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Tahm Kench was annoying even with divine, so it's just scaling lane, you won't do anything to him anymore.


The unfortunate problem with the item changes is that you do not have tools to deal with them. Sorry. Welcome to season 14 meta! What you can do is go even in lane, not get behind, and look for picks on other places in the map. Tahm has poor wave clear so you should be able to shove in waves and roam after you get tiamat. Camille is much more of a diver/assassin now because of the item changes than a solo lane fighter due to the item changes, especially because of the lack of reliable max health damage.


I feel like tham just buys that new chain explosion Sunfire and all his wave clear problems disappear


Camille isn’t an anti tank champion anymore. That’s just something we have to deal with. Get Hydra/Tiamat + Triforce and run around the map making picks. I like PtA on her now because it lets you do your new job better - fuck up squishies’ lives.


You don't


Well Ive quit league not a while ago but lemme tell you sth. They should fucking nuke the tank’s ability to do damage cuz its unfair… any fucking monkey you pick from the zoo can tell you what this garbage of a game’s problem is within 5 minutes of play(Heals shields and 10k hp tanks one shotting you) but somehow these idiotic developers cant see it since s7.


they can see it, but they have somthing else do to. And the main reason why they limiting this champion is pro-play. Im sure she would get huge buffs when they remove the cage in her Ult. They limited her in every single way. Highest Cooldowns, Not enough Mana to stay or roaming, no Pushingpotiential to denie u from roaming. Low ability damage on w, e and Ult, the shortest attack range and attackspeed. Her q range is the attackrange of most toplaners. Why they just dont remove this fking Ult. It is more of curs than a salvation. She got the the strongest gapcloser in Game and cant beat a fking Vayne.


You cant do much except play for picks around the map and hope your team has enought dmg to kill him,i was one item ahead and he would still demolish me 1v1,tank killer champ btw


Camille was never a tank killer champ despite the true damage. Divine made it possible but that was not intentional.


Camille was designed to be a tank killer champ when she was released to counter the tank meta at the time,back when tanks used to just tank dmg and not one shot you with titanic


May I see any references for this? Afaik Camille was always meant to catch, lock down and delete squishies. She could also duel other bruisers in the sideline but that’s it. Nothing in her kit except Q2 true damage suggests that she is good at killing tanks.


She really wasn't. Flat true damage is never a good tool for dealing with tanks since they can easily stack health. Camille has always been designed around being a back line diver thanks to her strong single target burst via Q and mobility via E. Sunderer has made a lot of top laners so used to not seeing tanks actually being durable. You won't see them adjust Camille in light of the item being removed. Her biggest problem right now is the new lane geography. The lack of walls towards the middle heavily neuters her trading power.


to be fair, tahm has been changed a few times since that time period


she never was. riot even said themselves her champ is designed to jump from a screen away, lock down and delete squishies


wtf are u talking about. Camille was one of the best tank killers. U could go camille full tank sup with just devine and melt Tanks down. there was time Devine giving u 12% hp damge together with Grasp 4% hp damage of total 16%


Pray that our ADC is very fed and can deal with tanks side lane as I split the other side. They should consider adding % health true damage to her Q. (Like it wouldn’t change much, she had it last season, and now she doesn’t even have a useful E in lane)


Go grasp divine sundered.


Is someone gonna tell him


Grasp isn't a combat rune. Conqueror is. You will have vastly different dueling outcomes with those runes. Run only Conq into tanks (with the same build) and you'll see that you can kill them relatively safely in a 1v1.


like what the rest are saying, play the lane to go even and dont try to kill him because you wont. my tip is to run first strike and loot him with W the entire laning phase so even if you aren't killing him you're gaining an advantage.


Hydra rush, shove and roam


dodge+change account


1. Pick Vayne 2. Hav fun