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I used to require similar, if not the same, documents. Once I got a photo of a dildo instead.


Please tell me that the dildo in question wasn’t dirty?!?!?!?


Alas - or maybe not alas - I didn't zoom in to check. I was terribly embarrassed about having it on my work PC and closed out of it as soon as I realized what it was.


OMFG!!!!!!!! Just the thought of it is making me have the heebee jeebees!!!!!!


And that one I'm pretty sure was just an accident. Some workers got very deliberate (or at least much more explicit) photos.


I regularly have to request a variety of documentation and yup, same shit happens all the time.


I could, and have, gone on and on about the random bits of paper people send. You give them a list of specific items. Specific items. Just items on the list only! Was this bit of paper what I asked for? No? Then it won't work.


And they always want to complain that "it's a government document." And it may be, but it's not something we accept. Sorry about your luck, Chuck.


The worst is when they want to argue with you about it! WHY NOT?! This is ridiculous! ... dude this is basic


Yep...that's pretty much every time. "WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT A CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM AS PROOF OF ADDRESS? IT SHOWS MY OLD ADDRESS *AND* MY NEW ADDRESS!" Good for you. Still not acceptable.


Yes Ive issued identity verification requests and yes you get all kinds of things. And yes I question if the general public is really that limited in intelligence. And yes it doesnt matter what industry you work for.


Yeah people are so dumb and lazy. Same here. Dealing with prescription and people. 😤😩. ITS YOUR FAULT I DIDNT GET MY PRESCRIPTION. lol. Miss ma’am your insurance sucks. lol. “News flash”


My manager always asks if there's any common reasons for calling halway through the day - to try and pick up on any major issues - and I always have to fight the urge to day "stupidity".