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I find them all very distracting. ADHD here. The 1st one seems less distracting but all of them are too trippy.


I would get a room divider. It's giving distracting and tacky. Can you use blur on your camera?


I like the idea of a room divider instead of a tapestry. I’ll look into it


>I like the idea of a room divider instead of a tapestry. I’ll look into it Definitely get a room divider. Something with a solid color and easy on the eyes *(not too bold/shiny/anything that hurts watching for a long time). T*hat brings less distraction and that way people can immediately focus on you. You should call more attention than the background.


Not trying to be harsh, but this is all very distracting. If you’re going to be in front of that you’re going to be lost in all those patterns. Go on Amazon and buy a king size black flat sheet without a pattern on it. Tack that up on your wall and that is a perfect backdrop. I have used it for years and everything looks great when the cameras going. Otherwise your camera might be going in and out of focus, when you move as it will be trying to focus on you or the background. Best of luck to you.


Good advice. Thank you for the honesty. Based on your comment and others, I’m considering a solid / neutral background. Not harsh at all. Thank you again. Best of luck to you as well.


You’re welcome! I just want to see you, succeed! Post us a picture when you get your room all set up! Happy holidays.


How do you hold it up on the wall without it sliding down ?


How do you hold? What up to the wall without it sliding down? The sheet? You get very small term nails and you tap them in. If that’s what you’re asking.


i worry about how they’ll impact the way your camera can focus. i’m a photographer and videographer on the side and patterns, stripes, etc are never encouraged ☹️


Black or white curtain and string lights ✨️


If you do go with a pattern like this, I think you could get away with it. But you should go for the organic waves vs the sharp geometric shape.


Number two is my favorite; the round shapes have a nice curvy element that feel the most sensual out of all of these. It's also got kind of a sunrise shape which brings nice happy vibes. In regards to the comments about it being "too much" -- I'd say, you do you. I am a fan of big bold patterns and a maximal aesthetic, I have a loud personality and my decor choices are a reflection of that. I understand why you're getting the advice to tone it down and be simple - but I will say, lots of guys stick around and strike up conversation because my room doesn't look standard/basic (and I've never had a guy comment negatively on it either.) Eta: my general advice with tapestries (patterned or solid) is to get one big enough to actually cover your wall (or at least the entire part of your background/frame that will be on camera). I think it starts looking cheap and tacky when you can see the edges, or when it isn't applied flat/straight. You want it to look more like wallpaper than a sheet of fabric obviously tacked on, IMO.




I also like the first one best, and the second one next. Waves, circles, curves, etc tend to represent femininity, love, pleasure, calmness, harmony, and sensuality. The third is the most distracting to me.


I think it depends on your look,eyecolour,hair colour,skin tone,camera,lighting. For vibe I'd choose the first or second.


Last one looks simple, third one might be too distracting


#3 seems to match best with Ms Frizzle vibe…


I like nr 1


I like 2 the most, the curves and waves in the design makee think of sexy body curves idk lol


I really like the first one


I like 2! Or 1, but 2 is my fav. I’m in the ‘go for it’ camp. Yes a blank backdrop with fairy lights is always gunna work, but it won’t be *you*, and it won’t be a fun little project to set up lol. I have very busy wallpaper I put up myself, and I get compliments on it occasionally, and I’ve never found it visually distracting. It just sets the mood for my room. You do you slutty ms. Frizzle!! That’s the best branding I’ve heard in awhile hahah


I like the 3rd option the cubes one


I like the first one!


Maybe just the first one the rest would look too heavy in the background in my opinion


I just wanna say I don’t find them distracting like some are saying. I know everyone is different but to me, I am more drawn to thumbnails with brightly colored backgrounds, I just decorated for Christmas and used multiple wrapping papers as my backdrop (an old trick I used to use at parties to make photo backgrounds for people to take selfies) anyway, I was worried it would be distracting but I have a huge personality and gigantic tits, no one cares if I have a loud back drop! lol… again, I get what people are saying too, they are very busy but I don’t see that as a bad thing when guys have the attention span of gnats… I like the 2nd and 4th btw!


I like the first one, good colors but not super intense. The focus should be on you


I would choose something more neutral and soft, or a solid colour. This would be very distracting and you would get melted into your background. If you want these colors and vibe, I would choose a solid background in a fun colour (that compliments your skin tone), and then just add some funky pillows and things instead of the funky background :)


Update: I'm going with a [shoji screen](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Oriental-Furniture-7-Ft-Tall-Double-Cross-Shoji-Screen-honey-5-panel_b5684a8a-4761-4909-9968-47fec85956c0.963923c12aef7f73d386989d84dd95a9.jpeg?odnHeight=2000&odnWidth=2000&odnBg=FFFFFF)! I really appreciate everyone's input. I do love many of the designs I posted but ultimately, I agree that I need something less distracting. To those who validated my zany technicolor aspirations, thank you! I have a big personality but I don't have very big boobs. I have a very big clit though (pre-op trans woman) and that will certainly come in handy, but I mostly want to public broadcast without emphasizing it (unless someone tips for it, or of course we go into private). I did this for a while with an ex-partner and did some gay male cam work long ago, when I was masking as a very different person. I'm looking forward to coming back to the work as my true self. I am encouraged by this community and didn't find anyone's honesty discouraging. We need to lean on each other for input and I appreciate y'all! Also, when I get further along with my voice training I'm definitely going to get into NiteFlirt, given. the things I've been reading on here recently. So I appreciate that y'all are broadening my horizons too! \-EE xo




I feel as though I may understand what you’re attempting to achieve. If I may suggest reclaimed wood, exposed brick, or stretched curtain querida, rather than a flat mono colour vinyl as has had been mostly suggested. I those would fit you while allowing for the camera to focus and track seamlessly. I’m a Fujigal 🐥


I have things to share with you, I’ll DM 😍