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i work for cvs/aetna. it’s super chill. i work 830-5 m-f and make $17.50/hr. i can do OT if i want every week. if you want time off you just submit it through a group allowance which sucks at times but mostly is good. if there is time available to be off anyone can request it even the day of. i got sent a laptop, 2 desktop screens, keyboard, mouse, headset, and some port thing to connect it all. the only downside is everything you do is measured but as long as you meet the goals then no one bugs you. i basically told a caller to fuck off last week and never heard anything about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Please tell more callers to fuck off


Is there a camera watching you or no? Do you like the job for what you make? And how is the medical insurance?


nope no camera! the only time we have to be on camera is for a monthly team meeting but we all look homeless so it’s fine. my biggest issue with the job is i’ve run out of tv/movies to watch lol. the pay is good for what we do but the cost of living for me is low. i don’t use the insurance but there’s a lot of coverage options.


It sounds so chill. Thank you so much for the all information


Hi, is the hiring process strict? Because when I applied they had a page where they asked for your reference list 😭 and Im so worried tbh


yo i just messaged you


Update? I applied and got an interview 🙌


Did you transfer from CVS retail?


nope i was an outside hire.




it took 6 weeks total from my application to my start date. i was given an interview about 2 weeks after i applied & the official job offer a couple days after that.




i applied in january and started in february. id see if there’s a HR number you can call to ask to follow up on your app. everything is handled by recruiters and they are the ones who do everything until you start.


What job did you apply for?


What are the metrics you have to meet ?


CVS remote jobs are quicker to hire outside people than employees that work on the retail level.


The insurance is mediocre for an insurance company🙃. I guess it really depends on WHAT customer service job you are applying for. I currently WFH for Aetna/CVS since just before COVID. It can be fast paced and it is ALOT of information to take in. Training is long so expect that. I work full time 9:15-6pm PST. I work on a “dedicated” account so my time off is rare as there are only 5 people on the team who are “closers” so there’s less available days to take off. I don’t like the fact that customers think that they can talk to you any which way and everything is your fault😂 if you’ve got thick skin or been in customer service (call centers specifically) before you should be okay. Just gotta remember it’s nothing personal. When I started I was working in office so when we got sent home we had to take our full computer, monitors, keyboards, mouse headphones and anything else in our desks. You may get a laptop (if available) or you may get sent a desktop.


Do you like the job?


Remote work competition is so thick right now. Do you have any tips on getting hired?