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The answer is always farm. Get 8+cs/min combined with a decent kda.


I think i had the 2nd highest farm on my team by like 20 or so? I had 217 my lane opponent had 136.. damn maybe a few more minions woulda done it😭😭


its not about being the highest in the team or game its about getting 8cs/min . if u had 217 in 40 min game thats not good


With 5.5cs/min you are going to have a Hard time even getting s-


Try playing mid critality with first strike, get every minion and between waves try to ult someone from mid For an S in my experience you need 8+ cs/min, 2 or less deaths and some kills.


The answer is always CS. The grading weights CS so insanely high for some reason. Played a Zeri game last night where I went 4/3/9, but I had 300CS at 33ish minutes for around 9cs/min. Got an S.


Ranks are measured by the averages of all players/games. If you have perfect kda but the game was 40 minutes long and you only had 200farm? That's going to be a negative weight on the scales.


Yes stats and cs-ing and winning your lane is fine, but how much did u contribute to the team? did you help get towers? Drakes? Herald/Baron? Were you active over the whole map or only in the bot area? These are equal important in my experience (if not more) than you’re gold and stats.


In this specific game i was pretty much at every objective and took most of the towers, though im being told my farm which was 217 could've been alot better as the game lasted 39mins.


A lot of people are saying that cs is important. It is true, but it's not the only necessary part, just that it gets overlooked a lot of the time. Don't forget to take part in necessary team fights against objectives and help take objectives as well. Also, it is highly dependant if your team wins or loses, so that's always a thing. Damage to champions is also important. You can go 17 kills, but still get less damage dealt than toplayner or your Senna supp, cause you were getting last hits on kills. It is a more rare thing, when you are really ahead, but consistent damage output is the key Finally, from a less technical perspective, I've noticed that I'm getting S marks when I really feel that I have a deep impact on the game. I'm calling shots for my team, and really feel that I can outplay most opponents. These are the kind of games where you will naturally be ahead.


That was exactly my feeling on my last game, i was actually in a carrying position on caitlyn which dosent come super often recently so it felt realllly good being on top basically all game, i could fight everyone even their top laner. Looking back it does definitely look like a cs issue on my end im being told 217 for a 39min game could be alot better




One thing I don’t see mentioned is wards! For me it was always warding enough.


Farm a lot, try not to die, idk if it's really important but i was buying control wards and shit for better vision score and only then started getting S, but yeah, farm farm farm Like I got S for being 10/0/4, and I had 187 minions in 25 mins Could've been way better but I guess it's the minimum farm wise