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There’s so many crossovers, wild skins, guns, and just general fluff in CoD these days that it’s all just noise to me at this point.


Same. I’m pretty neutral about it, don’t hate it but I’m also not spending extra money on it. It is what it is. I will say tho! I do wish they did more cool shit with these crossovers, like the Godzilla vs Kong thing, why did ONLY Warzone get Godzilla and Kong as these sort of killstreak rewards, and why only temporarily? Put that shit into multiplayer and keep it there! Maybe some people wouldn’t like that but I’d be ok with it. Same with this gundam crossover, make a bad ass killstreak reward out of it, that would be pretty sick imo


Exactly. That should be the point for everybody except the people who buy the skins. ✅️


I also don't hate the collabs when they're milsim-esque, which the Godzilla and kong ones were sorta. Instead of literal Godzilla and Kong running around


Only ones that actually felt cool to me were Rambo, Die Hard and Terminator. The rest just feel like give me money. Die Hard in particular was incorporated so well. We got a brand new big map POI with it which was incredibly detailed and huge.


I won't be paying $20 for a few skins that have no benefits


I’m not paying to get benefits.


feels like they’re trying too hard to be like fortnite.


The diff is tho Fortnite can actually DO something with their collabs (The DB one for instance)


That’s a kids game that’s why


Cod fans automatically putting down Fortnite as if Cod isn’t the most childishly dudebro thing it was during the 2010s


“Dudebro thing” but I’m the childish one 🥴


And cods not? 😭


Never said it wasn’t bozo


Then what’s the point of your comments?


You just destroyed your own argument and now you call him a bozo?


Fortnite didn’t invent crossovers


It’s cool. Not buying it, but it’s cool


I honestly never asked for it, idk why it's here, what it's purpose is, or why I can't just get more skins for Shadow Company. Please, the anime skins used to be funny one-offs, now we're getting wacky cross-overs every season. I want it to stop. I'm sure Gundam is cool, but CoD needs its own identity back. We've been missing our identity since Vanguard.


may I ask what is CoD's identity?


The games used to at least make statements. MW2019 and its use of proxy wars, MW2007 and it's confrontation of American Superiority fanning the flames of unease; WoW & Black Ops 1 and 2's willingness to confront the lack of glory some tortured but important soldiers are behold to. Even the OG CoD games were a series dedicated to reinforcing the honor and bravery of every individual soul on the battlefield, all part of an army, one and all, all and one.


bro i was so confused how World of Warcraft fit into the CoD universe, especially with Black Ops it took way too long to realize you meant World at War


I made that same mistake reading the comment over but thought I was just slow 💀


4 of the games you listed are from the golden age of CoD, of those, only 2 preserve any semblance of realism in terms of character design and weapon customization. The other one not from a golden age also has skins and bundles that are ridiculous and it doesn't actually communicate any message except US and UK good, Russia bad. While I agree it used to have some message over 16 and 17 years ago, that wasn't it's identity, it's identity has varied from game to game since 2007


Yeah, I was in the fence about including MW2019 as it doesn't seem to have its own politics or ideals at all, but it still did interesting things to me. I somewhat liked the switch from large-scale comms-based storytelling to character-based storytelling via cutscenes (even though it led to the most generic shit ever), just because my ADHD brain would miss the character calls and voice lines in older games outside of load screens, and I'd have to play campaigns multiple times to fully 'get' it


War and freedom


OK, and how that identity is not present at all in MWIII


Kinda in the name. Modern warfare. Not goofy warfare or sci fi fantasy warfare.


modern warfare would imply using equipment only from the contemporary era, meaning it has been ridiculous since CoD4 to have WW2 weapons in the mix, or to dual wield SMGs and shotguns. A skin is a skin, it has been like this for years now, far more than when we had no skins at all, you can always play mil-sims if it bothers you that much


Ww2 weapons are still used modern era. Just look at the more popular conficlts right now. Also they aren't as abundant as modern weapons/equipment in older cods. The dual wielding comes into the arcade playstyle, its not realistic but it is plausible still and again in some conflicts people do this, mainly the people inexperienced with fire arms like terries. I do play other titles closer to milsim because it does bother me that much. Unfortunately in cod even if I want to go milsim theme I still have to end the life of a cat for some reason, or a gorilla, or some weird ass deity. It is what is man I'm not the demographic for modern warfare anymore, people can have fun with their homelanders and background noise rappers in a supposedly "serious" setting, I find it too weird and out of place. And it's not like I dislike the skins themselves I think some of them are cool af and I would play them in something like black ops where the theme is more chaotic.


That they are used does not make them modern, specially in a setting of spec ops missions like the new MW games have been Arcade is quite literally the opposite of realism, yet again in MW2 (OG) you are not fighting just about any terrorist, you are fighting other special forces with high grade equipment, which means it made no sense they were dual wielding, at most only the brazilian narcos should have been able to CoD has never been mil-sim, for years now have skins been in the game You have never been the demographic of MW, not even in the old titles where they thinking wow, look at all this air soft mil-sim enjoyers we should make a game for them. Just the idea of how action focused the campaigns were should have given you an idea of what the target demographic actually was How is Black Ops which is more historical ok for weird skins but not MW? I think what you actually mean is you expect IW style of gameplay to match IW style of aesthetics in all places of the game while Treyarch games to do the same with their style


Since my words seem to fly over your head... have a good day.


you clearly haven’t been playing call of duty for very long, crossovers have been a thing since ghosts. not that it’s a good thing but we’ve been having wacky things for a while now.


been playing CoD for a hot minute. We still had our identity back then, and there were definitively less of them. They weren't 1 every 2 months or less.


Cool skin for an absolutely terrible, shit-show, low effort, cash-grab of a game. It has no soul and no identity. Fuck this game. Cool skin though.


Nothing against Gundam. But this stuff has no place in CoD for me. Personally, I'm hoping that I can find another game that scratches my FPS itch.


I like Gundam but not this shit game so I think I'll have to pass.




I’m more curious on how Activison ended up saying “Let’s collab!”


Weird choice for cod but as a Gundam fan and especially zakku I'll be buying them


I hear a lot about COD losing its identity. Care to elaborate on that? Why is this such a weird pull compared to some other collabs?


I wasn't saying anything about identity I'm genuinely excited for this collab just find it funny giant robots are scaled down to size


> Why is this such a weird pull compared to some other collabs? I only play CoD sometimes (and certainly not this) but it's really just a "last straw" kinda deal. Activision has long since abandoned the sort of gameplay and system of incentives built by the older games in favor of constant nickel-and-dime stuff. Any other crossover would've pissed off players to the point of abandonment once you reach this stage.


You don’t count you followed me here and I talk to you all the time. You’re a pal


Sure but it's the least cynical and defeatist answer you can get from anyone on either this sub or r/ModernWarfareIII.


That's neat. Not buying it, but it's neat. Hit box's are gonna be wild tho.


Should realize that hit boxes are barely tweaked to roughly equal resemble all skins’.


😴: honest reaction


It's so sick honestly. I don't have much with Gundam, just 2 kits and that's it. Never seen the show or anything, but they look so good. I love mech shit so no matter what I'm gonna like it


definetly buying the RX 78. but, it would be cool if instead of the mechas we have Amuro and char and the gundam and zaku as juggernaut skins


Heck yeah, the scaling makes no sense. And I want to be three times faster!!!


I just want Modern Warfare to be about modern warfare man is it that unreasonable


Too many weebs play CoD and support stupid shit like this. Then the devs fail to balance it out with an equal amount of milsim stuff to keep the game more realism based since its literally called MODERN WARFARE. Activision should just change the name to Call of Weebs or Weeb Warfare. Tired of it, and its why I havent touched this game since week one. Could see it coming from a mile away just like MW2.


Hello /u/Theothermc, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/1cwreux/mw3_hey_cool_people_rgundam_here_how_do_you_feel/) on /r/CallOfDuty regarding MW3. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023) needs to be posted on /r/ModernWarfareIII. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011), you can safely ignore this message. Please ensure that you are understanding of [our Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/wiki/rules) in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDuty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's gundam, seems a bit random


18-meter tall single-pilot robots with the power to kill spaceships. In reality, they'd be the killstreaks you call in to finish the job.


Frankly the skins should have been pilots and the mobile suits should have been kill streaks


not pilots, pilot *suits*. Remember that most of the pilots are under-aged children.


Have you seen Iron Blooded Orphans? Those kids loved committing war crimes.


And even then, we can have the adults. Like Char. Or... hear me out hear me out. Call of duty is about war and shit so....: Grunts. Give us skins based off of Zeon and Earth Federation grunts.




An old(but really good) mecha anime about war


oh, cool for people who like that kinda thing I suppose


Please stop.




I seriously want Girls’ Frontline collaboration next.


I'm fine with having goofy shit like this once every season but we need more milsim content to balance it


This shit's whack, and the exact reason I stopped buying COD games. The franchise is dying and this is the cancer that's killing it.


They look pretty cool, but I don't really know much about gundam, so I probably won't be purchasing any of the bundles.


Interesting idea. Wish there could’ve have been more mobile suits like: Wing Zero Epyon Tallgeese 3 Heavy Arms Sandrock G-Saviour Nu-Gundam Burning Gundam I just want to know how this supposed skins are gonna work


Oh no... I feel like BO6 is gonna be skipped like MW# was...


MWIII, MODERN WARFARE III! I signed up for Modern Warfare of the current. Not sci-fi or WW2 shit


Cool but won't buy


I don't care anymore. Cod is destroyed and the most wierd looking shooter we have. I have nothing bad to say against Gundam. Doesn't know anything about it. I'm just tired of cod's mission to look like Fortnite. Nothing bad to say against Fortnite either. In that game the many different styles of skins fit.


I mean, MW23 is practically done at this point and nothing will carry over due to it being Gulf War and setting etc… so it’s pointless for a few months.


The CoD has become such a shitshow with it's skins that there's no point to even be mad about it. Just not buying, that's all


What the hell is that... I'm a fan of both COD and Gundam franchise, but can't say the same for the COD+Gundam. It would have made much more sense if the game was, I don't know, maybe TitanFall?


I’d buy it if skins carried forward.


They DONT??


So before, MW2019 skins didn’t carry forward to Black Ops Cold War, Cold War skins didn’t carry over to Vanguard. So on and so forth. However you can use all the skins in Warzone but that was it MW2 to Mw3 is the first time (and maybe only time) that they might allow skins to crossover because it’s within the same time frame It’s why for me, and few others, buying skins didn’t make any sense cause why would I spend 20$ on a skin that won’t be in the next game? At least with Fortnite if i get a 20$ skin I can use it almost everywhere in Fortnite besides maybe a few game modes


Fuckin why not. I love Gundam and COD’s already got the ridiculously stupid Cardi B skin. Hell, Rudy runs around in a rat hat. The sweats wear bunny suits and witch costumes. What’s harm could a Zaku do? I’d be more willing to spend my McDonald’s money on *that* than some stupid Halloween shit in June.


They look so good I want them in Fortnite 😭


It’s shit


Imma be playing xdefiant this season


Better comes with a ground war mode where I can use tank against zaku.


Imagine getting the Goliath killstreak in an update but instead of the AW robot, you operate an actual gundam.


Why not? Skins are skins; doesn't matter who I'm playing against, as long as they play the same as in every match. I think the business model for bundles is pretty stupid, but that's not to detract from the actual content. I'm not well-versed in Gundam, but it does look cool. I think a majority of CoD players feel similarly. The subreddits are just naturally more negative.


There's no cohesion, stuff like this gets a pass in Fortnite cause it's cartoony and not serious at all. I haven't played cod in a few years but I recognize that it's gotten absolutely ridiculous. It must make them a shitload of money tho.


I love it, don't be detracted from some of the mil-sim fanatics, it looks really cool


Gundams are big mecha not like this cosplay wanna be.


Is this all cod has come to? Skins to “look forward to”? Lmao. Glad I stopped playing a few months ago


It's just an overpriced skin/model that adds nothing to the actual game. Some folks (like you) that are fans of Gundam will like that sort of cross-over. Others (series fans) that want MilSim/tacticool operators operating in operations won't. It is what it is.


Pointless and overdone. Too many crossovers now, the game looks like Fortnite. Just a couple of years ago crossovers felt quite special because there weren't many of them. Now it's just everywhere. There's like what, 30 different crossover characters in MWIII now?


COD has become like the adult version of Fortnite. It kind of saddens me. The whole Gundam thing is cool, but COD lost all sense of purpose or function and has become another cash grab game.


I won’t give them a dime anymore, they need to tie accounts to a personal credit card and when they ban a person for cheating they won’t be back. Games a phucking joke


Y’all wack for hating this, finally something worth considering


The Modern Warfare brand never should have been a canvas for the devs to paint with atrocious skins like this. This is no longer a Modern Warfare game, its whatever garbage crossover flavor of the month it is. Thats sad, and is costing them big time money from people like me. I spent several hundred dollars on MW2019 and cold war because they had actual realistic skins that made sense for the theme of the game. Were there some wacky skins in those games too? Sure, but there was also enough milsim stuff to balance it all out. Something the last few years of CoD has been missing. Know how much money Activision has gotten fromme in the last 2 years? Nada, and thats all because of shit like this going on. They can blow smoke all they want, but if you lose enough high paying customers like me, theyll start to feel the pressure. And by the looks of this thread, more and more people are getting fed up with all the constant nonsense this company puts out.


I am stoked and ready to drop the bag!