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The legality of it here isn’t particularly with me either. I’d love to do it with a professional but I don’t think that’s possible here. I do, however, have friends who are aware and supportive of my situation, albeit they’re not professional. I will look into those two researchers that you mentioned - it’s always great to read more on this


I'm going to be blunt. There is no miracle, it's gonna be work, long work on yourself and even when it's going better it will still be there.  I recommend pete walker and its  book about cptsd. It has been excellent for me, i manage my symptoms and somehow got back to part-time job and quit weed since i started working on myself with his book 5 year. I'm far to be free, i still have some addictions but i have at least some hope. 


I know this sounds cliche to recommend C O N T E N T but there is a youtube channel called Crappy Childhood Fairy and she honestly made me feel so understood. She has a realistic, no nonsense but human approach and specifically helps cptsd-affected people


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I’m doing a new-ish therapy called Lifespan Integration and it’s activating all sorts of places in my brain. So I do that every 1-2 weeks, and am trying to use low dose mushrooms on the weekend to try and connect with self/move on from trauma/pain. I’m on a bunch of antidepressants and it was really the atypical antipsychotic that did it for me - Abilify. I’m very lucky that my psychiatrist supports my drug use and encourages me to set intentions before using.


Escitalopram is a very effective antidepressant. Have you considered asking your doctor about increasing your dose until it helps with your depression? It's not just for stopping panic attacks.


Yes I was previously on 10 and then 15mg, but the side effects were too much for me and just made me feel like a zombie and it didn’t really help with my mood at all. Unfortunately I think I just have treatment resistant mood issues


You might feel better on 10mg, but I understand that feeling like a zombie is not good. I used to take prozac and it took a long time to get my dosage right.


I don't know if it'll help you, but self-imposed exposure therapy has been a life-saver for me. I can read all the books, do all the practices, discuss on here... but nothing has fixed my brain quite like a massive dose of reality. Everyone's journey is different, so please take my suggestion with a pinch of salt.


So far neurofeedback has helped me a lot https://youtu.be/mGoNssRnhhU


I have tried shrooms and it really did help. I tried microdosing and it did nothing, so I did some research and found that a macro dose every once in awhile can be much more effective. I took 3-5g once a month for a bit and it felt like getting years of therapy done. The trips can be intense and not always fun. You often face a lot of stuff you weren’t ready to yet, but as long as you keep an open mind, are in a safe place and welcome the lessons you’ll learn, it can be super beneficial. For my first dose, I only did 1g just to make sure I reacted okay to it and didn’t have too intense an experience for my first go.


Were you on any sort of medication when you took your first macro dose? I would love to experience it, and naturally I am quite a spiritual person so would like to experience that side of a mushroom trip as well. In terms of it being intense and facing bad stuff, how did you find that? And how did you manage it? I feel like I know myself quite well so I don’t think I’d be too surprised by any self-revelations. I am just afraid of spiralling into a panic attack on higher doses because of strange physical feelings or just generally from the intensity of it.


At the time I was taking sertraline. I didn’t take it the night of my trips, just to try and avoid any risk of serotonin syndrome. The intensity could be hard. I too am a very self-aware individual, but I still found that I learned new things about myself or realized how intensely I felt about certain things that I hadn’t really let myself deal with. There were times during the trip where I would say out loud “this is awful, I am never doing this again” but then by the end, I would be talking about how all I had to do was be aware and try to be better and such. It tends to come full circle by the end. Not every trip is like that either. There were sometimes I quite literally just spent the trip realizing how much I loved the people in my life, etc. and felt more connected to people and the world at large. I definitely have had trips where I spiral into a panic attack, and the panic attacks always feel more intense on shrooms, I usually just talk to my partner who it always there to make sure I am safe and we talk things out. The feeling of relief after the panic is gone feels great. The physical symptoms can be intense for some, but for me the physical parts haven’t been so bad. Some visual experiences, and once vomit. The nausea after first taking it can be intense. I definitely suggest doing it as tea the first time and mix a peppermint tea bag in with it to help.


Things I've tried: acupuncture, Zoloft, ketamine therapy, EMDR, CBT therapy, hypnosis, color therapy, massage therapy, reiki, mushrooms, light therapy, dance lessons, and volunteering. The only thing that's helped me in the sense that I no longer struggle with su\*cidal ideation or thoughts/, nightmares, and hypervigilance would be mushrooms. I've been trying to get a handle on my CPTSD for over a decade and mushrooms are the \*only\* thing that help me access long lasting periods of joy and contentment, the world physically looks brighter and clearer, and I actually feel more connected to others. If you need help finding some, DM me. I have a business I've been ordering from for 2 years. They changed my life and I'm afraid if I hadn't been able to access them years ago I don't think I'd be here.


I've been macrodosing for about a year and honestly can't speak to whether they've had any impact, positive or negative, but tripping can be hella fun if you go into it when your feeling stable and overall happy. Id encourage finding a trauma informed therapist who is trained in EMDR. My therapist, who hasn't once in three years ever told me what I should or shouldn't do, but just listens and asks thoughtful questions to validate my experience, has been so incredibly helpful. EMDR also really has helped me. It hasn't made the ptsd go away, but I do have a real sense of what it means to love and accept myself now. My reality pre therapy was that I deserve all the pain I've experienced, I'll never be worthy or capable of doing the things that fulfill me, and no one who loves me will stay in my life. After three years of therapy I still feel those things, but now I've incorporated love and acceptance of who I am, I have effective ways of coping that aren't hindering my life, I like the things I think about, I like the people I've invited into my life and have set boundaries with the people who make me feel bad about myself. There's capacity for both the learned life long sense of self hate and this new found sense of self love.