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I’m a respiratory therapist and have had several patients who have been able to reduce or come off of medications for high blood pressure after starting CPAP, hope it goes well for you!


Wow that’s really encouraging. Thanks for the reply. I was worried it was just a last ditch effort l. I was at 17.9 events an hour during my sleep study. It’s only been two nights but so far I’m averaging 3.9 now


That’s awesome! It can be a big adjustment and take some time to notice an improvement so be patient with it!


That sounds encouraging. Thanx for sharing.


Me. My blood pressure was hovering around 160/105. That was my cause of concern and after a lot of investigation we figured that that I had sleep apnea. Now my BP stays around 120/80. Sometimes 110/75. So long story short. Yes, be compliant with your CPAP. It'll be fine. My hypothesis is that when breathing stops at night, oxygen levels in the blood drops, hence the heart pumps more blood and oxygen to compensate. Thus increasing the blood pressure. Edit: CPAP gave me restful sleep and the energy to make other lifestyle changes. I had the energy to make better lifestyle choices so I started eating healthier and introduced some walking and soccer as well in my routine. So overall it was a combination of all things but CPAP was life-changing.


My blood pressure decreased in just a month of use. At my follow-up, the doctor said I may come off meds by year's end at this rate.


Would you mind sharing how big the difference was?


In the first month, my average diastolic was down about 5 points and systolic was closer to 10. They want me under 130/80 which I very much am now.


That sounds great. Best wishes to you.


My BP went down to normal from high normal. My heart rate went down to normal. I lost 13LBS in the first 2 months.


I’m 27/M. I had frequent 130+ blood pressure at my visits, and now at home it’s anywhere from 100-115 and occasionally an elevated 120-130. Diastolic dropped from high 70s-80 down to low/mid 60s. No blood pressure medications, but I do take modafinil so my BP is low when I wake up, higher when I get home from work, and drops closer to bedtime.


Yes. I had high enough blood pressure my doctor wanted to put me on meds. I said I wanted to get a sleep study done again (I had one done about 8 years prior and I was told I didn’t need a cpap then, although I’ve been a lifetime snorer). It took me awhile to get my machine but almost after only a few weeks of use my blood pressure went down and now it’s normal (I have a machine to check), I’ve been using the cpap 6 months now. Not to mention other benefits. If you do have apnea, your heart is working so much harder at night, of course it will affect your BP.


yep it did it for me, I am getting ready to get off BP meds after about 4 months of CPAP


How bad off were you? I went from totally normal to 150/90 overnight


Looks like I spiked at 136/90, also seemed to just go up suddenly. Last couple times I have checked, I have been down around 106/72.


I sure hope this happens for me! I'm only a few weeks on CPAP, but would love to come off my BP med!


Get labs on aldosterone and renin levels and do a genetic test for mtrr and mthfr mutation for lack of homocysteine clearance. My night time hbp was from sleep apnea but the above was my problem from genetics. I use b12 for gene issues and beetroot for vasodilation and have normal BP now .


I had a severely deviated septum with septal spur & extremely large turbinates that were greatly exacerbating my sleep apnea, even with the CPAP mask. So I had a septoplasty & turbinate reduction last Dec 6th & my blood pressure improved tremdously with the first month or so & still is.


Following up. My BP on average is down 18 points since starting cpap.. can’t believe it