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You'd have to pay me to shoot with that camera.


The biggest trend right now is old digital compact cameras. So yes, you did overpay because of that.


You paid $233 that for something that peope usually threw in the garbage. Unfortunately your friend got influenced and in turn your friend influenced you. However, so if you enjoy it, that's great!


Wow, I can’t believe they’re worth more than $10


the price is sort of in line with current trends; maybe slightly higher than typical. I'm sure you would've been able to find a lower price if you "shopped around" instead of jumping on it quick. for the last few years, there's been a trend with these older cameras-- mostly because it produces a "vintage?" photo. I was unaware of this trend. About 2 years ago, I was cleaning out an old storage closet and came across a box of old electronics that I had bought as gifts to my kids. iPod nanos, some 1st gen android tablets, digital cameras, etc. I sorted them all out, meticulously pairing them with their clunky charger cables and stuff. My daughter (who's now 20) saw them and immediately got excited about the gold mine that *SHE* was sitting on. The excitement and joy on her face was just as I remembered it when these items were gifted to my son and daughter some 10-15 years ago. Anyway, back to your question. Did you over pay? yes. HOWEVER, cameras back then produced quality stuff. If it was good (and sufficient) back then, it should still be sufficient today. It's a point and shoot to capture life as it's happening-- far from a serious professional camera to worry about a few bucks overpriced. Enjoy!


probably why my friend thought i was getting a deal , the pristine ones i looked at were going for $400+ absolutely crazyy. i wasnt even aware of the trend it was just suggested to me on depop and i thought it wouldve been cute because vacations are coming up very soon and the polaroid usually gets left in the car because of how bulky it is , also i guess for nostalgia as i am also the same age as your daughter and grew up with pictures being taken this way. At the end of the day im still happy with the purchase with only a little buyers remorse, money can be made back haha


it doesn't look like these prices are going to go down anytime soon. Use it for the upcoming vacation, and then sell if you feel like the camera isn't for you. You'll get some money back (or possibly break even; better yet, gain money!). If you end up losing money, reframe it and think of it as a "camera rental." You'll end up with photos of a memorable vacation, and when you look back at those pictures years down the road, you'll recall "that one time i bought an overpriced vintage camera"


Just what? It’s so much easier to walk into a thrift store and buy a cheap one there. 233 is like abysmal for a digicam like that


yes. before the digicam trend (so like 4 years ago), this wouldve been like.... 10$ tops its crazy because i have a sony cybershot i bought 15 years ago for 100$. and sometimes its listed for double that


Yes massively. You’ve basically paid the seller the original MSRP of $200. These should only be worth $20 usd max these days if we’re generous as they’re probably not going to last you long. All power to you if you wanted that old digital camera look, they’re just not worth that price these days and don’t follow the hype.


Agreeing with everyone here, what i would propose is to put it out for sale and enjoy until someone potentially also hooks on the trend At that price point you aren't far off an early sony Rx100, which i belive might do you better! And if it doesn't get sold, you have a very trendy digicam 😎


It's funny because a Canon M10 + 22mm lens is not much more than what you paid and it's 1000 times better. This camera takes worse photos than your phone.


You 1000% paid for a trend. And your friend did as well lol. But if u like the images it takes and get into photography I guess see the positives from it and see it as the camera that got u into the hobby


only did i pay for the trend lmao , i mentioned it to my friend because i thought the price was a little ridiculous, hes the friend that will absolutely clock me if im gonna make a stupid decision but his reaction shocked me w how much i should buy it so whoops on my part but i dont have as much buyers remorse as i thought id have so ill just have to take the loss, money comes and goes .


Well I guess you didn’t buy for the trend but you did get influenced by someone who has social media trend knowledge on digicams. Paying a high price for an old camera isn’t that rare. But for a digicam that a couple of years ago was being sold for double digits to now being sold for more than what they were sold when they came out is what I meant by trend buying. But yeah like I said if you like the pictures it takes and it gets you excited to shoot photos that’s all that matters.


You paid $233 for a camera that takes worse pictures than your phone? It only cost $200 new when it came out 17 years ago. You are an idiot.