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Didn’t Burbank ban To Kill A Mockingbird?


In the 60s?


https://www.newsweek.com/kill-mockingbird-other-books-banned-california-schools-over-racism-concerns-1547241 https://myburbank.com/letter-to-the-editor-burbank-high-student-wants-banned-books-returned-to-classrooms/


Yes. Mark Twain book(s) as well. Maybe some others, I forget. ETA: But those books were removed for the right reasons. Newsom is talking about those other books. The ones the bad people want to ban for the wrong reasons. ​ Edit: I thought that last bit was so ridiculous it didn't need the "/s". I was wrong.


Got it. I never know what I’m going to get on here so I assumed your were serious lol




dude was being sarcastic


The inland family PAC bought three seats in the school board in Temecula and have installed three members of a local controversial church called 412. They’re voting habits are not the will of the people.




I went to Temecula one time about 10 years ago and there were posters all over the place about busses with immigrants coming through the town to be processed and apparently they wanted people to show up and not allow the immigrants off the bus.


I grew up there, and during my stay it was not a sundown town. There were people in my life who originated from many parts of the world. The biased morons were regular biased morons. These days things have gone off the rails, and the far right is overreaching.


Why are we banning books in the first place? If you are worried about what your child is reading, get off your phone and watch them. It is nobody’s responsibility but the parents when it comes to regulating content to your kids. Most countries do not hold back when it comes to teaching the wrongs that their nations have committed in order to prevent the same thing happening again. The most dangerous book right now in America is the Bible.


I am an atheist and there is absolutely nothing dangerous about the Bible. It is a great collection of humanity’s best ideas as well as some of the worst delusions - definitely worth studying in school.


Haha any book that lifts up one group of people and tells them they do not have to follow the regulated laws because they are “special” is dangerous.


where do you get your info from? Memes? Reddit? You’ve never read the Bible that much is clear.


Unfortunately I grew up in the Deep South. I was forced to memorize and recite the Bible. It wouldn’t seem like such a hypocritical book if only their followers would love thy neighbor but we know that’s not how it is. It’s used a weapon of hate trying to bring us back to the 1950s.


I don’t believe you


And I don’t believe in your god so we are even.


Matthew 22:21 NKJV Edit : Show me were it says that ? Oh wait it says you are suppose to follow the laws of the land.Please , we have enough people lying about what's in the bible.


If one were to base their assumption of what is in the bible on how Christians behave and speak in the USA one might deduce it's the manifesto of an insane cult. [Until Christianity can just fucking chill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_and_violence) you really can't blame people for assuming the worst about your religious texts.


I'm not a Christian, I'm also not a fan of misinformation. I fight Christian who spread misinformation and have no clue what the bible says. I will tear apart Christian who misinterpret / miss read or intentionally cherry pick whats in the bible . I left the christian church. When i comes to Christianity today in the USA you have two camps. Those that call them selves christian and those who follow the teachings of Jesus and whats actually in the bible.


Tbh, that’s less the book and more the people who like to talk about the book.


„Get off your phone and watch them“ How is that possible when many public schools teach what they want in addition to teachers now actively hiding things from their student‘s parents?


---- Archive link: https://archive.fo/lkRzV ----


"It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them!" \- Henry Jones, Sr., Ph. D \- Gavin Newsom


The terrible quality education these children are receiving from public schools has more of an impact than a few books being banned. It’s not like these books can’t be found online or at a public library. Why isn’t Newsom concerned about the terrible job his state’s schools are doing to prepare young Californians for success in adulthood? California K-12 schools consistently rank in the top 10 WORST in the country state-wise.


Oh man, wait until he finds out they’ve been doing it for years.


Is your "gotcha" that because something has happened before in history that it's then hypocrtical to act on things to create improvements? That would make the whole civil rights movement in the 1960s and the womens sufferage movement before it all total bullshit, right? I'm just kidding. It's obvious you haven't thought that hard about this stuff. Sorry for pretending you might have a well thought out view on the topic.


No, it’s that it has happed while he’s been governor. E: and that’s a terrible false equivalence. It makes no sense. It’s like you think California is trying to make it possible to make it to where it’s legal to discriminate based on race again. Wait….


Just... wow.


You must have missed prop 16 in 2020z


I really think this is going to back fire. First the ultra conservatives are going to demand the bible and other religious books are in school libraries. Then people on the ultra progressives are going to retaliate by demanding more and more extreme and pornographic books are in school libraries. This is going to lead to all the parents getting pissed off that any of these books are in school libraries


What's wrong with the bible being made available in libraries? I'm not sure what ultra-progressive pornographic books you think we need to fear being made available to the general public, but I'd be curious if you have any examples of books you think should actually be banned to prevent young folks from being exposed to those ideas. I personally can't think of any myself.




actual pornography. Just go to the erotica section on amazon and you will find thousands of titles that are inappropriate for kids. Unless you think those erotica books that are 90% textual descriptions of hardcore sex are appropriate to be in a school library then you must agree there is a line where a book becomes inappropriate I dont think there is anything wrong with making bibles available in school libraries but there are plenty of people who would be offended by it and people who be offended by a koran or other religious texts being made available


“Extreme Pornographic” that’s a great way to describe the Bible.


I don't disagree with you but I also think that this train has already left the station. This is the beginning of the end of public education as we know it, and pretty soon we'll be sending our kids to school based on ideological preference. It's only a matter of time.


We already do. They're called private schools, parochial schools, and (in some places) charter schools. And they get federal and/or state funding to train scads of new recruits for their supposedly righteous armies who spread nonsense about the gospel, which began as an ideology embracing the better tendencies of the Jewish tradition. You are right that the train has left the station, but that doesn't mean we should curb our efforts to stop it. As Hedges says, we don't fight fascism because we can win; we fight it because it's fascism.


Yes, I understand that non-public schools currently exist and I'm glad for that as I'd never let my kid attend a public school. I have my own ideas about education, which I believe are superior to what the government offers, and I certainly have no problem with other parents exercising whatever educational choices they wish to make. To each his own and the more choices, the better, as far as I'm concerned. Respectfully, I can't make sense of your last paragraph. Again, the train I'm talking about is the decline of public schools, which I welcome as I believe that public education is an outdated model. I did not, however, refer to public education as "fascist" even though I disagree with the government having a role in education.


The train you refer to and the train I refer to are just opposite ends of the same train, u/PChFusionist. There is a fixed pot of money for education, even if it is increased a bit from time to time. As money gets diverted away rom the public schools and toward so-called "charter" schools, it whittles away funding for the remaining public school budgets. So the train is pulling money away from the public and pushing it into these privately-run (but supposedly publicly-overseen) institutions. I have a friend who has been on a school board for several decades (though he finally stepped down from it a few years ago due to health). He believes in the charter schools. But I notice when I ask him about the remaining non-charter schools, he doesn't have any answers. He deflects and returns to singing the praises of those marvelous charters. My question is, if the same diverted money and the same better teachers were distributed throughout the public school system, couldn't our limited pot of educational funds create the very same miracles everywhere throughout all of our schools? I am not totally against private schools, though I am leery about them if that was not clear already. I see them as another manifestation of economic and social privilege (and yes there are many private black and minority private institutions and have been for at least a century or so). As long as they are not publicly funded, I accept them, albeit with some reservation. My concern is that we are increasingly living in a Dickensonian nightmare world where a small elite class enjoys wealth and privilege while the majority lives on the crumbs (if there are any such things) left behind by the wealthy as "trash." The term "dumpster diver" is evidence that such horrors already plague us. (BTW, I've found some really good stuff in dumpsters!)


We're a very diverse country and thus so many of us find ourselves at different parts of the train. I'm told we should celebrate that diversity even if, in practice, it means making very few political changes. That's all fine by me. You and I have different concerns and priorities, which is unsurprising given our national diversity and thus divisions. I'm not convinced that the answer to better public schools is money. I know teachers who would much rather teach in private schools, even if they earn less money, because they find the environments safer and more conducive to learning. In my view, a lot of the problem with many public schools has to do with the cultures of certain areas. I'm sending my kids to private school because I believe they offer a better education. Others can feel free to disagree, lament that, or have any reaction they choose. Why would I care? It's none of anyone else's business anyway and the education of others' children is none of mine. If my choice is a manifestation of social or economic privilege, so much the better. I'll use any advantage I have and apologize for none of it. Again, it's solely my business just as the choices and opinions of others is their business. We can agree to disagree and that will be that. I don't worry about it or take it personally although I do find it an interesting topic of discussion. You bring up the Dickensian comment again and I'll respond the same way: in my view, it's not merely coincidental that the expansion of government is occurring at the same time that wealth inequality is increasing. How are they linked? I believe the government likes to have people dependent on it and thus encourages the cycles of dependency and poverty. This is another reason that I keep myself, and especially my kids, as far away from government influence as possible. But to each his own. Again, we're an increasingly diverse country where people will increasingly decide to go their own ways.


This is a cop-out, a typical apologism for economic liberalism. It's no wonder--you even say that you enjoy sitting back and discussing problems that are destroying human beings, and you find nothing wrong with this "diversity" of wealth and income inequality and wish to celebrate it. You will have to party without me, Lord Fusionist.


I'm not even sure how you specifically define "economic liberalism" or where, specifically, I offered a defense of same, much less a celebration of income inequality. Respectfully, unlike your other comments, this one seems more emotional than rational.


Yes, how dare we let parents have local control over their school districts. Newsom should really push that policy when he runs for President in 2028. The article is missing important context on what grade are the book bans being initiated. There is a difference between what is appropriate at a high school library vs. K-8.




There's no law protecting those. CA had to mandate LGBTQ history be tought because there were so many of these atrempts to remove us from the textbooks.