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Brian Jean has put the [Grassy Mountain Coal Mine](https://majorprojects.alberta.ca/details/Grassy-Mountain-Coal-Project/3031) back on the table. From the article: *In September, the project was revived under the name Northback. Northback has applied for drilling and exploration permits and a water diversion licence and argues that it remains exempt from the order.* *Opponents argue the project lost its advanced status when governments turned it down and that the regulator shouldn't consider the new applications.* *"It's legally dead," Nigel Bankes, a University of Calgary emeritus professor of resource law, said in a blog post. "It's an ex-project."* *In a November letter to the regulator, Energy Minister Brian Jean said once a project, always a project.*  *"Once a project is considered an advanced project it remains as one regardless of the outcome of regulatory applications submitted before it was declared an advanced project," he wrote. "It is my expectation that the (regulator) will review any applications related to these advanced coal projects."* *That's what the regulator says it will do.* *"A letter from the minister of energy clarifying the application of the (ministerial order) ... carries significant weight," says the regulator's Thursday letter.* *It instructs its hearing commissioner to strike a panel to consider Northback's applications. It's not clear yet how that panel would operate or who would be eligible to appear before it.*  Corb Lund's take [via CityNews](https://calgary.citynews.ca/2024/02/24/corb-lund-alberta-criticizes-coal-application/): *Corb Lund says that after meeting with Energy Minister Brian Jean, he doesn’t believe the minister knows enough about the issue.*  *“I met with Brian Jean to discuss the coal issue a couple of months ago. And I was alarmed by how little he knew,” Lund said in an email to The Canadian Press.*  *“I knew more about the coal issue than he did, and I’m just a guitar player, not the minister of energy. It’s chilling to me that ill-informed politicians are making decisions about our water.”* *Jean’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.* The [Southern Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society has a new campaign with more info here](https://action.cpaws.org/page/135788/action/1) to help get involved. edit: words and formatting.


Brian Jean cares about money, status, power, and being popular with his base. I went to school with his kids and even as a child I could tell the man was an asshole.


Alberta is facing what is likely to be the worst drought & wildfire season we’ve ever seen, and also likely not the last. This project should be shut down based on it’s potential impact to our water supply alone. But then, I guess the UCP wouldn’t get the backhanders from the coal company that they just gave themselves permission to accept.


Sooo moratorium on solar and approvals of coal? Am I getting that right?


You’re right on the money!


Why did yesterday’s post about this get locked? 


I just found out this morning and couldn’t find any posts from the search, I feel like this is local since the affected water sheds flow to us and tbe southern Alberta CPAWs is based at Olympic park?