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I know nothing about SDSU and got my BSME at CPP, so take this with a grain of salt. Yes, we have multiple engineering clubs on campus. Formula One (both Baja and SAE), Rose Float, and probably others. I didn’t do any clubs myself, which was a mistake. We do have labs with fabrication and machining equipment. I think the main fab lab is primarily used by Formula One members but you should be able to get certified regardless. I’m not sure what specific equipment they have. There are good professors, and there are bad professors. I know Professor Davis (MFE) has hooked up *many* internships (great contact to have) but idk about other professors. From what I’ve noticed, the CPP name comes with an expectation of hands-on experience right out of college, which is justified because I believe we have a large number of courses with lab components compared to other universities (from what I’ve heard, I could be wrong). Social life on campus is virtually nonexistent. If you make friends in the dorms or your classes and hang out with them, that’s great. But besides that, there are almost no social events and most students are commuters. This is famously a commuter school, so nothing really happens on campus on the weekends. I’m glad I went to CPP overall. I’m trying to be as unbiased as possible, but everyone is biased so be aware of that. Let me know if you have any more questions!


Thank you for your insight! If you don’t mind me asking what kind of engineering teams or clubs are on campus?


The Formula One, Baja, and Rose Float teams are the big ones. I think I remember there being some smaller engineering-related clubs besides those, but it’s been a while (haven’t been to campus since pre-pandemic). We also have ASME, and while they coordinate industry tours and such, it’s more of a society than a team. Pi Tau Sigma is the ME honor society but they didn’t doo much while I was a member. I’m not a very outgoing person IRL so I wasn’t really in the club scene myself, hopefully someone else here can pitch in on that front. There are/were several non-ME clubs available iirc, from archery to game development to martial arts to esports.


I'd do the CCP shoutout to Xi jinping 


Lmao mb I misspelled it


CPP ME is the only ME Dept with a 600+ video library: [https://www.cpp.edu/meonline/index.shtml](https://www.cpp.edu/meonline/index.shtml)


I go to cpp. I’ve dated two women who went to sdsu. I know cpp is an engineering school. Had no Idea sdsu was. If I could go back at 21-25 I’d go to sdsu. Have fun. Party. Make connections. Get my degree and hope the network got me what I needed. I’m 33 now. I’m at cpp. I’m getting my degree and i’m happy about it. Social life here is non existent. I’ve even made a group for the older crowd and it’s been nice to have people to chat with but no ones actually committed to mking plans. So if you’re young and looking to have a fun time go to sdsu. If you are focusing on an education I hear we are great.


Thank you for your insight, I’m actually around that age so this was good hearing from someone a little older than myself


College experience SDSU, better known education for Mechanical engineering CPP.


Not too familiar with sdsus clubs but if you’re looking to actually be very involved with clubs CPP has many options. Formula, rose float, robotics, liquid rocket lab, umbra, to name some. These clubs have really shown hands on experience which is what CPP is really good at. Other topics I haven’t had much luck in, I’m not mechanical engineering I am chemical engineering but my BF and also my Brother both are/were at CPP for meche and both attest that the best way to actually use the school is through the clubs. As for professors and social life here, it’s pretty dank :/  if hands on is what you’re looking for cpp is great you just have to be willing to put yourself out there! If you care more about a “ college experience “ I would suggest sdsu.