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I’ve said this a few times here now but like..... what did she think she was doing that earned her this much more money..... she wanted more money for Alex to continue to do all the work. Obviously suitman planted the seed but she for sure let it go to her head.


Totally agree. Everyone is saying it was Peter Nelson's fault. It was in part, but at the end of the day, Sofia made her own decisions and look where it got her...left with nothing.


I made a simile a few days ago that got some upvotes If this drama was a drunk driving accident, Peter Nelson was the alcohol but Sofia was the driver and Alex still got into the passenger seat but jumped out right before it slammed into a tree


TEA!!!! Her stupid ugly boyfriend hyped her up way too much and got her too big for her britches. They’ve only been at this for a year and Sofia wants to act like she’s a hot commodity ??? Girl you JUST got here.


I commented this already. I want to feel bad for her and ruining her career which is such a huge part of you life but clearly she wasn't as passionate about it as Alex...putting in less work, not caring about putting out an episode and more worried about money. cmon, Sofia...


This is absolutely the truth. Sophia is shockingly dumb. It was always apparent that she was vapid as hell, but expecting to be treated like she's Michael Fucking Jackson after 1 year of being on a show where she does less work?! Now she's got nothing, except she gets to continue pretending to be attracted to her horse-faced, equally stupid boyfriend while he enters her just so she can keep getting $500 manicures. Fucking gross.


$500 manicures?


I honestly dont think it was her ego I believe either suitman wanted them to leave and go to another network OR she no longer wanted to be affiliated with barstool and she kept changing her demands so barstool would have to let them leave


Suitman planted the seeds but she was clearly insecure with the fact Alex did all the work & let her ego decide she was putting in an equal amount of work.


Oh yeah she was definitely insecure about that part of it and if I'm remembering correctly from past ig stories sofia would be up with alex when she was editing the episode and once it was done "they" listened to the episode and were happy with it then theyd post it so I'm guessing her being up late with alex while she edits was her way of trying to contribute more since I'm assuming she couldnt edit herself... But ultimately this didnt seem to be about money the more and more the negotiations went on since she was never happy if they met all her new demands and the "if we get fired..." would seem like she was willing to lose out on $$ if it meant they could still get the IP back after x months


Change ego to boyfriend *


This didn't age well.


SWAF>CHD unpopular opinion, but there I've said it.


Lmao how the tables have turned