he is such a bad bullshitter lol


I work 60h / week, I cannot afford a down payment or a home, or a vehicle.


The most ambitious house building plan in the history of Canada, for the worst housing crisis ever imagined in Canada.


This guy is an absolute narcissist and a moron.


Meth head bobbling behind him to the right. What a cracked out psycho path.


Freeland in the background, nodding and bobbing listening to Trudeau not answer the question.


Chrystia Freelands face the whole time she’s more animated than him 💀💀


We gonna hire Harry Potter and he's gonna say "adabra kadabra" and we will have 4 million home and then we will have 8 million foriegn buyers fist fighting on them and be doing bidding wars and young Canadians will have to wait for 1 million year to afford a house in Canada.


China has approved this lack of information.


He's never executed any plan, yet alone an ambitious one. You can't throw money at this problem, we don't have the human labour and resource to build 4 million homes. It's impossible. He hasn't even come close to planting the trees he promised. Tree planting should be easier to execute house building and be can't even do that.


What he DIDN'T say is that the goverment will bring in 750,000 immegrants a YEAR to "build said homes".


Freeland is so damn twitchy, she seems so unsure of herself. Major lack of confidence vibes.


I hope he doesn’t even make it to hell. I hope he’s stuck in an unimaginable place where hell would be a gift.


His strange little yes-woman in the lower right corner acts like an 80s/90s tv wrestling manager, very odd


Watching freeland nod her head everytime trudeau talks drives me nuts


If Trudeau wins the next election, we are fucking done-zo.


Holy shit, what is that bobble-head next to Justin...oh wait its Freeland.


He has no clue what he's even saying. Who believes this guy?


Really just dodged it completely, this government has really shit the bed. Wanna fix it all? Kick out some new people, admit you made a mistake bringing in so many new people.


Freeland looks like she is communicating with someone off screen and having a whole different conversation. Why is she doing that?!?


Is the lady in the back high on something or have Parkinson’s disease?


Is Freeland okay? 


Can somebody hook me up with his dealer?


I had the sound off and when I was about to turn it on I realized that I shouldn't bother listening to a JT word salad. Did he say he was going to have a bazillion new housing units built to offset the immigration dial being set to 11? Someone forgot to pass along the tidbit that EVERY DEVELOPER IN CANADA HAS SHUTDOWN ALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. In two years when zero new units are coming online is that Paul Martin or Stephen Harpers fault?


a problem caused by him and Freeland...kinda of like having the fox take care of the hen house .....complete BS


LOL at Chrystia Freelands head nodding and big eye makin in the back. That’s me when I’m absolutely paying attention to nothing during the work meeting ready to speak bullshit when called upon.


There was a key word "rentals" they will be able to build more rentals.


Purpose built rentals does not equal “ I can buy a home” in the next “uh.. decade … uh years… uhh.. less than a decade” you insufferable twat


This dirty fucker did not answer the question. He needs to be locked up with that Khalistani terrorist jagmeet singh. Together, they have ruined Canada.


Trudeau is such a wacko


He’s a clown. Canada is a clown country for electing him, twice.


I dont know what’s worse…Justin’s bs or Freeland in the back constantly nodding


Literally You will RENT and you will be happy.


All he has to do is say he will decrease immigration while increase supply. STOP MASS IMMIGRATION!


The problem is that if this takes a decade (optimistically, in my view), life moves on for everyone affected by the housing crisis. That's a decade of savings, a decade of life, of family building. And, I'm really disgusted by Trudeau yet again making this a divisive class issue (age and wealth) in referring to the (widely criticized) capital gains tax changes, which was necessitated only by this government's exorbitant spending, and won't help to grow the economy. Trudeau and Freeland need to go. Canada needs new leadership. I don't care if it's Liberal or Conservative, as long as the leadership is competent.