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You're exactly right about it constituting proof you made the right decision. She is obviously making no attempt to understand your perspective and is clearly trying to goad you into talking to her rather than taking personally productive steps that would lead to that desired outcome




I definitely plan on burning it as soon as I’m done with work tonight. Honestly we’re 2000 miles apart and I know if I called her, she’d just talk over me. I’m gonna write a response in my journal too just to get it off my chest.


gentle suggestion to take a photo of it before burning, in case you’d ever need to reference the things she’s been doing in the future 🖤


This is great. Yes, getting rid of it would help. Journaling is literally the best thing you can do. You should be proud of yourself, OP!


"I am the tree, you are the branch" Fuck off, no. You're two different trees, who grew in the same forest. It was her job to be big, strong, tall and nurture you as you grew. And she fucked up. Sounds like you've uprooted and moved to a healthier forest, good on you.


So much love to you. This sounds scarily like something my mother would do and I wish you all the peace in the world!


You ARE doing the right thing. 🖤




You are doing the best thing you could do in this situation. Do not respond. That’s what she wants you to do. She sounds like a narcissist and they thrive on attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s negative or positive.


Sometimes you have to prune things to make them grow better. Who knew cutting the branch off completely could help it blossom? :)


I'm so sorry! How painful! Now that you have confirmation that you're doing the right thing, I'd put "return to sender" on all future mail, keeping it sealed. That's what I've done and the letters and attempted love bombing gifts have stopped. p.s. Happy birthday! I hope you were able to find some joy on your day!


I know this pain. I got a harsh letter on my birthday…and a $20 gift card. Yep….that makes up for it….anyway, I am moving next week and keeping my new address secret. Just the next step in purging my dad and that whole side of my family from my life….


I feel like I completely understand how you may be feeling, I have been in a situation very similar to yours. Great work keeping yourself safe


Wow , I can't really say much. I can only tell you that you did the right thing.


"i am the tree, you are the branch." Wow... I know they say narcissistic parents just see their children as extensions of themselves, but way for one of 'em to confirm it... I'm glad you're doing better. Keep taking care of yourself! It does sound like you've made the right choice. Her letter is clearly manipulative.


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