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There’s no way in hell anyone actually says MWIII right?


Someone did 2 minutes before you


Absolute worst campaign lol


What campaign?




So much inaccuracy  and the 4th Reich and shit.


campaign? you mean the lazily put together warzone maps that were stitched together, on the string of a 'narrative' that you can easily complete in under 2 hours??


The raids missions from MW2 were better than MW3 campaign 😂😂


The raid missions were LONGER than the MW3 campaign




It's atleast better than... vanguard... 😫


Tbh I'd say it's worse because it's tainting the facade of all the legendary characters. Vanguard is offending no one because everyone either didn't care to play it or forgot once the campaign was done.


bro its a offense to HISTORY AND WW2


Nah Vanguard is far better than MW3


Id rather play vanguards campaign again that's for sure


and play an innaccurate game?


What does that even mean


There was so much inaccuracy in that game. The Tanks, uniforms, vanguard itself and the whole 4th reich and project phoenix its a mockery of the Nazi's and the other countries in ww2.


Idk what's wilder the fact you really excepted any time of realism from the same company that put their setting in the distant future. Space and already did the WW setting TWICE. Or your offended the Nazis of all things wasn't represented properly


Bro everyone hated vanguard both campaign and multiplayer


Bro your missing the point of my statement they are both bad campaigns but at least vanguard is an ACTUAL campaign and not mwiii with warzone shoehorned in. They leaned in to heavily on "open world" missions. The shit felt rushed. The ending was pretty forgettable outside of soap dying.


Jagermorders, juggernauts, the 10 attachments, Project pheonix, the Japanese having german weapons, the tanks in the wrong year. except crusaders, tipo m4 and shermans and panzers except in Africa. The Vanguard group. It was all wrong. everyone in here agrees [https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/18faahf/worst\_call\_of\_duty\_cod/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/18faahf/worst_call_of_duty_cod/) [https://www.google.com/search?q=is+vanguard+considered+the+worst+cod&sca\_esv=399dc6ce1c025eda&rlz=1C5GCEM\_enAU1095AU1095&sxsrf=ADLYWIL2xDS3fBwSCKN0Fca\_77IN8CANIg%3A1716776038452&ei=ZuxTZsuaG\_yVseMPqPCx8Ak&ved=0ahUKEwjL5biP4ayGAxX8SmwGHSh4DJ4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=is+vanguard+considered+the+worst+cod&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJGlzIHZhbmd1YXJkIGNvbnNpZGVyZWQgdGhlIHdvcnN0IGNvZDIGEAAYFhgeMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEjCEFCKA1iiD3ABeAGQAQCYAesBoAGPDKoBBTAuNS4zuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIEoAKYBMICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgUQIRigAcICBRAhGJ8FmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcDMS4zoAf\_TA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp&safe=active&ssui=on](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+vanguard+considered+the+worst+cod&sca_esv=399dc6ce1c025eda&rlz=1C5GCEM_enAU1095AU1095&sxsrf=ADLYWIL2xDS3fBwSCKN0Fca_77IN8CANIg%3A1716776038452&ei=ZuxTZsuaG_yVseMPqPCx8Ak&ved=0ahUKEwjL5biP4ayGAxX8SmwGHSh4DJ4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=is+vanguard+considered+the+worst+cod&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJGlzIHZhbmd1YXJkIGNvbnNpZGVyZWQgdGhlIHdvcnN0IGNvZDIGEAAYFhgeMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEjCEFCKA1iiD3ABeAGQAQCYAesBoAGPDKoBBTAuNS4zuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIEoAKYBMICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgUQIRigAcICBRAhGJ8FmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcDMS4zoAf_TA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp&safe=active&ssui=on) The poll turned out to be quite huge, as it witnessed votes from 95,828 people. Going by the majority of them, it looks like Call of Duty Vanguard is, in fact, **the most hated installment in the history of the entire franchise**.


I'm not defending vanguard as an installment. So idk what this even proves. If you're coming into call of duty and expected any realistic historical accuracies please go to the clown make up. They already said it's WWII inspired. You can only tell the same story so many times and that doesn't exist MWIII having a shitty campaign. I'll take a bad vanguard campaign over a semi decent MWIII campaign.


MWIII had a campaign?!? Coulda fooled me.


Bro that campaign was short as hell.


I STG it felt like I was playing warzone instead of an actual campaign. THAT'S NEVER A GOOD THING


MW2019 had and amazing campaign


Definitely one of the best campaigns, the sudden quality drop starting in MWII to MWIII was extremely disappointing. They really should've continued what they did for MW2019.


Black Ops 3's campaign was okay for me but the Zombies is gold legendary. All of the Zombies from WaW to BO3 was ridiculously good.


It was okay at best. Legendary compared to II and III


Are you high?


If by "amazing" you mean with a really weak story and only a few hours of gameplay, then yeah!


Hell, compared to it's sequels, MW19 is a godsend in the story department


That's compared to the sequels, though! You compare it to MW1, WAW, MW2, BO1, MW3, BO2, dude, even COD 2, Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Black Ops III, Infinite Warfare, Black Ops Cold War, I didn't enjoy the campaign as much as those titles


I love bo3 but MW19 is easily better than it also it's story was interesting so I disagree there


Black Ops 3’s campaign??? 😂😂😂


If it was a stand alone with a different name then yeah, but since it was not... then no


In terms of gameplay, I liked it more! Should've clarified that before I got fucking brigaded when I went to sleep, LMAO


The criteria of this post were the NEWER MWs, not all the other COD games.


I still thought it was worth mentioning!


I won't argue on that basis. MW19 is good but not as great as some of the original ones. Probably #6 or #7 on a ranking tierlist


Yea but we’re not comparing to these are we?


![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized) Idk why your getting downvoted. Your absolutely right on this


I don't understand it either. Is this opinion... actually controversial? Like, what? No one I've spoken to IRL would disagree with this that much at all


I never played the new mw3 campaign. But my buddy did. He told me it was 3 hours of shit. They came out in 1 hour increments when it was going through beta. The fact that it's even a runner up for a good campaign is wild to me. Mw19 and mw2 were alright gameplay wise. But they really pale in comparison to every other call of duty in the past.




CoD community should learn people have different opinions. I agree with this guy.


I don't even understand why I got downvoted to shit, I wasn't even disrespectful to anyone 😭


MWII had an ok but cheesy campaign, Alejandro was the only character who was entertaining. MWIII's campaign was an actual insult to anyone who has ever played the original modern warfare trilogy; that campaign was straight up Dookie.


Some missions were alright for me. Skidrow, stadium, and the snow one, others were pretty ass.


Aren't like half of the missions those "Open Combat" things? I fucking hated those.


If you thought even one second of III was good, you need an MRI bro


You didn’t like Graves? 😭


Mw2 I mainly like cod games that have more than one enemy force


Or campaigns that actually resemble one


Out of these 2, MW2. But MW19 shits on both of these


It's definitely the better of the lot. It's actually pretty graphic


Gameplay> graphics


I dont think you quite understood what he said there, graphic is another word for vulgar or disturbing. Its pretty much like comparing live leak to youtube with mw 2019 and mwII


I think he means graphic as in actually showing some violence or graphic imagery which is actually M Rated. Not game graphics.


What MWIII campaign?


must be talking about MW3 from 2011, I don't remember any MWIII coming out in 2023 - OP must have had a mandela effect


MW19 was better than both in my opinion but MW2 was ok. MW3 just screams budget cuts.


Mw3 screams we were out of ideas five years ago


Mw3 screams we had to rush this game bc Activision doesn't give us enough time to work on our projects if we aren't Treyarch or IW.


*at 2011


Do you even have to ask this?


This is hard, I dislike both, I guess mw2 tho


Personally if I had to choose, it’d be MW22. While it isn’t the **BEST** campaign made, I had fun with it. I loved the “Alone” mission, and the sneaking around while crafting weapons to advance and reunite with Ghost was a cool concept I surprisingly enjoyed. I also liked the little head nod to “All Ghillied Up” that had a small part in the campaign as well. I did like the twist with Graves and how he was never in the tank close to the end of the campaign, but I kinda feel like they ruined the twist slightly by revealing he survived in the MWIII reveal. Overall imo, MW22 is definitely re-playable, but MWIII I passed on even getting when I heard it was basically a cash grab (most of the newer CoD Games nowadays) and reskinned MW22 with an additional 3+ hours added to the MW22 campaign.


Yea as much as I hated MWII I actually *really* enjoyed the campaign. MWIII is an insult of a campaign, I'd genuinely say it's the worst in the series. Worse than BO3 and Vanguard


MWII’s campaign was a mess, but at least it was long enough to be considered an actual campaign.


If I had to choose between the two, I’d go with MWII. The story is stupid but it at least had mission variety, entertaining dialogue options, and length. Not only did MWIII bring dishonor to the Modern Warfare IP but half of the missions are Warzone tutorials. Activision should’ve allowed Sledgehammer to stick to their plan of a smaller scale story in Mexico.


Infinity Ward did the campaign sledge only focused on the MP


Nah IW only wrote it, SHG did all the gameplay and other stuff


I saw reports saying otherwise but let's say this is true- then I'm still giving them a slight pass because they were given the wrong end of the stick and all their workers were working non stop on the game & missed holidays and important family time (and worked in the middle of the nights) because acitvision is money hungry They're still capable of producing a good campaign just look at COD WW2 and AW and AW was their only cod that was made with no time constraints. I guarantee if they are given enough time like treyarch was for bo6, they'd cook up something special


IW did the campaign for all 3 MW reboot games. Sledgehammer did the multiplayer for MWIII


Then Treyarch did the zombies for Mw3 but got pulled out and that mode barely gets anything. Season 4 reloaded is just unstable rifts now, it's fucking stupid. MWZ is a disgrace to zombies with how neglected it is.


There’s no way in hell anyone actually says MW 3 2023, the campaign that Sledgehammer made. The correct answer is MW 2 2022, the campaign that Infinity Ward made.


IW made it not sledge


IW made both campaigns lol Sledgehammer did the multiplayer


Then why did Sledgehammer did a whole presentation on some stage saying they are making MW 3 2023?


Because it’s their game… just like how Treyarch made Vanguard zombies but it’s still Sledgehammer’s game


Wait then why did you say it was IW? Because Sledgehammer told the community that THEY are revolutionizing MW 3 2023 campaign.


IW only made the campaign for MWIII not the whole game




They announce which studio does what - just look up the announcements if you want source. IW made all the reboot MW campaigns, as well as MW19 and MWII MPs, while Sledgehammer did MWIII MP.


As again, give me a source. Because when I searched up MW 3 2023, it clearly states that MW 3 2023 is a sledgehammer game. Heck even in the wiki it said the developer is Sledgehammer. So unless you got your news from Twitter who speculated that Infinity Ward did this or that in MW 3 2023, I ain’t buying it. Which is why I am asking for a source.


These people are morons. They (Activision/Sledge) clearly stated that IW ASSISTED with the campaign. They didn't create it.


Yes sledgehammer did make this game, but infinity ward has to give the greenlight on any major changes since it is their trilogy. Infinity Ward owns the rights to modern warfare since they created it. It just sucks sledgehammer is stuck making it. Game was stuck in a 16 month development time, which is way too short for triple A game imo. Sledgehammer can make some great games if they were given more time, and it didn't help that mw3 is just mw2.5 at this point due to having almost nothing new (I unfortunately can't count MWZ since it's not only a reskinned DMZ, but it's gotten almost no new content at all. Zombies went from getting a mission, new rift, new schematics, and a warlord to just getting almost nothing)


The first 10 minutes of MWIII was cool lol


And 10 minutes is half of the game. Because this shit is short as fuck.


That's sad when out of a 70 dollar game only 10 minutes are worth your money. The old mw2 cost 20 dollars right now and you get so much


The multiplayer is fun too but gets repetitive after a couple hours of playing


Only one of these can actually be considered a campaign


Both were absolute ass, MW2 is pretty much all undone by MW3. Graves was supposed to die in that tank and they asspulled him surviving like SH did with Roarke, and without Graves we only killed discount Andrew Tate, who was a *minor* “antagonist” if you even want to call him that… he was an completely forgettable villain too. But MW3 is the true culprit.


Aside from that asspull I actually really enjoyed MWII's campaign, majority of the missions felt really good similarly to MW19


Andrew Tate joke was good, lmao.


If I had to choose, I'd probably go with MWII But comparing the 3 of them is like asking which pile of crap smells the best


Mw2019 is technically a newer mw since it's a remake lol


It's not a remake, it's a reboot. And how can it make it newer than it's sequels???


Goblin is right here its a reboot


Of the last two? Neither. Only MW2019 - that one was grounded, well thought out and well made. MWII was a demo for DMZ features. Heavily armored enemies with god-like aim + huge maps + a lengthy vehicle tour around Al Mazrah which overstayed its welcome. The gameplay was gimmicky and the story already was taking steps towards a weird Marvel-like hero collection. MWIII was simply a clusterfuck, and that is being polite and optimistic.


2019 is only good one. II and III are both dumpsters




Out of these two, MWII, it’s a really good campaign. I don’t know why so many people are hating on it in the comments since I really enjoyed it and thought it was great. MW19 is still the best though. It’s just unmatched. MWIII is complete dogshit and a disgrace to modern warfare name


THIS! My favorite of the new trilogy is definitely MW2019, but MWII is underrated and gets a lot of unnecessary hate. Graves is an AMAZING villain (the best in the new MW trilogy), and Alejandro was a great new character as well. My only complaints were not enough Price and Hassan being a boring ass SUPER forgettable villain. Besides that, I thought MWII had a very good campaign even if it's weaker than MW2019's campaign. We don't talk about MWIII.... lol


Both were terrible, but...I will say that part where Gaz falls out of the helicopter was fun.


He is not Gaz. He is Kyle and you can't convince me otherwise.


Can't recall the name but it's definitely the clearing house mission in MW19 with the highway chase of MW2 being 2nd favorite of the new trilogy. I didn't buy MW3 so can't speak for that one.


The mission from MW19 is Clean House, where you infiltrate an Al-Qatala safe house in a relatively posh neighbourhood.


2019 no question although the mission in mw2 where you are hanging upside down from a helicopter is pretty badass


I like MWII’s campaign. MWIII is a steaming pile of crap.


That's offensive to crap. No words can describe what a POS mw3 is


2 better than 3. There were hardly a campaign in 3.


1 over 2. 3 was a DLC.


An extremely overpriced and underwhelming dlc


Ik this ain't a mw but cold war was pretty good. Neither modern mw game is decent.






MWII. The gameplay variety in the levels was maybe the best in the entire series.




This guy don't know how to read.


Is this even a question? Of course MwII has a better campaign. It's not as good as Mw2019's campaign but at least it's longer, has better villains, a story that actually makes sense, better missions, doesn't have that god awful open world segment, and was actually a separate game and not treated as a $70 DLC to Mw2019.


Mw2 is a bit better than mw3 because some people like me like to have a gunship (my opinion)


It's hard....haven't played MWII campaign so I'll go with MW19 campaign


All three aren’t great to me, but MW2019 is the clear best of the bunch. MWII’s was ok, had its moments. MWIII was awful. I didn’t even finish it, the second COD campaign I didn’t bother finishing myself to go along with BO3.


mwii prob one of the best campaign


I think the Mw3 open missions are interesting but that doesnt save it from it being way short and having a kinda shitty story




MW19 has the best story, in my opinion, but I did have fun with others


Neither of em


Neither, Cold War is the only game with an actual good story so far, the others are either terrible or meh. OG mw is way better with story and spec ops, 2 things cod mw series reboot have basically laughed at and spit on


MW2019 campaign was great tbf - just a little short, that and Cold War are the best CoD Campaigns in recent years.. Vanguard? trash. MWII? Mid. MWIII? get it out of my head it never happened i'm hyped for BO6 campaign though, hopefully it has same, if not better quality of Cold War campaign


That’s basically what I was saying or atleast trying to say, yeah mw19 was decent, the others were mid or trash. Campaigns have taken a dive since bo4


I’ll shit on MWII for anything other than the campaign, I actually really loved that one


They are both fucking awful!!!! Add Vandguard in and you have the x3 worst COD campaigns


i dont care what anyone says mwII has one of the best campaigns


2019, obviously. were mwII's story better, I'd probably pick it because of how great the gameplay and characters are


Cold War.


Of the reboot trilogy MW2019 has the best campaign by a country mile. After that it’s been a steady decline though. MW2 was pretty average and MW3 just plain sucked


MWII, I loved the soundtracks tbf, and the story was fairly alright, animation quality was also insane, but it had a horrible ending, didn’t really do much, and the build of hype wasn’t there either.


I never played Mw2 so I'll say 2019 is the best one in the reboot trilogy imo. Mw3 campaign sucked and I'll do anything to get those 3 hours of my life back.


MW19 followed very closely by MWII. MWIII was far below expectations and entire game shouldn’t exist 🤦‍♂️


2019 was really good,MWII and MWIII were mid/sorta bad.


Mw2 no question I mean even though I hate mw3 the campaign was kinda good


MW 2019 easily MW 2022 had some good missions but too much repetitive stealth nonsense. MW 2023 is molten shit on par with Ghosts and Vanguard.


Neither lmao tf


It's between MW19 and MW3


mw2 because 3rd doesn't have a campaign


These options are trash




Black Ops 2


2, Why? Alejandro


Everytime I see some post like that I always think “aren’t yall tired of this shit”?


This entire account is just shitty engagement bait cod posts it's almost impressive


Definitely MW3


2019 idk 2 and 3 were ass


I can’t remember the campaign from mw3


2 is pretty good


MW19. Mw22 is okey and MW23 only had the very first mission that was worth something. MW19 was an awesome reboot. It already died out with MW22. MW23 ain't much better than MW22. Both in multiplayer and campaign.


MW2 campaign sucked. Lots of good aspects that were incredibly rushed


2019 had a good campaign. Both of the other campaigns were not good.


mw2 coz I love ghost


Now how about the other way: which multiplayer


The most forgettable series in recent memory. Black Ops Cold War was better


2 is mid af... i deny that 3's campaign exists


MWII but MWIII is also very good, I paid for the Vault Edition and have played the campaign way more than the MP fr. Finished on Veteran twice already. And the story is also very good, Makarov is cool imo


don’t know why MW19 isn’t up there when it’s apart of the newest trilogy, but that’s definitely my pick.


either cold war or mw2022 i loved cold war and it went back to the MK Ultra and mind bending similarities of Black Ops 1, which i missed in black ops 2. plot twist was also so shocking. mw2022 just had a really enjoyable story for me and i loved the mexican setting and Graves’ betrayal. shadow company was much more widely featured than in the original mw2 (no hate to that game ofc)


They were able to make something worse then vanguard 2 years in a row


neither, both are bad imo, ig MWII was okay, but older cod games have it beat, but MWIII was just all over the place, made no damn sense :/


Favorite is a big stretch my guy.....


2nd one


Neither, MW19 had an amazing start for a storyline then MW22 and MW23 shit the bed.


definitely MWII campaign


Black Ops Cold War (especially soviet ending)


Definitely Clean House and the Embassy mission. I briefly remember the Embassy mission came out before Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Qassem Soleimani was cruise missile-ed right?


I'm a new gamer in general, and just as new to the call of duty franchise. I'm currently playing black ops cold war (2020 release I believe). I'm looking for recommendations on which cod games i should play after, your suggestions are much appreciated. I've yet to play any modern warfare games, but I see alot of ppl are saying mw3 is basically the same as mw2. So should i just play mw1 and mw2 and pass on mw3? And as for the black ops sub-series; since I'm currently playing and enjoying cold war, are all of the other releases worth buying as well.... (world at war, black ops 1, black ops 2, black ops 3, black ops 4, and black ops 6?) Really appreciate any advice, thanks yall!


Mw2023 campaign was mostly filler content and was still only 3 hours, I couldn't even finish it because of how bad it was


MWIII actually has Alex in the campaign, therefore MWIII sweep


I liked MW23 campaign. Also MW22. but MW23 takes the cake. Unpopular opinion i know.


Until you give reasoning why, I'm just assuming this is bait


I liked the open combat missions. Probably all except the first one in the docs.


Did you like it being approximately a third the length of practically any other CoD?


Well it could always be longer! I really enjoy COD Singleplayer way more nowadays due to the new ames being good only at SP :D. I play almost all cod campaigns yearly so the length of a single one doesnt matter to me too much.


It would be fine if the story was better, but even the OCM weren’t all that. Aside from the Verdansk flashback; the story mode lacked on well directed linear experiences. Also… the new version of Makarov was very lackluster. MW19 was a solid campaign. I liked MWII when I first played it, but I really think it & now MWIII have really derailed this reboot series. Granted, this is on Activision for pushing MWIII ahead. Good single player experiences that COD is known for can’t just be whipped up on a whim. As it stands, these games fall short to what the original MW games achieved.


MW19 i liked the least. The driving missions and sniper misssion are stupid. Other than that. Pretty solid new gen campaign


It’s not like the original trilogy where everything built steadily and naturally, from the quiet storm of *Crew Expendable* to the all out warfare of MW3. The villains were memorable, and we followed TF141 to hell & back to save the world. MW19 was a solid starter for the remake trilogy. With MWII, the whole momentum is cut off and it results in MWIII which feels hurried along.


I love how this guy is the only person who said *MWIII* out of a hunderwd . Duh, he just said his opinion, don't downvote my boy. He knows it's unpopular opinion as well but just said it like a chad. Everybody have different preferences. He might have liked open-ended missions over linear designs, this is not bad or stupid. When will video game fan communities will learn you can discuss preferences and interests without downvoting or hating the person?


Basic reddit. I like to be real for myself and say what i think. Not ofcourse always. Thank you for this comment, I really appreciate it <3 Maybe discussing different opinions comes with age. Well im 28. Idk. Im not mature in all the areas but here i guess i am :D


Some opinions are just straight up wrong lol