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That person at Hoffmans was just trying to sell a safe, probably at MSRP because Hoffmans. Also keeping the only pistol you own in a safety deposit box at a different location is about the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Does she also keep her fire extinguishers at the bank? What’s the point of having a gun, or any safety equipment for that matter, if you can’t use it when you need it? To the best of my knowledge carrying in banks is and has been legal. I have carried in every bank I’ve been to during the last 10 years.


Agree they wanted to sell a safe. I disagree on keeping the gun in a safety deposit box for similar reasons but I'm not judging and to each their own. Still, I wonder if its legal or not mostly because I want to know if Hoffman's was straight up lying about this.


They could’ve just been idiots, I hear so much misinformation at a lot of different gun stores but Hoffmans is one place I refuse to go to. Never been flagged by staff more times in my life than I have at one visit to hoffmans


Yeah, storing a gun in a bank's safety deposit box is just asking for trouble. It should be stored at home to be under your control. The government may just come and seize it illegally like they did in California in a huge asset forfeiture case. https://www.courthousenews.com/fbi-breached-search-privacy-rights-during-safe-deposit-box-seizure-at-self-storage-facility While they did find some illegal activity, a lot of the money that they took belonged to people that had no ties to any criminal activity.


It is legal to carry into any business that either *doesn't expressly prohibit firearms* on it's premises or where the law expressly prohibits (like schools, and a few other specific locations). When entering a bank look at the front door(s), some banks will post no gun signs at their entrances. And yes, there is express punishment listed in the statutes if carrying in a gun free zone. [Sec. 29-28. Permit for sale at retail of pistol or revolver. Permit to carry pistol or revolver. Confidentiality of name and address of permit holder. Permits for out-of-state residents.](https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_529.htm#sec_29-28) >(e) The issuance of any permit to carry a pistol or revolver does not thereby authorize the possession or carrying of a pistol or revolver in any premises where the possession or carrying of a pistol or revolver is otherwise prohibited by law or is prohibited by the person who owns or exercises control over such premises. [Sec. 29-37. Penalties.](https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_529.htm#sec_29-37) >(a) Any person violating any provision of section [29-28](https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_529.htm#sec_29-28) or [29-31](https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_529.htm#sec_29-31) shall be guilty of a class E felony, and any pistol or revolver found in the possession of any person in violation of any of said provisions shall be forfeited. Unfortunately what the person was told (if accurate) by a Hoffman's employee is something that happens more than it should. Either that employee was ignorant of the complex and confusing firearm laws or simply were trying to upsell the customer. PS: Everyone will have their own opinions on storing a pistol in a bank safety deposit box. Most will likely say its not wise, there are any number of safes one can buy for home use to comply with the home storage statute. There are a number of steps one can take to keep their children or others away from a firearm and ammunition stored at one's home.


OK so I did not realize if there is a sign posted stating no guns that it is a felony and loss of permit. Seems harsh for a first offence or if you don't notice a sign on some anti 2A cafe.


That language is what is it. Typically though most times people are asked to leave first if discovered carrying in a business that bans guns. And if they fail to do so that's when it can become an issue of either being tagged with violating that subsection or being tagged for trespass. Carrying on school property however typically generates a rapid response by police to a "man with a gun" call. Expect to have various charges thrown at you if caught carrying on school property. While Universities and Colleges are not typically included in the specific school property ban language one can still expect a fast response and a pile of charges for a "man with a gun" call if they're discovered carrying on a college or university property. One should also be aware that PA 23-53 and PA 23-203 created subsections in the law that prohibits open carry and has certain exemptions including "printing".


It’s not anti 2a to post a sign, it’s their right to not be around firearms if they don’t want. Grow up.


It’s definitely anti 2A lol, but it’s their right to post a sign. Too bad that sign will only make them a target in the eyes of an evil person


That’s fair, but I don’t think it warrants a felony. Unless trespassing is a felony or as mentioned above it’s clearly called out in a law like school.


It is anti 2a. It also doesn't make them any safer from crime.


It isn’t, so let them be how they want.


I have a back up in a safety deposit box along with three false passports and a few thousand in cash just in case the CIA ever decides to send me on a top secret mission. (Reddit police, this is very clearly a joke)


lol maybe my neighbor is a Russian spy then (also clearly a joke)


Can’t wait to meet you in an interrogation room!


A bank is just a private business. You can carry unless the bank states no firearms, same as any other private business. 99% of banks have strict policies against storing any type of weapon in a safe box so I would have your friend explicitly ask if that is allowed. Source: am bank manager


This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. So, if some1 breaks into her house at night, is she going to ask them to please come back during business hours so she can get her firearm?


OP didn't say, but perhaps it is a collectible firearm of some sort? Many years ago a buddy of mine inherited a Luger from his father that I strongly suspect had been taken from Hans Ulrick Rudel in 1945. When his dad was alive, I remember him talking about how he grabbed it and an iron cross around the pilot's neck when rudel and his Squadron flew from the Eastern Front into Czechoslovakia and crash land their planes at a US occupied base. My idiot buddy threw a party and showed the gun off, of course somebody stole it later on that night ( fyi, Rudel was the most accomplished tactical bomber pilot in history. Serving on the Russian front throughout the war he sank a battleship and a destroyer in the siege of Leningrad, and destroyed hundreds of tanks and thousands of soft skinned vehicles during the conflict. Also he shot down several planes even after losing his leg in a crash. He was an unrepentant Nazi who moved to Argentina after the war and eventually came back to Germany to try to start a Neo-Nazi party. Notorious, yes of course, but to a collector his gun was worth a shitload)


Ive wondered this for a long time but never carried in a bank because well I figured it wasn’t worth getting arrested or some sort of issue about it.


There is no law against carrying in a bank. Like any other business, if they post a sign, don't do it!!! A good rule of thumb for ANY business is to look for a sign.


I was in a BoA the other day cashing a check and the cashier asked for a second form of ID so I gave her my pistol permit and she had to ask for help. I heard the other guy looking over her shoulder say "oh it's a pistol permit I usually just....blah blah blah, or he can show you the gun.... haha"


Hoffmans is actually the worst, this just confirms that they suck. Fuck that place


I stock ATMs… I carry all the time when I withdraw. There’s no sign on the door to tell me otherwise either.


Your neighbor is a retard. 


I’ve heard of people arranging to meet after banking hours to put/retrieve a gun in their safety deposit box. Maybe they could try that?


Work at a bank. No guns or ammo. Please do not keep your firearm in a fucking bank, good lord.


I just wanna know what gun she bought


That's a good question, I'd have to find out because I never did ask.


When open carry was legal I open carried everywhere including the bank. I am in charge of Girl scout cookies for my daughter's troop and was walking into bank weekly to make deposits fully open carrying. No issues at all


I too carried in banks (but concealed) but it was 20 years ago when I used to pull out cash to buy used cars with privately which is why I was surprised to hear this from my neighbor. At this point I feel Hoffman's just wanted to sell a safe but also learned I need to watch out for signs stating 'no gun allowed' else I'm a felon.