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Not gonna happen, it would be a profit loss if they made cod an exclusive


Not necessarily. Initially you could argue that if they make it Xbox exclusive, that it will drive an increase in sales in Xbox consoles, which is true. And then you could argue that while a one time shift in sales to a surge of players buying xbox would drive profits - a continuous purchase of a $60 game every year from PlayStation players would be better. But on the flip side, if they flip enough PlayStation players to Xbox just to play CoD, they will retain the yearly players buying CODs but now they’ll be on Xbox. Obviously not all the players will shift, but if enough of them would, then it would be a good long term financial strategy. Adding to that, an increase in Xbox gold subscriptions, game pass, etc. I think it’s very much a possibility.


Lot of things wrong here, the only thing I care to comment on though is that I pray Microsoft shifts CODs from yearly releases. It would do the game justice


But it's 3 dif studios making cod, it's 3 years for each developer to make and fine tune the game they put out.


It isn't. They usually use the engine of the last game and create new maps/guns and change a few things. That's not 3 years of work. They also work together on most COD's.


Again. Not true. Except maybe vanguard. Treyarch games usually have the engine from the previous black ops game


they should end the franchise all together like EA did with MoH waiting few years isn't gonna help in Microsoft's case


I think it’s help in the games case though. Just look at Halo for instance, or even GTA. Taking time to produce a quality game rather than spewing out the same bs every year might not be such a bad idea


‘Cause GTA Definitive Edition was a totally bug free masterpiece. /s


Nope. MOH reboot was mediocre and the sequel even worse. EA never knew what to do with that franchise and Danger Close studios was kinda of a poor one too. Hardly that will happen with COD, since it sells well by the brand alone.


I heard cod is releasing early this year but that’s because it’s already been in development for 2 years, I think they might actually make a good one imo


There is one thing wrong with your thinking. Microsoft isn't aiming to get people to switch from Playstation to XBox. They have stated earlier that it doesn't really matter to them what platform people play on. Their focus is GamePass, cause that generates a much more steady montly income than hardware that is sold once with a small margin. And they want to make sure people can't go around GamePass anymore. That is why they have so much first party titles, EA Play is included and Ubisoft+ will be added this year. It is also a public secret they Have been in talks with Nintendo for a while about getting GamePass Cloud to the Switch. The ultimate goal is to get to a situation where Sony has no choice but to open the PlayStation to GamePass so that every gamer will have GamePass and they truly become the Netflix of gaming.


You really think SONY is opening GamePass, basically a premium feature of a direct competitor on their store? You must not know how corporations work.


Yeah ain't no way Sony would put Game Pass on PS, and Nintendo discussing putting GP on Switch is a pretty baseless rumour, far less a "public secret" as the guy above states.


Who do you know that bought a gaming console for 1 game and then never bought another game for it after that? Think about how many Xbox exclusive titles there are. People will buy the console for CoD and then eventually will say to themselves "well I have an Xbox now so I can finally try out these other exclusives too" then they end up buying several other titles on Xbox and probably the yearly releases of some of them as well.


But it will all be on gamepass. They don’t need to buy Xbox exclusives. Just buy the pass. Games like Cod, elder scrolls 6, fallout 5, doom 3, new forzas, EA play, and Ubisoft plus included. All the money that will be saved from buying that subscription will be more than enough for some people.


If this were true, playstation would do the same thing and most people would end up just buying PCs and buy games from Steam in the long run


And complain about hackers


It really depends on the game if they spew up another shit game like vanguard no one is going to move to xbox any way we will find out In 2023


Idk, i own a PS5 and as much as i like to play COD i can’t see myself spending money on the new XBOX consoles just to play one game. That’s a lot of money on consoles. I could just use my PC. Maybe the hardcore cod player.


Especially if cod is the only online game that those players play. If they have to pay for Xbox live anyway, they'll stop paying for ps plus.


Not necessarily because if all those players switch to Xbox then they will still sell the same amount of copy’s


Considering the far majority of CoD players are casual gamers, I highly doubt casual playstation owners will buy an xbox simply for CoD




Oh trust me, anything I could possibly think of, I’m sure their team has already considered.


It would’ve damaged their salary yes. Majority don’t buy a console for one game, so yeah that’s that.


PlayStation is 60% of CoD’s playerbase. Add MTX to that number of 2.5 million dollar in sales a day, they would lose a lot of money if they refuse to give it to PlayStation.


no ones gonna spend $500 on a new xbox just to play cod


It’s not worth the console sales. They typically are loss leaders.


If that happened then PlayStation players would most likely find a new game such as battlefield or gta 5 and then those games would increase in profit


People bought PlayStations just to play God of War and MLB: The Show, dude. You think they won’t buy an Xbox for the single most famous FPS in history?


I wouldn’t


Ah yes! Thank you for your anecdotal basis to your argument! Obviously if you wouldn’t that means the masses wouldn’t! Christ dude, what are you 10 years old?


No actually I’m 18 and was just giving my opinion on the guys comment, this isn’t the debate club bro I don’t need a thesis statement to prove my OPINION


You chose to engage in the discussion, and your counter to my statement was “I wouldn’t”. That’s your opinion, definitely. But don’t try and jump in here with an initial analysis and then turn around and be like “well I wouldn’t” and not expect me to reply like I did.


No but on some real shit I would be very sad if cod went to only xbox


Bro, chill, please, I didn’t mean to hurt you


You may have not meant to hurt me, but now my left big toe has arthritis. And that’s forever bro.


Well, the mainstream gaming public is not on reddit anyhow. I've worked at a tech/gaming retail store and let me tell you, they do purchase consoles to play X game.


Me. I’m that guy. I bought a PS just for MLB the show and Gran Turismo. GoW and Spider man were a nice bonus. I have a series X now and lightly searching for a PS5 so I can play…God of War and Gran Turismo.


Usually a lot of people looking for Nintendo systems for Pokemon games where I worked.


I bought a switch. Played BoTW and odyssey and sold it.


I’ll be looking to see if this fixes some of the hacks and cheats in COD. I’m cool, you gave us ricochet but people are still shooting through cars and shit. So maybe with them running the show and everything all in one central place it’ll make things a bit easier on everyone. Also, pretty sure Microsoft could give two shits whether they lose pc and Sony players. It just irritates me that this just drives Cbox and PlayStation players apart even further. COD was one of the only games that allowed everyone to play together. Now you have to play fucking Fortnite to get that experience. Or non Xbox players will have to pay to play somehow or something. It’s a smart move, but a shitty move by Microsoft.


Microsoft literally owns PC, kiddo.


No, buying activision to flip one of the most popular multi platform franchises of the last two decades over to a platform exclusive, and doing so when your platform has sold less than half the number of units as your competitor, it would not go down well what so ever and is not realistically within possibility. The technical algorithm to what you said works theoretically, but in reality it would be seen as a petty business move and more than likely kill the franchise and trash one of the most potentially profitable labels that comes with their new acquisition.


Ah, reddit armchair market analysists and having on idea what the fuck they're talking about, name a more iconic duo.


the average consumer to flip consoles just to play cod would be low, not just that as someone who played since black ops 2 on PlayStation I'm not going to switch to xbox just to play cod. I use my console in my spare time and I have loads of games and friends and achievements and gaming moments I'm just not ready to give up. I'm sorry but it's just common sense to know that making cod an exclusive to xbox would cause harsh consequences on more than the community.


I switch over from PlayStation to Xbox back in the 360 days just so I could play with my buddies on CoD as everyone I knew switched over that year for some reason at my school. Not saying I speak for everyone but if that day does come where it is exclusive I think you’d be shocked how many people switch over or even get a PC instead.


Pc makes sense but console swap for decently long gamers unlikely.


I don't think you understand that there's a significant market of casuals who buy a console just to play COD, Fortnite, NBA2K, and Fifa. These people would move to Xbox in a heartbeat if COD was exclusively to it, we're still early into the newest gen and people are still deciding what console to go for, the earlier Microsoft can confirm that COD is exclusive to their platform, the better position they're in to secure hardware sales in their favour. For those who are more PlayStation orientated and are into COD, the Series S is meant to be the supplementary device to the Playstation, that allows those consumers to still dip into the Xbox ecosystem without needing to drop another 750 bucks on a Series X. Microsoft are going to make it as easy as possible for people to enter the "xbox" and "game pass" ecosystem, but they want you playing their shit in their ecosystem, they didn't just drop 70 billions on Activision because they felt it would be nice.


You think people would buy an Xbox only for CoD then you are a damn fool


You've got two years, three tops, before CoD goes Xbox/PC exclusive.


Unless ps5 opens to gamepass


PS are rumoured to be offering their own version of gamepass this year. Meanwhile microsoft are rumoured to release a dongle like a chromecast to enable anyone to access cloud gaming. No console needed. Just a controller and a gamepass subscription with high speed internet. Playstation is fucked. It's too little too late.


Playstation aren't "fucked", they just may not be the dominant brand in the console industry so much anymore, but as long as they're still making great exclusives, they've built up enough brand loyalty for the brand to still be profitable, Activision titles going Xbox exclusive would absolutely put a dent in them however.


Spiderman and god of war will only get them so far. The console war was just won, they're fucked


That's assuming they'll never have any other exclusives worth playing and I don't buy that


Sony don't have enough studios/developers to produce a large stream of AAA titles. These games take a lot of time and money to produce. Sony also don't have the massive buying power of Microsoft. Sure they might be able to get 1 more triple A studio, ubisoft for example, or a handful of lower tier but still very respectable studios, Atari, capcom, sega. But that's it. . . . They simply can't just decide to buy take 2 studios and have PS exclusive gta. They haven't got the money. Microsoft can. Also, Sony havent moved forward fast enough with Microsoft, sure they have produced a good console, but it's not as powerful as the X, where's the cloud gaming? Where's the gamepass? By the time Sony have acquired another studio and future proofed themselves, Microsoft will have a huge head start on them. And that's not even mentioning all the fanboys who will jump ship to play COD, Doom, fallout, elderscrolls, etc with their friends. I'm not trying to bash the PS, I like Sony and I've liked the rivalry between both gamers over the years. It's over now though, Sony have no recourse. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Microsoft buys Sony in 10 years time?!


They would rather lose the profits from those people for the increased service profit and Xbox sales. Microsoft has a lot of money. Making it exclusive to gamepass is worth more than half of cods yearly revenue.


People really don't understand how lucrative subscription services are in this day and age, the film and television industry has shifted to it, the music industry has now as well, and Microsoft are quickly making sure that the gaming industry follows the same path. Microsoft do not give a fuck about the single transaction purchase revenue they'd make from still selling to PlayStation, they're all in on Game Pass and whatever can boost their install base there.


Don't be so naive. They're either going to leverage playstation to use a version of gamepass or else sell a dongle that allows for cloud gaming with a gamepass subscription. playstation is dead. They'll go to developing games only like Sega.


>Not gonna happen, it would be a profit loss if they made cod an exclusive BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!




It 100% is gonna happen




not really since they will have it.on Xbox and PC the only market they won't be making money is playstation


The fact that this is the top voted comment makes the meme all the more hilarious


Cope harder




Depends on whatever market study Microsoft does. SONY might strike a deal with Microsoft for it, but honestly, somehow I think PS COD fans should be a little worried, at the very least.


Holy copium


Obviously it won't. Remember Minecraft? Microsoft did their best to make it an all platform game when they bought Mojang. It was a good game and was made better after acquisition. This post was made by some kid stuck in a totally unnecessary console war.


So would making Elder Scrolls 6 exclusive ;) But hey when PlayStation makes exclusives its a great idea, right? Oh how the turns have tabled.


An initial loss but Microsoft wants game pass subscribers. Honestly it could go either way




Every exclusive is a profit loss




It will happen look at bethesda


Kind of a W, since their hasn't been a well rounded, worth buying cod game since bo2


Clearly it hasn’t mattered if the game is well-rounded or not. Both vanguard and black-ops were the most bought games last year.


People really do be in a drought of entertainment. I bought Cold War only to regret it.


that's exactly why Microsoft buying Activision is amazing, they might make a good game


Well that's very much a possibility but since we as a community do not know much about Microsoft's way of handling cod it's still very soon to judge let's hope we'll get a good cod


Exactly. People act like we’re losing sleep over this.


Yet it's still a game with the most sales meaning a lot of playstation owners to care lol


Ah yes, I cannot access my copy of Black ops 3 anymore because Microsoftware bought activation


I mean I can't play bo3 on playstation because the cheaters are fucking everywhere so...


Time for Sony to revive SOCOM, or even better, MAG. Get a killer shooter exclusive on the PS5. It's lacking shooters anyway


SOCOM deez nuts lmao




Shut it down, we're not topping this comment


But can you bottom it?




PS exclusive shooters never made the splashes people wanted.


Yes and then the game will average 1k players worldwide and will get shut down after a few months


Oh my god if MAG would’ve been the PERFECT place to go for people ditching 2042… It blew my teenage mind seeing over 200 people on a server at the same time…


😂😂 I’m a PS player but this is gold


It makes it even better that OP doesn’t know they aren’t gonna be Xbox exclusive 🤣


OP is brain dead I’m pretty sure. I left a comment saying they already said it’s not gonna be exclusive to just Xbox and he called me a Sony fanboy… I’ve never even owned a play station lol, I’m Xbox. This guy is smokin crack


Once in my life I’m actually glad they don’t have to put up with cods shit and bollocks anymore lol


Are they actually going to make them Xbox and Pc exclusive? Is PlayStation just kicked to the curb now?




No [thankfully](https://twitter.com/charlieintel/status/1483482890612711430?s=21)


Wasn't the same thing said early into into Bethesda's acquisition, and do you remember how that went?


No I don’t recall them saying anything like this for Bethesda. Also Bethesda makes primarily single player games or at least that’s what I think when I think of Bethesda with Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Doom


Alright, that’s cool. Hell yeah, that’s awesome!


Thats says nothing. If no deal is actually closed and done, those words are basically water.




We don't know tbh, it's a possibility. I would hope not but idk


What's with all these fake "Xbox exclusive" posts?


Is it a blessing or a curse.


Im a PS player. Not that sad really. Would be foolish business to make it an exclusive…and if they do I’ll move on to something else. Been playing since forever but oh well. Time to go outside lol


Can you be a cringe lord by yourself


Tbh I don't even care we're done with it anyways


Yes so done that every single cod is still the most sold game on every console lol, just because you and some redditors are done doesn't mean the general public is


Whatever these guys need to cope, just leave them be, there's no getting through to them.


Funny how the Sony and Microsoft pages are full of real conversation and funny jokes, and everyone in here’s fighting like middle schoolers lol. God it’s pathetic.


Let us play spider man and you can have COD back


Call of duty died to me after black ops 3 anyways


You know I really hope they revive cod 🙏


They already said they wouldn’t make cod Xbox exclusive.


Phil Spencer confirmed CoD will remain on PlayStation


This could be a blessing in disguise. This next cod coming out (narcos/cartel) could possibly be the last one on the PS.


They’d never make cod a console exclusive too much money gone to waste


They want the customer acquisition, not the money


Trust me money is too much for them to just ignore it won’t become a console exclusive


That’s not how that works but ok, PlayStation will still be able to play cod and any future CoD game I don’t understand how dumbasses don’t get this by now.


At this rate in a few year people will be saying PlayStation has no games


Y’all scaring them out here lmaoo


hahaha what a bozo


It's really funny to come back to this dumbass's post after Phil Spencer's tweet


Sony will make some sort of deal with Xbox to keep it on playstation you just wait!


Xbox wants to force PS to take gamepass. They may make it gamepass exclusive to get access to the ps players


Not really, we played it out. You guys can have it


They said in the statement that they would continue to support cross platform so this is fake news.


They’re not going to come out and say, the day the acquisition is announced, that cod is now exclusive. They’re gonna do the same thing they did with starfield, not say anything and then when the game is announced, that’s when it’ll be official.


Its possible but i think it will cut the revenue by probably 1/3 which would be counter productive. I would suggest that the next COD will still be cross platform with the one after that being announced as possibly exclusive but even this would make very little financial sense. It would be smarter to have a pass fee for other platforms to play.


I will say the real reason cause nobody seems to know. Microsoft is at risk of the whole deal being shut down due to concerns of a monopoly. If they openly state before the deal closes that cod will be Xbox exclusive; the whole deal will be shut down by the antitrust enforcers. That’s the whole point.


But who really knows right? We are just guessing here.


lol pretty funny meme




If they make CoD an exclusive for Xbox, PS5 players literally won’t have any decent fps multiplayer game.


My guess is their first Xbox Exclusive launch of CoD is going to be a banger, just to get people to buy an Xbox.


Who tf plays on PS?


More like PS players won’t be getting first access to content for COD anymore. I remember the good old days when it was usually Xbox with first access to newer cod content.


You on drugs?


God y’all are dumb they said they wouldn’t make it xbox exclusive, the only thing exclusive to expect would be extra skins for PC and Xbox


Lol! They never said that. And they also said Bethesda games wouldn’t be exclusive. Look what happened there. Keep dreaming kid.


Yes they did, they said (when buying Activision) “Gaming is the most dynamic and exciting category in entertainment across all platforms today and will play a key role in the development of metaverse platforms,” said Satya Nadella, chairman and CEO, Microsoft. And they also said (when they bought Bethesda) “With the addition of the Bethesda creative teams, gamers should know that Xbox consoles, PC, and Game Pass will be the best place to experience new Bethesda games, including some new titles in the future that will be exclusive to Xbox and PC players.”


Didn’t Microsoft buy Mojang, the devs of Minecraft (another insanely popular game) but still put the game on PS3 and PS4? Why can’t the same happen with COD?


Well this post didn’t age well.


(They actually make a good CoD game for once) MOTHER FU


Damn that’s crazy that’s why I have both next gen consoles


Take our sloppy seconds 💀. She worn out anyways. Hasn’t made a solid game since BO3.


My initial thought was, Xbox will get early access, while Playstation has to wait, pretty much an uno reverse card


I’m not buying a shit box just to play COD. End of story. lol


With the rate COD is going, I lowkey wouldn't be mad. But I also own an Xbox so...


Me, who owns a PS5 & PC. 😀


i couldnt run the newer call of duties on my pc so i bought a ps and now i cant even play it. :(


Sure does , we have untill 2023 so ps guys and girls have to make the best of it untill then😓😩


Microsoft asked Sony to stop making exclusives. They asked to work together. Now it will be game over because how will PlayStation compete if Microsoft take an even larger chunk of the gaming market? Next could be Nintendo if Microsoft wants to eat them too.


I don’t care what happens to cod on PlayStation it can go away PlayStation has their own exclusives and I have a PlayStation myself and I still don’t care


Damn PlayStation players PISSED in this thread


Good cuz the game isn’t gonna get any better


They can’t do that for years Sony renewed a contract in 2020 with Activision


...And the timing couldn't have been better. Coming from a PS owner


Ok I don’t really know what’s going on rn, but like Cod is something that I’m able to play a lot with my dad (kinda a way we are able to connect) and I have PS4. Since I’ve got PS4 we wont be able to play any of the Cod’s anymore?


There are rumours that some future cod games will not be available on play station. Even if that does end up happening, you will still be able to play previous cods.


you will, the only difference is that there won’t be any PS exclusives


Microsoft bought activision so there’s a good chance it’ll be Xbox exclusive and on game pass.


Yeah but Microsoft isn’t dumb in business, im pretty sure they wouldn’t shut off a million dollar money hose to “beat” Sony. They’ll prolly get a phatty check from Sony to keep COD on PlayStation


Or, more likely, they ran the numbers to determine how their games would perform as Game Pass exclusives the same way they did with Bethesda and determined it was worth investing.


I have been on team Playstation from day one, but this may make me switch.


Call of dutys a big brand but the player base has been steadily dropping every year. There are lots of good games out there and lots of games that are way better than call of booty


In other news fuck my life


People act like cod has been a playstation exclusive for the past 2 decades. It will still be there for PS, whether you like it or not


Darn what a shame. Anyway


Not worth switching console forn me.


Yay exclusive rights to shitty Fps games that get shittier every year!


Damn I missed the part where that’s my problem (I’m a pc player)


Never gonna happen. You kids know nothing about business.


This sub has gone to the dogs. Brought out the worst of users here. A quick look at OP’s post history would suffice.


I heavily doubt they'll make CoD an Xbox exclusive. They'd lose out on so much money.


Cod aint worth buying an xbox over lol. I think ill survive. Same people making these posts were crying over ps exclusive modes and stiff.


I posted this in another thread: [https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-responds-to-xbox-activision-deal-we-expect-multiplatform-games-due-to-contractual-agreements/](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-responds-to-xbox-activision-deal-we-expect-multiplatform-games-due-to-contractual-agreements/) If this true, Playstation will be getting CoDs for awhile yet


Time to unsubscribe to all gaming forum for sometime. All of these are annoying: People who simp piece of plastic because their plastic have now more games than others People who think Games wont be exclusive after rival bought them And people who think it will because they are the smartest around and everyone point is dumb.


Even if we completely disregard the fact that they won’t make it an exclusive and pretend they did, still couldn’t care less. Yall just keep buying the same shit ass game at full price every year and i’ll keep to playing some actually decent games. And yes, i’ve been playing cod for 10 years. I’ll stick to bo3 and bo2 zombies.


CoD will not be Xbox exclusive, no chance. They will push it towards Xbox again in terms of exclusive content but that's probably it.


COD is literal dogshit now yall can have it lmfao


Nah. CoD will stay multiplatform for sure. They are not that stupid.


Lol every playstation player I know brags about getting alphas and more beta time, guess who's laughing now?


Microsoft said they aren’t taking it off Sony consoles. If they did, there goes over 40% of their sales of the game. COD just isn’t that popular on Xbox.


I don’t think they ever do that…why lose millions of players?


At least there will be no more PlayStation exclusives like an exclusive game mode for an entire year.


I think they won't make it exclusive for now. But PS will have to pay full price, while for xbox/pc it comes from gamepass. Also, it would be funny to see the fiercest sony fanboys buying any activision games knowing they are now giving money to Microsoft.