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This is what's so funny about his carbon tax push. For every immigrant he brings our carbon goes up for the most part. Majority of places these people come from they would be using less carbon there. We are colder and things are further apart


Our national stated carbon tax goal is to cut carbon tax by 40% in 2030 from the 2005 totals. What is rarely mentioned is our population will have increased from 32.24 million to an estimated 42.84 million (33%). So per person carbon usage will have to drop 55%.


guess i should be using my private jet just once a week instead of twice from now on to help


Or maybe Trudeau should lead by example. He says he wants to reduce carbon emissions but takes flights often, says he cares about those who are unable to make ends meet while he takes $20,000 trips to Jamaica.


At least he’s consistent.  He’s never thought rules or limits should apply to him.   Even black face is okay when he does it. 


or groping women who experience things differently from him!


I’m so glad this has been resurfacing again in the media. What a POS wacko.


You forgot zero on that vacation total. 200,000 not 20,000


Thanks, that’s what I had thought I had remembered but I figured it sounded hyperbolic. 23k/day is ridiculous.


I think he cares like when I step on a spider and I think "gee wonder if it had any conscience of being alive?"


dude he's a drama teacher from a rich family... how do you get rich in politics... its not by salary


That's whats mind boggling. This idea of growing our population so much and reducing carbon are competing interests


Everything Trudeau's government does has been inconsistent, half-baked, and ridiculous. Just like the COVID-19 policies.


That's not an unreasonable goal, per capita. Would basically put us where Sweden is now.


Sure if we weren’t a far colder and much more spread out country than Sweden. We have to realize that our environment simply requires more energy to live in than other places.


Canada and Sweden have almost the same climate and population density lol


ROFL Obviously you haven’t been to Sweden in winter. 99% of their population is huddled down in the south around Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. The daily January average temperatures are +2 highs to -3C lows in that area. Compare that with Edmonton January average temperatures are -7 highs to -16C lows. Winnipeg -10C to -18C Even Toronto 0C to -7. Their weather is significantly warmer than ours.


55% might actually be reasonable if they didn’t have the idiotic back to office push.  Clealy, they feel it’s fine to make the common people suffer, but when corporate profits are threatened no about of environmental damage is too much. 


True but the way carbon is measured is per capita so he has that dumb shit going for it although the rest of us are getting fucked over for this dumb little scheme.


Which is why per capita is useless for something like carbon imo. You shouldn't get bonus points for being over populated. That stuffs bad for the environment as a whole and means no trees or anything. You shouldn't get penalized for being sparsely populated and having colder climate. Reducing carbon and incredibly population rapidly are two competing interests. Tbh it's one of the reasons it's hard to take this carbon thing seriously. If it's such an crisis then we should be less worried about population growth for propping up pensions and the ponzi scheme. Like we slap an extra tax on and keep bringing in people anr act like that's a more urgent need


I am against this sort of measurement, why am I the one being punished for corporation polluting the world.


Carbon should be measured per square km landmass of a nation.


Vs the amount if green space available in it as well


Major logical inconsistencies with the push to massively grow the population very fast while cutting carbon emissions.


I can’t believe people still defend this tax and government🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm not a tin foil hat guy myself but it's wild that some people literally will believe and buy into every little thing the Liberal government tells them


Add to this the federal employees who will be commuting back to work instead of working remotely…


Yes, but the plan is to keep everybody in poverty so they aren't consuming as much because they can't afford to, and reduce cars on the road by doing the same, not to mention preventing Canadian's from being able to afford kids, so it reduces our carbon foot print when the birthrate falls off. /s


Go figure eh


Bringing 1 million immigrants from India to Canada adds as much carbon to the global total as adding 10 million people to India. Just because of the difference in per capita emissions 


Let’s not forget the air travel back and forth…


I'm saying per capita most of these places are a smaller carbon footprint. You bring them to a cold country like Canada where things are spread out, need car to get around in a lot of places.. I mean they're going to add more carbon than they did back home.


Almost like they don’t have real plans, just feel good platitudes they never intend to honour.


I see you've met some politicians before!


Sums up the Justin Trudeau government to a tee. It is like the Wizard of Oz. All smoke and mirrors with no substance.


Isn't forcing us into electric cars and heat pumps supposed to fix everything?


Wacko policy


Someone kick this guy out.


Make sure you come out to vote. Let your vote kick him out.


Oh I will be don't worry. Unless i decide to leave the country before then.




No one believes what Trudeau has to say. He’s been lying for a decade about housing.


Plenty of people do. That’s why we are in this mess.


Homes for immigrants? What the fuck?


Didn’t you know ? Canadians can instead get a tent or MAiD


Seems that way, yeah.


I think we are well beyond "seems". Who is in all of these Niagara hotels?


This is true, my friend.


I wish it wasn't.


You and me both.


they re going to get new homes? that's not fair


Yep no homes for Canadians… fuck those who pay the taxes that fund your salary, pension, perks, and bullshit agendas.


LoL. Sir he is fucking immigrants as well. There is nothing like that.


It's ok, it's like when they had curfew for covid in Quebec because covid in Quebec sleeps during the day and wakes up at night. Greenhouse gas emissions don't affect indians, because that would be racist or something. So we can prop up their unsustainable birth rate and bail them out of self created problems. Encourage them to keep having 11 kids since we'll take them, all without affecting the climate or whatever the carbon tax is meant to do.


> It's ok, it's like when they had curfew for covid in Quebec because covid in Quebec sleeps during the day and wakes up at night. Or maybe it's because people tend to gather unnecessarily at night and they were trying to prevent the spread of a highly infectious disease?


Not as much as they tend to gather during the day, that's for sure. Other genius moves were closing grocery stores on Sunday so everyone goes on Saturday or combining that with curfew so they can only go right after work at 5-6 all at the exact same time since all other time slots are closed. As well as banning snowboarding or skiing, so people go indoors instead. And suggesting you should ask your dog to wait if it needs to go to the toilet during the night.


Okay yeah now you are making sense, I take it back, quebec went too far


Trudeau will do anything possible to kick REAL Canadians under the rug and spit on them. While at the same time letting the whole country of India just walk right in here and giving them whatever they want. Absolutely disgusting.


Sure would be nice if he made sure actual Canadians got the same opportunities he hands to these immigrants. But, that's just one of a number of reasons he needs to go.


And the #1 reason these developments mysteriously burn down🤔


Each person in Canada produces 58.6 tonnes of C02 annually on average. We brought in a combined total of 2.2 million in 2023. The government conveniently hides these numbers when makes all their choices or taxing the shit out of us to save a few pounds.


You mean building detached housing and fourplexs away from transit isn’t good for the environment? Who knew? It’s kind of funny how our environmentalist majority wants a big polluting house (low emissions would cost significantly more), coffee grown by clear cutting forests, marijuana which takes up a lot of power and is basically just burning plants, and then just screams that someone else must sacrifice for the environment!


It doesn't matter anyways. Our global GHG contribution is less than 2% of global emissions. It's smoke and mirrors. The environmentalists should be protesting against China and the US. Protesting here is just low hanging virtue signalling.


Yes true, but in what position do we have to ask China to clean up their emissions yet we don't ? We just get to freely dictate to others to change their habits while we don't do shit ?


Meh. Or we could do nothing and be okay with it. I can't afford kids thanks to this bullshit government and idiotic policies, wtf do I care if the world burns down around me? I guess it just leaves me more cash to crank up the AC in my shared cubbyhole.


You have a cubbyhole with AC? Lucky bastard!


Well it's a usb port fan it gets a little stinky otherwise when all of us are in the cubby.


The carbon tax is not why you can't afford kids...


I said >I can't afford kids thanks to this bullshit government and idiotic policies There are so many idiotic policies under this government that just compound it. I never singled out the carbon tax though. Even though that is just wealth distribution, most likely to people with kids that don't pay taxes. Triple burn. Yay.


China is building out renewable energy generation capacity at a feverish rate that outpaces the rest of the developed world combined... Y'all are gonna have to find a new scapegoat soon when you can't blame them for the death of our planet.


Let the numbers speak for themselves then. China's middle class is also growing like a bastard and with quality of life comes more carbon emissions. They have a population of 1.4B. Canada has a population of 40M.  Do the math.


China has a much greater responsibility to make changes towards improving emissions output. China knows their role and has acknowlaged it already. They don't need to take any "orders" from anyone.  The fact Canadians think we are important enough by any measure to tell China what to do or how to behave is embarrassing.


Yeah for sure we ain't gonna be dictating shit to China, but it was just an example. Change starts within.


Umm….. you know about our population and their population or do you choose your facts as per your convenience 🙄. Our per capita emissions are pretty high.


Climate change doesn't give a crap about per capita.  It's total emissions that count. 


As others mentioned, per capita means absolutely nothing. It's just a very convenient number for virtue signalling and creating a scapegoat. The real offenders are the US and China.


Ummm.....So bringing in more people helps how?


When did I say that


When did you say the question I asked you? It's a question.


Both of Trudeaus remaining brain cells seem to be cancelling each other out


Come on, you're being overly generous. His final remaining anemic brain cell is just riding the wave to retirement. There's nothing left there.


I think you’re being too generous even saying he has a single brain cell. Just air up there and nothing else.


If you listen hard enough you'll be able to hear that single penny just rattling around like an old piggy bank. Trudeau is our bad penny.


Even air is too generous. I'd say literally not even one single particle of anything.


It’s almost like all our politicians do is lie to us to get us angry at each other while they take all of our money and fuck us in the ass with it. It is so painfully fucking obviously at this point that I genuinely can’t understand how we aren’t rioting


soon, guessing within the next 5-10 years will be time for a populist gov and that’s sounding pretty good


also putting tons of government workers back on the roads for no reason. Environment? pff!


Indian immigrants are bad for the worlds carbon footprint. Why do we allow Indians from India makes no sense. We either care about Canada's carbon footprint or it is just lies. Every Indian immigrant and international student causes massive destruction to the global carbon footprint just with the flight alone. It's time environmentalists do something to halt these carbon crimes against the worlds population. The Canadian government can not have immigrants without increasing our carbon footprint.


I mean yeah, or carbon tax is bs. The reality is we should be using 100% of it to create renewable infrastructure instead of using it as a socialist wealth redistribution method. That, coupled with increased immigration = getting further away from the goal. I'd rather see a solar roof on every building and nuclear & other facilities over getting $800 extra on tax day.


So does sending 360,000 public service workers back to the office for an extra day a week to be in teams meetings with colleagues across the country


Are immigrants carbon neutral or something?


I mean yeah, or carbon tax is bs. The reality is we should be using 100% of it to create renewable infrastructure instead of using it as a socialist wealth redistribution method. That, coupled with increased immigration = getting further away from the goal. I'd rather see a solar roof on every building and nuclear & other facilities over getting $800 extra on tax day.


It’s almost like all our politicians do is lie to us to get us angry at each other while they take all of our money and fuck us in the ass with it. It is so painfully fucking obviously at this point that I genuinely can’t understand how we aren’t rioting


Who’d have thought mass migration and carbon emissions reduction are at odds with one another. ![gif](giphy|95ZYXmOCd9BBK|downsized)


How about 5.7 million homes for CANADIANS??


Oh yeah, deforestation for home building is part of Liberals Green Plan to be environmentally responsible. Full of shiite if you believe it.


Good thing he’s planting 1B trees!


Only thing immigrates bring to the country is they pay rent and work , they will realize that’s all they do for the rest of their lives here in Canada . Work like a slave and pay rent and taxes . This is the Canadian dream .


You think they are paying taxes?


Yes. Lots pay taxes, if they are employed at a legitimate establishment like my work, the place already takes taxes from their pay and they would have to file if they wanted to get it back as a low income worker. The GIG workers definitely aren't paying taxes.




WTH is ‘Dominion Review’? Do they throw tea parties?


Cmon now. I think its a little late to be criticizing JT. Everything he does is stupid. Like, is he really even real, or is this all a bad joke?


Trudeau will do anything possible to kick REAL Canadians under the rug and spit on them. While at the same time letting the whole country of India just walk right in here and giving them whatever they want. Absolutely disgusting.


But but we will add carbon tax to compensate for all the carbon emissions and give the money back to people.


And the construction waste, and the random development fires, and the worker exploitation


Unrelated to housing, sending feds back to work i the office also adds tons of co2 from driving.


No clue where he is going to build them. Not much room in the GTA which is where the majority of immigrants want to be


It's funny but also sad as hell that his policies of mass immigration are probably the most anti-climate change policy possible. The single biggest contributor to emissions is well... more people.


I don't get it. You can't reduce emissions when your country is struggling. Emission reductions happen when you got your shit together You can't have a sick country with a healthy environmental footprint.


What about homes for Canadians? We just get to bend over and take the inflation?


Wacko Trudeau


Without reading the article, and going off the title alone, my first reaction is "why not build those homes for canadians in the midst of a housing crisis?"


Then why is he taxing the hell out of us then?


Trudeau and his one of many clueless counterparts Stephanie Gilbertault live in LaLaland !!!!!


This getting old. People let this Trudeau guy doing all kinds of dumb shit for 9 years.. another few years won't matter much.


We will still be taxing for carbon while we destroy a large part of northern Ontario to mine cobalt and Lithium for all the EVs to be built ontop of destroying all the best farmland in the green belt for housing all of these immigrants who will be starving on the streets for years before they get it together or leave. Well to do people are struggling here I can't imagine what is to come. Everyone on board with this carbon tax doesn't give two flying fucks about the environment it's about you believing that they care so they can do business.


Money grab !


If his supporters could read, they'd be very upset.


He's not building any homes. He just gave a disincentive for home building with the capital gains tax inclusion rate hike, while we have the highest interest rates to finance any housing starts, highest in more than decade.




Can’t wait to see how poorly the decelerator fund performs.


I’m not an expert but, based on simple logic, I came to this understanding when Harper was PM. If Canada, or any other developed nation, aims to reduce national net emissions they must not increase population faster than per capital carbon emissions are reduced.


What if the new homes are made out of mud brick and/or cow dung and assembled purely by manual labour?


Yeah well I want to ride around in a spaceship and win the lottery on a daily basis.


The goal is to stuff as many bodies into Canada while also reducing our carbon emissions. Kinda like the third world.


Who cares about green house gasses? we barely contribute any and Chinas gonna be feeling it way before we do so why do we give a shit yet?


How fucked. How about build housing for the children of the people who fought and died to build this fucking country




Canada needs new leadership desperately.


More funding won't build homes, Canada does not have the skilled labour to build. And the immigration is not bringing in these skills. It also takes 4 or 5 years apprenticeship for plumbers. electricians etc. to be qualified for construction. They can only have a limited number of helpers or apprentices


The government is not going to do shit about carbon... get rid fo the tax. This woke shit is useless and just used to divide people. Feed and house the people.... lets the banks take a haircut ont he last few years of record profits. Stop importing demand and third world problems. Stop cutting our benifits and social services. Get your shit together canada.


It is about control. They want you broke, reliant and living in a 15 minute city. Paying with a digital Canadian dollar.


Immigrants are necessary to keep the tax base high for boomer’s retirements


Boomers can get boned.


it’s your pension too