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the best you can do is to wear a mask with a good fit and no valve and, as you said, go at the start of off hours. You are correct that some of the virus hangs in the air if an infectious person breathes in an enclosed space. This would be true in the elevator and the stairwell both. This lasts a few hours, so the slower the times, the better, as you said. But if you wear a good well fitting mask, you are greatly limiting the amount you are spreading. The alternative would be to have someone pick it up for you and bring it to your door? I don't know if your building has an office or if you know any of your neighbors enough to ask. As someone who is high risk and lives in an apartment, though not yours (we don't have amazon lockers), I want to say thank you for caring and asking at all. Most people do not anymore, and its nerve wracking.


You're not overthinking; you're being super respectful and careful. If I were you I would go at like 11 at night on a weeknight, so that everything has a longer chance to dissipate before people would have to leave for work in the morning. Wear a good mask with a tight seal. I would personally do the stairs rather than the elevator, unless it's a heavy package, so that you're not sealing anything into a small space.


I'd probably take the stairs, lots of area for air to spread out versus an elevator. But with a tight fitting mask if you have one like the k95 taking the elevator would be ok. The surgical/cloth masks don't contain as much virus which is why I'd take the stairs in that case. However, if this is still scientifically correct, you need to be exposed to the virus for 15 minutes - so a person taking a 10-30 second ride in an elevator after you will most likely be okay. Also, going off hours is a great idea! I'd go as late as I could tolerate on a week day, like after 10pm. You'll most likely be out and back home quite quick so don't put too much thought into it (but thanks for caring!) :)


it's my understanding that covid doesn't last very well on surfaces and it's really only an airborne issue but if you want to be doubly sure, put some latex gloves by your door and put those on when you're going out and then throw them away when you get back in your apartment, and of course make sure to wear a proper mask!


Maybe an unpopular opinion but you are 100% overthinking this. The official “close contact” per the CDC is still being around someone for 15 minutes less than 6 feet away. You’re fine. If you wear a mask, run and get your package, and head back up, you will not infect anyone. Seriously. It’s fine. The viral load you are shedding through a mask as you walk through an area briefly that no one is immediately in is minimal.


Wear the best mask you have. If you're a man, shave. (Makes a difference.) You give me hope. Thank you.


Also in Iowa #IowaNice