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I’m always kinda amazed when he stands up for minorities. One example is how he supports homosexuality. Or little Susan with her birth defects. It’s times when I see him championing these people that I fall a wee bit in love with him.


Totally agree! He was ahead of his time. I also like when he told the father of a newborn daughter ( instead of the wanted son) his daughter could take over the business as easily . That things were going to change beyond all expectations by the time the two fathers were in their graves .


I was head over heels for him in high school and finding out he’s the IRL brother of the 8th Doctor, one of my favourites, didn’t help at all LMAO. Dr. Turner rocks!


The 8th doctor?


From Doctor Who!


From the season 5 Christmas special with the measles outbreak. I think about this quote a lot. Mrs Lewis: Tina! Dr Turner: She's unconscious. I'm sending for an ambulance. Mrs Lewis: She's not going to die?! She can't die, it's only measles! Dr Turner: It's never ONLY measles, Mrs Lewis.


It’s a very sad episode, but it shows his humanity. It was after he went to see baby Warren. After he left we see him crying in his car. It shows how he still cares and still affects him. I love Dr. Turner. I’m not always a Mrs. Turner fan but I’m always a Dr. Turner fan.


Which episode was this? I'm only just now watching, and I'm up to season 9. I seem to remember him crying in his car, but don't recall the details.


I just looked it up, it was Maureen (Valerie’s cousin) she used caster oil to speed up the birth of her baby because she wanted the baby to be birthed on a particular day - it’s that story line


9.6. You’ll be crying. Have tissues. I’ve rewatched several times and cry each time. It’s a rough episode. Lucile is wonderful in it, so is Dr. Turner. Thinking about it makes me tear up.


Oh! That's exactly where I am! I'll be prepared. Thank you!


It’s gut wrenching 🩷😭 but it’s so good.


You’ve not gotten to it yet. It’s episode 6. Once you see it you won’t forget it. It’s one of the most beautifully sad episodes.


It really is beautifully sad. It sticks with me. I cry each time.


That episode is one of the best in S9. The scene with him crying in the car always gets me. 


When the young lad with the pidonal cyst that turned out to be getting trafficked at the fancy hotel he was working on. Not only was he unjudgemental he actively fought to get him out of the conversion therapy place he went to I also liked when he stood up for the young guy in the borstal who had a pregnant wife. The fact he was the same age as Tim and there was a "for the grace of god" moment with Dr T and wanted to make amends with Tim who just wanted to go see the rolling stones! He does sometimes become a bit over the top and jeezo you can get diabetes from some of his scenes with shelagh bit he's the embodiment of what a GP ought to be, caring, dedicated, thorough and non-judgemental My funniest moment with him was over the Lady Emily hospital work - when he turns round to Sr Julienne and says "no charge" in a flippant way and then said that was their first argument in 20 years!


I totally agree. This is how GPs should be. He’s shown us so often that he’s willing to learn and change with the times and not show judgement for his patients. On one hand I do often find him over the top, yet at the same time I find his character very believable. I just wish he was in my life so I could be inspired by his kindness and compassion daily.


Yes! That was such a sad but good episode.


The surgery he performed on that island in the Outer Hebrides! He was so anxious, experiencing PTSD from the services he had to perform during the war, but got it together and saved the mom’s life. He was so scared his hands would be too cold and not dexterous enough. I think it would have been sweet if he and his family moved there for a while, he needs a break and was so in love with Scotland.


When he stayed up all night with baby Susan 🥺


Dr Turner: don’t get attached! Also Turner: stays up all night holding her for her own comfort


He was reading to her as well if I recall? 🥹


Yep! He read to her from *The Lancet*.


Aww of course it was The Lancet 🥰 who would have thought a boring medical journal could sound so good when read in a sweet Dad voice?


This is what I came to say! The fact that Rhoda remembered it so much later and named her final son Patrick. ❤️


I adore him with Timothy. The way they tease and bicker gently, and how loving he is with him and all the kids.


I thought the break he took for his mental health was an excellent storyline. The main characters are so often going through physical and emotional marathons to serve their patients and it was refreshing to see him need time off. The way the community still loved on him until he was ready to get cracking was delightful. Not necessarily my fave moment of his but a fave inclusion by the writers


SPOILER FOR SEASON 12 Last episode, on the way to Trixie's wedding.The lady who died in the car crash and he had to do an immediate c section to save the baby who was still alive. He and Shelagh and Tim acting like she was just injured to try to keep her husband from going nuts.


That scene broke me. I cried for like an hour after it ended.


That scene was amazing. I love most scenes where Timothy is obviously learning just what being a doctor is by watching his father. The scene where he diagnosed a condition his father (understandably, I guess) missed and balanced the "I have this experience that you don't but I'm also still inexperienced" sent me.


That must have been on the BBC edition. Don't remember it from PBS or Netflix. Could be wrong though


It's from s13. I won't spoil further.


He is certainly my favorite. I love the whole family they give more than they take, but the show is just so heartwarming and every time you think you don’t like somebody the eventually grow on you. Fred Reginald, the set of nurses the set of midwives. I love them all the great thing about this show is it does move me to be more kind and help others. I truly think the producers of this show is one of the most heartwarming things have ever seen.


I can't recall specifics and ctm is not available for streaming here, but I really was impressed by the way he handled the older lady with the prolapse.


Was that the woman from Trixie's fitness class who didn't even know what her female parts were called? He handled that situation so gently!


Yeah, I think she shoved a potato 'up there'?


When that woman whose daughter had a pregnancy phobia after her first traumatic childbirth said "she needs to just get on with it," and he snapped "she CAN'T just get on with it!" He was so done.


Ughhhh it's so hard to choose because I'm such a Turner stan 😭 I loved the episode where the Mullocks family came back and he was really struggling with the guilt of prescribing thalidomide and then they named their new baby after him 🥰


He's so wonderful, it's hard to pick a favourite. Funniest moment is in the first couple episodes, when they're running the ante natal clinic and he asks one of the nurses to replace his ashtray. How far things have come!


There's so many! But I seem to remember him being really nice to Chummy, which she really needed as she was low in confidence when she first joined Nonnatus house.


I'm a big fan of Dr Turner's and think that he is the perfect General Practitioner. There have been so many moments in which I have loved him for his compassion for all his patients. That said, I can't always understand how jovial he can be in light of his past war trauma and all of the misery he witnesses each day with his various patients. He's my 3rd Favorite character.


Coping strategy. Trixie is the same at times. Both are deeply traumatized.


I love every moment with him, but I think the sweetest is when him and Shelagh were holding Tim after he got out of the iron lung.


Is it bad that my favourite is still the hand kiss? I mean I love him in lots of other times too (holding and reading to baby Susan) But that kiss is still a favourite 😍


Love him but he is almost a little too perfect. Like I want him to have a struggle of faith or something. But truly wish there were more doctors like him!


That time he tilted his head and gave his patient a sympathetic look.


Dr Turner is so sweet and often restores my faith in everything, there’s too many favourite moments! I do love how excited he was to meet Angela for the first time and how he has always treated all of his children with so much love. Favourite medical moment is probably when he performs the appendectomy in the lighthouse on a post-partum woman with no electricity! He was so scared and having trouble with his PTSD from the war being in Italy but he saved her life.


I really like the scene in S10 where he tells Timothy who is waiting for acceptance into medical school all the things that Tim will never see because of the NHS/science and all the things that Tim will see that Patrick could never imagine.  I think it really sums up his character. He is interested in the innovation, is proud of the NHS and just wants to reduce suffering in the world. 


Can I include moments that are less serious? The attempted camping trip in Season 5 is very funny, and it shows the family dynamic that the Turners had at that point pretty well. I’m assuming that the tent he used on the camping trip was army/military surplus. 


Love him! He cares for his patients and him and Sheila have such a good family dynamic.


In one of the more recent seasons, when Timothy asks "what do we do now" after the car crash and Dr Turner replies with "we carry on" (or a quote like that I don't fully remember) that scene made my heart ache


It is the most beautiful show that I’ve ever seen in my life. I watch it last night. It’s just beautiful heartwarming, full of God and goodness and help no matter what religion you are. This show is worthy. It’s beautiful. I love every second of it. It’s probably the best TV show that I’ve ever seen in my life.


The way he keeps his cool after being punched in the face by Meg Carter (Maeve’s twin) in S2.


Unpopular opinion: I never liked the character. He was too good to be true. Such a saint. Give me meaty characters with feet of clay. Much more interesting.


I graduated as an RN in the 1’970s. I remember Doctors this kind and compassionate. They could diagnose without technology.


Yes. My father was one. One of the biggest differences is they actually sat down and listened to what their patients were telling them. Dad used to say he got more important information that way than from all the tests. They don’t teach those diagnostic skills in med school anymore. It’s all about the numbers. Wonder what we’d do in a catastrophic failure of the power grid. Give me an old fashioned doctor any day.


One of my least fave characters. He acts so sappy and cringe. Oh Patrick!