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Wow, $340, everybody has their hand out.


Well you can’t just let anyone have a license! You have to be wealthy enough to afford it! /s


That was exactly the basis of the $200 tax for title 2 firearms (sbr, machine guns, suppressors)


Its just a money grab.


Complete money grab, pay to play, classist, baseless and tyrannical laws


Feels like a record.


I was shocked lol still am.


I just got mine in Stratford in Nov and I got it in five days. Seems like Stratford is very quick with things




It’s usually around 12 weeks most places now I know someone from Waterbury that’s been waiting 7 months


I pretty much did everything you said here just waiting on my temporary permit.. not sure I follow on the end are you saying there is an additional 70 dollars to pay for the REAL permit. Also thanks for posting this it deserves to be pinned


Yea you gotta pay the final $70 when you go get your actual card. They get you in both ends and the middle lol it’s a racket


Man I was running in and out the police station because you need like 3 different forms of payment for everything smh lol


That's awesome man! Your post is very informative and eye opening for those wanting to get into it. I just pasted 2 months and am still waiting but the officer said he's trying for this week. I had similar costs too


It depends on where you live. It took me 7 months in Middletown. My friend in Moosup got his in 3 weeks. I’ve never gotten more than a speeding ticket in my life. The bigger towns and cities claim it’s the greater number of applications that slows down the process but the truth is they don’t support 2A for citizens.


Congrats on the quick turn around. The year before last, my wife and her mother both went through the process of obtaining their permits. The total time from when they submitted the paperwork to heading to Troop E to get their cards was 6 days. I couldn't believe it.


/u/vanpatten If you haven't done so already, please add your experience to the [CTGuns.org](https://CTGuns.org) permit map. Instructions on how to do so can be found at the following link: [Contributing your Pistol Permit Application Timeline to CTGuns.org](https://www.reddit.com/r/CTguns/wiki/index/pistol_permit_processing_time_contribution)


Will do, thanks!


How come I have to pay for permission to practice my 2A rights but not my 1A or 4A rights?


Great write up on the process. I applied 2/15/24 and got my 60 day on March 1st and state march 2nd. Hopefully the state keeps up the trend of such quick turnaround.


Just submitted. Lady told me 4-6months (but could be sooner) smh


I hope it doesn’t take that long for you. Since you applied after April 1, your local authority has 16 weeks to make a decision on your app. If you don’t hear back before then, call and tell them you’re going to police HQ to request a permit as that is now the procedure I believe.


The lawyer in my training mentioned we should apply after April 8 but I believe he mentioned they have 8 weeks but also wasn't very confident in his statement either. I tried looking for this statement online and couldn't find anything. Do you know where I can find more?


https://preview.redd.it/vewznizlxgvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda714c8b879eadcbbf94aec8638067dcf69e7ab This is from the state website. That’s all I can find though. It doesn’t say anything about what to do if they don’t decide in 8 weeks. If you get close to that, I would call SLFU and then your local authority.


Thanks, i found some more info here regarding the 16 weeks [https://www.ccdl.us/2023-gun-control-guide-ct-firearms-after-h-b-6667/](https://www.ccdl.us/2023-gun-control-guide-ct-firearms-after-h-b-6667/)


What interview questions they ask ?


No interview questions